The Original I Ching: The Eranos I Ching Project

This edition of the ancient chinese oracle, "I Ching', was inspired by Jung's insights into the psyche and is the work of more than 60 years of research. It present the oracualr core of the 'I ching' as a psychological tool- the symbols interact wity our minds as dream images do. This new translation gives each Chinese ideogram the corresponding English word ('core word') which becomes a key to identify the ideogram. Each 'core word' is placed in the context of a 'field of meaning' and the reader chooses the images that most closely resonate with his or her situation and the question that is brought to the oracle. For the first time, Western readers can consult the 'I Ching' in its original purity, without the translator's personal interpretations and accumulated layers of philosophical commentary.

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This edition of the ancient chinese oracle, "I Ching', was inspired by Jung's insights into the psyche and is the work of more than 60 years of research. It present the oracualr core of the 'I ching' as a psychological tool- the symbols interact wity our minds as dream images do. This new translation gives each Chinese ideogram the corresponding English word ('core word') which becomes a key to identify the ideogram. Each 'core word' is placed in the context of a 'field of meaning' and the reader chooses the images that most closely resonate with his or her situation and the question that is brought to the oracle. For the first time, Western readers can consult the 'I Ching' in its original purity, without the translator's personal interpretations and accumulated layers of philosophical commentary.

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