Академический иностранный язык. Английский

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Сибирский федеральный университет Магистратура


Электронное издание

Красноярск СФУ 2013 1  

УДК 811.111(07) ББК 81.432.1я73 А381 Составитель: Алмабекова Ольга Алексеевна А381 Академический иностранный язык. Английский: банк тестовых заданий [Электронный ресурс] / сост. О. А. Алмабекова. – Электрон. дан. – Красноярск: Сиб. федер. ун-т, 2013. – Систем. требования: PC не ниже класса Pentium I; 128 Mb RAM; Windows 98/XP/7; Adobe Reader V8.0 и выше. – Загл. с экрана. Предназначен для студентов магистратуры направления 080200.68. «Менеджмент» программ подготовки 080200.68.06 «Маркетинг», 080200.68.07 «Управление развитием бизнеса», 080200.68.08 «Инновационный менеджмент».

УДК 811.111(07) ББК 81.432.1я73 © Сибирский федеральный университет, 2013

Учебное издание Подготовлено к публикации ИЦ БИК СФУ Подписано в свет 28.03.2013 г. Заказ 1243. Тиражируется на машиночитаемых носителях. Издательский центр Библиотечно-издательского комплекса Сибирского федерального университета 660041, г. Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79 Тел/факс (391)206-21-49. E-mail [email protected] http://rio.sfu-kras.ru



2 1.1. Definition of management. Management in the modern world. The nature and purpose of management. The main functions of management. Strategic and tactical planning 1.2. The main levels of management. Kinds of managers: Top managers, Middle managers, First-line managers. Managerial functions on different levels. Company structure and functions of different departments. Managerial skills and qualities. Management 1. Management styles. Leadership 1.3. Team building. The elements of success. Motivation of activity. Working hours. Perks and benefits, payments and remuneration. Working atmosphere. Managerial decision making 1.4. Building relationships. Relationship management. Corporate culture. Modern managerial image. Crisis management. Effective risk management 1.5. Methods of recruitment. New trends in recruitment. Headhunting. Interviewing 2. Business 2.1. Definition of ethics. Code of ethics. Corruption, ethics. bribery, industrial espionage



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1. MANAGEMENT 1.1. Management in the modern world 1.1.1. Definition of management TREE DIFFERENT WAYS THAT A BUSINESS CAN BE PRIVATELY OWNED ARE SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP, PARTNERSHIP AND _______. (Эталон: corporation) OMITTED WORD … I would be very interested in ... for that job. a) applying b) working c) entering d) writing (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Do you want to … as a candidate in the local elections? a) stand b) sit c) go d) try (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD …. They are completely ... up with all the noise in the centre of town. a) fed b) tired c) sick d) ill (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD OR WORD-COMBINATION … When the factory closed, 2000 people were … a) made redundant b) taken fired c) made sacked d) hired (Эталон: а) 4 SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE SENTENCE: a) you b) can c) lose d) personal e) assets (Эталон: a; b; c; d; e) OMITTED WORD ... Thousands of ... are already signed up for this new telephone service. a) subscribers b) individuals c) applicants d) interviewees (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Job losses are mainly in the ... sectors of the industry. a) blue-collar b) red-collar c) stiff-collar d) high-collar (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … The circular will contain ... financial information to help investors. a) key b) obvious c) intelligent d) noted (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ When the business gets more … there is a need for staff departments. (Эталон: tasks)


1.1.2. The nature and purpose of management OMITTED WORD … An accounting helps … the activity of a business. (Эталон: to profit) SEQUENCE OF BUSINESS FORMS ACCORDING THE VOLUME OF BUSINESS FROM THE LARGEST TO THE LEAST: a) партнерство b) корпорация c) частная собственность (Эталон: b; a; c) OMITTED WORD … The reason there are no buses is because the drivers are on... a) strike b) stop c) hit d) leave (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … The government has changed its policy and had a complete change of ... a) heart b) opinion c) mind d) view (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … This supermarket is trying to ... young shoppers by offering fashionable clothes. a) target b) persuade c) encourage d) trap (Эталон: а)


SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS ACCORDING THEIR USAGE IN THE SENTENCE: «You decide on your vocation, hours, salary, hiring and firing». a) принимать решения b) зарплата c) наём d) увольнение (Эталон: a; b; c; d) OMITTED PREPOSITION … The minister said she was confident that there were clear sign … an economic recovery. a) of b) about c) in d) on (Эталон: а) OMITTED PREPOSITION … In hot weather the counter staff may remove their jackets but they must not take … their ties. a) off b) away c) down d) over (Эталон: а) OMITTED PREPOSITION … I don’t feel qualified to comment … the refinancing package because I was not involved in the negotiations. a) on b) at c) of d) to (Эталон: а)

7 OMITTED WORD … The Managing Director disagreed … the finance Director about the direction the company should take. a) with b) about c) on d) over (Эталон: а) THE NAME OF THE BUSINESS IF YOU GO INTO IT ALONE IS _______. (Эталон: a sole proprietorship) 1.1.3. The main functions of management CORRESPONDENCE OF RUSSIAN WORDS TO THEIR ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS: 1) руководитель, администратор a) an executive 2) управляющий, администратор b) manager 3) руководитель отдела c) head of department 4) мастер, руководитель d) foreman e) vice-president (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) OMITTED WORD-COMBINATION … So many people have applied for this position that we can afford to … a) pick and choose b) select and take c) sort and choose d) pick and strip (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD-COMBINATION … As soon as I receive your letter confirming that you are offering me the job, I’ll go to my boss and … my notice. a) hand in b) hand over c) deliver in d) deliver up (Эталон: а) 8 OMITTED PREPOSITION … He was very nervous before his talk because he was unaccustomed … making speeches. a) to b) of c) with d) on (Эталон: а) OMITTED PREPOSITION … That is an interesting point you are making but I am not sure it is relevant … the discussion. a) to b) about c) for d) with (Эталон: а) CORRESPONDENCE OF RUSSIAN WORDS TO THEIR ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS: 1) ставить цели 2) распределять обязанности 3) работать по принуждению 4) быть компетентным

a) to set objectives b) to delegate authority c) to work under pressure d) to be competent e) to be responsible

(Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d)


(Эталон: severance) OMITTED WORD … It was a big ... for her to give up her acting career to look after her family. a) sacrifice b) trial c) endeavour d) test (Эталон: а) 9 OMITTED WORD … The cost of living … as high as 3 % on a year-to-year basis in June. a) climbed b) slipped c) plummeted (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD OR WORD-COMBINATION … British operating profits … from 51 million pounds to 19 million pounds later year. a) tumbled b) edged down c) skyrocketed (Эталон: а) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE SENTENCE: a) you   b) are   c) responsible  d) for   e) all   f) your   g) business   h) debts  (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g; h)   1.1.4. Strategic and tactical planning OMITTED WORD-COMBINATION … The trouble with running your own business is that you … 24 hours a day. a) are on call b) are on the phone c) are at the call d) are at the phone (Эталон: а)



1) Small … are very often service industries.

b) service

2) The … industries do not produce c) receipts

material goods.

d) privately

3) More than 80 per cent of all business … are not from sole proprietor-

e) corporation

ships. (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c) OMITTED WORD-COMBINATION … Your doctor phoned while you were out. Could you … this afternoon. a) give her a ring b) make her a ring c) get her a ring d) hold her a ring (Эталон: а) MAKING IT EASY FOR YOUR CUSTOMER TO BUY YOUR PRODUCTS IS _______. (Эталон: convenience) INCOME RECEIVED FROM OWNERSHIP AS A PART OF A COMPANY’S PROFIT IS _______. (Эталон: dividend) OMITTED PREPOSITION … The company surprised the industry last week with the announcement of its plans to withdraw … the software market. a) from b) to 11  

c) into d) at (Эталон: a) OMITTED PREPOSITION … To be successful in the future, an organization must be ready to respond….changes. a) from b) to c) into d) at (Эталон: b) OMITTED WORD … People don't want to put money into the old companies. However, some people are happy to … their money on new businesses. a) save b) risk c) sell d) buy (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … There are signs that a new enterprise … is growing. a) commerce b) culture c) concern (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Aberdeen Reliance was set up in 1920 as a … a) mutual b) public c) incorporated d) none-profit (Эталон: а) 12 SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) who b) knows c) a d) good e) accountant f) to do g) the h) taxes (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g; h)

1.2. The main levels of management 1.2.1. Kinds of managers: Top managers, Middle managers, First-line managers. Managerial functions on different levels THE COLLOQUIAL WORD USED TO DESCRIBE THE BUSINESS PEOPLE WHO BRING TEAMS TOGETHER FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT IS _______. (Эталон: suits) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE SENTENCE: a) my friend b) have to c) declare d) personal e) bankruptcy (Эталон: a; b; c; d; e) OMITTED WORD … Sally Green is on the board of … a) directors b) founders c) managers d) administrates (Эталон: а)

13 OMITTED WORD _______ . My friend … a position of a sales manager. (Эталон: holds) OMITTED WORD … Tom East is the…executive in charge of Marketing. a) senior b) chief c) head d) top (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Last year we made…of £1.5 million. a) profits b) liabilities c) finances d) debts (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ . A sales manager has direct … over a salesman. (Эталон: authority) OMITTED WORD _______ . As a rule a … usually does not give orders to other departments. (Эталон: staff department) OMITTED WORD … You don't get a … book but you can pay bills electronically. a) cheque b) credit c) cash d) record (Эталон: а) 14 OMITTED WORD … We don't send a bank … through the post every month because you can print one off at any time. a) statement b) invoice c) report d) confirmation (Эталон: а)

1.2.2. Company structure and functions of different departments OMITTED WORD _______ . Organization structure shows …between each position and positions above and below. (Эталон: relationships) OMITTED WORD _______ . The … of staff departments is necessary to do different services. (Эталон: complex) OMITTED WORD ______ . My friend works in a line …, he is responsible for the company product. (Эталон: department) MATCHING THE ENGLISH WORDS AND THEIR TRANSLATIONS: 1) relationship a) взаимоотношение 2) level b) уровень 3) purchase c) покупка, купля, приобретение 4) properly d) собственность, имущество e) сертификат акций (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) OMITTED PREPOSITION … As manager of the department, I have 35 people working …me. a) under b) to c) by d) on e) against (Эталон: a) 15 OMITTED PREPOSITION … We wanted to benchmark ourselves … our competitors so we visited five other local hotels to compare facilities and service levels. a) against b) down c) into d) off e) by (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD ______ . In the nineteen-eighties, many banks made large loans to third … nations, which later had to be written off. (Эталон: world) OMITTED WORD _______ . We’d like to set up joint … with a German company so we can draw on their marketing expertise and share the risk. (Эталон: venture) OMITTED WORD ________ . The senior managers all have expense … that they use to entertain the clients. (Эталон: accounts) OMITTED PREPOSITION … Part of my job as an architect involves putting ideas … practice, which I find very satisfying. a) into b) to c) by d) on e) against (Эталон: a)

16 OMITTED PREPOSITION … One advantage of being a sales rep is that I’m out of the office a lot, visiting clients, so I’m not chained… a desk. a) to b) down c) into d) off e) by (Эталон: a) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) what b) services c) can d) you e) contribute f) in g) Your h) business (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g; h) 1.2.3. Managerial skills and qualities OMITTED WORD ______ . However, some people like to keep information to themselves in order to have more power, and we say that they are … knowledge. (Эталон: hogging) OMITTED WORD-COMBINATION … You should have ... those shares when they were cheap. a) bought up b) sold off c) taken out d) taken over (Эталон: а)

17 OMITTED WORD … You must try and hurry up because my patience is ... out. a) running b) racing c) pacing d) turning (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Have you ever tried your ... at running a business? a) hand b) finger c) arm d) leg (Эталон: а) THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT WITHIN A COMPANY IS USUALLY CALLED A KNOWLEDGE_______. (Эталон: officer) MEANING OF “EPS” IS________. (Эталон: earnings per share) MEANING OF “PE” RATIO IS_______. (Эталон: price earnings) MEANING OF “RIO” IS _______. (Эталон: return on investment)

18 COORESPONDENCE OF THE SENTENCE BEGINNING AND ITS ENDING: 1) The opposition is concerned that the a) a lifelong learning and give more new labour laws will create possibilities for re-employment. 2) At management level, all employees are b) a rigid market which will discourage foreign investment. required to give c) the amount of red tape involved in 3) The new government initiative is insetting up your own business. tended to encourage d) three months' notice in writing, if   they intend to leave the company. (Эталон: 1-b; 2-d; 3-a) COORESPONDENCE OF THE SENTENCE BEGINNING AND ITS ENDING: 1) At management level, all employees a) the amount of red tape involved in are required to give setting up your own business. 2) The new scheme aims to let consumers b) rigid procedures, making fulfillhave ment of even simple tasks very slow. 3) Employees at every level would be ex- c) three months' notice in writing, if pected to follow  they intend to leave the company. d) a voice in the development of popular products. (Эталон: 1-c; 2-d; 3-b) OMITTED PREPOSITION … Employees are a vital source of information, and it is important that you know how to tap…their ideas and opinions. a) on b) in c) into d) at (Эталон: c) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE SENTENCE: a) you b) will c) have to d)hire e) a f) good g) bookkeeper (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g) 19  

1.2.4. Management styles BUYING AND SELLING IS _______. (Эталон: trade) A DOCUMENT CONTAINING DETAILS OF A COMPANY’S PERFORMANCE OVER A YEAR IS _______. (Эталон: annual report) OMITTED WORD … We pay reasonable salaries and offer excellent fringe… a) benefits b) perks c) tips d) profits (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Next month we are going to … two new products. a) launch b) forecast c) innovate d) rollout (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ . I’m writing with … to your letter of 11th May. (Эталон: reference) OMITTED WORD _______ . I will show you the file of … cuttings and you can see what the papers have been saying about the company. (Эталон: press) MACHING THE ENGLISH WORDS AND THEIR TRANSLATION: 1) branch a) филиал, отделение 2) receipt b) квитанция 3) claim c) требование 4) draft d) чек,трата e) ось, вал (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) 20 MACHING THE ENGLISH WORDS AND THEIR TRANSLATION: 1) outgrowth a) продукт, результат 2) statute b) законодательный акт 3) expertise c) специальные знания, компетентность 4) transmission d) пересылка e) прибавочный капитал (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) OMITTED WORD … We have carried out a lot of market … over the past year. a) research b) focus c) development d) applications (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ . Knowledge … means making information available to everyone in the company at the same time. (Эталон: sharing) OMITTED PREPOSITION … Smaller companies that cannot compete in the market may drop...as growth slows. a) out b) in c) into d) at (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … The whole approach of old styles managers was … and bureaucratic. a) top-down b) bottom-up c) upside-down d) inside-out (Эталон: а) 21 SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE SENTENCE: a) sole b) proprietorship c) gets d) tax e) benefits (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e) 1.2.5. Leadership OMITTED WORD … Old styles managers were … a) authorizing b) authority c) authorized d) authoritarian (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Old styles managers took all the decisions and told their … what to do without talking to them. a) subordinates b) superiors c)sponsors d)speculators (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Old styles managers were often very … from their employees. a) above b) further c) long d) remote (Эталон: а)

22 OMITTED WORD … Old styles managers …their decisions from above. a) imported b) imposed c) stressed d) pressured (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ . The verb meaning “to remove or take down” is … (Эталон: to dismantle) OMITTED WORD _______ . The name for a fixed limit that is officially allowed is a ... (Эталон: quota) OMITTED PREPOSITION … I prefer working with team – I wouldn’t want to work … my own. a) on b) to c) by d) off e) by (Эталон: a) THE COLLOQUIAL WORD USED TO DESCRIBE THE FREELANCE MEMBERS OF A TEAM (E.G. WRITERS OR DIRECTORS OF A FILM) IS _______. (Эталон: creatives) THE VERB USED TO DESCRIBE WHAT HAPPENS TO THE TEAM AT THE END OF A PROJECT IS _______. (Эталон: disband; to disband)

23 MATCHING THE DEFINITION AND THE TERMS: 1)Wine drinking grows as the good a) Asian tigers life begins b) trade liberalization 2)Farming communities hit by fuel c) rural economies price increase d) living standards 3)Gap between rich and poor widens e) income distribution 4)Minister calls for removal of obstacles to trade (Эталон: 1-d; 2-c; 3-e; 4-b) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE SENTENCE: a) the partners b) are c) responsible d) for e) business f) debts g) proprietorship (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g)


Team building

1.3.1. The elements of success. Motivation of activity OMITTED WORD … Governments and industry associations encourage companies to adopt codes… conduct. a) of b) to c) by d) on (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD _______ . Don't ask him …questions, it will be impolite. (Эталон: personal)

24 CAREFUL EXAMINATION OF SOMETHING IS _______. (Эталон: scrutiny) THE PHYSICAL SITUATION AFFECTING PEOPLE IN A WORKPLACE IS _______. (Эталон: working condition) OMITTED WORD … Alicom is a successful company. For the past ten years it has … part of its profits as dividends. a) distributed b) posted c) retailed d) handed (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Companies cash … are now estimated to be around €20 million. a) reserves b) shares c) burden d) bonds (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Financial experts say that Alicom has only a small debt to service and so may use its cash … to buy out one of its rivals. a) mountain b) stock c) hill d) ridge (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … CEO said that the company has no immediate plans to make an …, but that couldn't be ruled out in the future. a) acquisition b) administration c) application d) acquittance (Эталон: а) 25 OMITTED PREPOSITION … The company's main revenues are generated …sales of software upgrades. a) by b) up c) off d) down (Эталон: a) CORRESPONDENCE OF THE ADJECTIVE TO THE NOUN: 1) current a) functions 2) consultancy b) trends 3) portfolio c) move 4) career d) worker e) services (Эталон: 1-b; 2-e; 3-d; 4-c) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) do b) you c) Like d) to e) run f) a g) risk (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g) 1.3.2. Working hours CORRESPONDENCE OF RUSSIAN WORDS TO THEIR ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS: 1) выбор a) an option 2) наниматель, работодатель b) an employer 3) служащий, работающий по найму c) an employee 4) кандидат на должность d) an applicant e) personnel office (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d)

26 MATCHING THE DEFINITION AND THE TERMS: 1) to advertise a)помещать объявления, рекламиро2) to evaluate through interviews вать 3) to be suitable for the position b)оценивать через собеседование 4) to consider c)соответствовать должности d)рассматривать, принимать во внимание e)иметь прямую власть над (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) CORRESPONDENCE OF THE ADJECTIVE TO THE NOUN: 1) core a) development 2) current b) learning 3) lifelong c)functions 4) professional d) trends e) services (Эталон: 1-c; 2-d; 3-b; 4-a) OMITTED WORD _______ . We are going to interview three … on the position. (Эталон: applicants, candidates) OMITTED WORD … Decision-making of a modern manager needs to be... a) decentralized b) unfocused c) depreciated d) restructured (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ . If you need applicants for this position, … in a special section of the local newspaper. (Эталон: advertise) OMITTED WORD _______ . Personnel office will help you to find a new… (Эталон: employee) 27 OMITTED WORD _______ . All the information about the staff of the firm can be found in … (Эталон: personnel office) OMITTED WORD _______ . She has a good … for the position: a college degree, good work experience. (Эталон: qualification) OMITTED WORD … A modern manager has to be more open and … a) approachable b) advanced c) relaxing d) distant (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Total car production … 5 % because of lower sales in the US, where all European car markets are struggling with weak demand. a) slid b) shot ahead c) firmed (Эталон: a) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) do b) you c) need d) to consult e) a lawyer f) to make g) a right h) choice (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g; h)


1.3.3. Perks and benefits, payments and remuneration THE NAME FOR THE PLACES WHERE RUBBISH IS BURIED IS _______. (Эталон: landfills) THE ACTIVITY OF CUTTING DOWN TREES FOR WOODS IS CALLED _______. (Эталон: logging)

CORRESPONDENCE OF THE SENTEBCE BEGINNING AND ITE ENDING: a) social responsibility and sees it 1) UK listed companies are required to as integral to how it does busidisclose earnings ness. 2) The company has a strong tradition of b) picture of the company's profitcorporate ability. 3) Critics claim that the report is simply a c) per share in their financial public relations statements. d) exercise designed to cover up serious problems.

(Эталон: 1-c; 2-a; 3-d) OMITTED WORD … We hope to avoid compulsory redundancies by encouraging older members of staff to take early… a) retirement b) maternity leave c) pension d) charge (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ . I have been trying to arrange the meeting with Mrs Tienworn for weeks but she is a difficult woman to … down. (Эталон: pin) 29 OMITTED WORD _______ . I am afraid I can’t make this afternoon’s meeting. Something urgent has … up. (Эталон: come) THE NAME FOR REPORTS PRODUCED BY COMPANIES WHICH GIVE A GOOD, BUT FALSE, IMPRESSION OF THEIR ENVIROMENTAL ACTIVITIES IS_______. (Эталон: greenwash) THE NAME FOR A SYSTEM OF NUMBERS USED FOR COMPARING VALUES OF COMPANIES, SUCH AS “THE FTSE” IS_______. (Эталон: index) OMITTED PREPOSITION … Two directors have resigned and we are therefore seeking nominations for their seats… the board. a)on b) by c) off d) up (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … Industrial output grew by 25.6 % in 19978 over the previous year, as China’s total economy … by more than 12 %. a) shot ahead b) slid c) edged up (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … Lodz’s rapid growth in the 19th century – between 1877 and 1914 the population … from 500 000 – meant there was little town planning. a) leapt b) nosedived c) slumped (Эталон: a) 30 OMITTED WORD … Farm prices … 0.7 % from September as raw milk prices continued their rise. a) edged up b) rocketed c) surged (Эталон: a) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) how b) will c) you d) distribute e) profits (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e) 1.3.4. Working environment OMITTED WORD … Investment in … companies requires patience; you have to wait and hope that prices will rise. a) undervalued b) stock c) principal d) market (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … Nowadays there are many websites showing… prices. a) principal b) loan c) share d) bonds (Эталон: c) OMITTED WORD … If a company is described as…, then expectations of its share price are usually not too high. a) undervalued b) overvalued c) principal d) preliminary (Эталон: b) 31 OMITTED WORD … The company plans to raise more than $30 m by issuing… a) principal b) loan c) share d) bonds (Эталон: d) THE PROOF THAT A PERSON OR A COMPANY CARES ABOUT THE ENVIROMENT IS ENVIROMENTAL _______. (Эталон: credentials) OMITTED PREPOSITION … Scientists have discovered that computer software can wear… from prolonged use, just like cars and other machinery. a) out b) off c) down d) to (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD _______ . We were forced to reduce our prices in order to maintain our market … (Эталон: share) OMITTED WORD _______ . We send all the participants the … papers a week before the conference starts. Then they have plenty of time to read them. (Эталон: working) MATCHING WORDS FOR MAKING COLLOCATIONS: 1) third a) world 2) joint b) venture 3) expense c) accounts 4) with d) reference to (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) 32 OMITTED WORD _______ . If a company borrows money and has problems making repayments, it is … (Эталон: overleveraged) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) how b) often c) do d) the stockholders e) choose f) the company g) officers (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g ) 1.3.5. Managerial decision making OMITTED WORD _______ . If we take money from the bank in excess of the money we hold in the account, we have an … (Эталон: overdraft) A COMPANY'S PROFITS IN RELATION TO ITS RESOURCES IS DESCRIBED AS ITS _______. (Эталон: return on assets) A COMPANY'S PROFIT IN RELATION TO THE MONEY INVESTED BY ITS SHAREHOLDERS IS _______. (Эталон: return on equity) OMITTED PREPOSITION … The agent was found to have a conflict… interests, because he was being paid by both the footballer and the football club hoping to acquire the player. a) of b) on c) by d) out (Эталон: a) 33  

1) 2) 3) 4)

MATCHING WORDS FOR MAKING COLLOCATIONS: press a) cuttings glass b) ceiling start c) from scratch market d) share

(Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) OMITTED WORD … A year ago, people selling their homes routinely received as many as six offers, with the winning bid often higher than the asking price. Prices … as much as 35% in a single month last year. a) skyrocketed b) edged up c) surged (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD OR EXPRESSION … Japanese production has …, falling by 9% from its peak in 1991. a) plummeted b) risen c) edged down (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … The dollar … to its lowest level against the mark for 18 months. a) slumped b) rose c) advanced (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … The company is offering investors an attractive rate of … a) interest b) stock c) loan d) market (Эталон: a) 34 SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) what b) do c) you d) think e) about f) the possibilities g) of h) forming i) corporations j) in this country (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g; h; i; j )

1.4. Building relationships 1.4.1. Relationship management THE MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE OF A COMPANY IS _______. (Эталон: hierarchy) A FEELING THAT SOMETHING IS NOT AS GOOD AS IT SHOULD BE IS _______. (Эталон: dissatisfaction) CORRESPONDENCE OF THE ADJECTIVE TO THE NOUN: 1) intellectual a) performance 2) human b) competents 3) core c) property 4) virtual d) research e) organization (Эталон: 1-c; 2-a; 3-b; 4-e) GIVING RESPONSIBILITY FOR KEY DICISION TO EMPLOYEES INVOLVED WITH THE ISSUES IS _______. (Эталон: empowerment)

35 ANOTHER VERB MEANING “TO EMPLOY” IS _______. (Эталон: to hire) MOTIVATOR FACTORS ARE: a) working conditions b) recognition c) peer relationships d) security e) achievement (Эталон: a; c; d) OMITTED WORD … Everyone should be involved in the process of …. a) consultation b) talking c) speaking d) discussing (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Sales held steady, but margins more than halved from 5.6 to 2.4%, and profits … from 29 million dollars to 12 million dollars. a) crumbled b) drifted lower c) leapt (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … More people were pessimistic about the coming 12 months. The … in confidence was most severe in Scotland. a) decline b) advanse c) jump (Эталон: а)

36 OMITTED WORD … Dorling Kindersley lifted its annual profits To June by 105% to 7.5 million pounds, with a 66% … in turnover. a) hike b) drift c) collapse (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Its money mountain has mushroomed from 217 million pounds to 503 million pounds, a massive … of 132%. a) leap b) drop c) drift (Эталон: a) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) what b) qualities c) do d) you e) need f) to g) be h) an executive i) of j) the company (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g; h; i; j ) 1.4.2. Corporate culture OMITTED WORD … A proportion of the monthly repayment on a … is used to reduce the amount of the principal . a) share b) bonds c) loan d) market (Эталон: c) 37 THE MONEY THAT WE HAVE TO PAY TO THE GOVERNMENT, BASED ON OUR INCOME IS ________. (Эталон: tax) THE SUM OF MONEY INVESTED BY SHAREHOLDERS AND THE PROFITS KEPT BY THE BUSUNESS (AND NOT PAID OUT IN DIVIDEDS) IS _______. (Эталон: shareholders funds) THE MONEY INVESTED BY SHAREHOLDERS IS CALLED SHARE _______. (Эталон: share capital) SUMS WE HAVE ARE CALLED _______. (Эталон: liabilities) OMITTED PREPOSITION … After three years, the computer equipment was written… and replaced. a) off b) up c) down d) of (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … The dollar’s … to a fresh low of DM 1.3860 failed to upset the market. a) dip b) rise c) surge (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … Germany’s industrial strength took a … from second position in 1992 to 11th place now. a) nose-dive b) retreat c) crash (Эталон: a) 38 OMITTED WORD … Though the drop isn’t enough to be called a slump, analysts said the hidden danger is that a small … in steel consumption could trigger a nasty price war. a) collapse b) crash c) retreat (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … Japan’s production of cars, trucks and buses in September fell 4.1% from a year ago to 1 120 137 units because of a … in exports. a) slip b) plummet c) nosedive (Эталон: a) MOTIVATOR FACTORS ARE: a) advancement b) salary c) policy d) personal growth e) the work itself (Эталон: a; d; e) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) what b) service c) does d) a e) personnel f) department g) provide (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g)


1.4.3. Modern managerial image OMITTED WORD ________ . DJSI stands for … (Эталон: Dow Jones Sustainability Index) OMITTED WORD _______ . WTO stands for … (Эталон: World Trade Organization) OMITTED PREPOSITION … The value of the car was written … by 25 per cent each year. a) down b) out c) up d) by (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … This means that the 15,000 people who have insurance policies with the company are … a) partners b) directors c) members d) middlemen (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … They do not ... cheques in that restaurant. a) accept b) agree c) allow d) admit (Эталон: а)

40 OMITTED WORD … You can see the ... about the sale in the local paper. a) advertisement b) warning c) notice d) announcement (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Members own all the …and there are no shareholders. a) profits b) salaries c) expenses d) bonds (Эталон: а) CORRESPONDENCE OF RUSSIAN WORDS TO THEIR ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS: 1) служащий, работающий по найму a) an employee 2) кандидат на должность b) an applicant 3) отдел кадров c) personnel office 4) ценный источник d) valuable source e) experience (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) OMITTED WORD … The board of directors wanted to sell the company to a large American … a) corporation b) sector c) proprietor d) government (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Our most important market … is men aged from 18 to 30. a) segment b) place c) share d) part (Эталон: а) 41 SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) what b) qualifications c) does d) the e) employees f) consider (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g) 1.4.4. Crisis management A SMALL GROUP OF PEOPLE (SOMETIMES EXPERTS) CHOSEN TO GIVE ADVICE IS _______. (Эталон: panel) MATCHING THE ENGLISH WORDS AND THEIR TRANSLATIONS: 1) merchandise a) товары 2) currency b) валюта, деньги 3) insurance c) страхование 4) fair market d) благоприятные рыночные условия e) приток денег (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) OMITTED PREPOSITION … In the eighties Japan and Taiwan opened… their markets to international tobacco brands, and as a result the popularity of smoking increased. a)up b) out c) to d) by (Эталон: a)

42 OMITTED WORD … Fl Parts PLC makes engine parts for high performance cars. Here they believe in … quality management. a) total b) all c) full d) whole (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … The …of each part are given to one-hundredth of a millimeter. a) pieces b) dimensions c) components d) portion (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … At every stage we check our products …to the specs. a) conform b) work c) exact d) adapt (Эталон: а) MATCHING THE DEFINITIONS AND THE TERMS: a) product line 1) the products that a company has to b) product lifecycle offer, considered as a group c) product positioning 2) the life of a product, considered in d) product placement terms of the phases from its development and launch to its withdrawal 3) the way a product is designed to be perceived in relation to other product

(Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c)

43 THE PERSON WHO CHAIRS BOARD MEETINGS IS THE _______ . a) chairman b) president c) top manager d) tycoon (Эталон: а) THE PERSON WHO IS RESPONSIBTE FOR THE DDAY-TO-DAY RUNNING OF THE COMPANY IS _______ . a) managing director. b) vice-director c) mogul d) top executive (Эталон: а) MATCHING THE DEFINITIONS AND THE TERMS: а) an individual’s business activities, es1) business interests pecially those of politicians. 2) business empire b)a very large business organization. 3) business ventures c) specific money-making projects, per4) business school haps involving an element of risk. d) an institution that awards qualifications in business studies e)people involved in business in general. (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) What b) does c) the d) organization e) structure f) mean (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e;f)


1.4.5. Effective risk management


(Эталон: crisis) OMITTED WORD … I like to visit other countries but I find the ... of travel is too high. a) cost b) money c) expenses d) currency (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … She is very happy because she starts her new ... today. a) job b) work c) labour d) post (Эталон: а) THE GOVERNMENT TAKING BACK CONTROL OF PRIVATE COMPANIES, IN SITUATION SUCH AS CIVIL WAR IS _______. (Эталон: nationalization of assets) OMITTED PREPOSITION … Companies trying to establish a toehold … a market may offer products at greatly reduced prices. a) out b) below c) from d) in (Эталон: d)

45 OMITTED WORD … We publish… results shortly after the end of the year, before the full report is ready. a) share b) loan c) market d) preliminary (Эталон: d) MATCHING THE DEFINITIONS AND THE TERMS: 1) Successful companies concentrate first а)customer base on selling more to their existing cusb) customer defection tomers, rather than looking for new c) customer loyalty ones. d) customer retention 2) Think about how many customers you e)customer involvement have that stay with your company year after year. 3) The difference between success and failure is finding new customers and doing it cost-effectively. 4) Lost customers are probably the most useful resource for helping to identify potential improvements. (Эталон: 1-d; 2-c; 3-a; 4-b) OMITTED WORD … Industrial output has stabilized, after falling 60 % in 1999, the most precipitous economic … in Eastern Europe. a) collapse b) drift c) dip (Эталон: а)

46 SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) have b) you c) reported d) to e) the comptroller f) yet (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f)

1.5. Recruitment 1.5.1. Methods of recruitment OMITTED WORD ______ . Liabilities can be divided into two types: debts that need to be repaid within the next year, known as… and debts. (Эталон: current liabilities; long-term liabilities) OMITTED WORD … We try to get engine parts right first time because, if there is a defect, … is very expensive. a) reworking b) repairing c) recalling d) rebuilding (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD: We are always looking for ways to improve quality and so our motto is …, which comes from Japanese. a) kaizen b) aikido c) bonsai d) khonsu (Эталон: а)

47 OMITTED WORD … In addition to or instead of a CEO some companies also have a … a) chief operating officer b) entrepreneur c) manager d) managing director (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … The people legally responsible for a company are its … a) board of directors b) senior managers c) senior executives d) managers (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Specialist consultants who search for high-level executives and try to persuade them to leave their current job in order to go to work in another company are … a) headhunters b) employees c) employers d) suppliers (Эталон: а) MATCHING THE DEFINITIONS AND THE TERMS: a) production facilities 1) the buildings and equipment b) production process available to make things c) production line 2) the sequence of steps whereby d) production cycle things are made e) production budget 3) the place where these steps are carried out 4) the period from the design of a product through to final production (Эталон: 1-d; 2-c; 3-a; 4-b) 48 THE PROPORTION OF SALES THAT A COMPANY OR A PRODUCT HAS IN A PARTICULAR MARKET IS _______ . a) market share b) market growth c) market economy d) market research (Эталон: а) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) over b) what c) positions d) do e) you f) have g) direct h) authority (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g; h ) MATCHING THE TERMS AND THE DEFINITIONS: a) things that people buy that last 1) consumer durables long time, like refrigerators or 2) consumer boom televisions 3) consumer boycott b) a period when consumers are 4) consumer confidence spending a lot 5) consumer protection c) refusal by consumers to buy things from a company they disapprove of d) the feeling that people have about economic prospects e) the amount consumers spend, often referred to when discussing the economy as a whole f) the amount of money available to make something

(Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d; 5-e) 49 THE RATE AT WHICH THE OVERALL MARKET IS GROWING OR NOT IS ______ . a) market growth b) market share c) market research d) market economy (Эталон: а) 1.5.2. New trends in recruitment MATCHING THE ENGLISH WORDS AND THEIR TRANSLATIONS: 1) foreign exchange department a) отдел обмена валюты 2) savings account b) сберегательный счет с установ3) long-term loan ленным процентом 4) prime-rate c) долгосрочный заем d) наименьший процент со ссуды e) развитие производства (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) OMITTED WORD … One day I hope I shall ... the lottery. a) win b) collect c) reach d) gain (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … He must have a lot of money because this summer he is going on a cruise ... the world. a) around b) about c) across d) through (Эталон: а)

50 MATCHING THE ENGLISH WORDS AND THEIR TRANSLATIONS: 1) to be a big selling point a) быть притягательным для покупателей 2) to fulfill the testing b) завершить исследование 3) to market c) продавать 4) to be eligible for a loan d) подходящий для займа 5) to be available e) наличный, имеющийся в распоряжении f) подать заявление на патент (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d; 5-e) MONEY THAT HAS BEEN KEPT FOR USE IN THE BUSINESS AND NOT PAID OUT TO INVESTORS IS CALLED _______. (Эталон: retained earnings) ONE WHERE THINGS ARE BOUGHT AND SOLD FREELY AND NOT UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTROL IS ______ . a) market economy b) market segment c) market sector d) market research (Эталон: а) THE GATHERING OF INFORMATION ON MARKETS, PRODUCTS AND CONSUMERS IS ______ . a) market research b) market segmentation c) market place d) market price (Эталон: а) A DEFECT, WHICH IS FOUND IN A PRODUCT AFTER IT IS LAUNCHED IS ______ . a) recalled b) withdrawn c) dismissed (Эталон: а)

51 OMITTED WORD … A product that a company no longer wants to make available is … from the market. a) withdrawn b) recalled c) launched (Эталон: а) REDUCED PRICES ARE … a) price cuts b) price wars c) list price (Эталон: а) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) who b) uses c) the data d) provided e) by f) accounting g) firms (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g ) 1.5.3. Headhunting OMITTED WORD … We are well known in America, but now we want to…the European market. a) penetrate b) compete c) entrance d) export (Эталон: а)

52 OMITTED WORD … The world's soft drinks market is … by Pepsi and Coca-Cola. a) dominated b) segmented c) shared d) divided (Эталон: а) THE PEOPLE OR COMPANIES THAT WE OWE MONEY TO ARE OUR _______. (Эталон: creditors) OMITTED WORD … We were … out of business by the large supermarket chains. a) driven b) left c) abandoned d) abolished (Эталон: а) MATCHING THE ENGLISH WORDS AND THEIR TRANSLATIONS: a) skilled labour 1) workers with specialist knowb) labour shortage ledge and abilities c) manual labour 2) a lack of workers d) cheap labour 3) people who work with their e) labour disputes hands 4) workers who don’t cost much to employ (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) OMITTED WORD … If you leave a job voluntarily, you … a) quit b) hire c) fire d) recruit (Эталон: а) 53 OMITTED WORD … When a private company is bought by state and brought into the public sector, it is … a) nationalized b) privatized c) diversified (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Two or more companies may decide to work together by setting up a … a) joint venture b) assembly line c) public sector (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD: Individuals or organizations who buy things from shops or other organizations are … a) customers b) consumers c) clients (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD: Individuals who buy things, especially considered as members of large groups of such people are … a) customers b) clients c) suppliers (Эталон: а)

54 SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) what b) categories c) of d) ratios e) in f) finance g) do h) you i) know (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g; h; i ) 1.5.4. Interviewing OMITTED WORD … We bought out our only competitor so we could … the market in coffee. a) corner b) front c) edge d) border (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ . SRI stands for … (Эталон: socially responsible investment) OMITTED WORD … Competition is … in the fast food business. a) intense b) efficient c) successful d) intensive (Эталон: а)

55 MATCHING THE DEFINITIONS AND THE TERMS: а) corporate image 1) the perception that people б) corporate ladder have of corporation в) corporate performance 2) what corporate emploees г) corporate culture climb during their career д) corporate collapse 3) company results over a period of time (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) MATCHING THE TERM AND THE DEFINITION: 1) corporate culture a) the values that peole have and the ways 2) corporate collapse that things are done in an organization 3) labour disputs b) company failures c) disagreements between labour and management, for example over pay d) a company paying for its product to be used or seen in a film or tv programme (Эталон: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d) OMITTED WORD … When a business sells a product at a lower price than its competitors, it … them. a) undercuts b) discounts c) merchandises d) corporate performance (Эталон: а) INDIVIDUALS OR ORGANIZATIONS WHO PAY FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY A PROFESSIONAL PERSON OR ORGANIZATION SUCH AS LAWYER OR ADVERTISING AGENCY ARE … a) clients b) consumers c) customers d) candidate (Эталон: а)

56 OMITTED WORD … The … is often summarized as four P’s: product, price, place, promotion. a) market mix b) marketing c) merchandising (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … A payment document issued by customer’s bank is … a) banker’s order b) remittance advice c) invoice (Эталон: а) SEQUENCE OF THE WORDS IN THE QUESTION: a) what b) is c) the purpose d) of e) the f) ratio g) analysis (Эталон: а; b; c; d; e; f; g)

BUSINESS ETHICS 2.1. Ethics in business 2.

2.1.1. Definition of ethics SUBJECTS HAVING UNLIMITED LIABILITY ARE:  a) советы директоров b) индивидуальные предприниматели c) партнёрства d) акционеры (Эталон: b; c)

57 AN EXPRESSION MEANING TO START OR TO BEGIN YOUR OWN BUSI‐ NESS IS _______.  (Эталон: set up on your own) OMITTED WORD … In the US ‘accounts…’ refers to customers that owe the company money. a) receivable b) payable c) deductible d) negligible (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … We… about 20 people in our London office and most have been with us for years. a) employ b) hire c) appoint d) sack (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Each year, we … two or three graduates as trainee managers. a) recruit b) qualify c) situate d) educate (Эталон: а) OMITTED PREPOSITION … The most popular way of measuring the performance of an investment is to calculate the return … equity. a) on b) off c) out d) down (Эталон: a) 58 OMITTED WORD ______ . I want to find a new secretary, so I’ll call an employment … . (Эталон: agency) AN ADJECTIVE MEANING WITHIN THE COMPANY, INSTEAD OF USING OF AN EXTERNAL PROVIDER IS _______. (Эталон: in-house) A COMPANY GENERATING HIGH PROFITS USING RELATIVELY FEW RESOURCES IS _______. (Эталон: sweating its assets) OMITTED WORD … I have a 20% … in a small printing company. a) interest b) invest c) input d) per cent (Эталон: а) 2.1.2. Code of ethics OMITTED WORD ______ . Limited partnership is a common form of ownership in … (Эталон: real estate) OMITTED WORD _______ . A secret partner takes part in…. (Эталон: management) OMITTED WORD … E-banking savings account allows customers to … their money 24 hours a day. a) manage b) arrange c) audit d) remit (Эталон: а) 59 OMITTED WORD … In E-banking you can check your account balance day or night and, if you want, … money from one account to another. a) transfer b) distribute c) dispose d) confirm (Эталон: а) A KIND OF A PARTNER, WHO HAS THE AUTHORITY IN MANAGEMENT BUT HE IS NOT KNOWN TO THE PUBLIC IS _______. (Эталон: secret partner) OMITTED WORD … After all these years she has decided to take early ... a) retirement b) finishing c) departure d) leave (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ . If you are an applicant for the position, you have to write your …. (Эталон: resume) AN ADJECTIVE TO DESCRIBE A PERSON NO LONGER NEEDED BY A COMPANY IS _______. (Эталон: redundant) OMITTED WORD … We estimate that sales … next year will be about 5%. a) growth b) forecast c) volume d) development (Эталон: а) 60 CORRESPONDENCE OF THE SENTENCE BEGINNING TO ITS ENDING: a) shareholder value and the 1) UK listed companies are required worth of their business. to disclose earnings b) and fair view, they must 2) One of the key goals of managers be drawn up to meet acis to maximize counting standards. 3) In order to ensure that the acc) picture of the company's counts give a true profitability. d) per share in their financial statements. (Эталон: 1-d; 2-a; 3-b) 2.1.3. Corruption LARGE SUMS OF MONEY GIVEN TO PEOPLE, OFTEN TO AVOID TROUBLE ARE _______. (Эталон: payoffs; payouts) SOME BUSINESSES THAT ARE LIKELY TOBE A SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP ARE: a) прачечная b) ресторан c) предприятие d) салон красоты е) фабрика (Эталон: а; b; d) OMITTED WORD _______ . At the age of 65 you will receive an annual … equal to two thirds of your final salary. (Эталон: pension) OMITTED WORD ______ . It’s easier to get a job if you are in work than if you are … (Эталон: unemployed) OMITTED WORD … 61  

Charles Wilson now has a majority … in Alicom PLC. a) holding b) holder c) hold d) held (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … ProSports and Fit Folk gave details of their new joint … a) venture b) account c) combine d) merger (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Kola-Co has made a … bid of 21p per share. a) friendly b) kind c) gentle d) nice (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … Buying out the contracts of senior executives will be a poison … for any predator to swallow. a) pill b) medicine c) tablet d) powder (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … A dramatic 40% … in steel prices has sent British Steel spiraling into the red. a) slump b) rise c) drift (Эталон: a) 62 A PERSON WHO WORKS FOR SEVERAL COMPANIES WITHOUT HAVING A LONG-TERM COMMITMENT TOANYEMPLOYER IS _______. (Эталон: a freelance; freelancer) 2.1.4. Bribery OMITTED WORD _______ . Partnerships have many…; one is that ernment.

they receive tax benefits from the gov-

(Эталон: advantages) ADVANTAGE THAT PARTNERSHIP RECEIVES FROM THE GOVERNMENT IS _______. (Эталон: tax benefits) OMITTED WORD … Eastern Water proved to be our white … saving us from collapse. a) knight b) angel c) saint d) abbot (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD _______ . Mr Davis has handed in his … and will be leaving at the end of the month. (Эталон: notice) OMITTED WORD ... Their … company is a multinational based in New York. a) parent b) father c) family d) mother (Эталон: а)

63 OMITTED WORD: We started as a music company but we … into television. a) diversified b) diverted c) differed d) varied (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … We do many things but our … activity is publishing. a) core b) concern c) centre d) corporation (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … A … in cold-drink sales during hot summer months helped Cadbury push pre-tax profits ahead 13 per cent to 126 million pounds. a) surge b) fall c) collapse (Эталон: a) OMITTED WORD … E-banking at ScotWest Bank has local … like all the other high-street banks, but more and more of our customers are using the Internet. a) branches b) shops c) outlets d) Racket (Эталон: а) OMITTED PREPOSITION … Analysts expect the employment figures to fall…expectations when they are announced by the government later this week. a) out b) below c) from d) into (Эталон: b) 64 OMITTED WORD: After a boardroom battle, the chairman was forced to … a) resign b) apply for retirement c) make redundant d) hire (Эталон: a; b) 2.1.5. Industrial espionage OMITTED WORD _______ . What kind of … is better: buying stock or buying real estate? (Эталон: investment) OMITTED WORD _______ . The Red Cross is an international… organization. (Эталон: charitable) OMITTED WORD … The company had its own code of ... in these matters. a) practice b) behaviour c) dealing d) attitude (Эталон: а) OMITTED WORD … This is a ... example of what not to do. a) prime b) pure c) simple d) critical (Эталон: а) OMITTED PREPOSITION … Plans have already been drawn ... to deal with such situations. a) up b) through c) over d) into (Эталон: а) 65 OMITTED WORD ______ . The government should offer generous … payments to miners to encourage them to start their own businesses. (Эталон: redundancy) OMITTED WORD: You can’t … her just because she belongs to a trade union. a) dimiss b) fire c) sack d) recruit (Эталон: a; b; c) OMITTED WORD ______ . We have to … on extra staff in the summer to cope with the extra work . (Эталон: take) PEOPLE WHO ARE CONNECTED TO THE COMPANY IN SOME WAY, NOT ONLY EMPLOYEES OR PEOPLE WHO OWN SHARES ARE _______. (Эталон: stakeholders) THE PROCESS OF PLANNIING THE FINANCE, PEOPLE AND EQUIPMENT THAT WILL BE USED TO ACHIEVE A COMPANY’S GOAL IS _______. (Эталон: resource allocation) 


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