Vegan Pizza Recipes

Be prepared for a change in your oven! We’re glad to present you our new e- book, which is an exciting collection of vegan pizza receipts. It is a selection of some very interesting vegan pizza ideas that you folks sent to us. We tried to select the best of them and hope that you will like the outcome. Through this receipt collection we also would like to fight the prejudice that vegan diet is monotone and boring. That’s what people in general think about the vegan diet. But who ever make an effort to learn more about the subject, will realize how versatile and colorful a vegan menu actually is. Vegan diet doesn’t only mean taking care of our environment, but having fun and joy while eating and cooking as

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Be prepared for a change in your oven! We’re glad to present you our new e- book, which is an exciting collection of vegan pizza receipts. It is a selection of some very interesting vegan pizza ideas that you folks sent to us. We tried to select the best of them and hope that you will like the outcome. Through this receipt collection we also would like to fight the prejudice that vegan diet is monotone and boring. That’s what people in general think about the vegan diet. But who ever make an effort to learn more about the subject, will realize how versatile and colorful a vegan menu actually is. Vegan diet doesn’t only mean taking care of our environment, but having fun and joy while eating and cooking as

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