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1 Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Сибирский федеральный университет

Английский язык Методические указания для самостоятельной работы студентов 1 курса факультета транспорта Электронное издание

Красноярск СФУ 2011

2 УДК 811.111:629 (07) ББК 81.432.1 я 73 А 647 Составитель: Е.П. Чебан А 647 Английский язык: метод. указ. для самостоятельной работы студентов 1 курса факультета транспорта [Электронный ресурс] / сост. Е. П. Чебан. – Электрон. дан. – Красноярск: Сиб. федер. ун-т, 2011. – 1 диск. – Систем. требования: PC не ниже класса Pentium I; 128 Mb RAM; Windows 98/XP/7; Microsoft Word 97-2003/2007. – Загл. с экрана (или с этикетки диска). – № гос. регистрации (если есть). Предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов 1 курса факультета транспорта всех специальностей. Основной целью является подготовка студентов к самостоятельному чтению на английском языке оригинальной технической литературы по специальности.

УДК 811.111:629 (07) ББК 81.432.1 я 73 © Сибирский федеральный университет, 2011 Учебное издание Подготовлено к публикации редакционно-издательским отделом БИК СФУ Подписано в свет 18.01.2011 г. Заказ 5435. Уч.-изд. л. 1,1, 119 Кб. Тиражируется на машиночитаемых носителях. Редакционно-издательский отдел Библиотечно-издательского комплекса Сибирского федерального университета 660041, г. Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79 Тел/факс (391) 244-82-31. E-mail [email protected] http://rio.sfu-kras.ru

3 Lesson 1. Chassis Exercise 1. Read the following words. Mind their translation. 1) chassis 2) seat 3) steering wheel 4) lateral forces 5) aid = help 6) mature 7) emphasis 8) accurate 9) weight distribution Exercise 2. Pay attention to the use of conjunction “so that”. Translate the following sentence. It gives the driver fast and accurate information, so that he can immediately take the necessary corrective action - often instinctively.

Exercise 3. Read the following text. Translate it orally with the help of a dictionary. Answer the question about the starting points in the design of the Saab 9000 chassis. Chassis Since Man is highly sensitive to even the smallest changes in his surroundings, but has poor ability in detecting static changes, this situation has been one of our most important starting points in the design of the Saab 9000 chassis. It is vitally important that the car should give the driver immediate information - through the seat and steering wheel - on the lateral forces, for instance, acting on the car when it is cornering. It is important for the driver to receive this information as quickly and distinctly as possible. Information on whether or not the car is cornering correctly, for instance, must be conveyed to the driver in a matter of tenths or hundredths of a second. The difference between a mature chassis and a dangerous chassis often lies in how these small, almost immeasurable information signals are conveyed to the driver. Many car manufacturers describe how computerised methods are used for designing the chassis of their cars. Saab obviously also employes advanced computerised aids for this purpose. But the computer alone is not enough. So we have taken a further step - we have used Man as the ultimate aid.

4 Exercise 4. Finish up the following sentences beginning with “it is important” 1) It is vitally important... 2) It is important for the driver... Exercise 5. Answer the following questions to the text. 1) What is important for the driver when acting on the car? 2) What is the difference between a mature chassis and a dangerous chassis? 3) Does Saab employ advanced computerised aids? Exercise 6. Give a short annotation of the text. Exercise 7. Read the following text. Translate it with the help of the dictionary Weight distribution The weight distribution of the Saab 9000, combined with the chassis geometry, gives excellent road holding - regardless of the road surface and the load in the car. With only the driver weight in the Saab 9000 is distributed 60% on the front wheels and 40% on the rear wheels. With a full load, most of the weight in all Saab 9000 models is still positioned above the front wheel drive and steering. This provides excellent road holding and, most important of all, predictable behaviour in any situation. Exercise 8. Answer the following questions to the text. 1) What gives excellent road holding? 2) How is weight distributed in Saab 9000? 3) Where is most of the weight positioned in all Saab 9000 with a full load? Exercise 9. Agree or disagree with the following statements. 1) With only the driver weight in the Saab 9000 is distributed 60% on the front wheels and 40% on the rear wheels. 2) With a full load, most of the weight in all Saab 9000 models is positioned above the rear wheel drive.


Exercise 10. Read the following text. Translate it. Use the words given below. Front assembly The subframe is a vital part of the front assembly. It carries most of the front suspension, as well as the engine, gearbox and radiator assembly. The equipment of the subframe is assembled separately before the entire subframe unit is fitted into the car. The 9000 is equipped with McPherson struts. The top mounting of the strut is secured to the body in a conventional manner, but incorporates an end stop of special Saab desigh. The bottom of the strut is secured directly to the steering knuckle housing. This is a vibration-damping arrangement that improves durability. The system is simple, robust, reliable and compact, and provides a long spring travel. The long spring travel (8.27 in./210 mm at the rear wheels and 7.28 in./185 mm at the front) gives good contact with the road surface, even when the car is driven fast across the brow of a hill or when it is cornering fast. The long spring travel also contributes to a comfortable ride. The wishbones, anti-roll bar and other chassis components are mounted in well-matched rubber bushes. These provide good road noise insulation, but are sufficiently firm to give correct “road contact information”. Words to the text. 1) front assembly - передний узел (агрегат) 2) suspension – подвеска 3) front suspension - передняя подвеска 4) radiator - радиатор 5) subframe - под-рама 6) strut - стойка 7) to secure - сохранять 8) steering - управление 9) knuckle [n ∧ kl] - шарнир 10) rubber - резина 11) bush - вкладыш 12) insulation - изоляция Exercise 11. Answer the following questions to the text. 1) What is a vital part of the front assembly? 2) What does the sub-frame carry? 3) How is the equipment on the sub-frame assembled? 4) What struts are used in Saab 9000?

6 5) What arrangement impoves durability? 6) What are the components of chassis? 7) What provides good road-noise insulation? Exercise 12. Characterize front assembly design. Use the following words. Simple, complex, robust, reliable, safe, conventional, durable, long spring travel, short spring travel, good road-noise insulation, bad road-noise insulation. Exercise 13. Read the following text. Translate it with the help of a dictionary. Integral wheel bearing The Saab 9000 is equipped with integral wheel bearings which are simple and durable. Conventional wheel bearings require a certain amount of clearance and regular service and lubrication. The new Saab wheel bearings are double row ball bearings with the front driving hub and the rear trailing hub, respectively, integrated in the bearing. These hub units are adjusted, greased for life and sealed and they need no maintenance. The bearings will last the car’s life time, and the design facilitates the removal of the brake disc. Exercise 14. Compare the two types of wheel bearings: conventional and new Saab. Arrange the following words into two columns: left column – conventional wheel bearings; right column - new Saab wheel bearing. Simple, durable, amount of clearance, regular service, lubrication, double row ball, front driving hub, rear trailing hub, adjusted, greased, sealed, lifetime. Exercise 15. Discuss with your partner the advantages of the new Saab wheel bearings. Exercise 16. Read the following text. Translate it. Use the words given below. Steering The steering is of rack-and-pinion type and is power-assisted. The number of steering wheel turns lock-to-lock is 3.2. The turning circle diameter is 35 ft 6 in. (10.9m). The three-spoke steering wheel has an extra thick rim and is inclined at 28o to the vertical plane, which gives restful seating to drivers of

7 virtually any stature. In addition, it is axially adjustable by 2 in. (50 mm) along the steering column. The rack-and-pinion design ensures fast and faithful response to the steering wheel. It is highly accurate and has no backlash. The effect of suspension spring deflection on the front wheel angels has been minimised. The steering gear is permanently lubricated and needs no maintenance. The steering system is mounted in well-proportioned rubber bushes which, together with the front-wheel suspension, effectively absorb the shocks from irregularities in the road surface at all speeds. The system also provides the driver with the best possible information on what is happening between the tyres and the road surface. The steering servo acts by hydraulic pressure directly on the rack and is of “progressive type”, i.e. it provides increasing assistance towards each lock, which is particulary useful when parking the car in confined spaces. Words the text. 1. steering - управление (рулевое) 2. rack-and-pinion - механизм реечной передачи 3. three-spoke steering wheel - рулевое колесо с тремя спицами 4. rim - обод 5. backlash - отдача 6. deflection – отклонение 7. tyre - шина Exercise 17. Answer the following questions to the text. 1) Which is the type of Saab steering? 2) What gives restful seating to drivers? 3) What ensures fast and faithful response to the steering wheel? 4) Does the steering gear need maintenance? 5) What absorbs the shocks from irregularities in the road surface at all speeds? 6) What kind of information is provided to the driver by the steering system? Exercise 18. Characterize the steering system. Use the following words. Rack-and-pinion type, steering wheel turns, three-spoke steering wheel, accurate, backlash, permanently lubricated, rubber bushes, shocks.

8 Exercise 19. Read the following text. Translate it with the help of a dictionary. Rear axle The rear axle is straight and rigid, and is very firmly and accurately located laterally. This feature, combined with the short overhands of the car, is one of the most important reasons for the fast and distinct response of the Saab 9000. The roll centre is very low, which prevents body roll. The rear axle consists of a light-weight but rigid tube, secured to the body by two leading and two trailing arms. In addition, it is equipped with a Panhard rod and anti- roll bar. In a car with rear-wheel drive, the design of the rear axle would have to be appreciably more complicated to eliminate the undesirable side effects of this type of design. The Panhard rod of the Saab 9000 is fitted at a low level and is secured to the body at a low point, to eliminate the undesirable and fatiguing lateral swaying movements of the body. In the same manner as the anti-roll bar, the Panhard rod is mounted in well matched rubber bushes. The rear axle suspension consists of conical coil springs of “hemispherical” form at the top, thereby contributing to the large luggage compartment capacity. The gas shock absorbers are direct-acting and are secured directly to the axle. The arms are long and are mounted in relatively soft rubber bushes. Due to their length, soft springs with a long travel can be used. The design contributes to extremely good road holding and high comfort. Exercise 20. Find paragraphs in the text where the assembly of the rear axle is described. Answer the question. What constitutes the rear axle? Exercise 21. Speak on the topic “Chassis” according to the plan: 1) The new emphasis of the Saab 9000 chassis; 2) Weight distribution; 3) Front assembly; 4) Integral wheel bearings; 5) Steering; 6) Rear axle.


Lesson 10. Brakes Exercise 1. Read the following words. Mind their translation. 1) brakes - тормоза 2) to split - расщеплять(ся), раскалывать(ся) 3) circuit - цепь, контур, цикл 4) handbrake - ручной тормоз 5) corrosion - коррозия 6) facia = fascia - вывеска, щиток 7) reservoir - резервуар, бак 8) fluid - жидкость, жидкий 9) clutch - сцепление 10) asbestos-free - не содержащий асбес 11) to pollute - загрязнять окружающую среду 12) calipers - нутромер 13) floating - плавучий Exercise 2. Pay attention to the use of the infinitive. Translate the sentence. 1. Saab was one of the first manufacturers to introduce this non-polluting friction material. Exercise 3. Read the following text. Translate it orally with the help of a dictionary. Brakes The brake system is diagonally split into two circuits (three on cars with ABS). Each brake circuit actuates the brakes of one front wheel and the diagonally opposite rear wheel. The handbrake is self adjusting and acts on the rear wheels. The brake lines are protected against corrosion and are run in ventilated passages inside the car. A warning lamp in the facia lights up when the handbrake is applied, and also if one of the brake circuits should fail or if the brake fluid level should drop below the minimum. The hydraulic fluid reservoir is common to the brake system and clutch, and the warning lamp thus has a twin function. In the event of hydraulic fluid leakage, the clutch function will be lost first, which serves as an added warning to the driver. The brake-pad friction material is asbestos-free. Saab was one of the first manufacturers to introduce this non-polluting friction material. This was principally due to the favourable design of the Saab brake system - with disc

10 brakes all round, floating calipers, and brake discs with large effective cooling areas. This design contributes towards keeping the brake fluid cool.

Exercise 4. Finish up the following sentences begining with “it must”. 1) It must perform... 2) It must not fade... 3) It must have... Exercise 5. Answer the following questions to the text. 1) What are the aims of the brake system in a car? 2) Into how many circuits is the brake system split? 3) How is the brake system split? 4) How does each brake circuit actuate the brakes? 5) On what wheels does the handbrake act? 6) How are the brake lines run inside a car? 7) What happens in case of hydraulic fluid leakage? 8) What is the modern design of the Saab brake system? Exercise 6. Describe the new Saab brake system using the following words: Disc brakes all round, floating calipers, large effective cooling areas, cool brake fluid, brake-pad friction material, asbestos-free, the hydraulic fluid reservoir, vital safety feature.

Exercise 7. Give a short annotation of the text. Exercise 8. Read the following text. Translate it with the help of the dictionary. Smooth braking The foot-brake system is equipped with a servo unit. So relatively light pedal pressure is sufficient for a given braking effort. The master cylinder is designed so that both hydraulic circuits will be actuated at exactly the same instant and with the same pressure. This reduces the risk of the car pulling to one side when the brakes are applied, and ensures more uniform wear of the brake pads.

11 Exercise 9. Answer the following questions to the text. 1) 2) 3)

What is the foot-brake system equipped with? In what way is the master cylinder designed? What ensures more uniform wear of the brake pads?

Exercise 10. Agree or disagree with the following statements. 1) The foot-brake system is equipped with a servo unit. 2) Relatively light pedal pressure is sufficient for a given braking effort. 3) The master cylinder is designed so that both hydraulic circuits will not be actuated at exactly the same instant. Exercise 11. Read the following text. Translate it. Use the words given below. ABS anti-lock brakes The Saab ABS+3 anti-lock brake system has been specially designed for cars with front-wheel drive. Since the system prevents locking of the wheels, the driver can brake as hard as the situation merits, and he can swerve at the same time to avoid an obstacle. This enhances the safety in practically all motoring situations and under any road conditions. The safety of the Saab system is duplicated. Two mutually independent electronic systems check and compare one another’s signals. A sensor at each wheel senses the speed of rotation of the wheel and transmits the information to a microprocessor which compares the signal with those from other wheels. If one or more wheels are about to lock or if they roll at a lower speed than the others, the control system will immediately reduce the hydraulic pressure to the corresponding wheel or wheels. Pressure adjustments are carried out at the rate of up to twelve times per second. The anti-lock brake system has three brake circuits, one of which serves the rear wheels and one serves each of the front wheels. The brake system is self-monitoring, and checks itself automatically every time the engine is started. The checks include the brake fluid pressure, brake fluid level and performance of the wheel sensors. If the system is in good condition, the warning lamp that lights up on the facia when the engine is started will be switched off after five to ten seconds. Moreover, the safety functions are continually monitored while the car is travelling. The main components of the Saab ABS system and the ordinary brake system of the car are integrated into one lightweight, compact unit. The entire system is preassembled and inspected at the factory before it is installed in the car. This ensures high production quality and high reliability.


Words to the text. 1. anti-lock -анти- блокирующие 2. front-wheel drive - передний привод 3. to prevent - предотвращать 4. to swerve - отклоняться от прямого пути, сворачивать в сторону 5. to enhance - усиливать 6. to duplicate - дублировать 7. mutually independent - взаимно независимые 8. pressure - давление Exersice 12. Answer the following questions to the text. 1) What enhances the safety of Saab 9000? 2) What does a sensor at each wheel sense? 3) At what rate are pressure adjustments carried out? 4) How many brake circuits has the anti-lock brake system? 5) Is the entire system pre-assembled and inspected at the factory? Exersice 13. Charactarise ABS anti-lock brakes. Use the following words: Front-wheel drive, to enhance the safety, mutually independent electronic systems, hydraulic pressure, three brake circuits, rear wheels, front wheels, selfmonitoring, lightweight, compact. Exercise 14. Speak on the topic “Brakes” according to the plan: 1) The number of brake circuits. 2) Smooth braking . 3) ABS anti-lock and ordinary brake systems. Complementary exercises Task I. Give short characteristics of the four-cylinder engine with double overhead camshafts (DOHC), 16-valves and dome shaped combustion chamber: — High power. — Low fuel consumption. — Limited service requirements. — High reliability. — Efficient combustion-cleaner exhaust gases. Task II. Give short characteristics of the turbo-charging with intercooler:

13 — Offers the same acceleration and top speed as a six-cylinder or eightcylinder engine but with lower fuel consumption. — Favourable working temperature for better resistance to wear and longer useful life. — High reliability. Task III. Give short characteristics of the balancing shafts in the 2.3-litre engine. — Superbly smooth and comfortable driving. Task IV. Give short characteristics of the self-adjusting hydraulic cam followers: — Highly reliable and self-adjusting-limited service requirements. — Reduced noise. — Increased accuracy. Task V. Give short characteristics of the microprocessor-based APC system and LH fuel injection: — The engine can run on fuel of octane rating (between 91 and 98 RON), without adjustment. — Improved fuel economy. — High performance, above all on starting and at low speeds. — High reliability under all condition. — Efficient combustion-cleaner and exhaust gases. — Reliable starting, from hot or cold. — Maintains correct fuel/air ratio at all altitudes. Task VI. Give short characteristics of Saab Direct Ignition: — Reliable starting in difficult conditions. — Entirely protected from moisture and dirt. — No moving parts--no adjustment ever required. — Longer intervals between spark plug replacement. — Lower servicing costs.

Task VII. Give short characteristics of the sub-frame: — Simplified service work. — Faster clutch replacement. — The gearbox is easy to remove.


Task VIII. Give short characteristics of the transversely mounted gearbox integrated with the engine and differential: — Compact power unit--limited space requirements. — Good cooling of the engine and gearbox. — Effective protection in a collision. Task IX. Give short characteristics of the split torque in the third gear of the automatic transmission: — Saves fuel and lowers sound level. — Improves performance. Task X. Give short characteristics of the lock-up function in the fourth gear of the automatic transmission: — Direct drive saves fuel and lowers sound level.

Task XI. Give short characteristics of the front suspension by McPherson struts secured to the steering knuckle housing: — Simple, robust design. — Long spring travel-- excellent travelling. Task XII. Give short characteristics of the dual-circuit, diagonally-split brake system: — Maximum braking effect in all types of surfaces. — Minimised risk of locking the rear wheels. — Safe braking charactaristics. — Long useful life. Task XIII. Give short characteristics of the three-circuit anti-lock ABS brake system. — Prevents Locking of the wheels. — Enhances the safety. — Electronic systems check and compare one another’s signals. — Reduces the hydraulic pressure to the wheels.

15 Lesson 11. Safety Exercise 1. Read and translate the following words. Mind their pronunciation. 1) collision 2) accident 3) to enhance, to upgrade 4) average 5) injuries 6) dividend Exercise 2. Read the following verbs. Mind their meaning. Pay attention to the principal forms. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

to know (knew, known) to prove (proved, proven) to occur ( -ed, -ed ) to contribute to ( -ed, -ed ) to define ( -ed, -ed ) to allow ( -ed, -ed ) to show (showed, shown) to pay (paid, paid) Exercise 3. Read and translate the following groups of words

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

to design – designing – designation; to drive – driving – front-wheel drive; to occur – occuring – occurance; to protect – protection – protector – collision protection; to define – defining – definition; to standard – standard – safety standard; to injure – injuring – the injured – injuries.

Exercise 4. Pay attention to the following abbreviated words. Read the words. HLDI – the Highway Loss Data Institute – Институт исследования информации дорожных потерь. Exercise 5. Write down the principal forms of the following verbs. Translate them.

16 To know, to become, to prevent, to occur, to contribute, to develop, to design, to enhance, to produce, to pay. Exercise 6. Pay attention to the translation of nominative groups. Mind the order: the last word in a group is the kernal one. Example: insurance company – страховая компания Driving characteristics; front-wheel drive; maximum collision protection; safety standards; passenger car; safety statistics; Saab owners and passengers. Exercise 7. Read the following text. Answer the questions given below. Safety The Saab 9000 has been designed to prevent, as far as possible, accidents occurring in the first place – i.e., for active safety. Consistent driving characteristics (no surprises in critical situations) contribute to active safety, as do effective brake systems, front-wheel drive, superior stability, and an ergonomic interface between car and driver. No matter how highly active safety is developed, of course, an accident may still occur. So the body and interior of the Saab 9000 have been designed for maximum collision protection of every occupant. This protection defines passive safety. Passive safety is continuously being enhanced through close cooperation between Saab engineers and a team of medical specialists who analyse the causes and effects of actual accidents. Their conclusions allow us constantly to upgrade the safety standards of all Saab cars. The safest car in its class. Through HLDI (the Highway Loss Data Institute), the American insurance companies have produced the most comprehensive passenger car safety statistics in the world. The latest annual figures available (for 1989) show the Saab 9000 to be number one in its class, with only about half the average number of personal injuries per kilometer. Here is hard, statistical evidence that a rigorous and thoroughgoing safety programme pays really big dividends for Saab owners and passengers alike. The driver has total control over the Saab 9000. Should an accident occur however, the design of the body and interior play an important protective part. There is, for example, a generous amount of room between passengers and the heavily padded interior fittings in order to minimize risk of injury. Questions 1) What is the safest car on the market? 2) What is active safety? 3) What is passive safety? 4) Who analyzies the causes and effects of actual accidents?


Exercise 8. Speak on the topic “active and passive safety” using the following words. To prevent, consistent driving characteristics, effective brake systems, front-wheel drive, superior stability, ergonomic interface, maximum collision protection, medical specialists, causes and effects of actual accidents, safety standards. Exercise 9. Read and translate the following words. Mind their pronunciation. 1) occupant 2) inertia-reel type 3) lap 4) strap = belt 5) fore – and – aft 6) to adjust 7) tension 8) to eliminate 9) obstacle 10) to overturn Exercise 10. Read the following verbs. Mind their meaning. Pay attention to the principal forms. 1) to provide ( -ed, -ed ) 2) to secure ( -ed, -ed ) 3) to move ( -ed, -ed ) 4) to carry out ( -ed, -ed ) 5) to fasten ( -ed, -ed ) 6) to keep (kept, kept) 7) to overturn ( -ed, -ed ) 8) to absorb ( -ed, -ed ) 9) to fit ( -ed, -ed ) 10) to cover ( -ed, -ed ) 11) to pad ( -ed, -ed ) 12) to reduce ( -ed, -ed )

обеспечивать, снабжать; сохранять, обеспечивать безопасность; двигать(ся); выполнять, исполнять; застёгивать, закреплять; держать, содержать; переворачивать(ся); впитывать, абсорбировать, поглощать; снабжать, оснащать; покрывать; снабжать прокладками; снижать, уменьшать.

Exercise 3. Pay attention to the following abbreviated words. Read the words. MPH – Mile Per Hour KM/H – Kilometre Per Hour.


Exercise 4. Write down the principal forms of the following verbs. Translate them. To be, to provide, to point, to secure, to move, to carry, to fasten, to adjust, to eliminate, to reduce, to wear, to crash, to keep, to fit, to cover, to pad, to back. Exercise 5. Read and translate the following groups of words 1) to provide – providing – provided that; 2) to secure – securing – having secured; 3) to move – moving – being moved – movement; 4) to adjust – adjusting – adjustment – adjustable; 5) to improve – improving – improvement; 6) to equip – equipment; 7) to eliminate – eliminating – elimination; 8) to reduce – reducing – reduction; 9) to protect – protecting – protection; 10) to crash – crashing – a crash. Exercise 6. Pay attention to the translation of nominative groups. Mind the order: the last word in a group is the kernal one. Example: safety programme – программа безопасности Seat belts, inertia-reel type, lap strap, centre passenger, anchor point, fore – and– aft adjustment, door pillar, collision protection, third – floor window, whiplash effect, foam padding, impact – absorbing surfaces, impact injuries. Exercise 7. Read the following text. Answer the questions given below. Seat belts Seat belts are standard equipment for all five occupants of the Saab 9000. The seat belts for the front occupants and the outer two passengers on the rear seat are of the three-point, inertia-reel type. A lap strap is provided for the centre passenger. Since the bottom anchor points of the front seat belts are secured to the seat, they will move with the seat on fore – and – aft adjustment. This adjustment can easily be carried out even when the occupants seat belt is fastened. The anchor point on the

19 door pillar is vertically adjustable in four steps. This enables the occupant to adjust the strap to a comfortable position. The front seat belt safety characteristics have been further improved in cars equipped with automatic tensioners. In a collision, a small explosive charge tightens the belt almost instantaneously, thus eliminating any slackness that might otherwise reduce the safety provision. In order to obtain full collision protection, all occupants must wear their seat belts. Crashing into a solid obstacle at 30 mph (50 km/h) is approximately equivalent to falling from a third-floor window. The seat belts also keep the occupants secure in their seats if the vehicle overturns. Head restraints In a rear-end collision, the seat backs must rapidly absorb the reverse impact of occupants heads and bodies, particularly the whiplash effect. Therefore the front and outer rear seats are fitted with strong, adjustable head restraints, built up on sheet- steel frames and covered with soft foam padding. Impact – absorbing surfaces The whole interior is heavily padded, and free of sharp edges and hard surfaces. The top and bottom sections of the facia are backed by soft, moulded polyurethane foam. The spaciousness of the interior, with generous room between front passengers and facia considerably reduces the risk of impact injuries. The steering wheel has a thick, padded rim and a large, impact – absorbent central pad. Engine location designed to absorb collision forces and protect the interior. Front seats with “anti-submarining” protection in a collision. Fuel tank in a safe location, forward of the rear axle and between the rear wheels. The passenger compartment is enclosed in a safety cage. The cage is protected by large crumple zones at the front and rear that absorb collision forces. The bottom anchors are secured directly to the seat and are thus re-adjusted together with the seat. Adjustable top anchor points for the front seat belts. The automatic belt tensioners further improve the safety effectiveness of the seat belts. On collision, the seat belt is tightened by means of a wire connected to a piston which is pushed by a small explosive charge detonating. Questions 1) What is the type of the seat belts for the front occupants? 2) What belt is provided for the centre passenger? 3) What is the advantage of the fore – and – aft adjustment? 4) In what way are the anchor points adjustable? 5) How is the front seat belts safety improved? 6) What is the role of head restrains? Exercise 9. Speak on the topic “Various kinds of seat belts” using the following words.


Seat belts, standard equipment, front seats, rear seats, lap strap, anchor points, are secured, fore – and – aft adjustment, automatic tensioners, to eliminate, safety provision, collision protection, head restrains. Exercise 10. Read and translate the following words. Mind their pronunciation. 1) steering column 2) to collapse 3) collision 4) joint 5) to fit 6) bellows 7) to crumple 8) cage 9) rugged 10) to reinforce Exercise 11. Read the following verbs. Pay attention to the principal forms. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

to crumple ( -ed, -ed ) to fit ( -ed, -ed ) to test ( -ed, -ed ) to absorb ( -ed, -ed ) to reinforce ( -ed, -ed ) to mould ( -ed, -ed )

мять, морщить; подходить по размеру; подвергать проверке; впитывать, поглощать; усиливать; формовать, отливать в форму.

Exercise 12. Read and translate the following groups of words. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

to steer – steering – steering column; to collide – colliding – collision; to locate – locating – location; to protect – protecting – protection; to create – creating- creator – creation; safe – safety; to except – excepting – exception – exceptionally.

Exercise 13. Write down the principal forms of the following verbs. Translate them. To design, to collapse, to crumple, to protect, to test, to absorb, to collide, to reinforce, to mould, to show, to correspond.


Exercise 14. Pay attention to the translation of nominative groups. Mind the order: the last word in a group is the kernal one. Example: Safety steering column – безопасная колонка управления Three – section steering column, sheet metal bellows, steering gear, engine compartment, crumple zones, collision forces, reinforcing door members, safety cage. Exercise 15. Read the following text. Answer the questions given below. Safety steering column The three – steering column is designed to collapse in stages in a frontal collision. The upper section is telescopic and the lower section is jointed and fitted with a patented Saab sheet – metal bellows that crumples under abnormal stress. The steering gear is located low and far back in the engine compartment, so that it is well protected by the engine itself. Safety cage The body of the Saab 9000 has been created around a cage of rugged steel members. Its design has then been carefully tested for safety under realistic conditions in the Saab laboratories. Large crumple zones at the front and rear smoothly absorb the collision forces and maintain the shape of the interior. Because of the reinforcing door members and the very strong safety cage, you and your passengers are exceptionally well protected in a Saab 9000. The roof lining of flame-resistant, moulded glass fibre material provides effective impact absorption. The entire body is designed as a large steel safety cage in which the passengers sit protected from outside forces. The body is built of a network of protective members and reinforcing plates – entirely covered by soft, energy absorbing padding. The collision process is simulated in computers, so that a number of alternatives can be evaluated before being confirmed through tests on actual cars. The illustrated sequence shows how the Saab 9000 body crumples when it hits a solid barrier at 30 mph (50 km/h). The first picture corresponds to the instant of collision; the second a third show the results 20 and 40 milliseconds later. Questions 1) What is a safety steering column? 2) How is the three – section steering column designed?

22 3) What kind is the upper section of? 4) Where is the steering gear located? 5) How is the safety cage designed? Exercise 16. Speak on the topic “Safety Steering Column and Safety Cage” using the following words. Three – section steering column, frontal collision, sheet metal bellows, engine compartment, rugged steel members, crumple zones, collision forces, reinforcing door members, moulded glass fibre material.

Exercise 17. Read the following words. Mind their pronunciation. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

to boost [u:] built - in to relay; a relay impact pictogram instrument panel to restrain

поднимать, подталкивать; встроенная; передавать; реле; удар, толчок; пиктограмма; приборная панель; удерживать.

Exercise 18. Read the following verbs. Mind their meaning. Pay attention to the principal forms. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

to provide ( -ed, -ed ) обеспечивать; to add ( -ed, -ed ) добавлять; to boost ( -ed, -ed ) поднимать; to afford ( -ed, -ed ) быть в состоянии, предоставлять; to buid in (built, built) встраивать; to relay ( -ed, -ed ) передавать; to light (lit, lit) высвечивать(ся); to turn on ( -ed, -ed ) включать; to provide ( -ed, -ed ) обеспечивать. Exercise 19. Read and translate the following groups of words

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

to protect – protecting – protection; to locate – locating – location; to inform – informing – information; to include – including – inclusion; to identify – identified – identification; to indicate – indication – indicator;

23 7) to check – checking – a check. Exercise 20. Pay attention to the following abbreviated words. Read the words. SRS – Supplemental restraint system – Дополнительная система безопасности. Exercise 21. Write down the principal forms of the following verbs. Translate them. To restrain, to provide, to add, to boost, to protect, to afford, to build, to locate, to relay, to include, to identify, to add, to indicate, to display, to turn on, to operate. Exercise 22. Pay attention to the translation of nominative groups. Mind the order: the last word in a group is the kernal one. Example: Safety feature – признак безопасности Saab Supplemental Restraint System, seat belts, airbag module, built-in diagnostic system, impact sensors, front wheel housing, electronic control unit, service indicator lamp, pictogram display section, ignition switch.

Exercise 23. Read the following text. Answer the questions given below. Supplemental Restraint System The Saab Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) provides added protection in the event of a severe frontal collision, to boost substantially the protection afforded by the seat belts. The SRS incorporates an airbag module in the steering wheel, a control unit with built-in diagnostic system and two impact sensors located in the engine compartment, forward of the front wheel housing. These sensors relay impact information to the electronic control unit, which includes a special safety sensor. Cars with the SRS are identified by the letters SRS on the centre pad of the steering wheel. In addition, there is an SRS service indicator lamp in the pictogram display section of the instrumental panel. This pictogram will light up for about 6 seconds when the ignition switch has been turned to the “on” or “start” position, to provide a check that the system is operative.

24 Questions 1) What does the SRS provide? 2) What does the SRS incorporate? 3) What relayes impact information to the electronic control unit? 4) In what way are cars with SRS identified? 5) Where is the indicator lamp located? Exercise 24. Speak on the topic “The advantages of SRS”, using the following words. Added protection, severe frontal collision, airbag module, built-in diagnostic system, impact sensors, front-wheel housing, impact information, electronic control unit, special safety sensor, pictogram display section, ignition switch. Exercise 25. Read and translate the following words. 1) to occur 2) arc 3) retardation force 4) to inflate 5) to prevent 6) facia 7) to actuate 8) rollover 9) self-diagnostic unit 10) self-contained capacitor pack 11) to intend 12) sequence Exercise 26. Read the following verbs. Mind their meaning. Pay attention to the principal forms. 1) to occur ( -ed, -ed ) происходить; 2) to trip ( -ed, -ed ) продвигать(ся); 3) to absorb ( -ed, -ed ) поглощать; 4) to inflate ( -ed, -ed ) накачивать; 5) to prevent ( -ed, -ed ) предотвращать; 6) to contain ( -ed, -ed ) содержать; 7) to replace ( -ed, -ed ) заменять; 8) to wear (wore, worn) носить; 9) to design ( -ed, -ed ) проектировать; 10) to throw (threw, thrown) бросать, выбрасывать. Exercise 27. Read and translate the following groups of words 1) to occur – occuring – occurance;

25 2) to retard – retarding – retardation; 3) to progress – progressing – a progress – progressed; 4) to absorb – absorbing – absorbed; 5) to inflate – inflating – inflation; 6) to prevent – preventing – prevented; 7) tо activate – activation – activating; 8) to equip – equipped – equipment; 9) to damage – damaging – a damage; 10) to intend – intending – intention. Exercise 28. Write down the principal forms of the following verbs. Translate them. To occur, to retard, to trip, to apply, to progress, to absorb, to inflate, to prevent, to throw, to activate, to actuate, to contain, to provide, to damage, to intend, to restrain, to design. Exercise 29. Read the following text. Answer the questions given below. Effective supplement If a frontal collision should occur either head-on across a 60 degree arc in front of the car, and at a speed higher than around 10 mph (with a retardation force of at least 16 g), one or both of the front sensors will trip and apply a signal to the electronic control unit. as the collision progresses, the impact forces will be absorbed by the special “crumple zones” at the front of the car. The safety sensor inside the control unit will trip at a retardation force of around 2 g. So the airbag will inflate within 20 to 30 milliseconds – thus preventing the driver from being thrown against the steering wheel and facia. At least one of the front impact sensors and the safety sensor must both trip before the Supplemental Restraint System will be activated in a minor frontal collision, a rollover, or a side or rear collision. In addition to the safety impact sensor, the electronic control unit contains a self- diagnostic unit for the Supplemental Restraint System. The control unit is also equipped with a self-contained capacitor pack, which provides power for the system even if the car’s electrical system should be damaged in the collision. The Supplemental Restraint System is just that – supplemental. It is not intended to replace the primary restraint system – the seat belts. The seat belt provides restraint in the sequence of events after the initial impact, which the airbag is not designed to inflate.

26 Questions 1) What happens if a frontal collision should occur? 2) What absorbs the impact forces as the collision progress? 3) What is the necessary retardation force which enables the safety sensor to trip? 4) What is the time needed for the airbag inflation? 5) What are the instances when the SRS won’t be actuated? 6) What is the role of a self-contained capacitor pack? 7) What is the intention of the SRS? 8) What makes the SRS to be the maximum safety means? Exercise 30. Speak on the topic “Effective Supplemental Restraint System ”, using the following words. Frontal collision, 60 degree arc, retardation force, electronic control unit, to absorb, impact forces, crumple zones, safety sensor, airbag, to inflate, rollover, side or rear collision, self-diagnostic unit, self-contained capacitor pack, primary restrained system, non-frontal collision.

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