The Healing Codes Underlying Principles

Your body is designed to heal itself naturally and then keep you healthy -- IF you know how to help it! The Healing Codes is your healing kit for life -- to heal the issues you know about, and the ones you don't. In 2001, Dr. Alex Loyd discovered how to activate a physical function built into the body that consistently and predictably removes the source of 95% of all illness and disease so that the neuro-immune system takes over its job of healing whatever is wrong with the body. His findings were validated by tests and by the thousands of people from all over the world who have used The Healing Codes system to heal virtually any physical, emotional, or relational issue, as well as realize breakthroughs in success. Dr. Alex's recent book, The Healing Code, has been a best-seller since its release. This book is the compilation of a number of lectures given by Dr. Alex that provides even deeper insight into the UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES of the healing codes. If you've read Dr. Alex's book, UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES will give an even deeper understanding of how it all works. The body is the world's most perfect healing machine -- once you allow it to function without stress. Dr. Bruce Lipton, a former Stanford Medical School Research Cellular Biologist says in his New York Times best selling book The Biology of Belief, that the stress that causes more than 95% of all illness and disease is caused by a wrong belief. However, stress does NOT come from outside sources!!! Stress does not come from things like jobs we hate, stacks of unpaid bills, messy relationships, or pain in the neck relatives. STRESS IS CREATED FROM YOUR INCORRECT BELIEFS AND YOUR MISINTERPRETATIONS! Because of these false beliefs and misinterpretations, you then view your life, your personal circumstances, and the world around you, as being dangerous and threatening. And, when you feel threatened, the cells in your body are then constantly forced into a stress filled "defensive mode" as opposed to a normal, healthy "growth mode." When that continually happens --day in and day out -- your body become so stressed, that it begins to break down, and you are no longer able to repair yourself. However, by using The Healing Codes, you are able to correct these false beliefs, and misinterpretations. When YOU do that, you stop viewing all your circumstances as threatening.

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Your body is designed to heal itself naturally and then keep you healthy -- IF you know how to help it! The Healing Codes is your healing kit for life -- to heal the issues you know about, and the ones you don't. In 2001, Dr. Alex Loyd discovered how to activate a physical function built into the body that consistently and predictably removes the source of 95% of all illness and disease so that the neuro-immune system takes over its job of healing whatever is wrong with the body. His findings were validated by tests and by the thousands of people from all over the world who have used The Healing Codes system to heal virtually any physical, emotional, or relational issue, as well as realize breakthroughs in success. Dr. Alex's recent book, The Healing Code, has been a best-seller since its release. This book is the compilation of a number of lectures given by Dr. Alex that provides even deeper insight into the UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES of the healing codes. If you've read Dr. Alex's book, UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES will give an even deeper understanding of how it all works. The body is the world's most perfect healing machine -- once you allow it to function without stress. Dr. Bruce Lipton, a former Stanford Medical School Research Cellular Biologist says in his New York Times best selling book The Biology of Belief, that the stress that causes more than 95% of all illness and disease is caused by a wrong belief. However, stress does NOT come from outside sources!!! Stress does not come from things like jobs we hate, stacks of unpaid bills, messy relationships, or pain in the neck relatives. STRESS IS CREATED FROM YOUR INCORRECT BELIEFS AND YOUR MISINTERPRETATIONS! Because of these false beliefs and misinterpretations, you then view your life, your personal circumstances, and the world around you, as being dangerous and threatening. And, when you feel threatened, the cells in your body are then constantly forced into a stress filled "defensive mode" as opposed to a normal, healthy "growth mode." When that continually happens --day in and day out -- your body become so stressed, that it begins to break down, and you are no longer able to repair yourself. However, by using The Healing Codes, you are able to correct these false beliefs, and misinterpretations. When YOU do that, you stop viewing all your circumstances as threatening.

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