Raising the Spiritual Light Quotient

The concept of raising the spiritual light quotient is similar to the intelligence quotient used in modern psychology, the IQ test. However the spiritual light quotient is not the same as intelligence. Rather, the SLQ reflects one's ability to understand spiritual concepts, to meditate and to connect with other dimensions. It also is a measurement of one's ability to understand the relationship between Earth and the environment of the Earth, and Earth's relationship to the galaxy. Finally, it is a measurement of one's ability to understand the existence of other dimensions as well as the relationship between the ascended masters and guides and our journey to higher realms for soul evolution. Thus it appears necessary to look at the SLQ of a person, the SLQ of an area and the SLQ of a planet. All of the channeling I bring forth is based on the concept of the Sacred Triangle, which is a new paradigm for spirituality. This paradigm states that in order to heal Earth and bring everything into balance, one must unite the concepts of galactic spirituality with ancient mystical thought and with the energies of native peoples, including Native Americans.

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The concept of raising the spiritual light quotient is similar to the intelligence quotient used in modern psychology, the IQ test. However the spiritual light quotient is not the same as intelligence. Rather, the SLQ reflects one's ability to understand spiritual concepts, to meditate and to connect with other dimensions. It also is a measurement of one's ability to understand the relationship between Earth and the environment of the Earth, and Earth's relationship to the galaxy. Finally, it is a measurement of one's ability to understand the existence of other dimensions as well as the relationship between the ascended masters and guides and our journey to higher realms for soul evolution. Thus it appears necessary to look at the SLQ of a person, the SLQ of an area and the SLQ of a planet. All of the channeling I bring forth is based on the concept of the Sacred Triangle, which is a new paradigm for spirituality. This paradigm states that in order to heal Earth and bring everything into balance, one must unite the concepts of galactic spirituality with ancient mystical thought and with the energies of native peoples, including Native Americans.

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