> > P xk 2BUi nBUi ik > > x k > > : xk 2BUi ; jBUi j
if BU 6¼ / ^ BUi nBUi 6¼ /; if BUi nBUi 6¼ /;
3 Firefly Algorithm Firefly Algorithm was proposed in 2009 [12]. It is a bio-inspired meta-heuristic which mimics the behaviour of fireflies. Biologically, fireflies are attracted to luminous objects. In this algorithm, each firefly has a brightness of its own. All the fireflies are attracted to the brightest firefly, which has a random movement. The attraction between two fireflies is inversely proportional to the distance between the two fireflies. The brightness of each firefly is calculated using the objective function which is problemspecific. The attractiveness function b is determined by the following formula: bðrÞ ¼ b0 ecr
Here, b0 denotes the default value of attractiveness, c is the light absorption coefficient and ri;j is the Euclidean distance between the two fireflies i and j: 2 1 xi ¼ xi þ b0 ecri;j ðxi xj Þ þ aðrand Þ 2
Here, a is the randomization parameter and ‘rand’ denotes a function for generating random numbers in the interval [0, 1].
4 Fuzzy Firefly Algorithm The fuzzy firefly algorithm was introduced in 2014 with the goal of increasing the search area of each firefly and decreasing the number of iterations [4]. When iterating, k-brighter fireflies are chosen to influence the less brighter fireflies. Here, k is a userdefined parameter which depends on how complex the problem is and the population of the swarm. The attractiveness w(h) of the firefly h (one of the k brighter fireflies) is given by: wðhÞ =
1 f ðph Þf ðpg Þ b
Here, f(ph) is the fitness of the firefly h, while f(pg) denotes the fitness of the local optimum firefly. b is defined as:
A. Pant et al.
f ðpg Þ l
l is a user-set parameter. Firefly i moves towards firefly h, one of the k-brighter fireflies using the equation given below: Xi ¼ xi þ b0 e
2 c rj;i
ðxj xi Þ þ
k X
! wðhÞb0 e
2 c rh;i
ðxh xi Þ
1 a rand 2
5 Distance Measures Usually the distance between the pixels of the image and the pixels of the cluster centers is calculated using Euclidean distance or Manhattan distance. However, the Euclidean distance relies heavily on the initial cluster centers and only allows us to identify linearly separable clusters. Fusing Firefly and Fuzzy Firefly with the clustering algorithms allows us to eliminate this drawback. To further deal with the issue of linear separability, we make use of kernels in this paper. We also make use of functions for non-linear mapping since they allow us to carry out clustering in feature space and allow us to transform the problem into a linear problem by changing the separation problem from image space to kernel space. Kðx; yÞ ¼ expð
kx y k2 Þ r2
The equation for Gaussian Kernel is given in (12). r denotes the standard deviation of x.
6 Proposed Algorithms Throughout this paper, grayscale values of the pixels are considered to be the data points and the cluster centers. Each firefly is representative of a set of cluster centers (grayscale values) that are initialized to random values. The intensity of each firefly is calculated using the objective function which is specific to each clustering algorithm. Once converged, we pass the best firefly values to the clustering algorithm. Furthermore, as explained in the previous section, we replace the Euclidean distance measure with Gaussian kernel to further bolster the performance of our algorithms. The experimental results show that the clustering algorithms perform better when combined with the metaheuristics.
Kernelised Clustering Algorithms Fused
7 Results and Discussions An index name ‘Error’ has been used by us to evaluate the proximity of the final centroid values provided by the metaheuristics to the terminal centroid values output when the clustering algorithms are executed without metaheuristics. Furthermore, DB index and Dunn index have been used to evaluate how well the image has been clustered and segmented. DB index is inversely proportional to the accuracy of segmentation whereas Dunn index is directly proportional to the accuracy of segmentation. 7.1
Brain MRI Segmentation
It can be observed in Fig. 1 that the brain and the tumor are segmented into different clusters by the use of clustering algorithms. It can be observed in Table 1 that RFCM performs much better clustering as compared to FCM or IFCM. The clustering performed by IFCM is slightly better than FCM. The number of iterations taken to converge is the least for RFCM, and then for IFCM and then FCM. The kernelized versions of the clustering algorithms follow a similar pattern but their clustering is by far superior to their original versions. The fuzzy firefly implementation of the clustering algorithms manages to improve the clustering quality of the images as can be observed from looking at the DB and Dunn indices. The fuzzy firefly further manages to outperform the firefly metaheuristic by reducing the error as well as the number of iterations by a larger margin.
Fig. 1. The Brain MRI image on the left is segmented into 3 different clusters on the right
Table 1. DB and Dunn index values for Brain MRI image Centroids Algorithm FCM IFCM RFCM GKFCM GKIFCM GKRFCM FCMFA FCMFFA
3 Iterations 9 13 10 12 14 16 9 7
DB 7.2851 7.1724 3.1889 0.0008 0.0503 0.0379 7.2857 7.2825
Dunn Error 0.1801 0.1846 0.3294 25.7878 25.7498 30.8501 0.1801 76.4305 0.1801 7.1194
4 Iterations 32 23 17 37 34 27 27 9
DB 7.652 7.4327 2.596 0.0006 0.053 0.0304 7.6517 7.6519
Dunn Error 0.1151 0.1181 0.1648 12.3972 12.4158 10.0311 0.115 86.4999 0.115 30.8863 (continued)
A. Pant et al. Table 1. (continued)
3 Iterations 11 9 10 9 9 8 8 8 8 7
DB 7.1735 7.1734 3.1889 3.1889 0.0008 0.0008 0.0503 0.0503 0.0379 0.0379
Dunn 0.1846 0.1846 0.3294 0.3294 25.7879 25.7887 25.7498 25.7498 30.8462 30.8501
Error 54.3553 11.9443 46.7503 15.1053 48.4196 23.474 33.686 13.7125 35.2052 13.1132
4 Iterations 19 15 12 10 23 20 27 14 23 11
DB 7.4326 7.4123 2.6093 2.5889 0.0006 0.0006 0.053 0.053 0.0304 0.0304
Dunn 0.1181 0.1178 0.1486 0.1714 12.3725 12.3747 12.4151 12.4152 10.0311 10.0311
Error 44.2845 30.8579 53.9519 27.4305 64.7224 16.7579 59.6881 16.1798 78.0239 19.0157
It can be observed in Fig. 2 that the clustering algorithms have successfully segmented the image into different clusters. The results in Table 2 follow the same pattern as was observed in the brain MRI image, with the kernelized versions of the clustering algorithms giving better results as compared to the original clustering algorithms. The fuzzy firefly implementation again manages to outperform the firefly implementation of the algorithms and gives us the best results (best DB and Dunn indices, least iterations and least error value).
Fig. 2. The Lena image on the left is segmented into 4 different clusters on the right
Table 2. DB and Dunn index values for Lena image Centroids Algorithm FCM IFCM RFCM GKFCM GKIFCM GKRFCM
3 Iterations DB 36 11.3992 25 11.0121 15 3.3744 46 0.0028 28 0.1207 27 0.0398
Dunn Error 0.1426 0.1493 0.5219 13.0463 13.2926 38.0985
4 Iterations 19 25 16 13 19 28
DB 7.0308 6.8666 2.2168 0.0011 0.0475 0.0158
Dunn Error 0.2055 0.2105 0.6006 26.0287 25.5933 78.6379 (continued)
Kernelised Clustering Algorithms Fused
3 Iterations 25 7 24 14 14 7 19 18 19 13 16 14
DB 11.3991 11.3931 11.0129 11.0129 3.3545 3.3744 0.0028 0.0028 0.1196 0.1196 0.0393 0.0393
Dunn 0.1426 0.1429 0.1492 0.1492 0.5107 0.5219 13.0964 13.0974 13.5077 13.5077 40.0028 40.0028
Error 21.7257 5.5837 22.989 8.7429 26.7541 13.715 26.2751 7.4856 51.2936 6.5014 29.0793 14.6707
4 Iterations 22 9 19 20 14 6 12 10 18 18 18 12
DB 7.0302 7.0301 6.87 6.8666 2.2168 2.1595 0.0011 0.0011 0.0475 0.0473 0.0158 0.0158
Dunn 0.2059 0.2057 0.2106 0.2105 0.6006 0.6142 26.0244 26.0255 25.5936 26.1401 78.6379 78.6375
Error 24.7372 18.9851 37.6213 25.8002 19.709 13.9215 42.2044 18.0598 37.6778 30.6011 61.2994 30.5762
8 Conclusion The kernelized versions of the clustering algorithms perform much superior segmentation of the image as compared to the traditional clustering algorithms. The Fuzzy Firefly implementation manages to improve the clustering process by improving the DB and Dunn indices. It also manages to outperform the Firefly metaheuristic by further reducing the number of iterations and by returning cluster center values that are much closer to the actual cluster centers than the ones returned by the Firefly implementation. By increasing the coverage of the solution space, Fuzzy Firefly metaheuristic manages to eliminate the problem of getting stuck at the local optima. In the future, we plan to extend our research by utilizing the Fuzzy Firefly to find the optimal fuzzification parameter and by making use of the hybrid clustering algorithms in Big Data clustering.
References 1. Jain, A., Chinta, S., Tripathy, B.K.: stabilizing rough sets based clustering algorithms using firefly algorithm over image datasets. In: Satapathy, S.C., Joshi, A. (eds.) ICTIS 2017. SIST, vol. 84, pp. 325–332. Springer, Cham (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-63645-0_36 2. Anurag, P., Chinta, S.S., Tripathy, B.K.: Comparative analysis of hybridized C-Means and fuzzy firefly algorithms with application to image segmentation. In: Presented in 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT) 2017 (2018) 3. Atanassov, K.T.: Intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Fuzzy sets Syst. 20(1), 87–96 (1986) 4. Chaira, T.: A novel intuitionistic fuzzy C means clustering algorithm and its application to medical images. Appl. Soft Comput. 11(2), 1711–1717 (2011)
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5. Hassanzadeh, T., Kanan, H.R.: Fuzzy FA: a modified firefly algorithm. Appl. Artif. Intell. 28 (1), 47–65 (2014) 6. Yager, R.R.: On the measures of fuzziness and negation part II lattices. Inf. Control 44, 236– 260 (1980) 7. Ruspini, E.H.: A new approach to clustering. Inf. Control 15(1), 22–32 (1969) 8. Tripathy, B.K., Namdev, A.: Scalable rough C-Means clustering using firefly algorithm. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Bus. Inf. 16(2), 1–14 (2016) 9. Chinta, S.S., Jain, A., Tripathy, B.K.: Image segmentation using hybridized firefly algorithm and intuitionistic fuzzy C-Means. In: Somani, A.K., Srivastava, S., Mundra, A., Rawat, S. (eds.) Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart System, Innovations and Computing. SIST, vol. 79, pp. 651–659. Springer, Singapore (2018). https://doi.org/10. 1007/978-981-10-5828-8_62 10. Pawlak, Z.: Rough sets. Int. J. Parallel Prog. 11(5), 341–356 (1982) 11. Chinta, S., Tripathy, B.K., Rajulu, K.G.: Kernelized intuitionistic fuzzy C-Means algorithms fused with firefly algorithm for image segmentation. In: 2017 International Conference on Microelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICMDCS), Vellore, pp. 1–6 (2017) 12. Yang, X.: Firefly algorithm, stochastic test functions and design optimization. Proc. IJBIC 2, 78–84 (2010) 13. Yang, X.-S.: Firefly algorithms for multimodal optimization. In: Watanabe, O., Zeugmann, T. (eds.) SAGA 2009. LNCS, vol. 5792, pp. 169–178. Springer, Heidelberg (2009). https:// doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04944-6_14 14. Zadeh, L.A.: Fuzzy sets. Inf. Control 8(3), 338–353 (1965)
Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transform Based Copy Move Forgery Detection C. V. Melvi(&), C. Sathish Kumar, A. J. Saji, and Jobin Varghese Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, India [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. In the modern world, digital images are the sources of information. These sources can be manipulated by image processing and editing software. Image authenticity becomes a socially relevant issue in image forensics. Copy move is a main digital image forgery attack where the region of image is copied and pasted in the same image at different locations for hiding the information. This paper presents an analysis of accuracy in detecting copy move forgery based on different types of wavelet transform. For each wavelet transform, analysis is done at different levels of decomposition. The result indicates that both stationary wavelet transform (SWT) and lifting wavelet transform (LWT) work more effectively as compared to discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Keywords: Digital image forgery
Wavelet transform
1 Introduction The well developed computer technology made digital images a part of the human life. Availability of image editing software has also increased in the digital world which facilitates the digital image forgery. This leads to serious problems in various fields like medical imaging, journalism etc. As a consequence, digital images cannot be considered as evidence in court and this necessitates the need for an image forensic tool to discriminate forged form from original images. In the past few years, researchers are focusing on the solution in detection of such forgeries made in the image [1–4]. Copy-move is one of the most commonly used forgery technique in which the portion of the image is copied and pasted into another region of the same image. This forgery includes geometric transforms and post-processing operations such as JPEG compression, rotation, scale and noise addition. This type of tampering is very difficult to detect due to the local similarity. To check integrity of the digital images, active and passive techniques are used. In active technique, the authenticity of the image is detected by embedding the watermark and the image will be authentic if the extracted watermark is similar to original one. In passive technique, forgery is detected by analyzing the contents of the image and does not have any prior knowledge about the image. In the literature, different techniques of copy move forgery detection using passive method have been discussed. They are classified as block–based and keypoint– © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 133–140, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_15
C. V. Melvi et al.
based methods. In block-based method the image is divided into blocks and these blocks are used for further processing. In keypoint-based method, keypoint features are used for forgery detection. The block–based methods can be classified based on different features such as intensity, frequency, dimension, moment and texture. In intensity based method the entropy of luminance channel is used as feature vector and correlation coefficient finds the matching blocks as in [1]. A frequency based method to detect copy move forgery based on DCT coefficients is suggested in [2]. A block based approach based on texture was proposed in [3]. The five texture descriptors such as statistical, Tamura, Haralick, edge histogram, and Gabor Descriptors are extracted from each block. Then these blocks are sorted and computed distance between spatial coordinates of blocks to find matching ones. Dimensionality reduction based method using principal component analysis (PCA) is introduced and is robust to additive noise or lossy compression as reported in [4]. For detecting copy-move regions moment based method using Zernike moments is discussed in [5].
2 Overview of the Proposed System Analysis has three phases where in each phase the wavelet coefficients are extracted by applying DWT, SWT and LWT respectively. Four subbands of the forged image such as low-low (LL), low-high (LH), high-low (HL) and high-high (HH) are obtained after passing through low-pass and high-pass filters. LL subband gives fine approximation of the image. LH, HL, and HH represent the coarse level approximation of the original image. At each level, the LL subimage is decomposed into four subimages at next level. Size of the image is reduced at every level in the case of DWT and LWT transform [6]. In the case of SWT, dimension is not reduced since down sampling is not performed [7]. The coefficients of corresponding transform are generated upto five levels using different wavelets such as haar, daubechies4 (db4), daubechies6 (db6) and symlets8 (sym8). Then non-overlapping blocks of the LL subimage with fixed size 8 8 are generated. These blocks of coefficients are stored in a coefficient matrix and sorted lexicographically. Euclidean distance between each block is calculated to get matching blocks of forged image. The blocks with less distance are assumed as forged which is shown in Fig. 1. LWT gives faster implementation of the wavelet transform. As compared to DWT, it requires less number of computations. LWT includes three operations namely split, lifting, and scaling as in [8]. In split phase, the signal is divided into even indexed sample and odd indexed sample using lazy wavelet transform. Even pixel coefficients are predicted with primal lifting coefficients and detail coefficients are obtained by adding these coefficients to odd pixel coefficients. Approximation coefficients get by updating detail coefficients with lifting coefficients and added into even pixel coefficients.
Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transform Based Copy Move Forgery Detection
Forged image as input
Divide LL subband into blocks
Sort the coefficient matrix
Forgery detection
Find matching blocks
Euclidean distance calculation
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed system
3 Experimental Results and Analysis 3.1
Performance Evaluation
The performance of the system is evaluated at pixel level which measures how accurately the forged regions are detected as in [9]. Detection accuracy rate (DAR) and false positive rate (FPR) are considered for performance evaluation as in Eqs. (1) and (2) respectively. DAR indicates the algorithm which correctly detects pixels of copymove locations in the forged image. FPR reflects the percentage of pixels which are not in forged region. For ideal case, DAR is close to 1 and FPR is close to 0. w \ w þ w \ w S S T T DAR ¼ jwS j þ jwT j FPR ¼
w \ w þ w \ w S S T T jwS j þ jwT j
wS and wT represent pixels of original region and forged regions in original image respectively. ws and wT represent pixels of original and forged regions in detected image respectively. Performance Evaluation Using DWT. Performance of copy move forgery detection using DWT is shown in Table 1. DWT of forged image is applied upto five levels and accuracy rates DAR and FPR are measured for each wavelet. Average DAR and FPR rate for each wavelet based on DWT is shown in Figs. 2 and 3 respectively. Haar wavelet shows minimum DAR and db4 shows maximum DAR with minimum FPR. This result indicates that the accuracy rate depends on the type of wavelet used.
C. V. Melvi et al. Table 1. Accuracy of forgery detection using DWT Type of wavelet Accuracy parameter Levels of decomposition 1 2 3 Haar DAR 0.9434 0.9507 0.9338 FPR 0.0566 0.0493 0.0662 Db4 DAR 0.9439 0.9420 0.9133 FPR 0.0561 0.0580 0.0867 Db6 DAR 0.9450 0.9268 0.9400 FPR 0.0550 0.0732 0.0600 Sym8 DAR 0.9436 0.9322 0.9425 FPR 0.0678 0.0575 0.1200
4 0.8027 0.1973 0.9072 0.0928 0.8506 0.1494 0.8800 0.1500
5 0.5686 0.4414 0.9609 0.0391 0.8351 0.1649 0.8403 0.1597
Performance Evaluation Using SWT. Performance of SWT is shown in Table 2. SWT is applied on the forged image to get the LL subband at each level. This LL band is used for further processing. The performance is evaluated at five levels using different wavelets. For every wavelet at each level, system achieves DAR value of about 90% and minimum FPR as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. In SWT, lines of both DAR and FPR remain as almost constant for every wavelet. System based on SWT is more effective than DWT. Performance Evaluation Using LWT. Performance evaluation of the system is shown in Table 3. LWT is applied for the forged image using different wavelets with five levels of decomposition. The system shows high accuracy rate about 95% upto first four levels of decomposition as compared to DWT and SWT. The graphical representation of LWT shows that wavelet sym8 has high DAR with minimum FPR as shown in Figs. 2 and 3.
Table 2. Accuracy of detection using SWT Type of wavelet Accuracy parameter Levels of decomposition 1 2 3 Haar DAR 0.9316 0.9422 0.9434 FPR 0.0684 0.0578 0.0566 Db4 DAR 0.9435 0.9479 0.9454 FPR 0.0565 0.0521 0.0546 Db6 DAR 0.9457 0.9427 0.9456 FPR 0.0543 0.0523 0.0544 Sym8 DAR 0.9471 0.9446 0.9445 FPR 0.0529 0.0554 0.0555
4 0.9250 0.0750 0.9356 0.0644 0.9370 0.0630 0.9373 0.0627
5 0.9299 0.0701 0.9371 0.0629 0.9314 0.0686 0.9407 0.0593
Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transform Based Copy Move Forgery Detection
Table 3. Accuracy of detection using LWT
Average DAR
Type of wavelet Accuracy parameter Levels of decomposition 1 2 3 Haar DAR 0.9507 0.9377 0.9473 FPR 0.0493 0.0623 0.0527 Db4 DAR 0.9478 0.9504 0.9460 FPR 0.0522 0.0496 0.0540 Db6 DAR 0.9519 0.9512 0.9490 FPR 0.0481 0.0488 0.0510 Sym8 DAR 0.9519 0.9515 0.9504 FPR 0.0481 0.0485 0.0496
4 0.9326 0.0674 0.9410 0.0590 0.9500 0.0500 0.9453 0.0547
5 0.8789 0.1211 0.8759 0.1445 0.9023 0.0977 0.9258 0.0742
1 0.9
Average FPR
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of average DAR for DWT, SWT and LWT
0.2 . DWT
0.1 0
SWT Haar
Fig. 3. Graphical representation of average FPR for DWT, SWT and LWT
Performance Evaluation with Presence of Noise. Performance analysis of DWT, SWT, and LWT with presence of noise is shown in Table 4. Three types of noises such as Gaussian, Poisson and Speckle are introduced into the forged image. Gaussian noise and speckle noise with variance 0.02 is added to the image. The results indicate that the system has robustness against noise since the average value of DAR is above 90% in all levels of decomposition for every wavelet. So the system can detect forgery occurred in the image even in the presence of noise.
C. V. Melvi et al. Table 4. Accuracy of detection with presence of noise
Type of wavelet transform DWT
Type of noise
Gaussian (Variance = 0.02) Poisson Speckle (Variance = 0.02)
Gaussian (Variance = 0.02) Poisson Speckle (Variance = 0.02)
Gaussian (Variance = 0.02) Poisson Speckle (Variance = 0.02)
Accuracy parameter
Type of wavelet Haar Db4
0.9418 0.0581 0.9433 0.0567 0.9353 0.0646 0.9465 0.0534 0.9466 0.0534 0.9439 0.0560 0.9507 0.0492 0.9510 0.0489 0.9510 0.0490
0.9354 0.0645 0.9395 0.0608 0.9392 0.0608 0.9442 0.0558 0.9450 0.0549 0.9443 0.0555 0.9513 0.0486 0.9504 0.0489 0.9507 0.0486
0.9300 0.0700 0.9380 0.0675 0.9324 0.0675 0.9451 0.0549 0.9454 0.0545 0.9444 0.0556 0.9513 0.0486 0.9512 0.0487 0.9507 0.0492
0.9334 0.0666 0.9321 0.0678 0.9269 0.0730 0.9468 0.0531 0.9462 0.0537 0.9475 0.0525 0.9510 0.0490 0.9510 0.0490 0.9510 0.0489
Results of Forgery Detection
Figure 4 represents results of forgery detection using wavelet transform DWT, SWT and LWT respectively. The pasted regions in the forged image is marked with black color box. White regions in the ground truth image represents forged areas. SWT and LWT shows better detection as compared to DWT.
Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transform Based Copy Move Forgery Detection
(a) Original image
(d) Result of DWT DAR=0.9122 FPR= 0.0878
(b) Forged image
(e) Result of SWT DAR= 0.9322 FPR=0.0678
(c) Ground truth image
(f) Result of LWT DAR=0.9295 FPR=0.0705
Fig. 4. Results of forgery detection
4 Conclusion The detection of digital image forgery is a challenging research topic in image forensics. Copy move forgery detection based on wavelet transform have been performed and analysis is done with wavelet transforms DWT, SWT and LWT. Investigations have been performed with different wavelets namely haar, db4, db6 and sym8 for five levels of decomposition. It is observed that stationary and lifting wavelet transforms perform more efficiently than DWT in the forged image. Noises like Gaussian, speckle and poisson added in the image to show robustness of the system against noise. The implemented method can detect copy move forgery efficiently with less computational time.
References 1. Solorio, B., Nandi, A.K.: Exposing duplicated regions affected by reflection, rotation and scaling. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 1880–1883 (2011) 2. Gupta, A., Saxena, N., Vasistha, S.K: Detecting copy move forgery using DCT. Int. J. Sci. Res. Publ. 3, 1–4 (2013)
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3. Ardizzone, E., Bruno, A., Mazzola, G.: Copy-move forgery detection via texture description. In: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Multimedia in Forensics, Security and Intelligence, pp. 59–64 (2010) 4. Popescu, A.C., Farid, H.: Exposing digital forgeries by detecting duplicated image regions. Technology report TR2004-515, Department Computer Science, Dartmouth College (2004) 5. Mohamadian, Z., Pouyan, A.: Detection of duplication forgery in digital images in uniform and non-uniform regions. In: International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), pp. 455–460 (2013) 6. Thajeel, S.A., Sulong, G.B.: State of the art of copy-move forgery detection techniques: a review. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Issues 10, 174–183 (2013) 7. Reshma, R., Niya, J.: Keypoint extraction using SURF algorithm for CMFD. In: International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, vol. 93, pp. 375–381 (2016) 8. Hashmi, M.F., Hambarde, A.R., Keskar, A.G.: Copy move forgery detection using DWT and SIFT features. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), pp. 188–193 (2013) 9. Mahmooda, T., Irtazab, A., Mehmood, Z., Mahmood, M.T.: Copy move forgery detection through stationary wavelets and local binary pattern variance for forensic analysis in digital images. Forensic Sci. Int. 279, 8–21 (2017)
High Resolution 3D Image in Marine Exploration Using Neural Networks - A Survey R. Dorothy(&) and T. Sasilatha Department of EEE, AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai, India [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Stereovision is a system used to remake 3D perspective of a protest from two or extra 2d visual observation by using either neighborhood-based generally or features based extraction strategies. This paper proposes a local stereo matching algorithmic rule for correct disparity estimation by using the salient features and novel back propagation maximum neural network. The 3D image is obtained by using different types of algorithms. Once the 3D picture is gotten the improvements in sub-base recognizable proof brings 3D reflection seismic, constantly utilized in a natural compound investigation, to the shallow study advertise by down-scaling the regular strategies to acknowledge decimeter determination imaging of the most noteworthy several meters of the sub-surface in three measurements. Shallow high determination sub-base profiling depends for the most part on single-channel 2d techniques. In qualification of the 2d strategies that produce singular vertical cross areas of the sub-surface, the 3D strategy joins information gathered over the review space into a data volume. The information will then be seen in any introduction autonomous of the obtaining course, depicting structures and questions in three measurements with expanded quality and determination. Keywords: Adaptive expectation maximization algorithm Back propagation maximum neural network Local stereo matching Hybrid neural network Multiple fitting algorithms
1 Introduction A short description of the papers surveyed for the emergence of the planned model is given. The subsequent are the papers gave an updated plan about the present work. Numerous methodologies being performed to design 3D image in marine and different papers associated with the development of the image in numerous fields are being presented. In this paper, we have a tendency to propose neural network novel model for similarity measure that is robust to disparity mapping and Stereo Correspondence. 1.1
2D Hybrid Bilateral Filter
Image restoration refers to the technique that expects to recuperate a best quality unique picture from an adulterated adjustment of that picture given a particular model for debasement technique. The hybrid bilateral filter (HBF) is utilized for sharpness change © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 141–146, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_16
R. Dorothy and T. Sasilatha
and clamor expulsion. The HBF is utilized to hone a photo by expanding the borders while not producing overshoot or undershoot. The ABF doesn’t include edge recognition either their introduction of the picture or extraction of edges. In the ABF, the sting of a slant is produced by revising the reference diagram by means of a variable channel with counterbalance and expansiveness. HBF repaired pictures are swindler than those repaired by the respective channel. The 2d hybrid bilateral needs a 4-double loop, hence it’s not brisk unless modest channels are utilized. 1.2
Neural Network Mode
The neural system ought to be prepared with the preparation methodology before processing the coordinating degree for each part (Fig. 1). To beat them over previously mentioned drawback, the neural system is utilized. A neural system could be a system of neurons. The system has an information relate degreed a yield. It might be prepared to pass on the best possible yield for a chose input. The nerve cell is in-charge of clear activities, yet the entire framework will make parallel checks on account of the result of its wide parallel structure. The input sources zone unit summed up and roused into an assumed trade in this manner known as exchange works. The output of the exchange operator is considered as a result of the output of the nerve cell. This output may again associate with the contributions of various neurons leading to a large network of neurons. The network that provides the matching degree price on the brink of one permanently match to try and also the price on the brink of zero for a foul match try.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of neural network
1.2.1 Feature Extraction – Reliable Multiple Fitting Algorithms The most important component for a feature point is that it can differ from its neighboring image points. On the off chance that, it wouldn’t be possible to match it with a corresponding point in another image. Therefore, the features are differentiated by the neighboring image points obtained after a small displacement. Reliable multiple fitting algorithms are used to calculate median variance and standard deviation.
High Resolution 3D Image in Marine Exploration Using Neural Networks
2 Literature Survey 2.1
Deep Learning-Based Recognition of Underwater Target [1]
Underwater target recognition remains a difficult task because of the advanced and changeable surroundings. There is an enormous range of strategies to handle this drawback. However, most of them fail to hierarchically extract deep features. in this paper, a unique deep learning framework for underwater target classification is planned. First, rather than extracting features hoping on professional data, sparse auto encoder (AE) is used to find out invariant options from the spectral information of underwater targets. Second, stacked auto encoder (SAE) is employed to induce high-level options as a deep learning technique. At last, the joint of SAE and softmax is projected to classify the underwater targets. Experiment results with the received signal data from three totally different targets on the ocean indicated that the projected approach will get the very best classification accuracy compared with support vector machine (SVM) and probabilistic neural network (PNN). 2.2
Applications for Advanced 3D Imaging, Demonstrating, and Printing Systems for the Organic Sciences [2]
This paper represents several zoological activities, together with scientific expeditions, or in academic settings, necessitates troubled removal of specimens from their natural setting. The anthropogenetic impact theory present by Cour champ clearly indicates the unsustainability of current practices, with dramatic changes necessary for the welfare and property of our ecosystems. For each public, and tutorial, education and analysis, there’s a transparent link between increasing rarity and access limitation sure enough specimens, resulting in the decrease in each public awareness and capability for education and analysis. From this research’s perspective, an associate idealized scenario is wherever totally digital specimens will be created to represent 3D geometry, visual textures, mechanical properties and specimen practicality, granting precise replicas to be generated from this digital specimen once needed. Combining this with the utilization of video game increased reality, and mixed reality will satisfy the academic and analysis desires however additionally the property of our ecosystems. 2.3
Peer-Reviewed Technical Communication Prudent Image Preprocessing of Digital Holograms of Marine Plankton [3]
This paper exhibits a gathering of pictures preprocessing approaches unit produced for the strategy being film remade from advanced multi-dimensional images. Initial, a limit based equation of picture division is arranged and connected to separate the areas of life form from the principal computerized pictures. To support the execution of picture division, relate adequate channel is received to decrease the foundation motion from the picture and furthermore the picture dark level is changed in accordance with strengthens the picture refinement. Second, we tend to build up a special and practical edge location technique deliberately for the double pictures. Third, we tend to propose and utilize a simple affix code-based equation to take out the single-pixel branches on
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the frame limit, which can encourage limit following work steadily. At that point, relate equation is enhanced and connected to follow the limits of the life form districts. This equation is streamlined bolstered the association between two successive chain-codes such it’s fast on execution. At last, break purposes of the shape limit zone unit quickly recognized upheld chain-codes and furthermore the limit is drawn compactly by a plane figure contained these focuses. When pictures territory unit pre-prepared by these methodologies, some excess information of the frame is lessened which will quicken the running rates of extra picture process and help distinguishing proof and characterization of a living being at the species level. We tend to break down the exactness and intensity of our calculations. The outcomes demonstrate that our equation of picture division includes a brilliant execution in precision. Our edge discovery strategy furthermore beats the customarily utilized edge recognition systems as far as confinement execution and furthermore the timeframe. 2.4
Towards Real-Time Underwater 3D Reconstruction with PlenopticCameras [4]
In Achieving continuous observation is basic to building up a completely self-sufficient framework that can detect, explore, and connect with its condition. Recognition errands like online 3D reproduction and mapping are strongly contemplated for earthly apply autonomy applications. Notwithstanding, attributes of the submerged space like lightweight weakening and lightweight scrambling abuse the steadiness limitation, that is the partner hidden suspicion in courses produced for arriving based generally applications. Furthermore, the confused idea of daylight proliferation submerged points of confinement or maybe keeps the subsea utilization of period profundity sensors utilized in dynamic earthbound mapping techniques. There are late advances inside the improvement of plenoptic (likewise called lightweight field) cameras that utilization a variety of little focal points catching every force and beam bearing to adjust shading and profundity estimating from a solitary uninvolved detecting component. This paper exhibits a conclusion to-end framework to tackle these cameras to give constant 3D reproductions submerged. Results are given for data assembled amid a water tank and along these lines, the anticipated method is substantial quantitatively through examination with a ground truth 3D show accumulated noticeable all around to exhibit that the arranged approach will create rectify 3D models of articles submerged continuously. 2.5
Recognition of Harms in the Submerged Metal Plate Utilizing Acoustic Backward Dissipating and Image Preparing Strategies [5]
In this paper Non-dangerous testing and basic well-being, observing are fundamental for security and unwavering quality of aqua active vitality related fields. This paper demonstrates the issue of harm location of submerged limited length plates utilizing acoustic backward dissipating and picture preparing strategies. Time arrangement signals and the 2D pictures got from these signs have been concentrated to enhance discovery precision. Ideal parameters are chosen for closed-end edge echoes disposal and linearization is utilized to lessen a computational intricacy. A hearty and
High Resolution 3D Image in Marine Exploration Using Neural Networks
straightforward strategy was proposed to identified and limit a conceivable harm in 2D pictures in light of picture handling and investigation. The trial comes about demonstrate that the discovery rate for break harm achieves 100% and restriction exactness achieves 96% by and large. 2.6
Minimal Effort 3D Submerged Surface Entertainment System by a Picture Preparing [6]
In this paper, a non-meddling strategy to reproduce submerged surfaces is portrayed in this work. As fundamental favorable circumstances, it just requires working some minimal effort material and subroutines for the outstanding Matlab programming. The strategy depends on a point design coordinating system and on the handling of a few pictures of anticipated lines at first glance to be reproduced. The technique has been approved by reproducing the shape and measurements of a seashell and a reversed spoon, and it is appeared to be legitimate for examining 3D surfaces with an exactness blunder relative to the anticipated line thickness and the quantity of them. After the approval test, the mistake did not surpass 1 mm, which gives a worldwide normal blunder of 2.4% in relative terms. The created programming likewise provides for the client the likelihood of getting quantitative information from the 3D surface, for example, the most extreme and least estimations of the remade surface, and the volume of various locales of the surface. 2.7
Low Cost a Stereo Framework for Imaging and 3D Recreation of Submerged Organisms [7]
This paper introduces a self-sufficient minimal effort gadget for submerged stereo imaging and 3D remaking of marine life forms (benthic, fishes, full scale, and uber zooplankton) and seabed with a high precision. The framework is intended for arrangements installed self-governing, settled and towed stages. The inward equipment comprises two Raspberry Pi scaled-down PCs and two Raspberry camera modules. The 3D imaging procurement framework is completely programmable in obtaining planning and catchsettings. At the point when tried on sets of pictures containing objects of known size, the framework restored exactness of metric estimations of the request of 2%. The framework is proposed as a model, and a joint effort with organizations has been built up keeping in mind the end goal to understand a total business item. 2.8
Submerged 3D Capture Using a Low-Cost Commercial Depth Camera [8]
This paper displays a submerged 3D catch for utilizing a business profundity camera. Submerged catch frameworks utilize standard cameras. Consistent is valid for a profundity camera being utilized submerged. We tend to portray an action system that redresses the profundity maps of refraction impacts Our approach offers energizing prospects for such applications. To the least complex of our data, our is that the first approach that with progress exhibits submerged 3D catch exploitation gleam value profundity cameras like Intel Real Sense. They portray a whole framework, and in
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addition securing lodging for the profundity camera that is proper for hand-held use by a jumper. Their primary commitment is Associate in nursing simple to-utilize action procedure that we tend to judge on show data furthermore as 3D reproductions amid a research center stockpiling tank.
3 Conclusion In this paper, we have given a thorough study of the developing advancement on the 3D picture. This strategy demonstrates the utilization of an inventive engineering of Hopfield in view of the neural network – Hybrid-Maximum Network. The system presented here has been utilized as a part of the stereo coordinating procedure. In our proposed mode back propagation system is utilized to accomplish proficient dissimilarity mapping with the reduced no occluded region and buried objects.
References 1. Zhang, X., Yu, Y., Niu, L.: Deep learning-based recognition of underwater target. IEEE Trans. 20(1), 14–22 (2017) 2. Digumarti, S.T., Taneja, A., Thomas, A.: Disney Research Zurich, ETH Zurich Disney Research Zurich Walt Disney World “Applications for advanced 3D imaging, modelling, and printing techniques for the biological sciences”. IEEE Trans. 20(1), 14–22 (2017) 3. Liu, Z., Watson, J., Allen, A.: Peer-reviewed technical communication efficient image preprocessing of digital holograms of marine plankton. IEEE Trans. 30(1), 22–44 (2017) 4. Skinner, K.A., Johnson-Roberson, M., et al.: Towards real-time underwater 3D reconstruction with plenoptic cameras. IEEE Multimed. 19(2), 4–10 (2016) 5. Campos, R., Garcia, R., Alliez, P., Yvinec, M.: A surface reconstruction method for in-detail underwater 3D optical mapping. Int. J. Robot. Res. 34(1), 64–89 (2015) 6. Garcia, P.R., Neumann, L.: Low cost 3D underwater surface reconstruction technique by image processing. Springer (2014) 7. Porathe, T., Prison, J., Man, Y.: Low cost stereo system for imaging and 3D reconstruction of underwater organisms. In: Human Factors in Ship Design & Operation, London, U.K., p. 93 (2014) 8. Bianco, G., Gallo, A., Bruno, F., Muzzupappa, M.: Underwater 3D capture using a low-cost commercial depth camera. Sens. (Basel) 13(8), 11007–11031 (2013) 9. Pinto, T., Kohler, C., Albertazzi, A.: Regular mesh measurement of large free form surfaces using stereo vision and fringe projection. Opt. Lasers Eng. 50(7), 910–916 (2012) 10. Hansen, R.E.: Synthetic aperture sonar technology review. Mar. Technol. Soc. J. 47(5), 117– 127 (2013)
Ship Intrusion Detection System - A Review of the State of the Art K. R. Anupriya ✉ and T. Sasilatha (
Department of EEE, AMET Deemed To be University, Chennai, India [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Surveillance is a serious problem for border control, protection of sea surface areas, port protection and other security of commercial facilities. It is specifically challenging to secure the border areas, battlefields from human and nonhuman intruders and to protect sea surface areas from trespassing of unli‐ censed marine vessels. In this paper, a review is made on various ship intrusion detection systems. The review analyzes the whole active ship intrusion detection system. Through the extensive survey, the whole pose of the active ship intrusion detection system is analyzed. Since the security issues are at an increased level, the study and survey about ship intrusion detection system have paid a lot of attention. Keywords: Border control · Intrusion detection system · Marine vessels Wireless sensor network
Intrusion detection is a major problem in border areas. It is very hard to detect the intervention in large areas because it is difficult to human to check out those areas often. Nowadays our society facing major problems like Terrorism, Insecurity and other crimes. In our society people are having a panic for being attacked by bandits, robbers, pirates, and crooks. Surveillance is the primary issue in today’s world and 24 h human security is just not practical. To overcome above mentioned security problems, it is necessary to introduce a brilliant security system. CCTV cameras also have an important role in maritime surveillance system used Ship Intrusion Security System based on CCTV camera can be used to produce video recordings for security purposes. Most commonly used surveillance techniques are Ship Intrusion Security System based on RADAR and Ship Intrusion Security System based on the Satellite image. In this Ship Intrusion Security System based on the Satellite imaging, to perform the monitoring task the system architecture based on an objectoriented methodology [2]. This Ship Intrusion Security System has a completely auto‐ mated shoreline intrusion security detection device, completely or partially automated intrusion security detection device in seashore areas and a partially automated intrusion security detection device in border areas. The high security in the maritime harbour and border areas importance cannot be undervalued. In the world, 80 percent of world busi‐ ness trade operations are done with the help of sea transportation. Surveillance in © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 147–154, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_17
K. R. Anupriya and T. Sasilatha
seashore area is the major problem encountered by the whole world. Nowadays, video surveillance is necessary in the protection of port areas and border areas. In order to overcome the security issues, harbour areas request a recent advanced supervision camera technology. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been emerging in the last decade as a powerful tool for connecting the physical and digital world. (WSNs) are developed for terrestrial ship intrusion detection recently. These wireless sensor networks deploy sensors in the border area to monitor the intervention and to detect intrusions [16–18].
Evolutıon of Ship Intrusion Detection Security System
2.1 Ship Intrusion Security System Based on CCTV Camera CCTV (Closed-circuit television) camera plays a important role in maritime security. Ship Intrusion Security System based on CCTV camera can be used to produce video recordings for security purpose. A Basic Closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera system architecture consists of a camera, which is straightly connected to a LCD display (Liquid Crystal Display) using a coaxial cable. The camera captured the information in the form of video, each video consist of several frames. This captured video and images can be displayed using the LCD display, which is used to detect trespassing unauthorized marine vehicles. Even if CCTV (Closed-circuit television) camera-based surveillance system is very easy and simple solution, but 24 h continuous checking of the video recording is not possible because of the human error (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. CCTV camera based surveillance system block diagram
Motion Detection and Tracking based Camera Surveillance System In this method [2], the surveillance system has used the camera with artificial intelli‐ gence. This security system has the camera which has 360° rotation in order to monitor the movements of the intruders, which is called object tracking. The security system has a microcontroller and a computer along with the high-resolution camera which operates together with the system. To detect and track the intruders this security system uses some image processing techniques as well as some basics of microcontrollers. The integration of both tracking and motion-based methods detect intrusion smartly and provide better performance.
Ship Intrusion Detection System - A Review of the State of the Art
2.2 Ship Intrusion Security System Based on Radar Ship Intrusion Security System based on Radar method is used to detect the trespassing of marine vessels. In this RADAR based detection system, seashore environment back‐ ground is shown as dark and targets are shown as bright in the SAR images, which makes this method easy to detect trespassing of marine vessels. But when the wind is ferocious, large ocean waves will be stirred, due to this strong backscattering echo can be raised. This situation causes more difficulties. The overall accuracy of security system turns out to be poor, due to the worst weather conditions. LSMDRK based PolSAR Ship Detection In this method [3], the local scattering mechanism difference based on regression kernel (LSMDRK) is developed as a discriminative feature for ship detection. In this method, local scattering mechanism difference based on regression kernel (LSMDRK) is devel‐ oped for ship intrusion detection. In this, the intrusion detection can be done by using a RADARSAT-2 data set. This method provides better detection on weak targets compared to some classical intrusion detection methods. SAR Ship Detection based on Haar-Like Features In worst weather conditions, the ship detection is at seashore environment is more complex due to the absence of night visibility, and wide areas of concern. The surveil‐ lance of an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) areas are a essential part of the world. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images can be effectively used to monitor an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) areas. In order to protect the border areas, scientific investigations on present and future methods for intrusion detection security systems are needed to be evaluated constantly. The multiple sources of SAR data can be used to create the data set, which is used for ship detection. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) [4] images provides a required coverage of area at a poor resolution. A SAR based ship intrusion detection method is used standard constant false alarm rate (FAR) prescreening, which is 1.47 × 10 − 8 across a large swath Sentinel-1 with cascade classifier ship discriminator and processed with RADARSAT-2 newly created SAR data set. Ships detection is done by using adaptive boosting training on the classifier based Haar-like features with an accu‐ racy of 89.38%. CopSAR based Maritime Surveillance In this intrusion detection method [5], a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images based security technique used for maritime surveillance, in order to detect bright targets over a dark background, to reduce the amount of processed and stored data, to increase the range swath, with no geometric resolution loss. Accordingly, this method can be used for maritime surveillance. This method developed a new synthetic aperture radar acquis‐ ition mode, which is a simple processing technique. This new synthetic aperture radar acquisition mode used coprime array beamforming concept, in this two pulses which having Nyquist pulse repetition frequencies (divided to coprime integer number) trans‐ mitted separately, these sequence processed with standard synthetic aperture radar processing. After the synthetic aperture radar processing, the aliased images are
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combined in order to eliminate the aliasing. CopSAR based Maritime Surveillance provide the better performance in the ship intrusion detection. DNN (Deep Neural Network) and ELM (Extreme Learning Machine) based ship detection on Spaceborne Optical Image In maritime surveillance, spaceborne images [6] based ship detection is very attractive. Because of their higher resolution and more visualized contents, optical images based ship detections are more suitable compared to other remote sensing images. However, marine vehicle intrusion detection system based on spaceborne images has two short‐ comings are available. (1) Spaceborne Optical Image-based ship detection results are affected by fog, clouds and sea surfs, when compared to infrared and SAR images. (2) due to their higher resolution, the ship detection is more difficult. In order to solve these problems, Deep Neural Network and Extreme Learning Machine algorithms can be used to detect a ship in seashore environment. In the Deep neural network algorithm, the extracted wavelet coefficients from compressed JPEG2000 image are combined with DNN and Extreme learning machine. Deep Neural Network can be used for high-level classification and representation of features and ELM can be used for decision-making and feature pooling. Deep Neural Network (DNN) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) based ship detection system has less detection time and achieves high detection accuracy. Undersampled SAR based maritime surveillance In surface monitoring scenarios, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) based intrusion detec‐ tion systems need low-pulse repetition frequency (PRF) (which is smaller than the Doppler bandwidth) for wide swath image, depending upon the minimum antenna area constraint, which cause azimuth ambiguities. Undersampled SAR [7] based maritime surveillance system used to detect the intruding marine vehicles over the border areas. In this method azimuth ambiguity signals are adopted a range sub spectra concept, to misregister the azimuth ambiguity signals. In addition, undersampled SAR based mari‐ time surveillance system uses both principal component analysis (PCA) and k-means clustering algorithms. By adjusting the ambiguities in the corresponding undersampled SAR image, it can be mitigated. This security system is only suitable for undersampled SAR images which having bright targets with dark backgrounds. Undersampled SAR based maritime surveillance system provides better performance compared to other traditional surveillance systems. Maritime ship intrusion detection on high-resolution remote sensing images using RIGHT algorithm In this ship detection method [8] RIGHT (Robust Invariant Generalized Hough Trans‐ form) algorithm can be used for the detection purpose. The ship-detection method is based on High-resolution remote sensing images. The RIGHT (Robust Invariant Gener‐ alized Hough Transform) algorithm is an extraction algorithm. In order to increase the adaptability of the RIGHT (Robust Invariant Generalized Hough Transform) algorithm, some iterative training methods are used for learning robust shape model automatically. This robust shape model can take target’s shape variability, which is available in the training dataset. According to their importance, each targets used in this model equipped
Ship Intrusion Detection System - A Review of the State of the Art
with corresponding individual weights, which will reduce the false positive rate. In this RIGHT (Robust Invariant Generalized Hough Transform) based ship detection frame‐ work the effectiveness can be improved through the iteration process. SVM based Ship Intrusion Detection Security System Surveillance is a serious problem in border control, protection of sea surface areas, port protection and other security of commercial facilities. It is specifically challenging to secure the border areas, battlefields from human and nonhuman intruders and to protect ocean surface areas and active port areas from trespassing of unlicensed marine vehicles. Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm [9] is combined with image processing tech‐ niques, to detect trespassing of unauthorized marine vessels, to provide better detection. So, this SVM based Ship Intrusion Detection Security System used as a real-time surveillance system in seashore environments. 2.3 Ship Intrusion Security System Based on Satellite Imaging In this Ship Intrusion Security System based on Satellite imaging, to perform the moni‐ toring task the system architecture based on an object-oriented methodology [20]. This Ship Intrusion Security System has a completely automated shoreline intrusion security detection device, completely or partially automated intrusion security detection device in seashore areas and a partially automated intrusion security detection device in border areas. At the time of intrusion detection sometimes satellite images are not clear due to clouds. Due to this problem, this method cannot produce the better result. Apart from this, the Satellite imaging based Ship Intrusion Security System is very expensive. 2.4 Ship Intrusion Security System Using Terrestrial Sensor Terrestrial sensor based Ship Intrusion Security System is widely discussed [14–16]. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been emerging in the last decade as a powerful tool for connecting the physical and digital world. In order to improve the security level in the border areas, sensors can be deployed in the border area to monitor the intervention and to detect intrusions. Still, these wireless sensor networks may work well on the earth surface area, it is challenging to deploy these sensors on the sea surface for ship intrusion detection. When terrestrial sensors are deployed on the sea surface area, they move around randomly, because the sensors get tossed by ocean waves. When the sensors tossed by the ocean waves, the sensing operation will affect. Due to this abovementioned problem, the intrusion detection task becomes difficult and this will reduce performance of the system (Fig. 2).
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Fig. 2. Wireless sensor network deployment
Wireless Sensor-Based Ship Intrusion Detection Wireless sensor network-based intrusion detection system [10] armed with three-axis accelerometer sensors. These sensors can be deployed on the sea shore areas to detect intrusion of unlicensed marine vehicles. In order to detect the trespassing of unauthor‐ ized marine vessels, the Wireless sensor network-based intrusion detection system is combined with signal processing techniques by distinguishing the ocean waves and shipgenerated waves. To improve detection reliability, this ship intrusion detection system introduces spatial and temporal correlations of the intrusions. The real data obtained from this experiments are evaluated and from these evolution results, the intrusion detection system provides better detection ratio and detection latency. Intruder ship tracking in the wireless environment Intrusion detection is a challenging task for all Harbours or Naval Administration to restrict and monitor the movement of defence or commercial ships are challenging task for all port areas and naval administration. Most commonly used surveillance techniques RADAR based Ship Intrusion detection Security System and Satellite imaging based Ship Intrusion detection Security System. In this RADAR based detection system, seashore environment background is shown as dark and targets are shown as bright in the SAR images, which makes this method easy to detect trespassing of marine vessels. But when the wind is ferocious, large ocean waves will be stirred, due to this strong backscattering echo can be raised. This situation causes more difficulties. The overall accuracy of security system turns out to be poor, due to the worst weather conditions. At the time of intrusion detection sometimes satellite images are not clear due to clouds. Due to this problem, this method cannot produce the better result. Apart from this, the Satellite imaging based Ship Intrusion Security System is very expensive. This wireless based intrusion detection security system [11] introduces a reliable intrusion detection algorithm, Which classifies different kinds of objects approaching the experimental setup and that objects present out of phase with the ocean waves. The intrusion detection algorithm depends upon the superimposition of temporal and spatial correlation values of sensor nodes that are deployed in the sea surface up to a certain distance. This intrusion detection system detects intruder ship more efficiently.
Ship Intrusion Detection System - A Review of the State of the Art
Maritime Surveillance System Using LABVIEW The main aim is to detect the this maritime surveillance system is used to detect the unlicensed marine vehicles, which cross the border areas in sea surface using axis sensors and ultrasonic sensor [12]. These sensors deployed on the grid, which is separated by the distance of 40 km. If the intruder ship crosses the border, the sensors sense the objects and measure the intruder distance and angle. This framework can be graphically displayed in the LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineers Workbench) in the form of graphical representation. If the intrusion is detected in the border area an alert message sends to the consent authorities using GSM (Global System for Mobile communication). FPGA based Ship Intrusion Detection This method points out the advantages of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in ocean‐ ography, which introduce Reconfigurable SoC (RSoC) architecture [20] to detect ship intruders. The tri-axis digital accelerometer sensor is interfaced with FPGA-based Wire‐ less sensor node. To detect trespassing of ships, the ship-generated waves are distin‐ guished from the ocean waves, by using signal processing techniques. This framework is a three level detection system, Which can detect intrusion of unlicensed marine vehi‐ cles in the border areas. This framework uses Xilinx ISE simulator for simulation.
In this paper a survey of various intrusion detection security system based on CCTVs (Closed Circuit Television), RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging), Satellite Imaging are discussed. In order to protect the border areas, harbor areas and secured industrial spaces from the intrusion of unauthorized marine vehicles, various researchers proposed various ship Intrusion detection security systems. Some of the Ship Intrusion Detection system has most advantages over intruder detection and some may have some chal‐ lenges. This review will help the researchers to know about the various ship intrusion detection techniques with its strength and challenges.
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Novel Work of Diagnosis of Liver Cancer Using Tree Classifier on Liver Cancer Dataset (BUPA Liver Disorder) Manish Tiwari1(&), Prasun Chakrabarti2(&), and Tulika Chakrabarti3(&) 1
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mewar University, Chittorgarh 312901, Rajasthan, India [email protected] 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ITM Universe Vadodara, Paldi 391510, Gujarat, India [email protected] 3 Department of Chemistry, Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur 313601, Rajasthan, India [email protected]
Abstract. The classification plays a vital role towards diagnosis of liver cancer because still diagnosis of liver cancer is tedious job in early stages and late stage it is incurable. In this paper, BUPA liver disorder has been used and the Tree classifier used result is analyzed into WEKA Tool. LMT, J48, Random Forest, REP tree, Extra tree, Simple cart algorithms are have been utilized to investigate towards performance (accuracy, precision and recall) and error evaluation (Mean absolute error, Root mean squared error, Relative absolute error, Root relative squared error) performed. Keywords: Accuracy Precision Recall Error evaluation J48 Reptree Extra tree Simple cart algorithm
1 Introduction Liver cancer related risk factors include hereditary, hepatitis B, hepatitis C virus. Tumors are of two types - benign and malignant. A benign tumor is not cancerous, it can be removed and it will not come back after removal. Malignant stage is critical and is also known as hepatocellular carcinoma or malignant hepatoma. Many works has been done based on the liver cancer patient data [1]. Various classification algorithms such as Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Multilayer Perceptron, k-NN, Random Forest etc. [2] have been utilized to investigate Accuracy, precision, recall sensitivity, specificity.
2 Literature Survey The paper [3] was based on the classification algorithms e.g. Naïve Bayes classifier, C4.5, Back Propagation, Neural Network algorithm and Support Vector Machine on liver patient datasets(UCLA liver disorder and AP dataset using performance © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 155–160, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_18
M. Tiwari et al.
parameters such as Accuracy, Precision, Sensitivity and specificity). The work indicated best results for accuracy (71.59%), precision (69.74%), specificity (82%) in Back Propagation. NBC classifier presented sensitivity (77.95%) higher than other classifiers. Using common attributes (SGOT, SGPT, ALP) in AP Liver dataset KNN gives good accuracy compared to other algorithms. In the work [4], the performance of the ANN and SVM were compared on different cancer datasets describing accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and area under curve (AUC). BUPA liver disorder training set (70%) and testing set (30%) were selected, after analysis SVM gave (Accuracy-63.11%, Sensitivity-36.67%, specificity-100.0% AUC-68.34%) and Artificial Neural Networks gave (Accuracy-57.28%, Sensitivity75.00%, specificity-32.56% AUC-53.78%). In the paper [5], only 78% of liver cancer patients related with cirrhosis dataset of two types HCC and non tumor livers was used and the data was divided for the training and testing purposes. The missing values were removed using K-nearest neighbor method. In this method author used the optimized fuzzy neural network using the principal component analysis and compared it with the GA search results. It showed that if lesser amount of genes were used then FNN-PCA could give 95.8% accuracy. The study [6] was used to classify the liver and non-liver disease dataset. Medical data containing 15 attributes from Chennai medical hospital was applied for preprocessing. C4.5 and Naïve Bayes classifier were applied for analysis. C4.5 gave better accuracy than Naïve Bayes algorithm. The research work [7] entails the algorithms C4.5 and Random Tree chosen for analysis. Accuracy of the both algorithms was excellent for diagnosis of liver disease disorder. In the paper [8] authors carried out investigations on ILPD dataset analysis using IBM SPSS Modeler. Dataset was partitioned into training and testing in the ratio of 60% and 30% respectively and 10% for the validation. The data was preprocessed by cleaning method then was applied for mining based classifications such as Boosted C5.0 and CHAID algorithms for extraction of rules. The Boosted C5.0 algorithm elaborated training accuracy, testing accuracy and validation in 92.33%, 93.75% and 91.55% respectively. The CHAID algorithm gave 76.14% training accuracy, 65.00% testing accuracy and 69.01% validation. The work [9] indicated performance analysis using software. The WEKA tool gave lowest results for Naïve Bayes algorithms. Using Knime tool decision tree algorithm gave best results (95.37% accuracy). In the paper [10] various classifications methods such as decision tree, MLP and Bayesnet were used. In fact the individual classification does not produce the perfect accuracy and robust model. So it was combined with C4.5, CART and RF to produce 75.34% accuracy compared to individual models. Information gain feature selection was applied to improve performance of the model. However if three feature selections were chosen, the model became robust and provided 76.03% accuracy. In the study [11] NCD prediction model played a role to yield optimum accuracy consisted k-means for clustering technique, feature selection using SVM and k-NN classifiers. Combining k-means, SVM and KNN it gave enhanced accuracy (Accuracy97.97, AUC-0.998). The authors also worked on many dataset such as Pima Indian
Novel Work of Diagnosis of Liver Cancer
Dataset, Breast Cancer Diagnosis Dataset, Breast Cancer Biopsy Dataset, Colon Cancer, ECG and Liver Disorder. In the work [12] author used six techniques on ILPD (Indian Liver Patient) dataset have been discussed. It covered 72% liver patients and 28% non-liver patients. Algorithms were performed under sampling and over sampling for balancing dataset. If genetic programming was used under sampling (50%) then it produced 84.75% accuracy. If oversampling (200%) was performed then Random forest gave better accuracy (89.10%). In this paper all the algorithms were used after ten cross validations. The paper [13] entails liver cancer diagnosis using information retrieval technique. C4.5, Naïve Bayes, Decision tree, Support Vector Machine, Back Propagation neural network and classification and regression tree and compared speed, accuracy, performance and cost. Among all algorithms C4.5 gave best results. In the work [14] hybrid model construction was used to perform the relative analysis in three phases for enhancing the prediction accuracy. Firstly classification algorithms were applied on original datasets collected from UCI repository. In the second phase, a significant attributes subset was selected from dataset for feature selection then classification algorithm was applied on it. In third phase, results of classification algorithms were compared with feature selection and without feature selection. Without feature selection the SVM gave good accuracy but after applying feature selection the Random forest gave best accuracy (71.87%) among other algorithms.
3 Methodology Based on the BUPA Liver Disorder Dataset, the data preprocessing has been performed. Next supervised filter has been applied using WEKA 3.8.1 Tool. The various Tree classifiers viz. LMT algorithm, J48, Random Forest, Reptree, Extra Tree, Simple Cart Algorithm have been used for simulation purpose. In the next phase, the performance and related error evaluation has been carried out. Finally the inference has been drawn based on the optimum results.
4 Result and Discussion BUPA liver disorder is used as the dataset for analysis. It shows that the algorithm which classifies dataset more correctly accuracy is high and the error is very less. So it is inferred that the algorithm have more accuracy can give more correct the information about the liver cancer it may help in the early detection for liver cancer analysis as mention in following Table 1.
M. Tiwari et al. Table 1. Tree classifier’s algorithm comparison based on error and performance
S. No.
Type of error and performance
LMT algorithm
Mean absolute error Root mean squared error Relative absolute error Root relative squared error Accuracy Precision Recall Mean absolute error Root mean squared error Relative absolute error Root relative squared error Accuracy Precision Recall Mean absolute error Root mean squared error Relative absolute error Root relative squared error Accuracy Precision Recall Mean absolute error Root mean squared error Relative absolute error Root relative squared error Accuracy Precision Recall Mean absolute error Root mean squared error Relative absolute error Root relative squared error Accuracy Precision Recall Mean absolute error Root mean squared error Relative absolute error Root relative squared error Accuracy Precision Recall
0.0661 0.2005 13. 5633% 40.6112% 95.07% 94.4% 93.8% 0.05 0.1934 10.2534% 39.1719% 95.9% 95.8% 94.5% 0.0556 0.1393 11.41% 28.21% 98.26% 97.9% 97.9% 0.0968 0.2384 19.87% 48.30% 93.62% 94.2% 90.3% 0.0406 0.2014 8.326% 40.8094% 95.94% 94.6% 95.9% 0.0683 0.2204 14.065% 44.6471% 94.78% 96.4% 91.0%
J48 algorithm
Random forest algorithm
Reptree algorithm
ExtraTree algorithm
Simple Cart algorithm
Novel Work of Diagnosis of Liver Cancer
Error Evaluation in %
Random Forest
Extra Tree
Tree Classifiers
Mean absolute error
Root mean squared error
Relative absolute error
Root relative squared error
Fig. 1. Error evaluations of tree classifier
Performance Analysis in %
1 0.95 0.9 0.85
Random Forest
Extra Tree
Tree Classifiers Accuracy
Fig. 2. Performance analysis of tree classifier
Above graph showing the comparison of Error evaluation and Performance analysis (Figs. 1 and 2).
5 Conclusion and Future Perspective The classification algorithms are helpful for the early detection of the liver cancer. In present paper a thorough analysis of error rate of six tree classifiers (LMT, J48, Random Forest, Reptree, Extra Tree, Simple Cart) has been pointed out. Random forest tree algorithm gives minimum error rate than all other algorithms where as Reptree
M. Tiwari et al.
gives the maximum error percentage of. The result further indicates that the Random forest gives best result in accuracy, precision and recall. The Reptree is worst as far as performance analysis is ascertained. An extension of this research work can be carried out using image processing techniques followed by medical VIZ. Biopsy and mammography. The computational results can then be analyzed using machine learning techniques and the corresponding neural models have to be designed with related accuracy estimation. Detailed investigation based on gender, locality and parental history can be done in the light of statistical approaches. Finally the pattern classification techniques can be developed in order to examine the trend of liver cancer diagnosis along with the rate of survival based on early detection by the methodology adopted in this work.
References 1. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/…/hepatocellular_carcinoma_liver_cancer.pdf 2. Lesmana, C.R.A.: Alcoholic liver disease and alcohol in non-alcoholic liver disease: does it matter? J. Metab. Synd. 3, 147 (2014). https://doi.org/10.4172/2167-0943.1000147 3. Ramana, B.V., Babu, M.S.P.: A critical study of selected classification algorithms for liver disease diagnosis. Int. J. Database Manag. Syst. 2(3), 101–114 (2011) 4. Ubaidillah, S.H.S.A., Sallehuddin, R., Ali, N.A.: Cancer detection using artificial neural network and support vector machine: a comparative study. J. Teknol. 65(1), 73–81 (2013). ISSN 0127–9696 5. Ilakkiya, G., Jayanthi, B.: Liver cancer classification using principal component analysis and fuzzy neural network. Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol. 10(2) (2013) 6. Aneeshkumar, A.S., Venkateswaran, C.J.: Estimating the surveillance of liver disorder using classification algorithms. Int. J. Comput. Appl. 57(6), 39–42 (2012). ISSN 095-8887 7. Kiruba, H.R., Tholkappiaarasu, G.: An intelligent agent based framework for liver disorder diagnosis using artificial intelligence techniques. J. Theor. Appl. Inf. Technol. 69(1), 91–100 (2014) 8. Abdar, M., Zomorodi-Moghadam, M.: Performance analysis of classification algorithms on early detection of Liver disease. Expert Syst. Appl. 67, 239–251 (2016) 9. Naika, A., Samant, L.: Correlation review of classification algorithm using data mining tool: WEKA, Rapidminer, Tanagra, Orange and Knime ScienceDirect. Procedia Comput. Sci. 85, 662–668 (2016) 10. Pakhale, H., Xaxa, D.: Development of an efficient classifier for classification of liver patient with feature selection. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol. 7(3), 1541–1544 (2016) 11. Sutanto, D.H., Ghani, M.K.A.: Improving classification performance of K-nearest neighbour by hybrid clustering and feature selection for non-communicable disease prediction. J. Eng. Appl Sci. 10(16), 6817–6825 (2015) 12. Pahareeya, J., Vohra, R.: Liver patient classification using intelligence techniques. Int. J. Adv. Res. Comput. Sci. Softw. Eng. 4(2), 295–299 (2014) 13. Sindhuja, D., Priyadarsini, R.J.: A survey on classification techniques in data mining for analyzing liver disease disorder. IJCSMC 5(5), 483–488 (2016) 14. Gulia, A., Vohra, R.: Liver patient classification using intelligent techniques. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol. 5(4), 5110–5115 (2014)
Performance Analysis and Error Evaluation Towards the Liver Cancer Diagnosis Using Lazy Classifiers for ILPD Manish Tiwari1(&), Prasun Chakrabarti2(&), and Tulika Chakrabarti3(&)
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mewar University, Chittorgarh 312901, Rajasthan, India [email protected] 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ITM Universe Vadodara, Paldi 391510, Gujarat, India [email protected] Department of Chemistry, Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur 313601, Rajasthan, India [email protected]
Abstract. This paper, entails the various Lazy classifiers such as IBKLG, LocalKnn algorithm, RseslibKnn algorithm used for diagnosis of the liver cancer. The results have been noted in terms of both performance and errors. The performance analyzed based on the accuracy, precision and recall and error evaluation are based on the Mean absolute error, Root mean squared error, Relative absolute error and Root relative squared error. The LocalKnn is best in terms of accuracy and recall while IBKLG indicates best precision. Keywords: IBKLG LocalKnn RseslibKnn Accuracy Precision Recall root mean squared error Relative absolute error Root relative squared
1 Introduction Liver is the largest organ after the skin in our body. It perform many functions cleansing blood toxins, converting food into nutrients to control hormone level. The diagnosis of liver diseases at early stage can improve survival rate of patient life. Techniques are used to find pattern from the large dataset are called the data mining techniques. it have several function such as classification, association rules and clustering etc. classification is supervised learning technique used for dataset in dissimilar group of classes or in different levels. Classification method performs two steps one is dataset are used to trained to built model and in second it used for classification [1].
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 161–168, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_19
M. Tiwari et al.
2 Literature Survey In the paper [2] Indian liver patient dataset and UCLA dataset were used. Analysis was done by ANOVA and MANOVA to recognize difference among the groups. Authors took common attributes e.g. ALKPHOS, SGPT and SGOT for both datasets. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was done using multivariate tables. Author investigated 99% and 90% significant levels and found the good results. The study [3] deals with two distinct feature combinations viz SGOT, SGPT, and Alkaline Phosphates of two datasets (ILPD and BUPA liver disorder). Error rate, sensitivity, prevalence and specificity were exponentially observed. The attributes like total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, albumin, gender, age and total proteins facilitate in liver cancer diagnosis. The paper [4] indicated neural network to train adaptive activation function for extracting rules. OptaiNET, an Artificial Immune Algorithm (AIS) was used to set rules for liver disorders. Based on input attribute adaptive activation was trained to use neural network extract rules efficiently in hidden layer. ANN to performs the data coding, to classifies coding data and finally extracts rules. It correctly diagnosed 192 samples (out of 200) belonging to class 0 covering 96% and 135 samples (out of 145) belonging to class 1 covering 93%. Entire samples correctly diagnosed 94.8%. The study [5] pointed out univariate analysis and feature selection for predicator attributes. Predictive data mining is a significant tool for researchers of medical sciences. ILPD dataset was chosen for men and women. The classification algorithms were trained to test and to perform some results for accuracy and error analysis. For men and women the SVM gave high accuracy 99.76% and 97.7% respectively. In the survey [6] classification algorithm decision tree induction (J48 algorithm) employing dataset from the Pt. B.D. Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Science, Rohtak was used. The dataset contained 150 instances (100 instances for training purpose and 50 instances for the test data), 8 attributes and 2 classes for the model using 10 fold cross validation in WEKA tool and J48 algorithms classified correctly 100% instances. The result was expressed in four categories e.g. cost/benefit of J48 for class YES = 44, cost/benefit of J48 for class NO = 56, classification accuracy for YES = 56%, classification accuracy for NO = 44%. Many other algorithms on this dataset were applied and J48 algorithms showed best results. The publication [7] described classification using data mining approaches on ILPD. Naïve bayes, Random Forest and SVM. The algorithms were implemented using R tool and for improving the accuracy the hybrid neuro SVM that is the combination of the SVM and feedforward Neural Network (ANN) was used. Root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error were pointed out. This model gave 98.83% accuracy. In the publication on [1] various decision tree algorithms were used based on the data mining concept such as AD Tree, Decision Tree, J48, Random Forest, Random Tree on the liver cancer dataset. They were used for the training purpose and preprocessing was applied for missing or noisy data. Classification algorithms were performed with feature selection and without using feature selection. Its performances were measured in terms of Accuracy, Precision, and Recall. The accuracy (71.35%) of
Performance Analysis and Error Evaluation Towards the Liver Cancer Diagnosis
the decision stump was very good compared to other algorithms and J48 and random forest gave 70.66% and 70.15% accuracy respectively. The publication on [8] indicated PSO java to execute dataset and to categorize training attributes in order to retrieve pbest and gbest. The pbest was then compared with lbest to set the best solution for attribute selection. The PSO gave gammagt 4.60, alkphos 4.49, SGPT 3.91, SGOT 3.07, drinks 1.36. The selected dataset was applied to WEKA tool to perform the classification. Then it applied the Kstar algorithm. PSOKstar algorithm is the best data mining technique giving accuracy up to 100%. The paper [9] described different clustering algorithms for predication on BUPA liver disorder and ILPD dataset for performance analysis. The simple BIZ model was selected effectively. Different attribute selections were done for accuracy, such as 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The logistic Regression and SVM (PSO) gave best results for the BUPA liver disorder as well as ILPD dataset, with accuracy 89.14% and 89.66% respectively.
3 Methodology In this process the Indian liver patient dataset have been taken after the preprocessing is performed in this method the missing values problem are solved after the supervised filter are used in that resample method are used then Lazy classifier such as IBKLG, LocalKnn, RseslibKnn algorithms are used in WEKA tool for classification. 10 folds cross validations are used then performance and error evaluation is performed (Fig. 1).
Indian liver patient Dataset
Data Preprocessing
Apply Filter
Lazy Classifier (IBKLG and LocalKnn, RseslibKnn algorithm) Performance analysis and Error evaluation
Find optimum Result Fig. 1. Classification process
M. Tiwari et al.
4 Result and Discussion Lazy classifiers are used for analysis of the liver cancer disease. In this process any algorithm that gave better accuracy, precision and classified more correct instances is the good algorithm in term of early diagnosis of the liver cancer. 4.1
IBKLG Algorithm
IBKLG classifier is a part of lazy classifier. K-nearest neighbors classifier can select appropriate value of K based on cross-validation. It also performs distance weighting. It selects number of neighbor is one, The standard deviation set to 1.0, do not check capabilities to false, meanSquared value to false. It is based on nearest neighbor search algorithm using linearNNSearch algorithm. 10 folds cross validations are used for testing. It correctly classifies 573 instances (covering 98.28%) and incorrectly classifies 10 instances (covering 1.72%) out of 583 instances (Fig. 2, Tables 1 and 2).
Fig. 2. Area under ROC for IBKLG algorithm with a value 0.9986
Table 1. Error evaluation for IBKLG algorithm. Sr.No. 1 2 3 4
Type of error Result Mean absolute error 0.0172 Root mean squared error 0.1309 Relative absolute error 4.2006% Root relative squared error 28.9595%
LocalKnn Algorithm
LocalKnn algorithm is based on K nearest neighbor classifier with local metric induction. It improves accuracy in relation to standard k-nn, particularly in case of data with nominal attributes. It works with reasonably 2000 + training instances. 100 batch size is selected. Do not check capabilities to set to false. Learning Optimal K values to
Performance Analysis and Error Evaluation Towards the Liver Cancer Diagnosis
Table 2. Confusion matrix for IBKLG algorithm. Performance vector: Confusion Matrix: Accuracy: 98.28% (for class 1 malignant) M(T) B(T) Precision: 99.3% (for class 1 malignant) M(P) 409 7 B(P) 3 164 Recall: 98.3% (for class 1 malignant) Class 1 is selected for the result because it mention positive in liver disorder
true and number of neighbors used to vote for the decision to one, size of the local uses induce local metric to 100. The metric vicinity size for density based is 200. The voting for the decision by nearest neighbors is set to inverse square distance. It uses distance based weighting method. 10 fold cross validations are applied. It correctly classifies 576 instances (covering 98.80%) and incorrectly classifies 7 instances (covering 1.20%). Time taken to build model is 68.19 s (Fig. 3, Tables 3 and 4).
Fig. 3. Area under ROC for LocalKnn algorithm with a value 0.9844
Table 3. Error evaluation for LocalKnn Algorithm Sr.No. 1 2 3 4
Type of error Result Mean absolute error 0.012 Root mean squared error 0.1096 Relative absolute error 2.9346% Root relative squared error 24.2362%
M. Tiwari et al. Table 4. Confusion matrix for Local Knn Algorithm Performance vector: Confusion Matrix: Accuracy: 98.80% (for class 1 malignant) M(T) B(T) Precision 99.0% (for class 1 malignant) M(P) 413 3 Recall 99.3% (for class 1 malignant) B(P) 4 163 Class 1 is selected for the result because it mention positive in liver disorder
RseslibKnn Algorithm
RseslibKnn is a part of lazy classifier. It sets some properties defines such as batch size, learning optimal k value, do not check capabilities, cross validation, kernel setting, density based metric and so on. Time taken to building model is 1.3 s. 10 folds cross validations. It correctly classifies 571 instances (covering 97.94%) and incorrectly classifies 12 instances (covering 2.06%) out of 583 instances (Fig. 4, Tables 5 and 6).
Fig. 4. Area under ROC for RseslibKnn algorithm with a value 0.9766
Table 5. Error evaluation for RseslibKnn algorithm Sr.No. 1 2 3 4
Type of error Result Mean absolute error 0.0206 Root mean squared error 0.1435 Relative absolute error 5.0307% Root relative squared error 31.7327%
Performance Analysis and Error Evaluation Towards the Liver Cancer Diagnosis Table 6. Confusion matrix for RseslibKnn algorithm Performance vector: Confusion Matrix: Accuracy: 97.94% (for class 1 malignant) M(T) B(T) Precision: 98.8% (for class 1 malignant) M(P) 409 7 B(P) 5 162 Recall: 98.3% (for class 1 malignant) Class 1 is selected for the result because it mention positive in liver disorder
Comparison of Error Evaluation and Performance Analysis of Three Lazy Classifiers (RselibKnn, IBKLG, LocalKnn) for ILPD Dataset
See Figs. 5 and 6.
Error Evaluation in %
ERROR COMPARISION OF LAZY CLASSIFIERS 0.4 0.2 0 Mean absolute Root mean Relative Root relative error squared error absolute error squared error
Types of Error in Lazy classifiers RseslibKnn
Local Knn
Fig. 5. Error evaluation of Lazy classifier
Performance Analysis in %
Local Knn
Lazy Classifiers Accuracy
Fig. 6. Performance analysis of Lazy classifier
M. Tiwari et al.
5 Conclusion and Future Perspective A close assessment of error estimation of three Lazy classifiers (RseslibKnn, IBKLG, LocalKnn) has been performed whereby the minimum error value is achieved through LocalKnn. The LocalKnn is best in terms of accuracy and recall while IBKLG indicates best precision. It is evident that if any classification algorithm classifies instances accurately, then diagnosis of the liver cancer can be done easily and accurately in early stages. Further research work or classifiers can be applied on different types of cancers such as Breast cancer, Prostate Cancer, Lung cancer etc. Appling these algorithms may generate better results. As an extension of this Biopsy and mammography images can be used for analysis using machine learning methods. Research can also be applied for analysis of survival rate of the patient.
References 1. Manochitra, V., Shajahaan, S.: Performance amelioration to model liver patient data using decision tree algorithms. J. Appl. Sci. Res. 11(23), 161–167 (2015) 2. Venkata Ramana, B., Prasad Babu, M.: A critical comparative study of liver patients from USA and INDIA: an exploratory analysis. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Issues 9(3), 506–516 (2012) 3. Hashem, E.M., Mabrouk, M.S.: A study of support vector machine algorithm for liver disease diagnosis. Am. J. Intell. Syst. 4(1), 9–14 (2014) 4. Kahramanli, H., Allahverdi, N.: A system for detection of liver disorders based on adaptive neural networks and artificial immune system. In: Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science, Venice, Italy, pp. 25–30 (2008) 5. Tiwari, A., Sharma, L.: Comparative study of artificial neural network based classification for liver patient. J. Inf. Eng. Appl. 3(4), 1–5 (2013) 6. Reetu, N.K.: Medical diagnosis for liver cancer using classification techniques. Int. J. Recent Sci. Res. 6(6), 4809–4813 (2015) 7. Nagaraj, K., Sridhar, A.: NeuroSVM: A Graphical User Interface for Identification of Liver Patients. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol. 5(6), 8280–8284 (2014) 8. Thangaraju, P., Mehala, R.: Performance analysis of PSO-KStar classifier over liver diseases. Int. J. Adv. Res. Comput. Eng. Technol. 4(7), 3132–3137 (2015) 9. Mazaheri, P., Norouzi, A.: Using algorithms to predict liver disease classification. Electron. Inf. Plan. 3, 256–259 (2015)
Exploring Structure Oriented Feature Tag Weighting Algorithm for Web Documents Identification Karunendra Verma1(&), Prateek Srivastava1, and Prasun Chakrabarti2 1 Department of CSE, Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur, India [email protected], [email protected] 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ITM Universe Vadodara, Paldi 391510, Gujarat, India [email protected]
Abstract. There are various ways of web page classification but they take higher time to compute with lesser accuracy. Hence, there is a need to invent an efficient algorithm in order to reduce time and increase web page classification result. It is generally find that a few tags like title can contain the principle substance of text, and these patterns may have an impact on the adequacy of text classification. Although, the most widely recognized text weighting calculations, called term frequency inverse documents frequency (TF-IDF) doesn’t consider the structure of website pages. To take care of this issue, another feature tags weighting calculation is put in advanced. It thinks about the web page structure data like title, Meta tags, head etc. also content the useful information. In this proposed study first web site pages data are pre-processed and find text weight using TFIDF, after that using feature tag weighting calculation, frequent and important tags will find; then on the basis of text weight and tags weight, web document will classify. Keywords: Web page classification
Feature tags TFIDF Text weight
1 Introduction Presently day by day Internet has turned out to be extremely well known and intuitive for exchanging data. The web is tremendous, differing and dynamic thus increase the versatility, interactive media information and fleeting issues. The development of the web has its result in a gigantic measure of data that is currently unreservedly offered for client’s entrance. A few various types of information must be taken care of and composed in a way that they can be gotten to by the clients viably and productively. The web is an accumulation of interrelated documents on at least one web servers. Web mining is the utilization of information mining methods to extricate learning from web information including web archives, hyperlinks between pages, usages logs of sites and so on. Web mining is comprehensively partitioned into following classes: web content mining, web usage mining and web structure mining. Text classification is a procedure of partitioning text into one or multiple classes. As the advancement of the web technology, objective is to achieve accurate web text © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 169–180, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_20
K. Verma et al.
from web documents. Web documents have clear identifier (i.e., HTML tags) to convey its structure information. Generally, in the content extricating process, HTML page structures are expelled and separate plain text from each website pages. In many cases, there is a lot helpful data regarding the content organization based on HTML tags. Numerous investigators demonstrate to the structural data, particularly HTML tags, similar to table design, hyperlink, be able to utilized to enhance viability of web content classification.
2 Review of Literature Kovacevic et al. [9] proposed hierarchical representation that incorporates browser screen which facilitates with each HTML article in a page. Utilizing image data one can characterize heuristics for the acknowledgment of basic page zones, for example, footer, header, right and left menu, and focus of a web page. In the underlying examinations the creator demonstrates that utilizing heuristics characterized objects are perceived legitimately in 73% of cases. At long last, demonstrate that a Naive Bayes classifier, given that the proposed representation. Zou et al. [16] have discovered that because of the proximity of the raucous information here is a requirement for characterization of the web page for true applications. A strategy which will appropriately guarantee the arrangement be the support vector machine since it has the ability of speculation. Creator’s recommended strategy gives a way which will expand the precision of arrangement by joining the support vector machine idea among the K - nearest neighbor procedures. Tomar et al. [4] present the idea of an order device for pages called Web Characterize, which utilizes changed customized naive Bayesian calculation with a multinomial form to arrange pages hooked on different classifications. In this exploration test result alongside the grouping exactness investigation with expanding vocabulary measure, was likewise appeared. Ryan et al. [10] examined the region of classification arrangement has an accentuation on recovering the highlights, for example, content from the particular archives. Since the principle point of work is considered whether visual properties of HTML site page can altogether enhance the arrangement of pulverous sorts. Evidently, it appears that it would put a noteworthy test and will be likewise helpful to recover those visual attributes which getting the design highlight of types. The majority of site pages delivered from different business sites and physically sorted into types. The three unique qualities are thought about one next to the other (a). With the literary attributes (b). With the HTML qualities (c). Visual qualities. Creator’s work can demonstrate that by utilizing HTML qualities and URL attributes helps in expanding the precision of characterization when contrasted with printed alone. In this way, it additionally appears that by including the visual attributes, it builds the pulverous grouping. Kang et al. [7] exhibit an investigation on mining web information from the various accessible information on WWW. As the pages are not completely organized so it ends up noticeably hard deciding from the useful block techniques which give the valuable information extraction from the futile information, for example, promotions which is more vital. In this proposed strategy creator present a website page arrangement in type
Exploring Structure Oriented Feature Tag Weighting Algorithm
of pieces by building a tree arrangement demonstrate that show the HTML include and a vector display that speaks to an element of blocks. Hence, by building the single classifier it ends up noticeably hard to characterize a piece precisely. To defeat this issue in proposed strategy creator utilizes the various classifiers one for each preparation informational collection and characterization technique prevails by consolidating every one of them. Mun et al. [11] found that the size of web page increases a lot as the number of offered services as well as link increases and then due to their accessing speed decreases. The author uses the link graph arrangements for troubleshoot this problem. By introducing this link graph system author enables to reduce the load of server to a greater extent. Rathod [13] indicates frameworks of three unique methods of web pages mining, in particular web structure mining, web usage mining and web content mining. The advancement and utilization of Web mining strategies with regards to web content usage and structure information will prompt substantial enhancements in numerous web applications as of web crawlers and web specialists to web examination and personalization. Gowri et al. [3] portrayed a short overview about the current approach in web administrations synthesis. The principle looks into regions in web administrations are identified with revelation, security, and creation. Among every one of these regions, web administrations organization ends up being a testing one in light of the fact that inside the administration arranged figuring area, Web benefit synthesis is a successful acknowledgment to fulfill the hurriedly changing prerequisites of business. In this manner, the Internet benefit creation has unfurled itself extensively in the exploration side. Be that as it may, the present endeavors to order Web benefit structure are not fitting to the targets. This article proposes a novel categorization matrix for Web service work, which recognizes the unique situation and innovation measurements. The setting measurement is gone for examining the QoS effect on the exertion of Web benefits creation, although the innovation measurement concentrates on the system impact on the exertion. At last, this paper gives a proposal to enhance the nature of administration determination which takes part in the arrangement procedure with C skyline approach utilizing operators. Sarac et al. [14] worked on the firefly algorithm (FA) inspired by the flashing behavior of fireflies, which belongs to the category of Meta heuristic algorithm. It flashes primary intention to attract other fireflies through a signaling system. Jain et al. [2] proposed another strategy “Intelligent Search Method (ISM)”. In this technique creator proposes to index the web pages via an intelligent search approach. This new strategy incorporated with any of the page positioning calculations to deliver better and significant indexed lists. Keller et al. [8] introduce a GRABEX strategy for removing navigational block pieces in light of the connection designs. The technique was connected to mine breadcrumb routes. Dissecting to which additional navigational chunk type the GRABEX strategy can be connected is additionally intriguing for prospect work. A creator trusts that paginations or past/next routes can be mined too if appropriate graph creation strategies are actualized. The GRABEX strategy can likewise be reached
K. Verma et al.
out to extract non-navigational page components if diagrams are not produced from hyperlinks but rather from different structures e.g. text or linked images. Jose et al. [6] demonstrate the Rough set hypothesis applications in different areas like company, prescription, trade, media transmission and numerous different fields. The consequences of this approach can be utilized for target promoting on the grounds that sponsors can post their notices on content pages particularly pages in bring down estimate. This likewise distinguishes the most favored substance by a client since clients invested more energy in potential pages. Ye et al. [15] enhanced and proposed a kind new technique of semantic relevancy algorithm based for semantic importance calculation in light of the Wikipedia hyperlink arrange, incorporating the semantic data in the paging system and the class organize sensibly to complete semantic relationship figuring. Sadegh et al. [1] explored social tags as a novel confirmation to categorize objects on the web. A new linkage structure between objects and tags is investigated for categorization. Tags moreover work as bridges to attach the heterogeneous domains of objects. He et al. [5] work in view of the way that the web is an accumulation of different web records. The grouping of a web record is implied for three things for the most part: indexing, search and retrieval. There is a distinction between web grouping and content characterization. This distinction is because of the structure of the web reports. These distinctions could be at least one of the accompanying: meta information, the title of the record and different connections accessible in the archive and so on. In this paper, creators have picked both of the accompanying strategies, for example, Information gain and v2 - test for feature selection for classification. After feature selection, this paper uses Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier for categorization. The strategy affirms, evaluates and broadens past study by presenting another structure-based technique for depiction and order of web archives. Contrasted with conventional web archive order strategies, consolidating the complete text among structure Information gain almost 6% exactness change on account of comparative classifications and 3.7% correctness enhancement in the case of different categories. Qian et al. [12] worked on novel weighted Hamming distance based on Page Rank algorithm for anomaly intrusion detection. Using the Hamming distance with the Page Rank weight to estimate deformity degree of unusual system calls and focus on optimizing the algorithm complexity. Chen et al. [19] characterized five best level type classifications and grew new techniques to mine 31 features from web database, which examined both features and contents. Their assessment results comes that extra features can help a classifier enhances its knowledge of the categorization. Abramson et al. [20] exhibited a technique to facilitate uses data from URLs for website page database since a few URLs may include some text to shows the class. This approach can partially take care of the issue; however it is as yet not a general approach for all web pages genre.
Exploring Structure Oriented Feature Tag Weighting Algorithm
3 Research Gap The literature review entails that; the classification done on the dataset of web structure is optimized by structure based web document analysis. However, beside these described techniques there are various other ways also to perform web structure based classification. Certainly, web structure based classification gives better result in association with feature selection results because it finds various features in the record of dataset. But while using this technique with simple web structure based classification, there is a scope of improvement in the following two concerns. • Web structure based classification itself takes longer time to compute. • The result of simple web structure based classification is not that much optimized. And the reasons behind these two concerns are the accuracy of the classification method. It is proposed to improvise these concerns to get better efficiency in this work.
4 Methodology and Used Algorithms To overcome above limitations, work has divided into following steps (Fig. 1):
Fig. 1. Work flow
Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) [21] nij jD j TermScoreij ¼ P log nkj jfd : ti 2 dgj k
K. Verma et al.
Where nij, no. of presences of term ti in page dj; nkj, sum of presences of all term in page dj; D, total number of pages; d, number of pages which incorporated term ti. 4.2
Feature Tag Weighting Algorithm
Tag Frequency [18] 2
7 X6 6 ai 7 6 ffi7 tft ðt; dÞ ¼ 6tft ðti ; dÞ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7 k P 4 5 i2P a2i
Where tft (t, d), tag frequency of term t in page d; tft (ti, d), tag frequency of the term t in tag i; ai is the tag weighting coefficient and i є P and P is the set of tags. Tag weight [18] tft ðt; dÞ logðN=nt þ 0:01Þ Wt ðt; dÞ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi P 2 t2d ½tfðt; dÞ logðN=nt þ 0:01Þ
Where Wt (t, d) is feature tag weighting of term t in page d; tft (t, d) is frequency of the word t in page d; N is total number of pages; nt is number of pages which included term t.
5 Programming Environment and Results To simulate above work we used Net Beans IDE 8.2 and JDK 1.8. Investigations utilize the Bank Search dataset [17], which is particularly intended to help an extensive variety of web pages processing tests. The database comprises of 2202 web archives arranged into ten uniformly sized classes like A: Commercial banks Banking and finance, B: Building society Banking and finance, C: Insurance agencies Banking and finance, D: Java Programming languages, E: C++/C Programming languages, F: VB Programming languages, G: Astronomy Science, H: Biology Science, I: Soccer Sport, J: Motor etc. and each contains 200 web archives (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8).
Exploring Structure Oriented Feature Tag Weighting Algorithm
Fig. 2. Programming environment
Fig. 3. Tag frequency calculation
The results include characterization of two classes from the dataset. The initial 1500 records are utilized as training set and the rest 500 records are utilized as testing set. a few classes are very similar, while a few classes are very distinct (e.g. class A: Commercial Banks and J: Motor Sport). Categorizing related classes is obviously a new troublesome machine-learning task.
K. Verma et al.
Fig. 4. Text frequency calculation
Fig. 5. Matrix creation
Exploring Structure Oriented Feature Tag Weighting Algorithm
Fig. 6. Term score calculation
Fig. 7. Feature tags calculation
In “Fig. 9,” four major tag types in a web pages (title, meta, link, and image) importance were compared from rest of all tags. Then this number was normalized against the web pages with respect to tag weighting function.
K. Verma et al.
Fig. 8. Tag weight calculation
Fig. 9. Tag importance
6 Conclusion and Future Work This article has exhibited a structure-based strategy for fabricating high precise web page categorization. It has shown in “Fig. 9”, the handiness of thinking about structure data, which incorporates Links, META tags, TITLE and alternative texts of images. The process is assessed utilizing the Bank Search database, and the investigations show the reward of structure-based characterization for both similar categories and different categories. Pure text classification has not considered the difference in the web content, which has HTML tags to express further structure data of the content. In the event that
Exploring Structure Oriented Feature Tag Weighting Algorithm
we simply utilize TF-IDF which suits to the text classification, web text might be overlooked. The feature tag weighting calculation considers the impact of HTML labels on the web content classification. It performs superior to TF-IDF in the impact of tagged web content classification. As indicated by our test result, include tag weighting calculation gets the good precisions values. In the meantime, our test advises us that while characterizing the web text, we can also consider HTML tags with a specific end goal to enhance the impact of web content classification. Be that as it may, there are as yet some limitations in this paper like only some HTML tags are considered for results we may include some more for more accuracy of the results. Furthermore we can also apply the appropriate classifier for web pages categorization. Acknowledgements. I would like to thank all the people those who helped me to give the knowledge about these research papers. I am thankful to Dr. Prateek Srivastava & Dr. Prasun Chakrabarti to encourage and guided in this topic which helped me to speed up the work for structure based web page classification for fast search. Finally, I like to acknowledge all the websites and IEEE papers which I have gone through and referred to create this research paper.
References 1. Sadegh, A.H., Hossein, R., Behroo, N.: Web page classification using social tag. In: IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 588– 593 (2009) 2. Jain, A., Sharma, R., Dixit, G., Tomar, V.: Page ranking algorithms in web mining, limitations of existing methods and a new method for indexing web pages. In: International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 640– 645. IEEE (2013) 3. Gowri, R., Lavanya, R.: A novel classification of web service composition and optimization approach using skyline algorithm integrated with agents. In: IEEE Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), pp. 26–28 (2013) 4. Tomar, G.S., Verma, S., Jha, A.: Web page classification using modified naïve bayesian approach. In: IEEE TENCON 2006, Hong Kong, pp. 14–17 (2006) 5. Kejing, H., Henyang, C.: Structure-based classification of web documents using support vector machine. In: Proceedings of CCIS 2016, pp. 215–219. IEEE (2016) 6. Jose, J., Lal, P.S.: A rough set approach to identify content and navigational pages at a website, pp. 5–9. IEEE (2008) 7. Kang, J., Choi, J.: Block classification of a web page by using a combination of multiple classifiers. In: IEEE Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 290–295 (2008) 8. Keller, M., Hartenstein, H.: GRABEX: a graph-based method for web site block classification and its application on mining breadcrumb trails. In: WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT), pp. 290– 297. IEEE (2013) 9. Kovacevic, M., Diligenti, M., Gori, M., Milutinovic, V.: Recognition of common areas in a web page using visual information: a possible application in a page classification. In: IEEE Data Mining, pp. 250–257 (2002)
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10. Ryan, L., Michal, C., Lei, Y.: Using visual features for fine-grained genre classification of web pages. In: Proceedings of the 41st Annual IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, vol. 1, no. 10, pp. 7–10 (2008) 11. Mun, Y., Lee, M., Cho, D.: Classification of web link information and implementation of dynamic web page using Link Map System. In: IEEE Granular Computing, pp. 26–28 (2008) 12. Qian, Q., Li, J., Cai, J., Zhang, R., Xin, M.: An anomaly intrusion detection method based on PageRank algorithm. In: International Conference on Green Computing and Communications and IEEE Internet of Things and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, pp. 2226–2230. IEEE (2013) 13. Dushyant, R.: A review on web mining. Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol. (IJERT) (2012) 14. Sarac, E., Ozel, S.A.: Web page classification using firefly optimization. In: IEEE International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA) (2013) 15. Ye, F., Zhang, F., Luo, X., Xu, L.: Research on measuring semantic correlation based on the Wikipedia hyperlink network, pp. 309–314. IEEE (2013) 16. Zou, J.Q., Chen, G.L., Guo, W.Z.: Chinese web page classification using no se-tolerant up port vector machines. In: Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE NLP-KE, pp. 785–790 (2005) 17. Sinka, M.P., Corne, D.W.: BankSearch dataset (2005). http://www.pedal.reading.ac.uk/ bansearchdataset/ 18. Lu, Y., Peng, Y.: Feature weighting improvement of web text categorization based on particle swarm optimization algorithm. J. Comput. 10(1), 260–269 (2006) 19. Chen, G., Choi, B.: Web page genre classification. In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 2353–2357 (2008) 20. Abramson, M., Aha, D.M.: What’s in a URL? Genre classification from URL. In: Workshops at the 26th Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1–8 (2012) 21. Zhu, J., Xie, Q., Yu, S.I., Wong, W.H.: Exploiting link structure for web page genre identification. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 1–26 (2015)
MQMS - An Improved Priority Scheduling Model for Body Area Network Enabled M-Health Data Transfer V. K. Minimol1(&) and R. S. Shaji1,2 1
Noorul Islam University, Kanyakumari, India [email protected] Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, India
Abstract. Mobile health is a new area of technology that gives the health care system a new face and place in the world. With the support of Body Area Network the m-health application has to make a lot of changes in the area of health support. There are so many research works has been conducted to make the application efficient. As in the case of any network traffic the m-health application also suffers problems. The paper put forward a new idea of scheduling the vital signals from the body with the help of queuing theory. It uses some analytical modeling, by considering the signal packets from sensors are following poisons distribution and the packets are arriving randomly. From the queuing theory uses some equations to find the average waiting time, maximum number of packets waiting for the service, efficiency of the system etc. Here the major issues while incorporating BAN with m-health is the number of nodes and distance from the patients to the receiving station, Number of servers in the receiving station, Priority of the signals etc. Keywords: Body Area Networks Poisons distribution
M-health Queuing theory
1 Introduction M-health the novel application of technology and new trend in the health care system, incorporated Body Area Network (BAN) as a supporting infrastructure to make the entire system so efficient and easy to handle. The assistance of BAN in m-health make the diagnosis clearer and give opportunity to change the design of m-health from mere mobile phone conversation from the patients to doctor to capturing signals from various body parts and sending it to a receiving stations. Here the paper introduces an analytical approach to find the efficiency of the queuing system by reducing delay time and finding the average number of signals in the queue. The architecture has a two-layered structure one is the internal BAN and other is the external network between the BAN and receiving station. The existing studies focused on variety of priority scheduling models in wireless sensor networks. The proposed study applies queuing models for considering the priority of vital signals. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 181–192, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_21
V. K. Minimol and R. S. Shaji
The major objectives of this paper are scheduling the signals from BAN according to their priority, finding the delay in processing of signals and determine the efficiency of queuing service.
2 Related Work The review has conducted on focusing on the popularity of m-health application, problems related with it and various scheduling methods adopted for efficient transfer of signals from BAN to receiving station. The BAN is key factor in the architecture of m-health. The vital signals from different sensors flows to the outside network. Whenever the number of signals arriving increases and they are not processed there will be severe traffic problem in the network. The vital signals from the sensors not reached in the receiving centre properly then the diagnosing of health problems could not be accurate. The recent surveys on m-health, web reports reveal the wide acceptance of this application as well as the view of people and society about the health care system. In Refs. [1–3] the latest applications of m-health were described. Now day Mhealth is a part of IOT so the acceptance of the application is increasing more and more. At the same time the anxiety of both the patients and physicians were also mentioned in the paper. The papers not mentioned any solution for the authenticity or security of data transfer. Reference [4] deals with the technological growth in e-Health services. The recent developments in the area of technology has vital role to make the m-health application popular. But the optimization of secure transmission cannot have achieved also by this technology. Research works are going on in the field of BAN as well as in the area of m-health. Most of the research works are in the area of BAN rather than mhealth. The studies by Yankovic et al. [5] proposed semantic authorization model for pervasive healthcare by employing ontology technologies. It is a novel decision propagation model to enable fast evaluation and updating of concept-level access decision. The European countries mostly depend on m-health services in the area of health services. But the developing countries still have precincts in accepting and implementing the applications. The economy and lack of knowledge in technology is one obstruction in this area. In the case of BAN, to improve the quality of service an analytical mode has been designed by Worthington et al. [6] in his work he treated the signals in to different classes and analyze the various metrics like delay, through put, and packet loss rate etc. The paper analyze the queue traffic problem in terms of Markov chain transition probabilities for low latency queuing model. The paper could not give an efficient solution for the considered metrics. The life time and total energy consumed by WBAN were studied by Kumar et al. [7]. The paper proposed an energy efficient and cost-effective network design for WBAN the paper considered the metrics such as low latency, high throughput, guaranteeing multiple services etc. The routing of signals from BAN discussed by Liang et al. [8] in their studies by introducing the concept of collecting tree protocol and analyze metrics like reliability delay and energy conception. The application of queuing principles in health care were discussed by Sayed and Perrig [9] The paper introduced the basics of queuing principles and various queuing models. It explains the various situations in hospitals and prove the improvements in the efficiency by the application of queuing theory. The paper not
MQMS - An Improved Priority Scheduling Model for Body Area Network
considering the Body Area Network and their signals. In Ref. [10] Patwari et al. worked on authenticating loss data in body sensor health care monitoring. A network coding mechanism is used to retrieve the loosed packets during transmission. The paper not considering outdoor communication in BAN. The paper considered the packet losses in BAN are bursts, the assumption of point loss is not optimal. The theory of queuing is mathematically complex but the application of queuing theory to the analysis of performance is remarkably straight forward. The study on various scheduling techniques not considered the scheduling of signals based on priority. The paper proposes a new scheduling scheme considering the priority of signals from different sensors. Chang et al. [13] have explained a system architecture for a mobile health monitoring platform based on a wireless body area network (WBAN). They detail the WBAN features from either hardware or software point of view. The system architecture of this platform was three-tier system. Each tier was detailed. They had designed a flowchart of a use of the WBANs to illustrate the functioning of such platforms. They show the use of this platform in a wide area to detect and to track disease movement in the case of epidemic situation. Indeed, tracking epidemic disease was a very challenging issue. The success of such process could help medical administration to stop diseases quicker than usual. In this study, WBANs deployed over volunteers who agree to carry a light wireless sensor network. Sensors over the body will monitor some health parameters (temperature, pressure, etc.) and will run some light classification algorithms to help disease diagnosis. Alameen et al. [14] have stated a wireless and mobile communication technologies it had promoted the development of Mobile-health (m-health) systems to find new ways to acquire, process, transport, and secure the medical data. M-health systems provide the scalability needed to cope with the increasing number of elderly and chronic disease patients requiring constant monitoring. However, the design and operation of such systems with Body Area Sensor Networks (BASNs) was challenging in two-fold. They integrate wireless network components, and application layer characteristics to provide sustainable, energy efficient and high-quality services for m-health systems. In particular, they use an Energy-Cost-Distortion solution, which exploits the benefits of in-network processing and medical data adaptation to optimize the transmission energy consumption and the cost of using network services. Moreover, they present a distributed cross-layer solution, which was suitable for heterogeneous wireless m-health systems with variable network size. Zhang et al. [18] have proposed a way to improve sensing coverage and connectivity in unattended Wireless Sensor Networks. However, accessing the medium in such dynamic topologies raises multiple problems on mobile sensors. Synchronization issues between fixed and mobile nodes may prevent the latter from successfully sending data to their peers. Mobile nodes could also suffer from long medium access delays when traveling through congested areas.
3 Proposed Architecture The proposed architecture of m-health uses two layered architecture. One is the intranet which is the inter connection of sensors within the body. The second one is the networking of this BAN and external nodes up to the receiving station. As in the case
V. K. Minimol and R. S. Shaji
of any network BAN also suffers the problem of security, routing, authenticity, privacy etc. The paper deals with the problem of scheduling of signals from BAN. There is more than one sensor within the body; they capture signals from the different part of the body. The signals are collected to a sink node. From this the signals transmitted out to the external network and it is received by the mobile device in the patient’s hand. From the device the signals captured by the intermediate node, from the nearest node the signal captured by the receiving server in the receiving station. The signals from different sensors may be of different types, and according to the priority the processing of signals can be arrange from the diagnosing centre with priority scheduling. This study proposes a multiple queue multiple server scheduling models to consider the priority of signals. The priority of signals is calculated by comparing with the predefined value of vital signals (Fig. 1). The DFD of the proposed architecture is depicted below.
The sensors generate signals inside
Accommodate the various signals in appropriate queue
Collecting signals in the sink node
Signals transferred to the mobile device from the sink node
Signals collected by the intermediate node in the external
Receiving station collect the signals from different intermediate nodes n the network
Server3 Server2 Server1
Fig. 1. Architecture of M-health with BAN
MQMS - An Improved Priority Scheduling Model for Body Area Network
Fig. 2. Queuing of signals from different sensors.
Queuing Scheduling in BAN
Inside the BAN here we use multiple queue single servers scheduling. The signals from different sensors forms separate queue and collected by the receiving station. While this the arrival time per hour and service rate can be calculated. From this the utilization factor R can be calculated as R = N/µ. It should be 1, there is a need of additional servers. The queuing model can be shown as in Fig. 3 (Fig. 2).
Queue 2 Scheduler Queue n
Server 2
Server n
Fig. 3. Queue of signals outside BAN
Queuing Model in the Network Outside BAN
The above discussed simulation process is for the scheduling inside the patient’s body. In the external network there may be more than one collecting node. The node has to determine the signal’s priority and send them in to the receiving station. From the receiving center then accept the signal and channelize them in the required doctor’s server. Here the scheduling model changes in to multiple queues multiple server models (Fig. 4).
V. K. Minimol and R. S. Shaji
Mobile device
Receiving node
Receiving node
M-health clinic
Fig. 4. Architecture of network outside the BAN
The queue model can be shown in Fig. 3. The nodes collect signals from the mobile devices and arrange them in the queue according to priority. The signals having high deviation from the normal rate are arranged in the high priority queue and having normal rate are in the medium priority queue and the emergency messages are in the low priority queue. The scheduling process in the receiving center is done according to the pseudo code for the above process will be as follows. Method to check priority Set queue length, emgql, ql1, ql2 = 1 While queue length>=1 If the sigrate>nrate and sigrate=1 Send the signal in server1
MQMS - An Improved Priority Scheduling Model for Body Area Network
In server 2 ql1 = n While ql1>=1 Send the signal in queue2 In server 3 ql2 = n While ql2>=1 Send the signal in queue3 The proposed model can be implemented through the multiple queue multiple server. In this model, the incoming signals are arranged in different queues based on priority as high, medium, and low. So it forms different queues and the signals from these queues are sent to different servers for processing and this is the second stage in the architecture. The general form of multiple queues multiple servers is (M/M/C):GD/ ∞/∞). The parameters are (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Arrival rate follows poisson distribution. Service rate follows poisson distribution. Number of servers is C. Service discipline is general discipline. Maximum number of signals permitted in the system is infinite. Size of calling source is infinite. ;¼
N Cl
For steady state the efficiency should be Rt of order N. The three orthogonal subgroups is created is denoted as Rp1, Rp2, Rp3. This algorithm selects generators r1 ɛ Rp1, r3 ɛ Rp3, and randomly select α ɛ ZN. Select hash function H and Public parameter
PU =
)𝛼 ( )𝛼 } } ( )𝛼 {{ ( and the master key MK = r1 r3 . R, e, H1 , r1 r3 , r1 r3 e r1 r3 , r1 r3
Privacy Preserving in Audit Free Cloud Storage
• Keygen(MK, A) -> PR, where A is set of attributes and t ɛ ZN and output the private { } { } key as PR = {(r1r3)𝛼+at , (r1r3)t , H1 (xt ∀x 𝜀 A} = {k, m, kx ∀x 𝜀 A} • Encrypt (PU, M, S = (M, p)) -> C: Where M is message and an access structure (M, p). M be a l × n matrix, Mi denotes ith row of M. The algorithm first chooses two random vectors u and v and algorithm then calculates 𝜆i = vMi. Algorithm setup a one way hash function H and it may be different for each transaction. The cipher text will be C = {A0, A1, B, (C1, D1), … , (Cl, Dl), H, t0, t1, V}
( )αs Ab0 = M . e r1 r3, r1 r3 ( )s B = r1 r3 ) ( V = H M, tb1
• Decrypt(PU, PR, C) -> M. The algorithm decrypt cipher text C and return original message M. After decryption it then compute encryption proof and decryption proof, then verifies the exactness of proof (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Monotonic access tree used in CP-ABE algorithm
Result and Discussion
By comparing two concepts such as bilinear composite order and prime order group we can compute the performance of our system. This is performed by using our privacy preserving CP-ABE algorithm. In this paper we focused on the performance of encryp‐ tion and decryption. From the experiments we find that Figs. 5 and 6 shows the encryp‐ tion and decryption time grows linearly based on number of attributes. More time is utilized by using composite order group. So it cant be used in practical applications. By using prime order group rather than composite will reduce the overall time taken to finish both the process ie. less time is required for fetching files from the cloud. Our scheme strengthens the privacy of users and reduces the security threats. CP-ABE algo‐ rithm is deterministic so it reduces decryption errors (Table 1).
L. Nayana et al.
Fig. 5. Encryption process
Fig. 6. Decryption process
Table 1. Comparison of CP-ABE with other schemes Scheme ABE KP-ABE CP-ABE
Properties Security Efficiency Average Average Average Average High High
Decryption time High Average Less
Fine grained access control Low Low Average
In this work we suggested CP-ABE Algorithm for secure data sharing in cloud. Privacy conserving and preventing the illegal access by illegitimate users is the important advantage of this system. We have proposed a technique that generate fake documents for convincing coercers, and resist outside auditing. System performance is improved by using prime order group along with ABE algorithm. From the modification our system achieves an advantage that only right user can access the right file. The key
Privacy Preserving in Audit Free Cloud Storage
centres perform authentication based on attribute or any other information’s related to that file. So unauthorized users cannot recover the erased file.
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Data Mining
Cyclic Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm Inspired Data Clustering Veni Devi Gopal1 ✉ and Angelina Geetha2 (
iNurtute Education Solutions, Bangalore, India [email protected] 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BSAR Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India [email protected]
Abstract. The era of internet has been filling our globe with tremendous high volume of data. These data have become the main raw material for various researches, business, etc. As the data volume is huge, categorizing the data will help in faster and quality data analysis. Clustering is one way of categorizing the data. As the digital data that is generated by any transaction is unpredictable, clustering can be the best option for categorizing it. Numerous clustering algo‐ rithms are at our disposal available. This paper focuses on adding modifications to the existing Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm and cluster the data. The proposed algorithm aims at enhancing the clustering, by taking the outliers into consideration and thereby improving the speed and quality of clusters formed. Keywords: Clustering · Cyclic SFLA modified SFLA · Outlier detection Shuffled frog leap algorithm
Clustering is the process of grouping the data based on the similarity among them. This helps to represent the data with limited groups and helps in the simplification of the data. Clustering is a process of minimizing the distance within the clusters and maximizing the distance in-between the clusters. Clustering segregates the data into unknown groups. As clustering is unsupervised, it can be applied to domain independent scenarios. Pattern analysis is the most widely used technique in machine learning. Clustering forms the foundation for pattern analysis. When a proper clustering is not possible with the available data, there is a possibility for natural clustering. Memetic algorithms are one of the nature inspired algorithms used for optimization. The Memetic algorithms are combined with the evolutionary algorithms for finding the local best or global best solu‐ tions depending upon the problem they are used for. There are many optimization algo‐ rithms and one such is Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm (SFLA). This paper explores the modifications that can be made to the Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm (SFLA) and the effects on the performance of the algorithm. The literature review is given in Sect. 2, the steps in the original Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm are discussed in Sect. 3. The modifications that can be made in the original © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 355–363, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_38
V. D. Gopal and A. Geetha
SFLA and the steps to be followed are discussed in Sect. 4. The conclusion along with the suggestions for future direction is presented in the last section.
Literature Review
With an aim to improve the quality of clusters Arun Prabha et al. [1] proposed an improved SFLA based on K-Means Algorithm by altering the attribute values into their precise range before clustering. By exploring the normalization for supervised clustering the proposed algorithm helped to find the best fitness function along with good conver‐ gence and local optima. Ling et al. [2] considered the social behavior and proposed a modified shuffled frog leap algorithm that suitably adjusted the leaping step size for optimizing the result. Karakoyun et al. [3] developed an algorithm for clustering data according to optimum centers by using SFLA algorithm. This work used partitional data clustering and it was found to be effective when compared with standard classification algorithms. Vehicle routing problems were addressed by Luo et al. in implementing the algorithm of Shuffled frog Leap in an improved manner [4]. The local search ability had been increased and the convergence speed had been increased by adding Power Law External Optimization Neighborhood Search (PLEONS) which readjusted the position of all the frogs to form new clusters and then analyzed the clusters to get the best solution. In the proposed SFLK algorithm by [5] more than the initial and individual solutions, the global solution was achieved by exchanging the information received from the solu‐ tions of the individual clusters. Effective clustering as addressed by Jose and Pandi [6] introduced a parameter for the acceleration of the process of searching in the traditional SFLA. The position of the frog was changed randomly in order to accelerate the global search. This extended SFLA was compared with SFLA and other stochastic algorithms and it was proved that ESFLA was better in terms of performance despite the time required being more. It was also suggested that by making changes in the ranking and evolution process, there could be chances to improve the execution time. The LSFLA algorithm [7] had been used for data clustering by including chaos and combination operator in the local search as well as entropy in the fitness function. The results showed increased efficiency and less error rate when compared with k-means, GA, PSO, and CPSO. SFLA was to be the best when compared with the other algorithms for optimization while reducing the total harmonic distortion and improving the power factor in power systems according to [8]. In proposed work [9], a Multivariable Quantum SFLA used quantum codes to represent the position of frogs. The mutation probability was used to avoid the solutions from the locally optimal instead of globally optimal. The results showed that the convergence rate and the accuracy were improved. The same algorithm was applied in the telecom field and the results were effective.
Overview of Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm
The Darwinian principles of evolution and Dawkin’s idea of a meme were the key factor to the Memetic Algorithm (MA). It was in 1989, Moscato introduced it to the world. He
Cyclic Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm Inspired Data Clustering
found that the hybrid genetic algorithms, when added with methodical upgradation of knowledge, resembled the hybrid-genetic algorithms. Memetic Algorithms were are able to maintain a balance between the symbolic Darwinian evolution and the local search heuristics of the memes. Having these two phases made the Memetic Algorithms be a special case of Dual-phase evolution [11]. The memes are the transmittable infor‐ mation pattern. The pattern can be transmitted to another animal/human being and change their behavior. These patterns will be alive forever because of their parasitic nature. Though the contents in the meme are similar to gene, the memes can be alive only if they are transmitted. While gene can be transmitted only between the parent and the offspring, the memes can be transmitted between any individuals. The number of individuals having the gene is limited to the number of offspring produced by a parent, whereas there is no such restriction in the case of memes. Similarly, the taken to process the memes is much less than that taken for genes [13]. Inspired by all these above concepts, Eusuff, Lansey and Pasha came up with an optimization algorithm in 2006. This was called “Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA)”. Basically, frogs have a tendency to search for food in groups. This is the main idea employed in SFLA. The frogs form groups among themselves while searching for food. Each group is known as memeplex. The frogs in each memeplex will have different culture. The frog which is at the greatest distance from the food changes its place based on the information it receives from the others frogs in its own memeplex and also from the other memplexes. Within each memeplex the frogs communicate among themselves to come with an idea which can contribute towards the global solution. 3.1 Steps in SFLA The steps of SFLA are given below: It is pictorially represented in Fig. 1. Step 1: Assume a group of ‘p’ frogs as the initial population. Step 2: Compute for each frog the fitness using pre-defined fitness function. Step 3: Frogs are arranged in sorted order (descending order) based on the computed fitness value. Step 4: Form ‘m’ memeplexes each with the capability to hold ‘n’ frogs. Step 5: The frogs are arranged in the respective memeplexes based on their order of ranking. Step 6: Based on the fitness function the best frog and the worst frog are identified. By considering the best frog in each group, a global best frog is identified. This helps in changing the current position of the worst frog in each group based on the information from fellow frogs in the same memeplex. Step 7: The convergence criterion is checked and steps 2–6 are repeated until the crite‐ rion is satisfied.
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Fig. 1. Flow chart of SFLA
The sequence to be followed in the algorithm is given in the flowchart. Each block in the figure represents each step in SFLA. The algorithm ends when the stopping criteria are attained. The fitness of the frogs in each memeplex improves with every iteration and once they reach a constant value the algorithm is stopped.
Overview of Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm
Though the SFLA has been proved to be more effective than many of the optimization algorithms, it suffers from a few disadvantages: 1. 2. 3. 4.
It takes too much time to converge. The processing time is more. There are no clear convergence criteria. The number of iterations given does not guarantee convergence.
The Cyclic Shuffle Frog Leap Algorithm takes all these disadvantages into account while clustering the data given. Most of the research works based on SFLA have only
Cyclic Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm Inspired Data Clustering
the iteration count as the convergence criterion. In Cyclic SFLA, the step size is included which is used as a convergence criterion. The step size is the number steps a frog can be away from the best frog in a memeplex. Any frog with step size above the given value will be taken as the worst frog. Once all the frogs inside have the step size less than or equal to the step size, then the memeplex is considered to be stable and once all the memplexes become stable, the algorithm can be terminated. In this case there is no need to mention the number of iterations in the beginning itself. The main objective of the proposed work is to cluster the data; the sorting process can be carried out in the end once the memeplex is stabilized. This reduces the overhead to the processor. Instead of randomly shuffling the worst frogs in each stage, for every memeplex a worst frog is identified and exchanged with the other memeplexes in rota‐ tion, till all the worst frogs fit into a proper memeplex. This reduces the number of iterations needed to cluster the data. 4.1 Steps in SFLA An algorithm for CSFLA is given in Fig. 2. This is also pictorially represented in Fig. 3.
Fig. 2. Algorithm for Cyclic SFLA
The sequence to be followed to cluster the data is given. Each block represents each step in the proposed algorithm. When all the memeplexes have frogs at step size less than or equal to s, the algorithm terminates.
V. D. Gopal and A. Geetha
Fig. 3. Flow chart of Cyclic SFLA.
Results and Observation
The proposed CSFLA algorithm was implemented and its performance was evaluated based on the number of iterations and the processing time. The CSFLA algorithm was
Dataset vs Iterations & Processing Time Iterations & Processing Time (milliseconds)
51.85 46
23 13
50 Size of Dataset
Fig. 4. Comparison of iteration count with processing time with varying sizes of dataset.
Cyclic Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm Inspired Data Clustering
provided with univariate sequential data. Initially 24 set data was given as input, the data was clustered, and the number of iterations and the processing time were recorded. The same procedure was repeated for 50 and 100 dataset. The comparison between the various sizes of dataset with the iteration count and performance is shown in Fig. 4. With a 24 data, the number of clusters was set as 3, the number of data in each cluster was set as 8, and the step size was set as 5. The data was clustered in 13 iterations with a processing time of 47.12 ms (Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8). 35 30 25 20
5 0 0
Fig. 5. Iteration 1. The initial arrangement of data in 3 clusters for dataset size 24. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3
Fig. 6. Iteration 4. The rearrangement of data in 3 clusters for dataset size 24 during the fourth iteration.
V. D. Gopal and A. Geetha
40 30
0 0
Fig. 7. Iteration 9. The modification in the 3 clusters during ninth iteration. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3
Fig. 8. Iteration 13. The 3 clusters with step size less than or equal to 4 in the thirteenth iteration.
From the results for the dataset of size 24, it was found that the data was clustered in 13 iterations. This was approximately 54%. Based on this, the expected iterations for the dataset of size 50 were 27 and for the dataset of size 100, the iterations were 54, whereas the actual iterations were 23 and 47 respectively. From the above it could be concluded that
Number of iterations = (n∕2) − 2,
approximately, where ‘n’ is the size of the dataset. Similarly, the processing times were 47.12, 47.49, and 51.85 ms for the datasets of size 24, 50, and 100 respectively. From this result, it could be inferred that as the data size increased, the processing size increased marginally and thereby it was established that our proposed algorithm was more suited to datasets of larger size.
The Cyclic SFLA algorithm has been proposed by modifying the SFLA for clustering the data. Since this algorithm focuses on fixing the worst data in each cluster first, it is claimed that the proposed method possesses properties like reduced number of iterations,
Cyclic Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm Inspired Data Clustering
condition for convergence and sorting of data only once. In the proposed work, data are grouped, worst data in each group are identified and then the identified data are shuffled with the other clusters in cyclic order. The process is repeated till all the data are placed in the proper cluster and the step size of the elements in the cluster is less than or equal to the given step size. The implementation of the proposed algorithm shows that the performance of the algorithm improves with the increase in the data size.
References 1. Arun Prabha, K., Karthikeyani Visalakshi, N.: Improved shuffled frog-leaping algorithm based k-means clustering. In: 4th National Conference on Advanced Computing, Applications and Technologies, May 2014. ISSN 2320-0790, Special Issue 2. Ling, J.-M., Khuong, A.-S.: Modified shuffled frog-leaping algorithm on optimal planning for a stand-alone photovoltaic system. Appl. Mech. Mater. 145, 574–578 (2012) 3. Karakoyun, M., Babalik, A.: Data clustering with shuffled leaping frog algorithm (SFLA) for classification. In: International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Electronics Systems and Information Technology (ICESIT 2015), 25–26 August 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2015) 4. Luo, J., Chen, M.-R.: Improved shuffled frog leaping algorithm and its multi-phase model for multi-depot vehicle routing problem. Expert Syst. Appl. 41, 2535–2545 (2014) 5. Amiri, B., Fathian, M., Maroosi, A.: Application of shuffled frog-leaping algorithm on clustering. Int. J. Adv. Manufact. Technol. 45, 199–209 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00170-009-1958-2 6. Jose, A., Pandi, M.: An efficient shuffled frog leaping algorithm for clustering of gene expression data. In: International conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS 2014) (2014). Int. J. Comput. Appl. ISSN 0975-8887 7. Poor Ramezani Kalashami, S., Seyyed Mahdavi Chabok, S.J.: Use of the improved frogleaping algorithm in data clustering. J. Comput. Robot. 9(2), 19–26 (2016) 8. Darvishi, A., Alimardani, A., Vahidi, B., Hosseinian, S.H.: Shuffled frog-leaping algorithm for control of selective and total harmonic distortion. J. Appl. Res. Technol. 12, 111–121 (2017) 9. Cheng, C., et al.: A novel cluster algorithm for telecom customer segmentation. In: 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), pp. 324–329 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1109/iscit.2016.7751644 10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memetic_algorithm 11. Muzaffar, E., Kevin, L., Fayzul, P.: Shuffled frog-leaping algorithm: a memetic meta heuristic for discrete optimization. Eng. Optim. 38(2), 129–154 (2006)
Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithm in Data Mining in R Language Avulapalli Jayaram Reddy1(&), Balakrushna Tripathy2, Seema Nimje1, Gopalam Sree Ganga1, and Kamireddy Varnasree1 1
School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT, Vellore, India [email protected], [email protected] 2 School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT, Vellore, India
Abstract. Data mining is the extraction of different data of intriguing as such (constructive, relevant, constructive, previously unexplored and considerably valuable) patterns or information from very large stack of data or different dataset. In other words, it is the experimental exploration of associations, links, and mainly the overall patterns that prevails in large datasets but is hidden or unknown. So, to explore the performance analysis using different clustering techniques we used R Language. This R language is a tool, which allows the user to analyse the data from various and different perspective and angles, in order to get a proper experimental results and in order to derive a meaningful relationships. In this paper, we are studying, analysing and comparing various algorithms and their techniques used for cluster analysis using R language. Our aim in this paper, is to present the comparison of 5 different clustering algorithms and validating those algorithms in terms of internal and external validation such as Silhouette plot, dunn index, Connectivity and much more. Finally as per the basics of the results that obtained we analyzed and compared, validated the efficiency of many different algorithms with respect to one another.
1 Introduction R utilizes accumulations of bundles to perform diverse capacities. CRAN venture sees give various bundles to various clients as per their taste. R bundle contain diverse capacities for information mining approaches. This paper looks at different bunching calculations on Hepatitis dataset utilizing R. These grouping calculations give diverse outcome as indicated by the conditions. Some grouping methods are better for huge informational index and a few gives great come about for discovering bunch with subjective shapes. This paper is wanted to learn and relates different information mining grouping calculations. Calculations which are under investigation as takes after: K-Means calculation, K-Medoids, Hierarchical grouping algorithm, Fuzzy bunching and cross breed bunching. This paper contrasted all these grouping calculations agreeing with the many elements. After examination of these grouping calculations we depict what bunching calculations ought to be utilized as a part of various conditions for getting the best outcome.
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 364–372, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_39
Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithm in Data Mining in R Language
2 Related Work Few of the researches have worked on different algorithms and implemented few of them, as per that while others have worked on the existing algorithm few have implemented the new one’s. applied various indices to determine the performance of various clustering techniques and validating the clustering algorithms.
3 Clustering Analysis Using R Language Data mining is not performed exclusively by the application of expensive tools and software, here, we have used R language. R is a language and it’s a platform for statistical computing and graphics. The clustering techniques which we used here are of basically four types, Partitioning methods, Hierarchal methods, Model based methods, Hybrid Clustering. Here hepatitis dataset is used to validate the results.
4 Clustering Concepts Clustering analysis is the task of grouping a set of objects or very similar data in such a way that objects in same group or cluster are very similar to each other than to those in another groups or clusters. It is an unsupervised learning technique, which offers different views to inherent structure of a given dataset by dividing it into a many number of overlapping or disjoint groups. The different algorithm that we used in this paper to perform the cluster analysis of a particular given dataset is listed below. 4.1
Partition Based Clustering
It is based on the concept of iterative relocations of the data points from the given dataset between the clusters. 4.1.1 K-Means The aim of this algorithm is to reduce objective function. Hers, the objective function that is considered is Square error function. J¼
k X n X xi cj 2 j¼1 i¼1
2 Where xi cj is the distance between the data point xi, and even the cluster points centroid cj. Algorithm Steps: • Consider a hepatitis dataset/data frame, load and pre-process the data • Keep K points into the workspace as presented by the objects that has to be clustered. These are called the initial or starting group centroids. • Here, the number of clusters is considered as 3.
• • • •
A. Jayaram Reddy et al.
Closest centroid being identified and each object has been assigned to it. When all objects been assigned, the centroids is recalculated back again. Repetition is being done with Steps 2 and 3, till the centroids have no longer move. This gives out a separation of the objects into the groups from where the metric to be minimized should be calculated (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. K-means technique performed on Hepatitis data set in R studio.
4.1.2 K-Mediods (Partitioning Around Mediods) K-Medoids algorithm is one of the partitioning clustering method that has been modified slightly from the K-Means algorithm. Both these algorithms, are particular meant to minimize the squared – error but the K-medoids is very much strong than the K-mean algorithm. Here the data points are chosen as such to be medoids. Algorithm steps: • Load the dataset and pre-process the data • Select k random points that considered as medoids from the given n data points of the Hepatitis dataset. • Find the optimal number of clusters. • Assign the data points as such to the closest medoid by using a distance matrix and visualize it using fviz function (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. K-medoids technique performed on hepatitis dataset using R studio
Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithm in Data Mining in R Language
Hierarchy Based Clustering
This clustering basically deals with hierarchy of objects. Here we need not to prespecify the number of clusters in this Clustering technique, like K-means approach. This clustering technique has been divided into two major types. 4.2.1 Agglomerative Clustering This clustering technique is also known as AGNES, which is none other than Agglomerative Nesting. This clustering works as in bottom-up manner (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Agglomerative clustering based on Hepatitis dataset in R studio
Algorithm Steps: • Load and pre-process dataset then load the factoectra, nbclust, fpc packages.. • Assign each data object to a formed clusters such a way, that each object is assigned to one particular cluster. • Find nearest pair of such clusters and combine them to form a new node, such that those are left out with N-1 clusters. • Calculate distance between old and new clusters. • Perform previous two steps till all the clusters have been clustered as one size. • As we have N data objects, N clusters to be formed. • At last, the data is visualized as a tree known as dendogram. Pn d= i¼1 jxi yi j Manhattan Formula
ffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Pn 2 d= ð x y Þ i i i¼1 Euclidean Formula
4.2.2 Divisive Clustering Divisive Clustering is just the opposite is Agglomerative algorithm. Divisive Clustering Approach is also known as Diana [3] (Fig. 4).
A. Jayaram Reddy et al.
Fig. 4. Divisive clustering based on Hepatitis dataset in R studio
Fuzzy Clustering
Fuzzy is a method of clustering one particular piece of data is to belong to one or more clusters. It is based on the minimization of the objective function. Jm ¼
2 um ij xi cj
1 m\ /
Where m is a real number which is greater than 1, u is a degree of membership of xi, in the ith dimensional data, cj is the centre dimension of the cluster. Algorithm Steps: • Load the dataset. • Load the fanny function. • At k – steps: Calculate the centres of the vectors cðkÞ ¼ cðjÞ with UðkÞ. PN i¼1
c j ¼ PN
um ij :xj
um ij
• Update the values of UðKÞ; UðK þ 1Þ uij ¼
Pc k¼1
1 kxi cj k
m þ2 1
kxi ck k
• If the UðK þ 1Þ UðKÞ\E then stop of the function, otherwise return back to Step 3. • Visualize the data in the clustered format (Fig. 5).
Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithm in Data Mining in R Language
Fig. 5. Fuzzy clustering based on Hepatitis dataset in R studio
Model Based Clustering
The data will considered here is a mixture of two or more clusters. Algorithm Steps: • Load and pre-process the Hepatitis dataset. • Install Mass, ggpubr, factoextra, mclust packages in library in R studio. • Apply mclust function to cluster the data. Then visualize the data (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Model based clustering based on Hepatitis dataset in R studio
5 Performance Analysis 5.1
Cluster Validation
Here the term of cluster validation is used here to evaluate and compare the goodness and accuracy of different clustering algorithms results. This Internal Cluster Validation, basically uses the internal information of all the clustering process to find out the effectiveness and goodness of a cluster structure without knowing the external
A. Jayaram Reddy et al.
information. Internal measures results upon Compactness, separation and connectedness. Internal validation is done using Silhouette, Connectivity and Dunn Index. Index = ðx SeparationÞ=ðy CompactnessÞ Here x and y are the weights.
6 Results of Different Validation Techniques Using Dataset See Figs. 7, 8 and 9.
Fig. 7. K-means and K-medoids validations
Fig. 8. Agglomerative and divisive validations
Fig. 9. Fuzzy validation
Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithm in Data Mining in R Language
7 Choosing the Best Algorithm Internal Validation of different clustering techniques results are listed here (Table 1).
Table 1. Comparision of clustering algorithms Connectivity Dunn Silhouette Connectivity K-medoids Dunn Silhouette Connectivity Diana Dunn Silhouette Connectivity Pam Dunn Silhouette Connectivity Fanny Dunn Silhouette Connectivity Model Dunn Silhouette K-means
8.0996 0.6354 0.4395 8.0996 0.6354 0.4395 8.0996 0.6354 0.4395 75.3393 0.1061 0.1643 49.1099 0.2004 0.1633 60.4056 0.2138 0.1298
59.2643 0.2907 0.1727 11.0286 0.6283 0.3358 11.0286 0.6283 0.3358 102.3099 0.2053 0.0942 NA NA NA NA 0.14 −0.0289
8 Conclusion This paper deals with defining few algorithms, and all those algorithms have been implemented and visualized in R studio. The clustering is done on hepatitis dataset. All the algorithms have been validated using internal measures and results have been displayed in the tabular format in terms of connectivity, Dunn, silhouette index. The measure has been considered for every algorithm and then compared overall to find out the best algorithm. As, per this we conclude that, the K-means is used for the large datasets and large number of clusters, Fuzzy clustering is not well suitable for the large number of clusters and also K-means have maximum dunn and silhouette index values when compare to all other algorithms.
A. Jayaram Reddy et al.
References 1. Smith, T.F., Waterman, M.S.: Identification of Common Molecular Subsequences. J. Mol. Biol. 147, 195–197 (1981) 2. May, P., Ehrlich, H.-C., Steinke, T.: ZIB structure prediction pipeline: composing a complex biological workflow through web services. In: Nagel, W.E., Walter, W.V., Lehner, W. (eds.) Euro-Par 2006. LNCS, vol. 4128, pp. 1148–1158. Springer, Heidelberg (2006). https://doi. org/10.1007/11823285_121 3. Foster, I., Kesselman, C.: The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco (1999) 4. Czajkowski, K., Fitzgerald, S., Foster, I., Kesselman, C.: Grid ınformation services for distributed resource sharing. In: 10th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 181–184. IEEE Press, New York (2001) 5. Foster, I., Kesselman, C., Nick, J., Tuecke, S.: The physiology of the grid: an open grid services architecture for distributed systems ıntegration. Technical report, Global Grid Forum (2002) 6. National Center for Biotechnology Information. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 7. Kanungo, T., Mount, D.M., Netanyahu, N.S., Piatko, C.D., Silverman, R., Wu, A.Y.: An efficient k-means clustering algorithm: analysis and implementation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(7), 881–892 (2002) 8. Liu, Y., Li, Z., Xiong, H., Gao, X., Wu, J.: Understanding of internal clustering validation measures. In: 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), pp. 911– 916. IEEE, December 2010 9. Liu, Y., Li, Z., Xiong, H., Gao, X., Wu, J., Wu, S.: Understanding and enhancement of internal clustering validation measures. IEEE Trans. Cybern. 43(3), 982–994 (2013)
Efficient Mining of Positive and Negative Itemsets Using K-Means Clustering to Access the Risk of Cancer Patients Pandian Asha ✉ , J. Albert Mayan, and Aroul Canessane (
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Application of Data Mining tasks over health care has gained much importance nowadays. Most of the Association Rule Mining techniques attempts to extract only the positive recurrent itemsets and pay less attention towards the negative items. The paper is all about medical assistance, which concentrates on retrieving both positive and negative recurrent itemsets in a efficient way by compressing the overall data available. Stemming methods help in this compres‐ sion of data to half of its size in order to reduce and save memory space. To analyze data, the clustering technique is applied, especially the k-means clustering is used, as it is found to be more effective, easy and less time consuming method when compared to other clustering flavours. Keywords: Clustering · Positive itemsets · Negative itemsets · Stemmer
People all over are worried about their health conditions and to screen those diseases, they undergo some online applications, download softwares, search in google, etc. Thus the first verification step is processed by the information available online or some dedi‐ cated mobile applications. Only if this initial verification step provides no better solution to heal the disease or if the situation is not controlled, then they adapt for consulting a doctor. Our work also concentrates on such an online information as a helpline for patients to screen their disease and to provide a detailed description about that disease such as cure, prevention, side effects. Cancer is the dreadful disease and it is the most increasing disease too. But most of the people is not aware of the information regarding cancer like, what are its symptoms? What all cancers are there? What are its treatments and side effects? Awareness about the disease is less as there are more types of cancer, such as lung, eye, kidney, liver, stomach, etc. Eventhough cancer is a dreadful disease, there is a cure when it is recog‐ nized at an early stage. The paper discusses all about the early stage cancer assistance to help patients by providing them both the positive itemsets and negative itemsets, inorder to provide them suggestions to consult for further references i.e. a doctor. Thus, © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 373–382, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_40
P. Asha et al.
in this work partition of data collected is carefully done and is analyzed for better performance.
Existing System
The existing method aims to mine and discover risk factors from an electronic medical record which is a large dataset. Mining association rules [1] from this large set of data is a bit complicated and more time consuming. Inorder to save time, different summa‐ rization techniques are being discussed and the best suitable method is found. Thus the key contribution in this method is identifying rules with high significant risk from a summarized set of data. Four summarization techniques [2–4] such as APRX-Collec‐ tion, RPGlobal, TopK, BUSwere discussed from where the most suitable and best method is found. Bottom Up Summarization method is selected as it provides a better summarized quality dataset as it reduces redundancy more in number. In this method, only positive itemsets are focused and concentrated more on summarizing the dataset. PNAR calculation was proposed by Zhu et al. [5] that mines legitimate guidelines snappier through relationship coefficient measure and pruning methodologies. In the first place, positive and negative standards are removed from the regular and rare item‐ sets. Utilizing a pruning system, fascinating positive principles are mined that fulfills both least backing and certainty measure alongside a relationship coefficient keeping in mind the end goal to evacuate repudiating rules. At that point intriguing negative guide‐ lines [6] are mined as positive tenets with the exception of that, the base backing and certainty is distinctive. Along these lines, all legitimate affiliation tenets are found. Swesi et al. [7] Integrated two calculations, for example, Positive Negative Associ‐ ation Rules (PNAR) and Interesting Multiple Level Minimum Support’s (IMLMS) to another methodology called PNAR_IMLMS. The unique IMLMS methodology is marginally adjusted at prune step in order to evacuate insignificant tenets, this produces fascinating incessant and occasional itemsets. At that point relationship and Valid Asso‐ ciation Rule in light of Correlation Coefficient and Confidence (VARCC) measures are utilized to mine positive guidelines from regular itemsets and negative principles from both successive and rare itemsets [8, 9]. Accordingly, legitimate positive and negative affiliation principles are come about abstaining from uninteresting guidelines. Shang et al. [10] described PNAR_MDB in P_S measure algorithm to mine association rules from multiple databases. From a large company, multiple database along with its weightage is retrieved. Thus support count is calculated with slight changes by including weight factor, but confidence remained same. Then itemsets are pruned with correlation measure, the survived rules are then passed on to undergo P–S measure for mining more interesting rules. The number of rules gets decreased with more interestingness [10] that avoids knowledge conflicts within the database while mining association rules simul‐ taneously. Shen et al. [11] introduces a new Interest_support_confidence approach which over‐ comes traditional Support_confidence that misleads association rules in 2009. The new mining method initially checked whether minimum interest has met and then correlation measure with the support measure is determined. This evaluation finds positive, negative
Efficient Mining of Positive and Negative Itemsets Using K-Means Clustering
and independent rules. After that the positive and negative rules are checked whether it satisfies minimum support and confidence. The only difficulty is, support and confidence [12–14] for negative rules cannot be found directly as it includes absence of itemsets. Still the method generates a reduced set of positive association rules with more mean‐ ingful negative association rules. Negative Association Rule (NAR) was effectively focused in the work [15], which uses Apriori to recover positive itemsets at first. At that point from the tenets recovered, k negative itemsets are extracted. Later applicant era and pruning is done to locate the legitimate positive and adversely related standards. Therefore, this methodology delivers contrarily related standards from the absolutely related principles decreasing an additional output to the database.
Proposed System
3.1 Proposed Method The overall concept is about rule mining from existing information available about cancer using stemmer, clustering analysis and ranking based on a weightage provided to each rules. Initially user query is nothing but the symptoms they undergo. The query then undergoes stemming and the stemmed query is passed on to the database server where all further information about cancer is partitioned and stored in it (Fig. 1). Then the stemmed input is associated with the dataset inorder to retrieve all the associated rules. All rules are ranked and the most prioritized one is retrieved and submitted to the user.
Fig. 1. Proposed architecture
P. Asha et al.
3.2 Stemmer Stemming is a process of reducing the words to its root word by stripping or replacing the prefix or suffix or even both. Here we use the affix stemming method to reduce the word as it stripes both the suffix and prefix. But while applying the stripping method alone may result in meaningless words. Thus we include affix replacement along with stripping where ever it is needed. Affix stemmer is the best and fastest method as it does not maintain a separate lookup table thus saving memory space. Before we start with stemming, stop words should be filtered, in order to provide better mining of accurate result. Stop words are nothing but the common words to interconnect between terms to produce a meaningful sentence (Fig. 2). Thus absence of stop words will not fulfil a completeness in the sentence.
Fig. 2. Stop words list
Efficient Mining of Positive and Negative Itemsets Using K-Means Clustering
Algorithm_Affix-Stemming: 1. 2.
Initialize a list of stop words S to be filtered. For each keyword K in input query I, I is compared with the list of stop words. Matched keywords from I is removed. Affix_Stemmer() a. step1(word) if K ends with "at" -> "ate", else if K ends with "bl" -> "ble", else if K ends with "iz" -> "ize". b. step2(stem) if K ends with "y" -> "i". c. step3(stem) if K ends with " ational ","ation","ator" -> " ate " if K ends with " tional " -> " tion " if K ends with " anci " -> " ance " if K ends with " izer ","ization" -> " ize " if K ends with " iveness "-> " ive" d. step4(stem) if K ends with " icate ","iciti","ical"-> " ic " if K ends with " ative ","ful","ness"-> " NULL " if K ends with " alize "-> " al " e. step5(stem) if K ends with "al","ance","ence","er","ic","able","ible", "ant","ment","ent"-> no change f. step6(stem) if K ends with "sses" -> ss, elseif K ends with "ies" -> i
Applying the affix stripping stemmer to the input we get,
→ → →
Muscle-cramps Muscle-cramp regular, Irregularities Depression Depress Applying the affix stripping and replacement stemmer to the input we get,
→ →
→ → →
Decreased Decreas Decrease Troubl Trouble Troubling Frequent urinat Frequent urination
→ Frequent urinate
3.3 Cluster Formation Clustering does grouping of similar objects(data) from the dataset D and thus forming different clusters(C). Every cluster characteristics is dissimilar to all other cluster. The objects which donot belong to any of the clusters is the outlier. In our work, frequent itemsets are extracted from the cluster formed as infrequency lies with analyzing the outliers also. So every different cancer types are grouped in different clusters. As we use partitioning method, every object must belong to atleast one cluster and every cluster must have atleast few objects belonging to it. K-means partitioning method is used to form clusters where clusters are selected randomly and applied distance formula to locate
P. Asha et al.
every objects to its minimum distant clusters and thus changes are made for k resultant clusters. K-means method is one of the best cluster partitioning method. Algorithm_K-Means: 1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
The initial number of clusters( ) are randomly choosed where l = 1, 2, ....p. For each cluster , Mean is calculated by
where is the objects in . With and ,Compute the Euclidean distance between every mean of a cluster object present within and outside the cluster. Find the minimum distance, For each to Find the minimum distance Replace the objects to minimum distant cluster where ever it is necessary. Repeat the process till every in D is covered. Output the p resultant clusters.
for every
3.4 Ranking Ranking is used to prioritize the rules extracted from D by apriori algorithm which is a candidate generation algorithm. After extracting the associated rules from D, ranking is done to the extracted rules based upon the weightage given to every objects in the cluster. The weightage is based upon some analysis of term frequency where the term implies the symptoms that has been so frequent with the patients who have undergone that type of cancer. 3.5 Retrieval of Related Information The output to the user is top ranked rules where they more frequently occur within the patients. And to alert the patients with its disease risk, the type of cancer along with the percentage(%) of possibility is provided as a result to the user (Fig. 3). The resultant cancer type can be viewed further in order to assist the user with its full description about the cure, prevention and treatment (Fig. 4). Another part is the negative rules, where the patients who have undergone the same type of symptom will not have resulted in cancer. Such part of the symptoms are also considered as outliers and there occurrence can be rare in some cases also. These itemsets can also be considered as a strength to users as they may also become one of such an outlier.
Efficient Mining of Positive and Negative Itemsets Using K-Means Clustering
Fig. 3. Output with all possible cancer type and its percentage of probability
Fig. 4. Detailed guidance on prevention, side effect and treatment for every cancer type
Performance Evaluation
4.1 Evaluation Measures Accuracy of the system is evaluated with Precision and Recall measures. The correctness of the system can be predicted with the accuracy measure. From the proposed model, the accuracy is the relevant result retrieved regarding the user query. Two terms such as ‘relevant result’ and ‘retrieved result’ is to be discussed to evaluate accuracy. Relevant result is when the system generates more relevant output to the input given and retrieved result is nothing but extracted output to the user input which may not be much relevant. Thus, ‘Precision’ and ‘Recall’ measures the quality and quantity of relevant results retrieved related to the query.
P. Asha et al.
Precision = Recall =
no. of relevant results retrieved to the user Total no. of retrieved results present in the system
no. of relevant results retrieved to the user Total no. of relevant results that should be returned from the system
The below graph Fig. 5 show cases the precision and recall rating for the different cancer types used. From the analysis, it is shown that proposed method has a better relevancy rating. Furthermore, Fig. 6 demonstrates the precision expectation of cancer sort with the danger level. The exact measure is really reliant on the accuracy and review rate. In past work, more synopsis methods are utilized with after with redundancies that might influence the nature of the outcome.
100 90 80 70 60 Precision
40 30 20 10 0 Lung
Fig. 5. Precision and recall analysis
In the proposed procedure, stemming strategy is utilized for packing the dataset which diminishes more excess standards than past work. In this manner, from the assessment come about, the proposed strategy creates a right and important result to the client question given. The measure is more, as it result in better exact framework giving a direction and consciousness of the clients who hunt down a help to cancer.
Efficient Mining of Positive and Negative Itemsets Using K-Means Clustering
100 98 96 94 92
Existing Method
Proposed Method
88 86 Proposed Method
84 82
Existing Method
80 Accuracy
Patient record covered
Fig. 6. Comparison of existing and proposed system
Conclusion and Future Enhancement
Overall, we conclude that the affix stemmer used for both removal and replacement enhances speed and correctness of stemming thus reducing the memory space. But it’s limited to some irregular forms and compound words. And the k-means clustering result in a better cluster formation to mine the positive itemsets where outliers helped in nega‐ tive ones. K-means is used for better computation time. Ranking the rules provided with an advantage of prioritized and relevant retrieval of output to the user in order to assist them with accurate and more relevant result. In future, more efficient stemmer can be used in order to handle the irregular and compound words. Patient record history of cancer can be included along with the cancer types so as to provide a better solution for the better treatment of user. Also, the work can be extended such that it can fit into the giant, Big data.
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Machine Learning
Forecasting of Stock Market by Combining Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics J. L. Joneston Dhas1(&), S. Maria Celestin Vigila2, and C. Ezhil Star3 1
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil 629180, Tamilnadu, India [email protected] Department of Information Technology, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil 629180, Tamilnadu, India [email protected] Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arunachala College of Engineering for Women, Manavilai 629203, Tamilnadu, India [email protected]
Abstract. Big data has large volume, velocity and variety. The data is taken from social network, sensor, internet etc. It has stream of information and has both structured and unstructured and one petabyte of information is generated daily and the data’s is not in an order. Stock market analysis is not an easy task and prediction is created based on several parameters. The financial markets are fast and complex and the market participants face difficult to manage the overloaded information. The sentiment analysis is useful to process the textual content and the results are filtered and give the meaningful and relevant information. The technical analysis is to predict future value based on the past value. In this research the combination of technical analysis using machine learning and big data analytics is implemented and an accurate prediction is generated in the stock market. Keywords: Big data Data science
Stock market Market hypothesis Random walk
1 Introduction Big data has several types of data such as text (structured, unstructured or semistructured), multimedia data (audio, images, video). Dobre and Xhafa [1] reports 2.5 quintillion bytes of information are produced in the world every day and out of these 90% of the data are unstructured. As it has huge amount of information and has both valuable and unwanted information. So from this large amount of information short and valuable needed information will be taken and it is used to analysis for the future prediction and is used to improve the business. Big data analytics is used in all areas like improving the performance of networks, business, stock market prediction etc. Chin-lin et al. [2] proposed big data analytics improving the performance of network and improve the performance. Thaduri et al. [3] implemented the analytics method to improve the railway management. In this paper © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 385–395, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_41
J. L. Joneston Dhas et al.
they take several parameters to improve it. Biag and Jabeen [4] create the data analytics to monitor the student’s behaviour. So the big data is used in all the areas to improve the efficiency of the business. In this research article the big data is used to predict for the stock market. The stock market is one of the main businesses in all over the world and millions of people involved in it and they do trading or investment. Prediction is very important in the stock market and accurate prediction will give good profit. One way of identify the economy status of the country is by the stock market. It is not isolated in one country and it depends on global economics. The data in the stock market varies on every second. In the social network many websites are available and from all the websites the sample data is taken and many people give many commands about the company and it is the sentiment data. Sometimes the people may be biased and it will not give the good prediction. The stock market will move up or down depending upon the selling or buying habit of the customers and it gives the volume of the company. Some of the people lose their valuable money because of wrong prediction. So prediction is very important in the share market to make profit. The smarter person than others can able to make money in the stock market. So each and every day the data will be changed and depending on the data the prediction will be varied daily. The stock value is changed due to many reasons like, profit or loss, profit booking, new order booking, agreement with other company or government, economy crisis of the same country, economy crisis of the other country and election result of the country. The result impact of the stock value of the same owner’s other company etc. So investing money in the share market is not a little easy job. Before investing the money in the share market a big analysis must be done to book the profit. The analysis is not done before buying the share and is should done before selling the share. The person does not know when the share value will be decreased. So the analysis must be done daily and the person will sell the stock in correct time and make profit from that stock. In the stock market there are thousands of company are involved and lot of channels, web sites and many analysis are done by many people and the refer some of the company stock to buy or sell. So the analysis will be done for a 360 degree view of the company to make a profit. So a manual calculation is not able to calculate all the values and find the buying pressure or selling pressure. Saul and Roweis [5] implemented unsupervised learning of the data and it will be done in large amount of data. 1.1
Big Data Analytics Model
Big data collects the information from various sources and take only the useful information for the people, government and business people. This information is used for the business people to analysis the data and to improve their business and it is used to analysis the stock market to make the profit. Kolaczyk [6] proposed a statistical analytical method of network data. In this the data is collected from the network and the data is analysis. Also he proposed an efficient model and method for analysis the data. Skretting and Engan [7] proposed a dictionary learning algorithm which analysis the information from the internet and social media. Nowadays the stock analysis is done
Forecasting of Stock Market by Combining Machine Learning
using the big data. Uhr et al. [8] proposed a sentiment analysis for stock market. Here the data is collected from various sources and the useful information related to stock analysis is taken and it is analysed to predict the future value. Current technologies will not be able to analyse the data from large amount information. In the case of data warehouse architecture it analyse the small data and also it delivers the product and not the value. It is a batch process and not the real value and the implementation is done by programming. So the new technology big data is able to analyse the information from the social media, sensor network etc. It analyse the real time information and implementation is done by orchestration. The task of big data analyser has to understand the detailed technical knowledge and choose the correct platform and software for analysing the data. Before analysing the data many challenges has to be addressed. The data challenge is the challenge that depends on the data characterisation i.e., volume, velocity, visualization, value, volatility, veracity, variety and discovery. Process challenge depends on the techniques used for analysis, i.e., how to get, integrate, transform the data, data acquisition, cleansing, choose the correct model for analytics and providing the result and the management challenge denotes the challenges that will be faced by the management for analysing big data. It includes security, privacy, data ownership, information sharing, data governance, operational expenditures. To analyse the information in big data it has three layer structures which is used to create the expected result with more accurate and is shown in the Fig. 1.
Software Layer: Algorithms used for Big Data Word Count
Page Rank
Data Discovery Tools
Real Time Analytics
Horizontal / Vertical Analysis
Data Science
Streaming Application
Marketing, Sales Execution and Operation Applications
Platform Layer: Big Data computing Data Governance (Data Management and Modelling)
Data Integration Tools Hadoop
Graph Lab
Infrastructure Layer: Machines used to store the Big Data Private Cloud
Public Cloud Fig. 1. Layer model of big data analytics.
Hybrid Cloud
J. L. Joneston Dhas et al.
The analytic process is divided as three layers. The first layer is the infrastructure layer and it is used for setting up communication, storage and computing. The analysis is performed in the platform layer. Many internet companies like amazon, Yahoo twitter and Face book and traditional analysis company use hadoop for analysis the data. But it is not used for all the analysis. So depending on the analysis the different platform was used. In software layer the different program abstractions are available. The user will have to choose the software depending on their needs. The selection of analytical method is important to extract the sense of the data. The descriptive analysis method helps to identify the current status of the business. Inquisitive analysis method which will validate or reject the business hypothesis and give the answer to the questions why this moment happened in the past. Predictive analysis method estimates the future outcome of the supply chain management and used to identify the opportunities or risks in future. Prescriptive analysis method helps responding like how it is now and when decision is changed and how it will be in future and Pre-emptive analysis helps to recommend and to take precautionary action.
2 Related Work Many researchers proposed various models to predict the future value. Nowadays the stock market forecasting gives more attention because it will guide the investors to predict successfully and make more profit from the share market. Depend upon the prediction the investment and trading will be done. The prediction will make the investor to make corrective measure. Many researches are done in the area of the stock prediction. The EMH (Efficient Market Hypothesis) says an effective market. Assumption of market based on EMH is speculative. Gallagher and Taylor [9], Walczak et al. [10] proposed the prediction about the stock. Various studies are performed to predict the stock price [11, 12]. Random walk theory is the anther theory that is related to EMH. In EMH it predict the future value depend on weak form, semi strong form and strong form. It states that any pattern or trend not follow to predict the future value and are depend on the previous closing value. The economist created a new hypothesis which is known as IMH (Inefficient Market Hypothesis). It is based on the computational and the intelligent finance, and the behavioural finance. It states that the stock markets are not efficient and random walk at all the time. Pan [13] proposed the analysis of stock market based on the technical and quantitative analysis. Also he implements the SMH (Swing Market Hypothesis) states the market are efficient and inefficient sometimes and there is a swing. The stock market depends on four components: physical cycles, random walks, dynamic swing and random walks. Stock market analyst uses various techniques such as analytical and fundamental techniques to predict the stock value. Fundamental analysis is an in-depth analysis and it is based on exogenous macroeconomic. It assumes the stock is depends on intrinsic value. But this value is change depend on the new information. Mendelsohn [14] proposed a technical analysis and it is based on both external and internal factors to predict the stock value. It uses the statistical chart, open price, closing price, high, low and volume to predict the future value. The stock market analysis can also be done
Forecasting of Stock Market by Combining Machine Learning
based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) [15]. Here the authors proposed the FCM based on dynamic domination theory. Koulouriotis et al. [16] proposed a Fuzzy Cognitive Map-based Stock Market Model and it is the powerful tool to forecast the stock market. Senthamarai Kannan et al. [17] proposed stock market forecasting using the data mining and it predict the value using the global and other issues. Schumaker and chen [18] implements textual analysis for the prediction of stock market and they take the information from the financial news and depending on the news they forecast the stock market. Alkhatib et al. [19] proposed a K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) Algorithm for the prediction of stock market. They predict the value based on the closing value of the current day. Joneston Dhas et al. [20] proposed a framework to securely store the big data. Maria Celestin Vigila and Muneeswaran [21] proposed a security method to store the data. Maheswaran and Helen Sulochana [22] proposed the bandwidth allocation to transfer the data to the cloud. ANN is a supervised learning method and it automatically trains the data and the output will be generated automatically. In this case many several artificial neurons are interconnected and produce the output. In the feed forward neural network several neurons are interconnected in the form of layers. The neurons process the data and provide the output. It has input set [Xi], where i ¼ 1; 2; . . . a; and it produces output [Zi], where i ¼ 1; 2; 3. . . p. The input signal gives the input to the neuron and transmitted through the connection which multiplies the strength by weight W and forms the product WX. The bias b is added with weighted input and passed through the transfer function and the output is generated. The bias b and weight w are adjusted so a desired behaviour is exhibited by the neuron. The Fig. 2 explains the artificial neural network. Input Layer
Hidden Layers
Output Layer
Y2 Z
Fig. 2. Artificial neural network
In the case of Back Propagation Neural Network there are input layer, hidden layer and output layer. The input is given in the input layer and much process is done in the hidden layer. The output of one neuron will be given as the input to the next neuron. The output layer generates the output. It has a inputs, b, c, d number of neurons in first second and third hidden layer respectively and in the output layer it has p neurons.
J. L. Joneston Dhas et al.
3 Proposed Architecture In the proposed architecture it combines the Artificial Neural Network and big data to predict the accurate stock value. In artificial neural network it will analyse the data based on the historical value and it predict the value automatically. Based on the historical value it generates the output and technically the result will be accurate. The neural network which will be trained is an expert in that particular area and the output generated by it is very accurate. But this technical calculation is not predicting the accurate value. Because in the share market the value depends on many factors like Half yearly or Quarterly result, National or International level dealing, Combined with other company, Anti-dumping duty of their product, National or International economical factor etc. In this paper the technical result and the sentimental analysis will be combined and the sentimental analysis is done using the big data analytics. So the combination of machine learning and big data analytics will give the accurate prediction about the share market value. The basic architecture of the analysis of stock market is shown in Fig. 3.
Machine Learning
Historical Data
Decision: Buy/Sell
Sensor Data Big Data Analytics
Internet Data Social Media
Fig. 3. Architecture for the prediction of the share market.
For predicting the future value of the stock market in this method it combines the technical analysis and the sentimental analysis. Equation 1 is used to calculate the technical value and this value predict the stock market in the future. A ¼ ðð
Xn i¼1
Wi W ði 1ÞÞ=ðn 1ÞÞ1=2
Wi indicates the closing value on ith day and n indicates the number of days taken for the prediction. The difference between the two day closing values is calculated upto n days and the average is the final value for the final prediction and shown in Eq. 2. B¼
Xn i¼0
Vi indicates the volume of the ith day and the value is calculated for n number of days and the average volume for n days is in Eq. 3.
Forecasting of Stock Market by Combining Machine Learning
Xn i¼0
U indicates the average volume of the month and the final prediction value is calculated by the Eq. 4. D ¼ ðð
Xn i¼1
Xn Wi W ði 1ÞÞ=ðn 1ÞÞ1=2 ðð i¼0 Vi=nÞ=UÞ
In this case A refers the average technical analytic value for the n trading days. B indicates the average volume of n trading days. C is the average volume of n days to the average volume of one month. If D is positive then it indicates a buying pressure and the share value will be increased in near future and if D is negative a selling pressure. If D is near to zero the share can be hold by the investor. Only this technical calculation will not predict the correct value. Some other factor like half yearly or Quarterly result, National or International level dealing, combined with other company, Anti-dumping duty of their product, National/International economy crisis will also play a major role in the stock market and it will be analysed by the big data. Depending upon the big data analysis result the prediction will be accurate. In big data the analysis involves three steps: Step 1: Capture – Collect the information from the social media, sensor and internet. In the case of stock market different websites, channels are available and it provides the new valuable information about the stock market. The data is streamed in HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System). The company data is taken from the internet and the recent activities of the company is taken from the news and tweet. News article is taken by Mozenda web crawler and tweet information is taken by twitter search API. The data will be streamed in HDFS and analyse the positive and negative of each company. In this method the data is taken from NSE (National Stock Exchange), Financial Express, Economic Times and Money Control websites and also the tweet information is taken from money control and from this websites different information is taken from the expert’s overview. Step 2: Analyse – Analysis the data using Hadoop. Here the news article is collected from different sources and it will be analysed. The collected information is processed before analysis will take place. Processing includes removing stop words, URL and duplicates. In sentiment analysis the processed data is analysed using HDFS. Hive is used for collecting sentiment of tweets and news. Algorithm: Sentiment analysis Input : Data from various sources in the internet with Keyword. Output: All the words with the keyword. Begin: Sentiment[R] = 0 For row 1 to n Compare word in dictionary for all rows R and apply Sentiment Word. Sentiment[R] = Sentiment[R] + 1 End
J. L. Joneston Dhas et al.
The news article and tweet information are aggregated and to give all sentiment about the company. The sentiment indicates the positive or negative impact about the company. The obtained result are observed in the form of graph using R and Hadoop. Step 3: Result – Provide the valuable and summarized result to the user.
4 Performance Analysis The performance metrics is calculated for the technical analysis and then combined with the sentimental analysis so any false positive and false negative can be identified and the stock forecasting depending on international economics or any other external factor can be predicted easily. In the technical analysis based on the previous data like volume, closing value the future value is predicted. The following Fig. 4 gives the prediction result of technical analysis.
Prediction V a l u e
R u p e e s
Before Prediction
After Prediction
40.00 20.00 0.00
A B C D E F G H Company Name
Prediction Value 0 - Sell 50 - Hold 100 - Buy
Fig. 4. Prediction using technical analysis
The precision recall is used to find the accuracy of the predicted result and precision is the average value of the probability in relevant value. Recall is the average value of the probability in complete value. Precision and recall is defined in Eqs. 5 and 6. Precision ¼ Recall ¼ The accuracy is calculated by the Eq. 7.
tp tp þ fp
tp tp þ fn
ð5Þ ð6Þ
Forecasting of Stock Market by Combining Machine Learning
tp þ tn tp þ tn þ fp þ fn
Accuracy ¼
Where tp is true positive, tn is true negative, fp is false positive and fn is false negative and all this parameter is used to find the accuracy of the predicted value. In this method it has 87% of precision, 89% of recall and 89% of accuracy. By using the big data analytics the sentiment analysis is created and it analysis the stock prediction by the news channel, tweet information and internet. In this the positive and negative values are separately identified and by this the stock prediction is done. The Fig. 5 gives the prediction of the company.
V 100 a 90 l 80 u 70 e 60 ( R 50 u 40 p 30 e 20 e 10 s 0 )
Positive Negative
Company Name
Fig. 5. Prediction using sentiment analysis
So by combine the technical analysis and sentiment analysis the prediction result will be more accurate and help the investor to make profit in the stock market.
5 Conclusion In this research the stock market prediction is forecast using the combination of technical calculation and sentimental analysis. Machine learning and sentiment analysis predict the stock market. It shows the future prediction of stock market is also changed due to political news, economic and social media. Big data analytics predict the stock market in real time. The sentiment analysis algorithm gives the summative assessment in the tweet and news article and it is in real time. So the combination of technical analysis and sentiment analysis improve the stock prediction.
J. L. Joneston Dhas et al.
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20. Joneston Dhas, S., Maria Celestin Vigila, S., Ezhil Star, C.: A framework on security and privacy-preserving for storage of health information using big data. Int. J. Control. Theory Appl. 10(10), 91–100 (2017) 21. Maria Celestin Vigila, S., Muneeswaran, K.: A new elliptic curve cryptosystem for securing sensitive data applications. Int. J. Electron. Secur. Digit. Forensics 5(1), 11–24 (2013) 22. Maheswaran, C.P., Helen Sulochana, C.: Utilizing EEM approach to tackle bandwidth allocation with respect to heterogeneous wireless networks. ICT Express 2, 80–86 (2016)
Implementation of SRRT in Four Wheeled Mobile Robot K. R. Jayasree ✉ , A. Vivek ✉ , and P. R. Jayasree ✉ (
Department of EEE, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kollam, India [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. A mobile robot shall efficiently plan a path from its starting point or current location to a desired target location. This is rather easy in a static envi‐ ronment. However, the operational environment of the robot is generally dynamic and as a result, it has many moving obstacles or a moving target. One or many, of these unpredictable moving obstacles may be encountered by the robot. The robot will have to decide how to proceed when there are obstructions in its path. How to make the mobile robot proceed in dynamic environment using SRRT technique in hardware is presented here. Using the proposed technique, the robot will modify its current plan when there is an obstruction due to an unknown obstacle and will move towards the target. The hardware model of four wheeled mobile robot and target are developed. The experimental platform is developed and control of the system is obtained using an Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega platforms. Keywords: Smoothed rapidly exploring random tree (SRRT) Car-like mobile robot (CLMR) · Autonomous mobile robot (AMR) Non-holonomic constraints · Smoothed RRT
Path planning is one of the most researched problems in the area of robotics. The primary goal of any path planning algorithm is to provide a collision free path from a starting point till the end, within the configuration space of the robot. Probabilistic planning algorithms, such as the Probabilistic Roadmap Method (PRM) [1] and the Rapidlyexploring Random Tree (RRT) [2], provide a quick solution with the help of optimality. The RRT algorithm has been one of the most popular probabilistic planning algorithms since its introduction. The RRT is a fast, simple technique which incrementally generates a tree in the configuration space until the goal is reached. The RRT has a significant limitation in finding an asymptotically optimal path, and has been shown as never converging with an asymptotically optimal solution [3, 4]. There are wide researches happened to improve the performance of the RRT. Simple improvements like the BiDirectional RRT and the Rapidly-exploring Random Forest (RRF) improve the search coverage and speed at which a single-query solution is found. The SRRT algorithm provides a significant improvement in the optimality of the RRT and has been shown to © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 396–408, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_42
Implementation of SRRT in Four Wheeled Mobile Robot
provide a smoothed path and so the time taken is also less [5]. Visual tracking is the most commonly used technique. In this research paper, an SRRT technique is used for tracking; distance between source and target is a main criteria for proper tracking. The distance is computed from the Received Signal Strength Indicator value obtained from target [12]. The following sections of the paper are structured as follows: In Sect. 2 description of the path planning technique is presented. Section 3 describes hardware model design used. Obstacle avoidance is discussed in Sect. 4. The tracking of target is discussed in the Sect. 5. Hardware test results are explained in Sects. 6 and 7 concludes the paper.
Path Planning Technique
For the motion of robot towards the target by avoiding obstacles, a path is to be planned. Smoothed RRT technique (SRRT) is used for path planning. The flowchart for SRRT shown in Fig. 1 describes how SRRT can be implemented in hardware of four wheeled robot. Beginning from the initial robot position, path is planned. If signal is available from sender, the vehicle moves. It reads the received signal strength which is then converted from hexadecimal to dBm. As SRRT technique is used, tracking can be done only using the distance between source and target. The distance can be obtained in indoor environments only using RSSI. Hence, distance is obtained using (1). Every time, signal is sent from transmitter, the angle at which the sender moves is sent to receiver side and the receiver turns by the same angle on giving signal to servomotor attached to front wheels. At the same time, speed control is done at back wheels attached to DC motor while it moves forward. Then checking is done for obstacle avoidance. If an obstacle is detected, obstacle avoidance loop is called, which is explained later. If obstacle is not detected, the following sequence of operations happens. Whenever the mobile robot moves forward, if the distance between the source and target is less than some threshold distance from the goal position, algorithm checks if the goal can be reached in a straight line from the current position of the robot. If the target is in a reachable distance, vehicle stops. At this juncture, the path planning is complete. If the goal position is still not reachable, the mobile robot proceeds further by avoiding obstacles. If obstacle is detected, in obstacle avoidance loop, it checks if left sensor detected the obstacle. If so, then turning is done to +20° to the right direction away from obstacle. Else, if right sensor detected obstacle, then turning is done −20° to the left, away from obstacle. Then it checks for signal from sender and steer towards the target according to target’s angle received.
K. R. Jayasree et al.
Fig. 1. Flow chart
Implementation of SRRT in Four Wheeled Mobile Robot
Four Wheeled Robot Development
The robot models developed by different manufacturers for tracking is mostly done using camera. Here, a car-like mobile robot that tracks a target using distance between the robot position and target is developed. The robot should track the moving target by avoiding the obstacles. A single, efficient path planning technique that takes into account of target tracking and obstacle avoidance is adopted, instead of old techniques that use separate algorithms for target tracking and obstacle avoidance. To design such a mobile robot, the system has to be studied in detail. The system description for hardware model is shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b).
Fig. 2. (a) Block diagram: transmitter module. (b) Block diagram: receiver module
K. R. Jayasree et al.
The hardware model requires a car-like robot as receiver module and target as trans‐ mitter module respectively. The microcontroller used for mobile robot (receiver module) is Arduino Mega 2560 and for target (transmitter module), Arduino UNO is used. Sensor 1 and sensor 2 are the ultrasonic sensors used for obstacle avoidance. On the transmitter side, a transmitter, zigbee of Series-1 interfaced to the Arduino UNO is used to continuously transmit data. At the receiver side, a receiver, zigbee of Series-2 is used to receive the data. The required path for robot to move is planned using Smoothed RRT (Rapidly exploring Random Tree) algorithm. It computes the path and re-plan it on the spot or online based on the obstacles that comes in route. The actual path to be followed by mobile robot is according to the current position of target which is computed by a sensor (MPU 6050) mounted on the transmitter side. On receiving the position of target, the controller of the receiver module gives signal to its actuators. Hence, the motors rotate the left and right wheels. A servomotor is used to steer the front wheels and DC motor at the back wheels is used for forward motion. Speed control is also done at the back wheels. 3.1 Construction Details Transmitter Module The developed transmitter module is depicted in Fig. 3. The target consist of a battery of 6 V and the power is stepped down to 5 V using a power supply board. The sensor, MPU and zigbee are connected to each other as well as to Arduino UNO and power supply board. MPU 6050 gives current angle turned by the transmitter. Zigbee transmits signal to compute distance between source and target using Received Signal Strength (RSSI). The mobile robot (source) steers towards the transmitter (target) according to the angle sent from transmitter via zigbee.
Fig. 3. Transmitter module (target)
In Fig. 4 shows the hardware model of the receiver module (car-like robot). The mobile robot moves forward until an obstacle is encountered. Battery and power supply
Implementation of SRRT in Four Wheeled Mobile Robot
board are used to give power signals. Two ultrasonic sensors having a maximum range of 400 cm are mounted on the front left and right of the car chassis to avoid obstacles.
Fig. 4. Hardware model of car-like robot (receiver side)
Zigbee is supported on a base which is the USB zigbee adapter (an inbuilt 3.3 V regulator). As Arduino Mega has 54 I/O pins and three serial ports, it is used to process signals. Receiver Module The S2 series zigbee receives the signal from transmitter and make movement with the front servomotor connected. The DC motor at the back wheels is connected to L293N motor driver. As motor driver can take up voltage higher than 5 V, it is directly connected to battery whereas the servomotor used operates at 5 V, hence it is connected to battery via power supply board.
Obstacle Avoidance
Ultrasonic sensors can be used to solve even the most complex tasks involving object detection or level measurement with millimeter precision, because their measuring method works reliably under almost all conditions. Infrared sensors too, find applica‐ tions in many day to day products. Their low power requirements, their simple circuitry and their portable features make them desirable. The ultrasonic sensor transmits sound waves and receives sound reflected from an object. When ultrasonic waves are incident on an object, diffused reflection of the energy takes place over a wide solid angle which might be as high as 180°. Thus some fraction of the incident energy is reflected back to the transducer in the form of echoes as shown in Fig. 5. If the object is very close to the sensor, the sound waves returns quickly, but if the object is far away from the sensor, the sound waves take more time to return. But if objects are too far away from the sensor, the signal is so weak when it comes back that the receiver cannot detect it [7].
K. R. Jayasree et al.
Fig. 5. Working principle
In order to determine the distance of an object, the sensor depends on the time it takes for the sound to come back from the object in the front. The distance to the object (s) can then be calculated with the help of speed of ultrasonic waves (v) in the medium by the relation where ‘t’ is the time taken by the wave to reach back to the sensor. If the object is in motion, instruments based on Doppler shift are used. The ultrasonic sensor can measure distances in centimeters and inches. It can measure from 0 to 2.5 m, with a precision of 3 cm. The distance calculation is as follows: Speed of sound: v = 340 m/s = 0.034 cm∕μs
Time = distance∕speed Time: t = s∕v = 10∕0.034 = 294 μs Distance: s = t ∗ (0.034∕2)
In the research work presented, there are two motors at the front and back. The front wheels steer towards left and right directions using the servomotor whereas the DC motor at the back is used to move forward and backward. Hence, once the distance between the source and obstacle is calculated using the above given equation, if that distance is less than 30 cm, then the back wheels reduce the speed (using the enable pin) and front wheels turns right or left (based on if output is from left sensor and right sensor respectively) in order to evade the obstacle. Angles are directly given to servomotor to make a turn away from obstacle. HIGH and LOW signals are applied to DC motor pins in order to move back wheels forward.
Target Tracking
To track the moving target, target sends signal continuously. After receiving the signal from target, the mobile robot moves towards it accordingly. Based on the received signal strength (RSSI), the distance between mobile robot and target is found with which the robot tracks it. RSSI stands for Received Signal Strength Indicator. It is the strength of the sender’s signal as seen on the receiving device. RSSI provides an approximate result for the received signal strength. Digi radio modems send weak signals from a distant
Implementation of SRRT in Four Wheeled Mobile Robot
transmitter. The signal strength is obtained using a function, pulseIn() in Arduino IDE. The datasheet for Xbee RF module contains the description about the conversion from hexadecimal to dBm value and that is used in the project to convert the RSSI (in hex) to dBm. The RSSI (dBm) is used to get distance between the sender and receiver. Here, it is given that, if RSSI is −40 dBm, then the hex value of which is 0 × 28 (decimal = 40) is returned. Hence, to convert the obtained RSSI to dBm, first convert the obtained RSSI (in hex) to decimal value and then take negative of it. Measured Power is a factory-calibrated, read-only constant which indicates the expected RSSI at a distance of 1 m to the sender. Combined with RSSI, it allows to estimate the distance between the device and the sender. Then the distance is calculated using (1). Distance = 10 ∧ ((Measured Power − RSSI)∕(10 ∗ N))
where measured power is also known as the 1 m RSSI. N is a constant that depends on the environmental factor, ranging from 2 to 4 m. A threshold value is set which is the minimum distance required to reach the target. In order to track a moving target, when‐ ever the target steer at an angle, the mobile robot should steer at the same angle and in a specific direction so as to reach the target. The desired position of the servomotor is send in the form of a PWM signal by the microcontroller. A PWM signal is an electrical signal of which the voltage periodically generates pulses. The width of these pulses determines the servo position. So when the width of the pulses change, the position of the servo gets changed. According to the angle sent from target using MPU 6050, the mobile robot will steer towards it, using servomotor to control its front wheels. Hence, proper tracking of mobile robot towards target by considering both range as well as orientation occurs. Servomotor itself has a potentiometer inside to make sure the correct angle is maintained. Hence servomotor is used to make the front wheels steer towards the target. The wheels of the receiver module, which are connected to servomotor turns according to the motion of transmitter.
Implementation Results
After the development of four wheeled mobile robot and target, it is tested for obstacle avoidance and target tracking, the results are described in this part of the research paper. The angles given by MPU according to transmitter movement is as shown in Fig. 6. The servomotor movement is restricted to 90°. The wheels are at centre when the servomotor angle is at 50°. The left maximum angle is 0° and right maximum is 90°. Turning is done between 30 to 70°. From Fig. 6, when the transmitter is kept horizontal, the angle obtained is approximately 52° where ‘ax’ represents the angle along X-axis. When it is inclined at angle i.e., when transmitter is in an inclined position, the angle became 39°. When transmitter is tilted in the opposite direction, the angle became approx. 58°.
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Fig. 6. Transmitter movement and angles
6.1 System Concept and Implementation The car like robot that follows a path planned using SRRT technique is developed. At each step, according to the algorithm, the mobile robot checks if any signal is received from target and compute the distance between them. Also, it checks if there is any obstacle in its path from source to target. If not, it continues towards the target else if there is any obstacle, it turns away from the obstacle in the direction of target. Finally if the distance become less than threshold, vehicle stops as it has almost reached the goal, where threshold is some minimum distance from the target. If any signal from transmitter is received at receiver, then its corresponding RSSI value is computed. In SRRT technique, using RSSI value, distance from source to target is found using formula given in (1). Then it checks for any obstacle in its path. The ultrasonic sensor used for obstacle detection was calibrated and distance to reach obstacle was found. It has a maximum range of 400 cm. If the distance between mobile robot and obstacle is less than 30 cm, obstacle is detected and has to be avoided. If the left sensor detects an obstacle, then servomotor turns −20° (which is right direction) else it turns 20° if right sensor detects an obstacle. If there is no obstacle, the angle is set as 50° which means wheels are at centre. At the same time, back wheels which are controlled by DC motors reduces their speed using enable pin. Then turning away from
Implementation of SRRT in Four Wheeled Mobile Robot
obstacle occurs. While turning, the servomotor steer at the same angle received as that of the transmitter and move towards target. If the distance become less than a threshold value, it stops as it has neared the goal. The MPU present in transmitter transmits the angle via zigbee towards the receiver module and receiver turns accordingly. Every time, this checking for transmitter signal and moving towards it occurs. Hence, even if there is any obstacle encountered dynam‐ ically or target movement occurs robot is able to track the target. The obstacle avoidance using left sensor is shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Obstacle avoidance using left sensor
Initially from its position it moves forward and if any obstacle is detected using left sensor, it turns away from it towards right direction. The obstacle avoidance using right sensor is shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Obstacle avoidance using right sensor
On encountering an obstacle at the right side, the sensor detects it and turns away from it and moves in left direction. The obstacle avoidance using obstacles which are encountered dynamically is shown in Fig. 9. Initially on starting there was no obstacle in its exact path. But when obstacles are kept on its path, immediately the mobile robot turns away from it. Using both the ultrasonic sensors, system avoids obstacles on its path. Hence it works well with dynamic environments. The angle turned by receiver according to target angle is shown in Fig. 10.
K. R. Jayasree et al.
Fig. 9. Obstacle avoidance encountering dynamic obstacle
Fig. 10. The angle turned by receiver
The transmitter sends angle according to its movement via zigbee. The angle is received by receiver module using zigbee and it steers in that received angle. When servomotor is at 50°, wheels are at the center. From Fig. 10, it can be seen that wheel turned its angle to the right at around −20° when transmitter moved downwards. Wheels came to center when transmitter was along X-axis or horizontal. Wheels moved to left maximum or to around 20° when transmitter moved upwards. The move‐ ment of transmitter is demonstrated in this way as the sensor is kept in opposite direction while setting up the hardware. The tracking of target is as shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Target tracking
Implementation of SRRT in Four Wheeled Mobile Robot
On receiving the signal from sender, the mobile robot compute the distance and as there is no obstacle in its path, it directly tracks the target and stopped when that distance is less than the threshold value.
The wireless RF module, zigbee was used at the transmitter and receiver side. The receiver module turns the same angle as that of transmitter. As it tracks using SRRT algorithm, distance is needed which is computed using the RSSI value. This paper proposes obstacle avoidance and target tracking of a four wheeled mobile robot using SRRT path planning technique. The tracking is done by computing the distance between robot and target position using RSSI value obtained from target and the angle computed. Due to external factors influencing radio waves such as absorption, interference, or diffraction RSSI tends to fluctuate. Inside a room, GPS gives almost the same value everywhere. Hence, in this research work, RSSI was used instead of GPS. In future scope, if tracking is to be done in outdoor environment, Global Positioning System (GPS) can be used to get coordinates of mobile robot position and goal position and hence can be used to find distance.
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Personality-Based User Similarity List and Reranking for Tag Recommendation in Social Tagging Systems Priyanka Radja ✉ (
Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands [email protected]
Abstract. This paper is a proposal for efficient tag recommendation to a target user in social tagging systems by generation of a user similarity list and reranking of the list. The methodology involves a user similarity list generated for every target user based on the shared personality traits or the Big5 values obtained from a mandatory one-time questionnaire during the profile creation in the social tagging system. Different users are added to the neighborhood of similar users for the target user based on the Euclidean distance between the big5 values of these users and that of the target user. The User-Item matrix is replaced by a UserItem-Tag matrix with tags for the items used by the different users forming the 3rd dimension. The tags from the top k neighbors from the similar user neigh‐ borhood of a target user for a particular resource will be recommended to the target user. The idea is to maintain a ranked list of neighbors based on their simi‐ larity score (Euclidean distance) where the position of the neighbors in the list denotes the level of similarity the neighbor shares with the target user. It is essen‐ tial to maintain the ranked lists of neighbors and perform any reranking when necessary as a fairly dissimilar user at the bottom of the neighborhood list may still respond in the same way to a context and use the same tag as the target user in more than one instance. This requires revising the rank of this fairly dissimilar user up the neighborhood list to reflect the change. This paper suggests an efficient method to perform such reranking based on logarithmic and exponential scale. Keywords: Tag recommendation · Social tagging systems · User similarity Reranking · Personality traits · Big5 values · Euclidean distance User-Item-Tag
Identification of similar users in social tagging systems is essential to recommend tags or even resources. Existing user similarity metrics under user-based collaborative filtering [4] consider two users as similar based on their previous history of ratings provided to the same resources. A more reasonable metric to identify similar users was proposed by [1]. This similarity metric identifies similar users based on their personality
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 409–415, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_43
P. Radja
traits. The personality traits of the users are identified by determining the Big5 values Extraversion (E), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), Neuroticism (N) and Openness (O) [2], in the form of a 50 item questionnaire by IPIP [3]. According to [1], once the Big5 values of individual users are determined, similar users to the target user can be identified by calculating the Euclidean distance between these 5 values. Therefore, similar users to a target user are computed only once and not each time a user likes an item thus saving a lot of resources and computations [1]. However, a user with fairly dissimilar personality as the target user may choose the same tags for many resources as that of the target user. In the above case, this fairly dissimilar user is a potential neighbor who must be added to the target user’s similar neighbors list so the tags used by the said dissimilar user can be recommended to the target user in the future. This case is not accounted for by [1]. Moreover, whenever the target user selects one of the tags recommended to him, the relationship of the target user with that of his neighbor whose tag he just chose must be coupled strongly with an increasing number of such tag matches. Therefore, the order of relevance of the neighbors to the target user must be recorded with the neighbor on top of the similarity list having the most similarity to the target user and the neighbor at the bottom of the list having the least similarity. So an ordered list of similar users must be maintained as neighbors to the target user and the tags used by top k neighbors for an item i must be recommended to the target user for the said item i. Note that k is an integer whose value is very crucial to the successful recommendation of tags. A very high k value results in a noisy neighborhood with unreliable neighbors and a low k value results in insufficient neighbors for a successful recommendation.
Previous Work
The user-based collaborative filtering [4] uses the rating data in recommender systems to identify neighboring users with similar rating patterns. The same cannot be applied to social tagging systems for tag recommendation as the tags do not have a definite scale like the Likert scale for ratings. The values of the tags are numerous and are thus added as a 3rd dimension to the user-item matrix which is referred to as the user-item-tag matrix [5] henceforth. Personality based user similarity measure [1] has already been proposed employing the Big5 values [2] and the 50 item IPIP questionnaire [3] as proposed in this paper. The Big5 values of Extraversion (E), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), Neuroti‐ cism (N) and Openness (O) were calculated for each user by the inputs provided by them for the 50 item questionnaire in which each of the 5 factors were covered by 10 items in the questionnaire [1]. Thus, users sharing similar personality traits to a target user were found by computing the Euclidean distance between the big5 values. The top k neighbors were the similar users to the target user who influenced the item/tag recom‐ mendation. The said method however ignores the capacity of influence of each of the neighbors on the target user. A ranked list of neighbors is not maintained where the neighbor ranked on top influences the tag recommendation to the target user more than the neighbor ranked at the bottom of the list. Therefore, the neighbors should be
Personality-Based User Similarity List and Reranking
reordered each time there is a tag match i.e. a tag suggested by one of the neighbors is used by the target user to reflect the close relationship in terms of personality and tag selection given any context between the target user and the said neighbor. The research in [1] ignored the question of the existence of users with no personality match in terms of Big5 values with the target user or those who missed the top k neighborhood list by a tiny difference who however chose the same tags for the same resources in multiple instances as that of the target user. In the scenario mentioned above, these users must be added to the target user’s neighborhood as the increasing number of same tags used by both the target user and these users for the same resources implicitly manifests a behavior match between the users in question.
Proposed Solution
The proposed solution involves reordering of the similar neighbor list to show the order of influence the neighbors have on the target user while recommending tags. When tags from top k similar neighbors are recommended to the target user, the user can select one of the recommended tags or insist on using a new tag. In the former case, the neighbor whose tag was selected by the target user is moved up the similar neighbors list. A count of the number of tags suggested by each neighbor that were selected by the target user is maintained in a variable #count for that neighbor in the list. When a tag recommended by a neighbor is used by the target user, the neighbor’s count value is incremented and the neighbor’s position is increased exponentially by 2 raised to the power of the count value starting from his original position in the list.
new positioni = 2# count,i + old positioni
For all i neighbors of the target user, new positioni denotes the neighbor’s new rank, old positioni denotes the neighbor’s old rank before the reranking is performed and #count denotes the number of tags suggested by each neighbor that were selected by the target user in (1). When the target user uses a new tag instead of the ones recommended to him, the new tag and its synonyms are searched in the user-item-tag matrix to check for other users not in the similar neighbors list who may have used the same tag for the same resource. Such users are added to the bottom of the target user’s similar neighbor list. The count value is incremented for these users in the same way as for the similar neigh‐ bors with matching personality traits but the position of these users is incremented by only 1 position until these users cross the kth position in the list or the similarity score i.e. the Euclidean distance decremented by log of the count value for each tag match falls below the threshold τ, after which their position is incremented exponentially by 2 raised to the power of the respective count value. This method accounts for the scenario where a user with very little personality match to the target user is allowed to influence the tags recommended to the target user, if the said dissimilar user crosses the kth posi‐ tion with an increasing number of tag matches with the target user. Therefore, the proposed solution takes into account the importance of ranking the user similarity list and also the fact that a dissimilar user may share some similarity with respect to behavior
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or response to the current context with the target user if not the personality which is implicitly manifested by their choice of same tags for resources. new Euclidean Distancei = old Euclidean Distancei −log(# count, i)
Equation (2) denotes how new Euclidean distance of each neighbor i is calculated as a decrement of log of count value for each tag match denoted by #count from the old Euclidean distance of neighbor i. new positioni = 1 + old positioni
Only for cases when the neighbor position is below k – 1, the new position is calcu‐ lated as given in (3) for every tag match given in #count. The Euclidean Distance is calculated by (2). Note in cases when the new tag used by the target user and its synonymous tags identified using a dictionary analysis have never been used before by any other user in the system, the new tag is simply added to the tag dimension of the User-Item-Tag matrix. If successful, the proposed project will remove bias on users that now exists in terms of similarity metric. Also note that the exponential and logarithmic scales are chosen for incrementing the position of the top k neighbors and for reducing the simi‐ larity score for the remaining users from k − 1 to bottom of the list until it falls below τ respectively, because the top k neighbors share personality traits and behave the same way in a given context by choosing the same tags as the target user. Hence, the position is increased drastically whenever there is a tag match in the exponential scale. But, the users from position k − 1 to bottom of the similar neighbors list do not have very similar personality traits to the target user yet choose the same tags hence their position in the similarity list is increased by only 1 position until the similarity measure (Euclidean distance) falls below threshold τ with decrease in its value each time there is a tag match by the log of the current number of tag matches (log #count). This is also the case until the neighbor’s position crosses kth position after which the neighbor is treated like a top k similar neighbor and its position is incremented with 2 raised to power of #count henceforth.
Scientific Challenges and Objectives
The mandatory one-time questionnaire to be filled by each user upon their account crea‐ tion in the social tagging system is a drawback as stated in [1] as such questionnaires are usually perceived as annoying by the users. Moreover, the users may not be diligent while filling in the questionnaire and may enter values blindly just to complete the questionnaire and to proceed further. Since the proposed solution does not rely fully on the matching personality trait for the tag recommendation but also includes the possi‐ bility of adding dissimilar users to a target user’s similar neighborhood if a number of tags used by the target user match the tags used by these dissimilar users. Another challenge would be storage and computational complexity of the proposed method. Since the similar users are reordered with each tag selection, the proposed
Personality-Based User Similarity List and Reranking
solution is computationally expensive when compared to [1]. Storage is another chal‐ lenge as even users with dissimilar personality traits to the target user are added to the neighborhood list when there is a tag match leading to an ever growing neighborhood of similar users for the target user. Although only the top k similar users influence the tag recommendation, the remaining similar users are not discarded as the next reranking may resurface some users from the bottom to become a part of the top k similar users. Users with the same similarity measure or the same rank in the list are stored as a linked list of values at the same position in the similar neighbors list. Selection of a proper k or a threshold value τ to select the similar neighbors whose tags are to be recommended to the target user is challenging. Too big of a k or τ value will result in many unreliable neighbors becoming a part of the noisy neighborhood and too small of a k or a τ value will result in insufficient neighbors and thus insufficient tags to be recommended.
The first task in realizing the project involves making the users of the social tagging system to fill in the one-time questionnaire to determine the E, A, C, N, O values of the Big 5 personality model. The questionnaire can be made mandate to be filled by the users during their profile creation in the social tagging system. The IPIP questionnaire [1] was used in [2] to determine these 5 values for the different users as illustrated in Table 1. Table 1. Big5 values of users from taken from [2] Big5 values Extraversion (E) 3.2 U1 U2 2.1 U3 3.2 .. .. Ui 3.3
Agreeableness (A) 2.7 3.5 3.0 .. 3.0
Conscientiousness (C) 2.9 3.1 2.8 .. 3.4
Neuroticism (N) 3.5 3.4 3.2 .. 3.9
Openness (O) 2.9 3.6 3.1 .. 3.2
From the values in Table 1, the k similar users to a target user Ui can be determined by calculating the Euclidean distance between the respective Big5 values. For easy computations, the sum of the absolute difference between the E, A, C, N, O values of the different users with that of the target user are computed and divided by 5 to obtain the similarity metric on a scale of 0 to 5. Note 0 denotes two users with perfect match in personality as there is no difference in the Big5 values and 5 denote extremely contra‐ dictory personalities. Both the extreme values of 0 and 5 are highly unlikely to occur. A threshold τ is set between 0 and 5 to select the users falling with similarity metric between 0 and τ as the target user’s neighbors. The selection of an appropriate value of τ is crucial as a τ value closer to 5 may result in many users being selected as neighbors leading to a noisy neighborhood with unre‐ liable neighbors. In the contrary, a τ value very close to 0 leads to insufficient neighbors to recommend tags. Once the neighbors of each user are determined, they are maintained in a database along with their similarity score to the target user value computed as either
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the Euclidean distance or the summation over the absolute difference between the Big5 values as mentioned above. Note that these neighbors are ranked in ascending order with the user with lowest similarity measure being ranked first. Two neighbors with the same similarity measure to a target user are entered at the same rank in the similarity list in the form of a linked list. In addition to the similarity value, a count of the number of tags suggested by the neighbor that were selected by the target user is stored in the database. When the user selects an item to tag, a list of tags already used by his top k similar neighbors for that particular item are suggested to the user. The user can now choose to use one of the suggested tags or enter a new tag for the item. In the former case, the user similarity list is reordered to reflect the choice of the user which implicitly denotes a higher similarity between the target user and the user whose tag the target user chose. In the latter case, the new tag is added to the tag dimension of the User-Item-Tag matrix if even the dissimilar users in the social tagging system have never used the said tag or its synonyms before. In case the new tag the target user insisted on using for the item was used by another user not in the target user’s similar neighbors list, the user will be added to the bottom of the target user’s similar neighbors list. Note that the top k similar neighbors alone influence the tags to be recommended to the user. For each tag match, if the neighbor is in the top k positions, his position is incremented exponentially by 2 raised to power of count of current tag matches(the tags suggested by him that the target user chose for a resource) from his original position and the count variable is incremented by 1. If the neighbor lies below the top k position, his similarity score is reduced by log of the count of tag matches (log #count) for each tag match and his position is incremented by 1 until his position crosses the kth position or his similarity score falls below the threshold τ. After either of the two cases occurs, the neighbor’s position will be incremented exponentially.
Conclusion and Future Work
A new method for generating user similarity list for tag recommendation to target user was proposed in this paper. An efficient method for reranking of this ranked list of similar users and update on their similarity score to maintain a true, exact list of similar neigh‐ bors to the target user was also proposed. By employing this reranking of the ranked list of neighbors, the target user can benefit from relevant tag recommendations. As future work, the methodology will be employed to users in social tagging websites like Pinterest, Flickr etc. to evaluate the efficiency of tag recommendations to a target user through this methodology.
References 1. Tkalcic, M., et al.: Personality based user similarity measure for a collaborative recommender system. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Emotion in Human-Computer InteractionReal World Challenges (2009) 2. McCrae, R.R., John, O.P.: An introduction to the five-factor model and its applications. J. Pers. 60(2), 175–215 (1992)
Personality-Based User Similarity List and Reranking
3. Administering IPIP Measures, with a 50-item Sample Questionnaire, June 2009. http:// ipip.ori.org/New_IPIP-50-item-scale.htm 4. Balabanović, M., Shoham, Y.: Fab: content-based, collaborative recommendation. Commun. ACM 40(3), 66–72 (1997) 5. Kim, H.-N., et al.: Collaborative filtering based on collaborative tagging for enhancing the quality of recommendation. Electr. Commer. Res. Appl. 9(1), 73–83 (2010)
√ A 21nV∕ Hz 73 dB Folded Cascode OTA for Electroencephalograph Activity Sarin Vijay Mythry ✉ and D. Jackuline Moni (
Center for Excellence in VLSI and Nanoelectronics, School of Electrical Sciences, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India [email protected]
Abstract. The electroencephalography signals are electrical signals with weak amplitudes and low frequencies recorded and displayed on screen from scalp or brain in the range of millihertz to kilohertz, created a tremendous demand amongst neuroscience researchers and clinicians. This paper presents a design analysis of single stage folded cascode (FC) OTA used for EEG √ activity recording applica‐ tions. The FC OTA with 73.89 dB gain, 21.78n V∕ Hz input referred noise and 4.5 μW power is designed in 90 nm CMOS process. The Wilson current mirror technique is used in designing 1 V powered FC OTA for EEG signal Amplifica‐ tion. Keywords: Folded cascode · EEG · BMI · Biopotentials Human physiological signal · OTA
Very low power consumption is essentially required in medical diagnosis devices. These devices are to be sub-micrometer designed to get inculcated on a single integrated circuit, requires channel length modulation, smaller area and supply voltage scaling. The biomedical and electrophysiological designs are leading towards the era of portability, demands low power for longer time to monitor the patient physiologically. Novel tech‐ niques are to be employed to design low power, maintenance free, light weight biomed‐ ical long monitoring and recording systems. The low power designs for low frequency bio signals like electroencephalograph (EEG) are to be operated in subthreshold [1]. This subthreshold region provides less distortion and high transconductance. The draw‐ backs of the subthreshold are large drain current mismatch and bandwidth reduction, are eliminated to some extent by proper offset compensation technique. Biomedical systems like EEG systems and neural recording systems have signal with low frequency and low amplitude ranging from 100 Hz to few KHz (1 (approximation factor). fh : M ! Sg, is defined as a function that maps elements in metric space to bucket ðs 2 SÞ. For two points ðp; qÞ 2 M, with function he F, the following conditions are satisfied by LSH: (i) If d ðp; qÞ R, then hð pÞ ¼ hðqÞ (i.e., p and q will collide each other) of probability at least P1 (ii) If d ðp; qÞ cR, then hð pÞ ¼ hðqÞ of probability at most P2. A family can be defined as interesting when P1 [ P2 , and then F is called (R, cR, P1, P2)-sensitive. Each vector is assigned by a hash value, and for a fixed (a, b) the hash function ha,b is defined by, a:v þ b ha;b ðvÞ ¼ ð1Þ r Hash function family is locality sensitive, if two vectors ðv1 ; v2 Þ are enough close (small ||v1 − v2||) then they will collide with high probability and if two vectors ðv1 ; v2 Þ are far each other they collide with small probability [4]. Watermark Protocol. When the image owner deploys the image collection M to cloud server, the Image Encryption algorithm [1] is used to generate an encrypted image set C [1]. While a query request is received, the cloud server generates R, the temporary encrypted search results according to TD. Then, by using Watermark Embedding algorithm [1], cloud server will embeds the watermarks generated using Watermark Generation algorithm of image owner for the requested images R′ [5]. While receiving R′, the query user can decrypts the encrypted images using Image Decryption algorithm for retrieving the watermarked images [1]. If an illegal copy of an image mt is found by image owner, then image owner initiate a checking by submitting both the suspicious copy ðmt Þ and original image ðm0 Þ to WCA. Then the watermark wt
N. Sharmi et al.
is extracted by WCA using Watermark Extraction algorithm [1]. Finally, wt ; the extracted watermark will helps to identify the unauthorized user who had distributed the images for their benefits (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Framework of watermark-based protocol.
Features from Accelerated Segment Test (FAST). FAST is an interest point identification method using machine learning approach [8, 9, 11]. An interest point is defined as a pixel which is detected and represented in an image robustly. They are having high local information content and are repeated ideally between various images. Feature Detection Algorithm using FAST:
1. Select a pixel ‘p’ in the input image and IPbe the intensity of the pixel p. 2. Set a threshold intensity value,t. 3. A circle having 16 pixels around the pixel p is considered. (eg: Bresenham circle of radius 3) 4. A pixel is detected as interest point, if n pixels of the 16 pixels must be either above or below IP by a threshold value t. 5. First step is done by comparing the intensity of pixels 1, 5, 9 and 13 points of the circle with associated with p. (i.e, at least three of these four pixels must satisfy the above threshold criterion Fig.3). 6. If any of the three pixel values out of the four pixels (I1 ,I5 ,I9 I13) are not below or above the pixel intensity IP + t, then p is not considered as an interest point. Else if at least three ofthe pixels are above or below Ip+ t, then perform checking for all other 12 pixels of 16 pixels and if 12 contiguous pixels fall in the criterion then p can be considered as an interest point. 7. Repeat the above steps for all the pixels in the image.
CBIR Using FAST Machine Learning Approach in Cloud Computing
Machine Learning Approach:
Fig. 3. Image shows an interest point p and the 16 pixels surrounding p.
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Fig. 4. The pixel p is stored in vector form having 16 values.
4 Proposed System For a collection of images M, the secret keys set (K), the secured index (I), and the image collection in encrypted form (C) are generated using the following: K ← KeyGen(1k) is an algorithm for key generation that uses the k as security parameter, and the secret keys set are returned as output. K ¼ fS; M 1 ; M 2 ; fgj gLj¼1 ; fkj gLj¼1 ; kimg g: • S is a vector of (l + 1) bits. • M1 and M2 are two invertible matrices of size (l +1) (l + 1). • fgj gLj¼1 defines set of LSH functions • fKj gLj¼1 is a set of secret keys for bucket encryption • kimg is the secret key used for the image encryption. I ←IndexGen(K, M) is an algorithm for index generation that is done by using the secret key set(K) and collection of images M as input, and index I is generated as ouput. Index generation is done by using two steps [1]. First step is encrypted index generation. In this step a one-to-one map index is generated by the image feature vectors represented by using contour-based shape descriptor which is described in Sect. 3. Then from the one-to-one map index a pre-filter table is generated by using LSH which Table 1. One-one map index Image identity ID(m1) ID(m2) … ID(mi) ….. ID(mn)
Feature vector f1 f2 … fi … fn
CBIR Using FAST Machine Learning Approach in Cloud Computing
is described in Sect. 3. From the generated pre-filter table, a cluster based on the similarity of images can be obtained from the buckets that are having same values (Tables 1 and 2). Table 2. The j-th pre-filter table Bucket value Image identities ID(m3), ID(m9), ID(m21), ID(m53), ID(m108) Bktj,1 Bktj,2 ID(m16), ID(m66), ID(m132) … ……. Bktj,Nj ID(m24), ID(m243), ID(m10), ID(m150), …. ….
Second step is the encryption of index, in which the pre-filter tables is encrypted by using a one-way hash function. Since the bucket values will disclose the information regarding the features of the images, the pre-filter table cannot be outsourced to cloud storage directly. For ensuring the security, the pre-filter table having bucket values are encrypted before outsourcing. Finally, the index I in encrypted form, with the one-toone map index of image features and the pre-filter tables generated using LSH, is uploaded to cloud server. Then image owner uploads the collection of encrypted images C, index I in encrypted form and authentication information to cloud server and also sends user identity {UID} to WCA for generating watermarks. After receiving {UID} of particular image user, a unique watermark wi is generated by using Watermark Generation algorithm. Upon receiving the request for image uploading, the cloud server find the watermark wi according to the UID of the image owner and embed the watermark using Watermark Embedding algorithm [1]. When an image user request for an image from cloud server, a query image is send for retrieving similar images from the outsourced image collection by using trapdoor TD. Trapdoor Generation algorithm is used by the query user to generate trapdoor TD [1]. The trapdoor (TD) and authentication information are sent to cloud server for performing searching. While receiving the request for searching, UID and authentication key of the query user is verified by the cloud server. If the verification is successful, then the cloud server allows to perform search by using Search (I, C, TD) for retrieving temporary result set R′ [6]. The R′ includes the top-k similar images containing the common interest points as that of query image, obtained by using machine learning approach based on FAST which is described in Sect. 3. Finally, the query user receives the watermarked images. After receiving the encrypted watermarked images query user can obtain the decrypted images by using Image Decryption algorithm [1]. If an illegal copy of an image mt is found by image owner, then image owner initiate a checking by submitting both the suspicious copy ðmt Þ and original image ðm0 Þ to WCA. WCA then exacts watermark wt by Watermark Extraction algorithm [1]. Finally, wt ; the extracted watermark will helps to identify the unauthorized user who had distributed the images for their benefits.
N. Sharmi et al.
5 Performance Evaluation This section illustrates performances evaluating from proposed scheme on a Medical image dataset. The entire scheme is implemented in .NET language on Windows 10 (Intel(R) i5 2.70 GHz). Precision of a query is defined by, 100 SCD CSD 60
20 0 20
k (total number of images retrieved)
Fig. 5. Average search precision for SCD, CSD, CLD, EHD and FAST.
SCD - Scalable Color Descriptor CSD - Color Structure Descriptor CLD - Color Layout Descriptor EHD – Edge Histogram Descriptor FAST - Feature from Accelerated Segment Test
0.60 0.50 Time (in ms)
Precision( in %)
0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 SCD
Fig. 6. Average search time for SCD, CSD, CLD, EHD and FAST.
CBIR Using FAST Machine Learning Approach in Cloud Computing
k0 k
Pk ¼
Where, k′ is the count of most similar images and k is the total images retrieved. The precision value is not affected by encryption of images. Average precisions of the FAST method with the four color descriptors are represented in Fig. 5. Based on the performances of the descriptors used the average search precisions can be evaluated. The average search time of FAST with four color descriptors (SCD, CSD, CLD, EHD) are shown in Fig. 6. The search result obtained by using FAST based machine learning method is having better average search time. The FAST acquires images having similar features as the search result based on the interest points learned from the contour of input image.
6 Conclusions and Future Works In this paper, a CBIR scheme in cloud computing scenario using machine learning algorithm based on FAST is presented. The image features are represented by using interest points identified by FAST. The locality sensitive hashing is utilized to group images having similar feature values which improve the search efficiency. Then, the machine learning algorithm based on FAST is applied over the outsourced images for identifying the similar images. Based on these identified interest point values the similarity score is obtained and the cloud server rank images without much effort. Since FAST algorithm is implemented by identifying the interest points on the detected contour, query user can easily retrieve the most similar images having common features with a better search efficiency. Even though FAST takes less time, it is not robust in high level of noise and it is dependent on a threshold. Since, the features detected by FAST is less, for detecting more features and provides better results the MinEigen, an optimal feature detection algorithm can be used in future works.
References 1. Xia, Z., Wang, X., Zhang, L., Qin, Z.: A privacy-preserving and copy-deterrence contentbased image retrieval scheme in cloud computing. IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur. 11(11), 2594–2608 (2016) 2. Lu, W., Swaminathan, A., Varna, A.L., Wu, M.: Enabling search over encrypted multimedia databases. In: Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 7254, p. 725418, February 2009 3. Manjunath, B.S., Ohm, J.-R., Vasudevan, V.V., Yamada, A.: Color and texture descriptors. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Video Technol. 11(6), 703–715 (2001) 4. Datar, M., Immorlica, N., Indyk, P., Mirrokni, V.S.: Locality-sensitive hashing scheme based on p-stable distributions. In: Proceedings of 20th Annual Symposium on Computer Geometry, pp. 253–262 (2004) 5. Lian, S., Liu, Z., Zhen, R., Wang, H.: Commutative watermarking and encryption for media data. Opt. Eng. 45(8), 080510 (2006)
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6. Wong, W.K., Cheung, D.W.-L., Kao, B., Mamoulis, N.: Secure kNN computation on encrypted databases. In: Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management Data, pp. 139–152 (2009) 7. Bober, M.: MPEG-7 visual shape descriptors. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Video Technol. 11, 716–719 (2001) 8. Viswanathan, D.G.: Feature from Accelerated Segment Test. http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/ rbf/CVonline/AV1FeaturefromAcceleratedSegmentTest.pdf 9. Rosten, E., Drummond, T.: Machine learning for high-speed corner detection. In: Leonardis, A., Bischof, H., Pinz, A. (eds.) ECCV 2006. LNCS, vol. 3951, pp. 430–443. Springer, Heidelberg (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/11744023_34 10. Sai Anand, C., Tamilarasan, M., Arjun, P.: A study on curvature scale space. Int. J. Innov. Res. Comput. Commun. Eng. 2 (2014) 11. Rosten, E., Porter, R., Drummond, T.: FASTER and better: a machine learning approach to corner detection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 32, 105–119 (2010) 12. CornerDetection. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corner_detection 13. Shokhan, M.H.: An efficient Approach for improving canny edge detection algorithm. Int. J. Adv. Eng. Technol. (2014) 14. Ullman, S.: High Level Vision. MIT Press, Cambridge (1997) 15. The MPEG-7 Visual Part of the XM 4.0, ISO/IEC MPEG99/W3068, December 1999
Panoramic Surveillance Using a Stitched Image Sequence Chakravartula Raghavachari1 ✉ and G. A. Shanmugha Sundaram2 (
Centre for Excellence in Computational Engineering and Networking, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India [email protected] 2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India [email protected]
Abstract. Security threats have always been a primary concern all over the world. The basic need for surveillance is to track or detect objects of interest over a scene. In most of the fields, computers are replacing humans. One such field where computers play a great role is surveillance. Typically, computer based surveillance is achieved by computer vision that replicates human vision. Here, sequences of panoramic images are created and moving objects are detected over a particular time. Moving objects are being detected using various background subtraction methods like Frame Differencing, Approximate Median and Mixture of Gaussians. In real-time applications like surveillance, the time that takes to make a decision is critical. Hence, a comparison is made between these methods in terms of elapsed time. Keywords: Surveillance · Computer vision · Image stitching Moving object detection
Security threats have always been a primary concern all over the world. Computer vision-based surveillance plays a major role in averting these threats. Here, we are developing a surveillance system that constitutes of image stitching and moving object detection. Image stitching helps in creating a panoramic mosaic of a scene and any objects that are moving over that scene can be detected using moving object detection. Image stitching is a process of stitching different images of a scene with an overlapping region between them. The result of an image stitching process would be a seamless photo mosaic. In order to view the scene completely about 360°, images are captured at every 20°. Using stitching algorithm [1–3], a single panoramic image is created by aligning and then compositing the acquired images. The correspondence and seam’s visibility [4] between the adjacent images decide the quality of the stitching process. In computer vision, moving object detection is typically a feature extraction problem. For example, an image of both humans and non humans can be separated as a set of two features, one as humans and other as non humans. Similarly, in our case all moving objects comes © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 445–452, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_47
C. Raghavachari and G. A. Shanmugha Sundaram
under one set and all non moving objects into another. Several algorithms [5, 6] have been developed for this purpose. In [5], an optical flow based system is developed, in which, moving objects are detected and tracked for traffic surveillance. For moving object detection, a comparison is made between background subtraction and segmen‐ tation algorithm in [6]. The paper is organized as follows. The stitching algorithm is explained in the Sect. 2. Section 3 briefs about the different background subtraction methods used for detecting moving objects. The obtained results are shown in Sect. 4 and ends with conclusion in Sect. 5.
Image Stitching
Image stitching is a process of stitching images with a minimum amount of overlapping region between them. The following are the different stages of the image stitching process. A. Image Acquisition In an image acquisition stage, the focus of the camera is rotated for every 20°. Thus, covering an entire scene about 360°. Camera’s center is fixed and a rotation is made with an angle of 20° about its center. This provides 50% of overlapping region between the adjacent images, which enables stitching process effortless. In this work, a camera (Canon EOS 600D), placed on a tripod, is used for acquiring images. This setup helps in rotating the camera around its axis at any angle. For the reason, the rotation is made at every 20°, we get 18 images. These images are equally spaced with an overlapping region of more than 50% between the adjacent images. If 𝜃1, is the angle of rotation of the camera, then the number of images i , required to cover one complete rotation of 360° is given by, i = 360◦ ∕𝜃1
Here, the rotation angle is 20°. Therefore, the number of images required will be i = 360◦ ∕20◦ = 18
Hence, 18 images are required to cover 360° view. If the horizontal field of view (HFOV) of the camera used is 𝜃2, then the region of overlapping between adjacent images r is given by
r = 𝜃2 − 𝜃 1
The camera used has a HFOV of about 65◦. Therefore, the region of overlapping in this case in terms of degrees is r = 65◦ − 20◦ = 45◦
The percentage of 45◦ of out 65◦ is about 70%, which is the overlapping percentage between the adjacent images, in our case. B. Warping images onto cylindrical coordinates
Panoramic Surveillance Using a Stitched Image Sequence
For proper stitching, the images have to be warped to the same coordinates. We used a cylindrical projection for this purpose. Other projective layouts include rectilinear, spherical and stereographic. This projection results in the limited vertical view and complete horizontal view of the stitched image. Figure 1 shows how an image has warped into cylindrical coordinates. In particular, Fig. 1(a) depicts the original image. Figure 1(b) represents the warped image with actual focal length and Fig. 1(c) is the warped image with low focal length. The planar projection of the camera is converted to cylindrical projective layout by warping.
Fig. 1. Warping image onto cylindrical coordinates. (a) The original image. (b) The warped image. (c) The Warped image with low focal length.
The extent of warping can be changed by changing the focal length. After projection, the horizontal lines in the image appear as curves and the vertical line remains straight. This effect can be clearly noticed in Fig. 1(c). As shown in Fig. 1(a), every image of a scene is warped onto cylindrical coordinates. Converting a 3D point (X, Y, Z) to cylin‐ drical image coordinates involves three steps. Step-1: Map 3D point onto cylinder coordinates (x, y, z) = √
1 x2
+ y2
(X, Y, Z)
Step-2: Convert to cylindrical coordinates (sin 𝜃, h, cos 𝜃) = (x, y, z)
Step-3: Convert to cylindrical image coordinates
( ) ( ) x1 , y1 = (f 𝜃, fh) + xc , yc
( ) Where, xc , yc is the unwrapped cylinder coordinates C. Correcting radial distortion Radial distortion must be removed to produce a perfect seamless panoramic image. In general, distortion can be caused by either the position of the camera with respect to the subject or the characteristic of the lens. In this work, to maintain the same focal length between images, the camera is set to manual mode. For correcting radial distor‐ tion, calibration toolbox in MATLAB is used for obtaining the focal length and radial
C. Raghavachari and G. A. Shanmugha Sundaram
distortion coefficients of the camera. An approximation for radial distortion is explained in the following equations. r = x2 + y2
xd = x 1 + k1 r2 + k2 r
) 4
( ) yd = y 1 + k1 r2 + k2 r4
Where x and y are undistorted image coordinates, xd and yd are distorted image coordinates. k1 and k2 are the radial distortion coefficients of the camera used. D. Detection and matching of SIFT points Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) developed by Lowe [7], is used to detect the keypoints that are invariant to scaling and orientation. These keypoints are matched between the adjacent images. Figure 2(a) and (b) shows the detection of SIFT keypoints between the adjacent images. The Fig. 2(c) shows the matching of SIFT keypoints between the adjacent images in which false matching between the images termed as outliers can also be seen. E. Finding homographies by RANSAC Images captured by rotating the camera are related by using homography. The matching keypoints (inliers) between the images can be found automatically by using RANSAC algorithm [8]. The adjacency between the images is explained as follows.
(c) Fig. 2. Detection and Matching of SIFT keypoints. (a) and (b) SIFT keypoints detection in the adjacent images. (c) Matching of SIFT keypoints between the images.
Panoramic Surveillance Using a Stitched Image Sequence
( ) Let us consider, p = (x, y, 1) is a point in one image and p| = x| + y| + 1 is the corresponding point in the adjacent image, then pixel coordinates of the two images are related by p = Hp|, where H is homography matrix. ⎛ x ⎞ ⎛ H11 H12 H13 ⎞⎛ x| ⎞ ⎜ y ⎟ = ⎜ H21 H22 H23 ⎟⎜ y| ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎝ H31 H32 H33 ⎠⎝ 1 ⎠
F. Image transform and stitching The images are spatially transformed to align properly. This transformation would help in creating a proper mosaic corresponding to the scene. After aligning the images, they are blended to produce a seamless mosaic. For stitching, a minimum of about 50% overlapping region is maintained between the images. The images may not be in spatial form as shown in Fig. 3. These images have to be aligned properly before stitching to match with the scene.
Fig. 3. Images with different spatial forms
Images with different spatial forms taken for stitching shown in Fig. 3 are aligned to match with the scene like in Fig. 4. After which they are stitched together into a seamless composite, as shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 4. Images aligned properly
Fig. 5. Seamless stitched image
Moving Object Detection
In this section, various methods used to detect moving objects are explained. There are several methods exists for detecting moving objects. Out of all, background sub-traction methods are the most widely used. When compared to other methods they are effective in terms of time and space complexities. Hence, different background subtraction methods like Frame Differencing, Approximate Median and Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) are used to detect moving objects over a particular scene.
C. Raghavachari and G. A. Shanmugha Sundaram
A. Frame Differencing This method carries pixel wise differences between two different image frames to extract the moving object. It is an efficient and most reliable method as the computational complexity required for this method is minimal when compared to other methods. B. Approximate Median In this method, the previous image frames are stored in a buffer and the background is calculated as the median of all the frames in the buffer. Then similar to that of the frame differencing, the background is subtracted from the current frame. If the absolute difference in pixel values for a given pixel position in both the images is greater than the threshold value, then those pixels are considered as the foreground. C. Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) MoG is parametric. The model parameters can be adaptively updated without keeping a large buffer of images. MoG maintains a density function for each pixel, making it capable of handling multimodal background distributions.
In order to avoid issues with illumination and focal length, the images of a particular scene are captured with the manual focus. The system was developed on an AMD A8-4500M processor operating at 1.9 GHz with 4.00 GB RAM. The result of stitching the eighteen images that are captured during the acquisition stage into a single panoramic image is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Panoramic stitched image
A sequence of stitched images is considered for detecting moving objects. The scene captured without any moving objects is considered as the reference image. Now, the reference image is considered as background. The foreground objects in other images are detected with respect to the background of the reference image. In frame differencing, a reference image as shown in Fig. 7(a) is taken. This image is subtracted from an input image (Fig. 7(b)) to detect moving objects. Figure 7(c) is the resultant image in which only the foreground objects are highlighted.
Panoramic Surveillance Using a Stitched Image Sequence
Fig. 7. (a) The reference image, (b) The current image, (c) The result of Frame Differencing
In approximate median, the previous images are stored in a buffer. The back-ground of the current image is determined by the background median of previous images. The resultant of this method is shown in Fig. 8(b).
Fig. 8. (a) The current image, (b) The result of Approximate Median
Unlike approximate median, MoG can adaptively update the parameters that deter‐ mine the background by using a density function for each pixel. The result obtained using MoG is shown in Fig. 9(b). The efficiency of the background subtraction methods with respect to response time is given in Table 1.
Fig. 9. (a) The current image, (b) The result of Mixture of Gaussians
C. Raghavachari and G. A. Shanmugha Sundaram Table 1. Response time for different background subtraction methods Background subtraction method Frame differencing Approximate median Mixture of Gaussians
Response time (approx.) in seconds 14.779822 16.467282 69.720255
Frame differencing is the most computationally efficient method while the MoG is the most accurate and complex method of all. The approximate median method is computationally very less complex when compared to MoG, but almost similar to that of frame differencing.
In this paper, a surveillance system for detecting moving objects over an entire scene is developed. A single panoramic image is created by stitching the sequence of images in a scene. In applications such as surveillance, stitching helps in monitoring the entire scene (360°). Further, moving object detection would enhance the surveillance. The detection of moving objects should be faster for real time applications (surveillance). Hence, background subtraction methods are used for detecting moving objects. Out of which Frame differencing is the most computationally efficient method while MoG is the most accurate and complex method of all.
References 1. Szeliski, R.: Video mosaics for virtual environments. IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl. 16, 22–30 (1996) 2. Chen, S.E.: QuickTime VR: an image-based approach to virtual environment navigation. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, pp. 29–38, September 1995 3. Brown, M., Brown, D.G.: Automatic panoramic image stitching using invariant features. Int. J. Comput. Vis. 74(1), 59–77 (2007) 4. Levin, A., Zomet, A., Peleg, S., Weiss, Y.: Seamless image stitching in the gradient domain. In: Pajdla, T., Matas, J. (eds.) ECCV 2004. LNCS, vol. 3024, pp. 377–389. Springer, Heidelberg (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-24673-2_31 5. Aslani, S., Mahdavi-Nasab, H.: Optical flow based moving object detection and tracking for traffic surveillance. Int. J. Electr. Electr. Sci. Eng. 07(09), 1252–1256 (2013) 6. Mohan, A.S., Resmi, R.: Video image processing for moving object detection and segmentation using background subtraction. In: IEEE International Conference on Computational Systems and Communications (ICCSC), vol. 01, no. 01, pp. 288–292, 17–18 December 2014 7. Lowe, D.G.: Object recognition from local scale-invariant features. In: International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 1150–1157, September 1999 8. Fischler, M.A., Bolles, R.C.: Random sample consensus: a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography. Commun. ACM 24(6), 381–395 (1981)
Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Weighted Visibility Graph T. Ebenezer Rajadurai and C. Valliyammai(&) Department of Computer Technology, Anna University (MIT Campus), Chennai, India [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is commonly used for analyzing numerous psychological states of the brain. However, epileptic seizure prediction from EEG signals is quite challenging since it has more fluctuating information about the behaviour of the brain. Analyzing such long-term EEG signals to discriminate between interictal versus ictal regions is a difficult task. Also, EEG signals can be affected by noises from different sources. The proposed work presents an efficient approach based on Weighted Visibility Graph (WVG) for seizure prediction. In this work, the EEG signals are filtered to remove the artifacts due to power supply noise and then the filtered EEG time series data is segmented. The segmented time series data is converted into a complex network called WVG. This WVG inherits the dynamic characteristics of the EEG signal from which it is created. Features like mean degree, mean weighted degree and mean entropy are extracted from the WVG. These features are used to derive the essential characteristics of EEG from the WVG. Finally, classification is done using Support Vector Machine (SVM). The experiments show that the proposed system provides better performance than the existing methods in prediction of seizure in ictal as well as interictal states of EEG over the benchmark dataset. Keywords: Electroencephalogram (EEG) Graph (WVG) Seizure prediction SVM
Weighted Visibility
1 Introduction Electrical activity of the brain can be examined by Electroencephalogram (EEG). It is a cost-effective and preeminent technique used in clinical studies. It is commonly used for the diagnosis of Epilepsy. The Epileptic seizure also known as the epileptic fit is a neurological problem that is characterized by recurrent seizures in the brain. A Seizure is a sudden and uncontrolled change in electrical activity of the neurons in the brain. During a seizure, a person experiences abnormal behaviour, symptoms, and sensations, sometimes may lead to loss of consciousness. The EEG signals of epileptic patient is classified into four states namely ictal, preictal, and postictal periods and interictal. The ictal period denotes the seizure activity. It may persist for a few seconds to 5 min. Interictal is the period between the seizures. Epilepsy affects 1% of world’s population. About 10 million persons with © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 453–461, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_48
T. Ebenezer Rajadurai and C. Valliyammai
epilepsy are there in India [1]. Seizure prediction from EEG signals is a challenging task. It needs long-term EEG and may have more artifacts. It also requires a patientspecific approach as the EEG signals are non-stationary in nature.
2 Literature Survey The correlation based method for seizure prediction using dog iEEG (intracranial EEG) was previously used for EEG [2]. SVM based prediction mechanism was used with three features for classification which needs at least 5–7 seizures in order to achieve good prediction performance. Researchers proposed a patient-specific approach for seizure prediction [3]. Two features based on correlation were used for classification and high computation burden was minimized through least square support vector machine (LS-SVM). A seizure prognosis mechanism based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) was presented by [4]. Both linear and non-linear classifiers were used for classification. The EEG method was primarily based on stationary wavelet transform and focused on separation of artifacts from EEG signals to assist seizure prediction [5]. A new feature extraction method using rational discrete short-time Fourier transform (DSTFT) [6] was presented. Rational functions were used for simple time-frequency representation of EEG signals. The proposed method was based on weighted Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) [7]. Wavelet packet transform was used for feature extraction and pattern match regularity statistic (PMRS) was used for quantifying the complexity of EEG time series data which has high event-based sensitivity. But, the influences on EEG signals may lead to false detections in this method. A seizure detection method [8] based on Partial Directed Coherence (PDC) analysis was discussed in regard with EEG. Multivariate Autoregressive (AR) model was used and the Fourier Transform was applied. It only reflects the change of causal relationship between brain areas before and after a seizure. Three features [9] based on spectral power were extracted was adopted in our proposed work. The seizure prediction of EEG signals from minimum number of channels reduces the complexity, but its performance was degraded for scalp EEG. The largest Lyapunov exponent was modified by [10]. The chaotic dynamics of EEG signals were obtained in fractional Fourier transform domain. Energy features were computed and the artificial neural network was used for classification. This method has higher accuracy when compared with original Lyapunov exponent. The key points are identified by finding the pyramid of the difference of Gaussian filtered signals [11]. Features were extracted by computing Local binary patterns (LBP) at the identified key points. Finally, SVM was used for classification and it is computationally simple and has high accuracy than the conventional Local Binary Pattern. Recently, deep learning classifiers like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are used in seizure prediction [12–14].
Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Weighted Visibility Graph
3 Proposed Work The proposed work presents a novel approach to predict epileptic seizures at the interictal stage using Weighted Visibility Graph method and it is shown in Fig. 1.
Preprocessing EEG Signals Filtering Segmentation
WVG Construction
Mean Degree
Feature Extraction
Mean Entropy Average Weighted Degree
Classification and Validation
Fig. 1. The proposed system for the prediction of seizure
Data Preprocessing
The raw EEG data has so many artifacts. The artifacts may be due to eye blinking, body movements and other electrical equipment used in the recording room. These noises must be removed from the EEG in order to get the accurate result.
T. Ebenezer Rajadurai and C. Valliyammai
Filtering. EEG signals are commonly affected by power supply noise during collection of EEG signals. To remove this noise, notch filter of 50 Hz or 60 Hz is used. The proposed work uses a notch filter with cut off frequency of 50 Hz to remove the power supply noise. Segmentation. The filtered EEG data has 4097 sample points per EEG record. Each record is divided into four segments of 1024 sample points per segment. 3.2
Weighted Visibility Graph Construction
Visibility Graph converts the EEG time series data into a network graph. The natural visibility graph construction algorithm [15] was adopted for our proposed work. The following steps describe the process of constructing a WVG. Construction of Nodes. Each sample points in the EEG time series data is considered as a separate node in the Visibility Graph (VG). Construction of Edges. Edges between the nodes is created based on the following condition. tj ti x tj \xðti Þ þ ðxðtk Þ xðti ÞÞ ; tk ti
where x(ti), x(tj), x(tk) are sample points and ti, tj, tk corresponds to arbitrary time events. Assignment of Edge Weights. The weight of the edges is assigned by using special weight function [16] was adopted for our proposed work. The edge weight between two nodes i and j is calculated as per Eq. (2). x t j xð t i Þ wij ¼ arctan tj ti
where wij corresponds to the edge weight between the pair of nodes i and j. The process of WVG construction and feature extraction is given in Algorithm 1. 3.3
Feature Extraction
Three features are extracted from the WVG. The entropy is computed for each node of a WVG and it is calculated using Shannon entropy formula which is given in Eq. (3). Then mean entropy of the WVG is then calculated. E ði Þ ¼
m X j¼1
pði; jÞlog2 ððpði; jÞÞ
Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Weighted Visibility Graph
where, wij pði; jÞ ¼ Pm k¼1
wij is the edge weight between the nodes i and j. Algorithm 1: WVG Construction and Feature Extraction //Input: Filtered segments of time series data //Output: Mean Entropy, Mean Degree, Mean weighted degree begin Initialize, {x} = EEG time series data points find number of data points for each data point i in {x} create separate node i in WVG end for for each pair of data points x(ti), x(tj), intermediate points x(tk); i < j < k if ( ) then create an edge between node i and node j calculate weight wij using (2) add edge weight to the edge Eij end if end for for each node i in WVG calculate entropy(i) using (3) end for calculate the mean entropy of WVG total degree = 2 * number of edges //Since undirected graph calculate the mean degree of WVG calculate the mean weighted degree of WVG end
E ði Þ ¼
m X
pði; jÞlog2 ððpði; jÞÞ
where, wij pði; jÞ ¼ Pm k¼1
wij is the weight of the edge between the nodes i and j.
T. Ebenezer Rajadurai and C. Valliyammai
The degree of a node is defined as the number of edges incident on a vertex. For each WVG average degree of the graph is calculated. The sum of the weights of all the edges from a node gives the weighted degree (WD) of the node. The WD of the node a is given in Eq. (5). X WDa ¼ wab ð7Þ b2N ðaÞ
where, Wab denotes the edge weight between the nodes a and b and N(a) represents the neighbor set of the node a. The mean weighted degree is calculated for the graph by finding the average of the WD of all the nodes of the graph. 3.4
Classification and Validation
The proposed work uses Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification. SVM is a powerful classifier for classifying observed data into two classes. It uses optimal hyperplane to split the input data into two class namely normal and seizure. The proposed work uses radial basis function (RBF) kernel. For validation, 10-fold cross validation is performed. The performance of seizure prediction framework is measured using metrices like precision, recall, and accuracy.
4 Experiments and Results The data is collected from open source EEG database of the Bonn University, Germany [17]. The EEG dataset consists of five sets namely A, B, C, D and E. Each set has 100 single channel EEG time series data in text file. The sets A and B have EEG data of normal persons. Set C and set D corresponds to the interictal EEG of the patients. The set E has the ictal EEG which recorded during seizure activity of the patients. The implementation is done using Python language and runs on 3.60 GHz DELL CPU with 24 GB RAM. For the filtering process, the SciPy package is used. A notch filter of cutoff frequency 50 Hz is implemented to filter the power supply noise. Then each filtered EEG time series data is divided into four equal segments. For each segment, WVG is constructed. Figure 2 shows WVGs corresponding to normal, interictal and ictal EEGs with 25 sample data points. WVGs corresponding to normal and interictal EEGs have more edges when compared with the WVG corresponding to ictal EEG due to the sudden fluctuation of amplitude which acts as an obstacle between two time-series data points. Three features namely mean degree, mean entropy, and mean WD are extracted from each WVG. Figure 3 shows the box plots of the extracted features for all the sets of EEG data. The features mean entropy and averages weighted degree shows a significant variation of ictal EEG with normal EEG. But, the feature mean degree shows a variation of both interictal and ictal EEG from normal EEG.
Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Weighted Visibility Graph
Fig. 2. WVGs corresponding to normal, interictal and ictal EEGs with 25 sample data points
Fig. 3. Box plot of mean degree, mean entropy and mean weighted degree
These features are then used by SVM with RBF kernel for classification of EEG data into two categories namely normal versus ictal and normal versus interictal. The features Mean Entropy and Mean weighted degree are able to classify the seizure (ictal) EEG from normal EEG with improved accuracy than the existing method which is given in Table 1. The proposed work also improves the execution time of the seizure prediction. Modularity feature used by [16] takes 24.9 s while the features in the proposed work take only 0.43 s for computation from single WVG.
Table 1. Accuracy comparison of normal versus ictal seizure prediction Data set Set Set Set Set
A versus Set E B versus Set E C versus Set E D versus Set E
Accuracy (%) Modularity method [16] Proposed work 100 100 96.5 97.5 98.5 97.75 93 94.375
The existing works focused only on prediction epilepsy in the ictal state of the EEG. But, the proposed work also achieves state-of-the-art classification performance
T. Ebenezer Rajadurai and C. Valliyammai
in prediction of epilepsy in the interictal state. Table 2 describes the performance details of different test cases of normal EEG versus interictal EEG classification.
Table 2. Classification performance of normal EEG versus interictal EEG Data set Set A versus Set C Set A versus Set D Set B versus Set C Set B versus Set D Set A, B versus Set C Set A, B versus Set D Set A, B versus Set C, D
Accuracy (%) Precision (%) 94.125 94.27 92.75 92.97 90.625 91.837 93.25 93.71 92.75 93.15 93.83 94.09 91.43 92.09
From the Table 1, it is observed that the proposed work attains higher accuracy for two data set combinations namely B – E and D – E than the existing work. From the Table 2, it is observed that the proposed work delivers average accuracy of 92.68% and average precision of 93.15% for interictal seizure prediction. The highest accuracy of 94.125% is obtained for set A versus set C classification.
5 Conclusion and Future Work The proposed system presents a patient-specific approach for epileptic seizure prediction. During the preprocessing stage, the system uses a notch filter to remove the power supply noise from the signal. The filtered signal is then segmented to reduce the computation complexity. The segmented data is converted into Weighted Visibility Graph. Three features namely, entropy, mean degree, and mean weighted degree are extracted from the constructed WVG. SVM classifier with RBF kernel is used for classification. The proposed work delivers the highest accuracy of 100% for A – E data set combination. In other combinations, the proposed work gives higher accuracy than the existing works. It also delivers the highest accuracy of 94.125% in seizure prediction at the interictal state of EEG. In future, the interictal prediction accuracy can be further improved by adding additional features.
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Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Weighted Visibility Graph
4. Sharmila, A., Geethanjali, P.: DWT based detection of epileptic seizure from EEG signals using naive Bayes and k-NN classifiers. IEEE Access 4, 7716–7727 (2016) 5. Islam, M.K., Rastegarnia, A., Yang, Z.: A wavelet-based artifact reduction from scalp EEG for epileptic seizure detection. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform. 20(5), 1321–1332 (2016) 6. Samiee, K., Kovacs, P., Gabbouj, M.: Epileptic seizure classification of EEG time-series using rational discrete short-time Fourier transform. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 62(2), 541– 552 (2015) 7. Yuan, Q., et al.: Epileptic seizure detection based on imbalanced classification and wavelet packet transform. Seizure-Eur. J. Epilepsy 50, 99–108 (2017) 8. Wang, G., Sun, Z., Tao, R., Li, K., Bao, G., Yan, X.: Epileptic seizure detection based on partial directed coherence analysis. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform. 20(3), 873–879 (2016) 9. Zhang, Z., Parhi, K.K.: Low-complexity seizure prediction from IEEG/SEEG using spectral power and ratios of spectral power. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst. 10(3), 693–706 (2016) 10. Fei, K., Wang, W., Yang, Q., Tang, S.: Chaos feature study in fractional Fourier domain for preictal prediction of epileptic seizure. Neurocomputing 249, 290–298 (2017) 11. Tiwari, A.K., Pachori, R.B., Kanhangad, V., Panigrahi, B.K.: Automated diagnosis of epilepsy using key-point-based local binary pattern of EEG signals. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform. 21(4), 888–896 (2017) 12. Antoniades, A., et al.: Detection of interictal discharges with convolutional neural networks using discrete ordered multichannel intracranial EEG. IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. 25(12), 2285–2294 (2017) 13. Hosseini, M.P., Pompili, D., Elisevich, K., Soltanian-Zadeh, H.: Optimized deep learning for EEG big data and seizure prediction BCI via internet of things. IEEE Trans. Big Data 3(4), 392–404 (2017) 14. Kiral-Kornek, I., et al.: Epileptic seizure prediction using big data and deep learning: toward a mobile system. EBioMedicine 27, 103–111 (2018) 15. Lacasa, L., Luque, B., Ballesteros, F., Luque, J., Nuno, J.C.: From time series to complex networks: the visibility graph. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 105(13), 4972–4975 (2008) 16. Supriya, S., Siuly, S., Wang, H., Cao, J., Zhang, Y.: Weighted visibility graph with complex network features in the detection of epilepsy. IEEE Access 4, 6554–6566 (2016) 17. EEG Database from the University of Bonn. http://www.epileptologiebonn.de. Accessed 16 July 2017
Comprehensive Behaviour of Malware Detection Using the Machine Learning Classifier P. Asha(&), T. Lahari, and B. Kavya Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Everyone is using mobile phone and android markets like Google play and the model they offer to certain apps make the Google play market for their false and malware. Some developers use different techniques to increase their rank, increasing popularity through fake reviews, installation accounts and introduce malware to mobile phones. Application developers use various advertising campaigns showing their popularity as the highest ranking application. They manipulate ranking on the chart. In the past they worked on application permission and authorization. In this we propose a fair play - a novel framework that uses traces left to find rank misrepresentation and applications subjected to malware. Fair play uses semantic and behavioural signs gathered from Google play information. Keywords: Google play
Fair play Fake reviews Malware
1 Introduction Smart phone has rapidly become an important platform. Android in particular has seen an impressive growth in recent years. Due to the growth there are also cases of malware. Due to its open platform it is overtaking others competing platforms. Recently android malware has come with new advanced technology that makes difficult for us to identify the malware. Malware on a Smartphone can make unstable there by stealing the private information or affect the information and may behave abnormal. In this paper we use machine learning classifiers for detection of malware. Using malware samples a method is developed which uses combined methods to detect rank misrepresentation and thus detecting fraud applications and malware.
2 Existing System The methods used by the android market to detect malware are not successful. The Google play uses a Google bouncer to remove malware. It is scanning software to scan the malicious software. It will scan the current, new applications; developer accounts © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 462–469, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_49
Comprehensive Behaviour of Malware Detection
and detects red flags. It runs every application and looks for hidden and malware behaviour and also analysis developer accounts and prevent malicious developers from coming back. Android provides a permission system to understand the capabilities of the applications and thus deciding to install an application or not. Analysis revealed that the malware evolves quickly through antivirus tools. Machine learning based system for detecting malware in android applications. They used different approaches such as machine learning and data mining. They extract data from android applications. The motive is to classify data as positive and negative sentiments. The features include various permission from the application that access various devices like camera, the microphone, reading contacts and divide permission as standard in-build applications and non-standard applications. They showed it has a very low negative rate and they are a number of positive improvements that can be made in the future [1]. Wang et al. [2] used crowd sourcing systems that can make users to do a certain type of things. Malicious activity is passed easily when attacks are generated by users working in the crowd sourcing systems. They described to study crowd sourcing systems. Extracting data and analysing their behaviour and campaigns offered and performed in the systems they analysed this using a micro blogging site similar to the twitter and extracted data from the mobile version where no of tweets and retweets, followers can be viewed. They concentrated on the worker’s behaviour like submissions per worker and frequency. They get compensated to do this type of work. Results suggested that it might be an online threat in the future. Pang et al. [3] tried to classify that the review is positive or negative. They take the information provided online and review sites and they classify according to the subject. The author worked with the reviews that are expressed with the star or some numerical value and these are converted into positive negative or neutral. They compared the text using standard text coordination problem using the number of positive and negative words in the text document. They created a list of positive and negative words. They use machine learning algorithms to examine sentiments. Positive and negative words are classified and divided into equal size folds maintaining balanced class distributions. They used three algorithms such as naive, entropy and support vector machines. They concluded that the machine learning algorithms needs to be improved. Ye et al. [4] tried to evaluate a product or service online every customer tries to see the online reviews. There are more fraudulent and fake reviews to mislead users. The attackers are organised as a group of spammers. The author proposed two methods to identify the group of spammers. First one is the network footprint score that is a graph based system and they use two observations. First one is neighbour diversity that observes the varying behaviour and levels of activity and other self-similarity. The second one is group strainer to cluster spammers on the graph basis using datasets with different domains, a large number of products. They applied these methods in real world datasets and showed case analysis, and it detected many user groups. Shabtai et al. [5] presents a anomaly to identify malware in android devices. The system observe various features and applies the machine learning methods and classify data. They developed malicious applications and evaluated anomaly ability to detect malware based on known samples. They proposed a light weight malware detection and helps users in detecting suspicious activities on their headsets. They collected this data pre-processing and analysis of data. These are sent through various pre-processing
P. Asha et al.
to detect malware and generate threat assessment. Virus threats [6] are generated alert and if it is matched a notification is sent to the user. They evaluated several combinations of anomaly features in order to find the combination that is the best in detecting the malware. Android being the open platform mobile malware is increasing at an alarming rate. New advanced malware has been generated with much advanced capabilities which are more difficult to detect the malware. They proposed a parallel machine based models for early detection of malware. Using real malware samples, applications and combining different classifiers [7]. The authors [8] proposed a risk ranking information system to analyse Android application to improve risk communication and used different probabilistic generative models for effective rank scoring. Google has the permission system which when the user installs the application. They show the permissions that are required for the application thus decreasing risk communication. This is not an effective method so they introduced risk scoring function that assigns each application a score. If the application has high score then it is at high risk. The user knows the risk of different application based on the same functionality. The growth of the android platform is the target for the malicious applications developers. An instance of the malware applications that track the personal data or applications investigates the application. They investigated using both the permissions [9]. They studied the permission that applications ask and observed that the malicious application requests more permission than the other applications. They designed a risk, signal that gives a warning. The data analysis is used for the effectiveness of the proposed system. They proposed a novel system that deals with both the rank fraud and malware detection in applications. Behaviour and linguistic behaviour [10] is used. As the Google provides only some reviews, the data is collected from the Google play crawler. For searching rank fraud from the application the data is collected from freelancer, antivirus tools to get the malicious application detection and the last one is the mobile application recommendation [11]. They proposed the time efficient system for detecting fraud applications. Most of us use android Mobile. Play store provides a large number of applications. Some applications may be fraud [10]. It damages the phone. So they proposed a web application which will process the information, comments and the reviews of the application with natural language processing to give results in the form of a graph. So it is easy to decide which application is fraud. Multiple applications can be processed at a time with the web application. Also, User cannot always get accurate reviews about the product on the internet. So we can check for more than 2 sites, for reviews of the same product. Reviews [12] and comments are fetched separately and analysed for positive and negative reviews. Rating will be combined with an average to give the final rating of the product. They proposed ranking fraud for the mobile application. The present concept of spam city to measure how likely a page is spam. Ranking based evidences finding fraud evidences [13] and check for historical ranking records. They classified into two categories ranking spam in web, spam in online reviews [14–16].
Comprehensive Behaviour of Malware Detection
3 Comparative Study on Existing Methodologies See Table 1.
Table 1. Comparison of existing system Methodology Pseudo clique finder (PCF) algorithm k-Means algorithm and natural language processing Signed Inference Algorithm (SIA) Support Vector Machines (SVM) Probabilistic generative model (Naïve Bayes) Max entropy classification, support vector machines (SVM)
Advantages Correlates review activities using language and behaviour signs from app data Uses data aggregation based on the framework and uses two different websites for a single product and analyse them as positive and negative Scalable to large datasets and successfully reveals fraud in large datasets Evaluate permission risk signals using dataset Developed risk scoring for android applications based on permission. Assigns an application a score so that apps with high risk having high score Determining whether the review is positive or negative (sentiment analysis)
4 Proposed System It is a machine learning approach to detect malware and fraud detection. We use two algorithms: De-duplication and time variance algorithm. De-duplication System decreases the amount of data by eliminating redundant information and observing
Fig. 1. Architecture diagram
P. Asha et al.
whether it is stored before or not there by reducing fake reviews. The Time variant system measures the estimated and the actual time taken and output characteristics that depend on time or not (Fig. 1).
5 Methodologies Used 5.1
Rating Based Evidence
After downloading an application users generally rate the application. The rating given by the user is one of the most important factors for the popularity of the app. An application having higher rating always attracts more number of users to download an application. It is naturally ranked higher in the chart rankings. Hence, in ranking fraud of applications, rating based evidences is also an important feature so they are needs to be considered. 5.2
Review Based Evidence
Along with rating users are allowed to write their reviews about the app. Such reviews are showing the personalized experiences of usage for particular mobile Apps. The review given by the user is one of the most important factors for the popularity of the app. As the reviews are given in natural language so pre-processing of reviews and then sentiment analysis in pre-processed reviews is performed. The system will find sentiment of the review which can be positive or negative. The Positive review adds plus one to positive score, if negative it will add one to negative score. In this way it will find out the score of each of the reviews and determine whether app is fraud or not on the basis of the review based evidences. 5.3
Ranking Based Evidence
They analyse the ranking through different time sessions and divide the sessions as rising phase, maintaining phase and recession phase. If the app reaches the peak position it is called rising phase and maintaining the same peak position for some time it is called maintaining phase. If the ranking of the time rapidly decreases rapidly in the leading event it is called recession phase. It checks all the three phases. 5.4
Evidence Aggregation:
After completing the evidences the next type of work is to merge them for rank fraud detection. Each evidence is given a Boolean value that is either 0 or 1. 0 indicates fraud nature and 1 indicate no fraud nature. The home page looks like this where we have to register and login and after logging in, the user can upload the application (Fig. 2). We can upload the apps using the apk file of that application and also we can upload the background picture (Fig. 3).
Comprehensive Behaviour of Malware Detection
Fig. 2. Application upload
Fig. 3. Locate apps
After successfully uploading the application then the output looks like this. We can download the rating given by the user and can know whether it is fake or not and can also update the fake ranking (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Fake identification
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6 Conclusion Thus we showed how to classify false reviews, rating and ranking fraud using data from different applications and thus can detect ranking fraud and malware detection in applications. Rating, review and Ranking based approaches helps a lot in retrieving the fake reviews and ranking, thereby the real good products are saved. Else to promote a poor quality product, fake reviews may be upload in order to spoil the familiarity and sales of good products.
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14. Asha, P., Sridhar, R., Jose, R.R.P.: Click jacking prevention in websites using iframe detection and IP scan techniques. ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci. 11(15), 9166–9170 (2016) 15. Asha, P., Jebarajan, T.: SOTARM: size of transaction based association rule mining algorithm. Turk. J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci. 25(1), 278–291 (2017) 16. Asha, P., Srinivasan, S.: Analyzing the associations between infected genes using data mining techniques. Int. J. Data Min. Bioinform. 15(3), 250–271 (2016). Inderscience Publishers
Impact of VLSI Design Techniques on Implementation of Parallel Prefix Adders Kunjan D. Shinde(&), K. Amit Kumar(&), and C. N. Shilpa Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PESITM, Shivamogga, India [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Adder in general is a digital block used to perform addition operation of given data and generates the results as sum and carry_out. This block is used in various platform for addition/subtraction/multiplication applications. There are several approaches to design and verify the functionality of the adder, based on which they may be classified on type of data it uses for addition, precession of the adder, algorithm used to implementation the adder structure. In this paper we are concentrating on the algorithm/method used to implement an adder structure while keeping the precision constant and considering the binary data for verification of the design. Use of conventional adders like ripple carry adder, carry save adder and carry look ahead adder are not used/implemented for industry and research applications, on the other hand the parallel prefix adders became popular with their fast carry generation network. The presented work gives a detailed analysis on the impact of various VLSI Design techniques like CMOS, GDI, PTL, and modified GDI techniques to implement the parallel prefix adders like Kogge Stone Adder (KSA), Brent Kung Adder (BKA) and Lander Fischer Adder with precession of 4bits, 8bits and 16bits. To measure the performance (in terms of Number of Transistors required, Power Consumed, and Speed) and verify the functionality of these adders we have used Cadence Design Suite 6.1.6 tool with GPDK 180 nm MOS technology, from the results and comparative analysis we can observe that the CMOS technique consumes less power and more transistors to implement a logic, whereas the GDI technique consumes slightly more power than CMOS and implements the logic with less number of transistors. In this paper we also present a simple approach to get the best of both techniques by new technique as modified GDI technique, using this we have optimized the design both in terms of power and transistors used. Keywords: VLSI design techniques Parallel prefix adders Kogge Stone Adder Brent Kung Adder Ladner Fischer Adder CMOS design GDI design Modified-GDI design CADENCE 180 nm technology Area Power Delay
1 Introduction Addition is the most common arithmetic operation used in various digital blocks and binary adders are widely used to perform operations like addition/Subtraction/ Multiplication and in ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit). As the adder is most © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 473–482, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_50
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fundamental block in digital system the performance adder block plays a vital role in the design of other digital systems and hence the performance of the adders has to be improved. In VLSI system, the requirements of adder should be fast in performing the operation, low power consumption, and less area. The performance in digital system also depends on the algorithm/architecture used to implement adder. The major issue in the binary addition is propagation delay in carry generation stage, as the number of input stages increases the propagation delay also increases with reduction in the speed of operation. To overcome this problem, Parallel Prefix Adders (PPAs) are used and as they are effective, reliable and fast, hence they are better suited in the modern digital systems. In this paper we have consider the three parallel prefix adder, which are Kogge Stone Adder, Brent Kung Adder and Lander Fischer Adder. The design and implementation of parallel prefix adders are performed using VLSI Techniques like CMOS design, GDI design and Modified-GDI design. Digital circuit design is an important phase, as most of the processing in todays chip are digital and the circuit that performs this operations should consume low power, occupy less area and compute in small delay. These are the main performance parameters and issues in the VLSI design and implementation. Several VLSI design techniques are proposed to implement digital circuits, among those the popular and most often used is CMOS technique, when compared with GDI design style, the GDI technique consumes less number of transistors for designing the digital circuits and consume more power when compared to CMOS technique. Some issues with GDI design style may be driving multiple load and it suffer from the swing degradation at the output signals, limitations of this design techniques are overcome by introducing the new design technique called as modified GDI technique. The modified GDI technique for a given digital circuit can be performed by drawing the given circuit in the form of layers i.e. vertical and horizontal layers, without altering the functionality of the circuit the each odd layer is designed using CMOS technique and the remaining even layers are designed using GDI technique, and at the last stage the design is made using CMOS technique in order to retain the full swing output. With such a combination of both the techniques used as an intermediate and optimal solution for digital circuit which provides good results in terms of accuracy in output, speed in computation and low power consumption [5, 7–9].
2 Literature Survey The following are some papers that we have referred to design and implementation of parallel prefix adders using different design techniques. In [1], the authors have designed and compared various 8-bit different adders using Verilog HDL coding for conventional adder and parallel prefix adder. From [2], the basic design of parallel prefix adders like Kogge Stone Adder and Brent Kung Adder have been explained using different design techniques. In [3], a brief introduction about carry tree structure and working principle of KSA, BKA and LFA adders have been explained, a comparative analysis is coated based on area, delay and power consumption. In [4] the
Impact of VLSI Design Techniques
authors have focused on the design of high speed carry select adder (CSL) for replacing ripple carry adders (RCA) structure in conventional design of Ladner-Fischer Parallel Prefix Adders (LFA), with this replacement the authors have reduced the delay in generating the result. In [5], the GDI technique is applied for digital circuits and its performance is measured. In [6], the authors have implemented various parallel prefix adders and created a comparative analysis. In [7, 9] the authors have verified the functionality of the parallel prefix adders on various platforms like FPGA. and In [8], a modified GDI logic is used to design the system and verified its behaviors.
3 Design of Parallel Prefix Adder The Parallel Prefix Adder has advanced architecture over the Carry Look ahead Adder (CLA) which is due to the Carry Network of the adder. In VLSI implementations, parallel-prefix adders are known to have the best performance, and widely used in industry for high performance Arithmetic Logic Units digital circuit operation. Compared to the other conventional adders the PPA performs high speed addition operation achieved with the help of its advanced carry generation network, reduce the delay and power consumption. In Parallel Prefix Adder, the execution of partial and final result is performed in parallel and the current stage outcome of the execution is dependent upon the initial input bits at that stage [3]. The following is the general structure of Parallel Prefix adder which involves three steps in process to generate the final results; the steps are explained with reference to Kogge Stone Adder architecture for better understanding (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Architecture of parallel prefix adder
A. Pre-Processing Block: The initial stage of the Parallel Prefix Adder is Pre-Processing, two signals are produced in this stage which are termed as generate signal (Gi) and the propagate
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signal (Pi). The generated and propagate signal are computed for every ith stage of the input signal and its operation is represented using following equations. Pi = Ai XOR Bi
Gi = Ai AND Bi
B. Carry Generation Block: Carry generation stage is a most important block in Parallel Prefix Adder, as the carries are computed before the final result is available using a carry graph. Each adder has different carry graph and based on this the carries are computed. The carry graph consists of two components known as Black Cell and Gray Cell. Black Cell is used to produce the Generated signal and Propagated signal, needed to the calculation of the next stage. Gray Cell is used to produce only Generated signal and these signals are produced based on the earlier inputs received [1]. i. Black Cell: The black cell operator receives two set of generate and propagate signals (Gi, Pi) and (Gj, Pj) compute one set of generate and propagate signals (G, P). G = Gi OR ðPi AND PjÞ
P = Pi AND Pj
ii. Gray Cell: The Gray operator receives two set of generate and propagate signals (Gi, Pi) and (Gj, Pj) compute one set of generate signals (G). G = Gi OR ðPi AND PjÞ
C. Post Processing Block: This is the final stage of the adder; Sum and Carry are the final outcome of the adder. Si = Pi XOR Ci 1
4 Various Parallel Prefix Adder Architectures The general structure of the parallel prefix adder is understood from the Sect. 3, these Parallel prefix adders differ from each other is by the method of generating carry from the carry generation stage of the adders, The following are the adders we have considered for analysis.
Impact of VLSI Design Techniques
A. Kogge Stone Adders: The Kogge Stone Adder is one of the most important Parallel Prefix Adders. It generates the carry signal in O (Log2 N) time. This adder is widely used in the industry and considered as the fastest adder design. Carries are generated fast by computing them in parallel, speed of operation is very high due to the low depth of node and operation done in parallel and main important factor is the outcome of the adder is depend upon the initial inputs. Figure 2 gives the schematic of KSA [1].
Fig. 2. Carry generation network of KSA
B. Brent Kung Adder: Figure 3 shows the schematic of BKA. It is one of `the Parallel prefix adder’s forms of the carry look ached adder. BKA prefix adder prefix tree is a bit complex to build the design because it has the most logic levels and it have a gate level depth of O(log2n). Construction of design consumed less number of transistor count and it takes less area and speed of operation compare to other prefix adders. BKA structure reduced the delay without compromising the power performance of adder [6].
Fig. 3. Carry generation network of BKA
C. Ladner Fischer Adder: This prefix tree structure shown in Fig. 4. The structure has the minimum logic dept and the number of logic level of (log2n) is always the minimum in this scheme for an n-bit adder. Limits performance of the structure because of complex area by increasing the delay and consumed more power due to large drive cells [2–4].
K. D. Shinde et al.
Fig. 4. Carry generation network of LFA
5 Results and Discussion The implementation and functional verification of all the parallel prefix is performed on the Cadence Design Suite 6.1.6 version for design and simulation using Analog Design Environment (ADE), GPDK 180 nm technology is used for designing digital blocks using n-MOS and p-MOS transistor. D. Simulation Results The following are the simulation results of the Parallel Prefix adder used in this paper. The simulation results with schematic are shown only for adders designed using 16bit precession, the schematic and simulation of 4bit and 8bit precession is not show in this paper (Figs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13).
Fig. 5. Schematic and simulation of 16bit KSA using CMOS design.
Fig. 6. Schematic and simulation of 16bit KSA using GDI design.
Impact of VLSI Design Techniques
Fig. 7. Schematic and simulation of 16bit KSA using m-GDI design.
Fig. 8. Schematic and simulation of 16bit BKA using CMOS design.
Fig. 9. Schematic and simulation of 16bit BKA using GDI design.
Fig. 10. Schematic and simulation of 16bit BKA using m-GDI design.
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Fig. 11. Schematic and simulation of 16bit LFA using CMOS design.
Fig. 12. Schematic and simulation of 16bit LFA using GDI design.
Fig. 13. Schematic and simulation of 16bit LFA using m-GDI design.
E. Comparative Analysis The comparative analysis of various adders with 4bit, 8bit and 16 bit precession are shown and the results obtained are tabulated for comparison in Table 1. The comparative analysis in Table 1 gives the performance analysis of parallel prefix adder like KSA, BKA and LFA adder with precision of 4bit, 8bit, and 16bit. The performance metric consist of delay, Power and number of transistor used to design the adder. For better analysis and visual representation, a bar graph is plotted for transistor used and delay of various adders. From the comparative analysis it is clear that, the number of transistor required to design a parallel prefix adder using GDI design style is about 30% of transistors required to design the same adder using CMOS design style and 60% of transistor are required for GDI design style when compared to modified GDI design style. Power consumed by modified GDI design is higher than the GDI and CMOS design style, if the power is major issue and prime focus on selecting adder for application then CMOS design is the best choice. When compared with delay associated with different design
Impact of VLSI Design Techniques
Table 1. Comparative analysis of parallel prefix adder
CMOS Design Style GDI Design Style M-GDI Design Style CMOS Design Style GDI Design Style M-GDI Design Style CMOS Design Style GDI Design Style M-GDI Design Style
Kogge Stone Adder
Brunt Kung Adder
Lander Fisher Adder
4bit 8bit 16bit 4bit 8bit 16bit 4bit 8bit 16bit 4bit 8bit 16bit 4bit 8bit 16bit 4bit 8bit 16bit 4bit 8bit 16bit 4bit 8bit 16bit 4bit 8bit 16bit
Delay in s 41.43E-9 71.66E-9 161.1E-9 90.95E-9 83.82E-9 181.0E-9 92.05E-9 83.82E-9 192.3E-9 41.67E-9 81.43E-9 161.4E-9 42.67E-9 82.59E-9 162.8E-9 52.73E-9 93.33E-9 173.4E-9 41.32E-9 81.43E-9 161.4E-9 42.15E-9 82.58E-9 162.4E-9 53.75E-9 89.49E-9 172.7E-9
Power in W 1.35E-5 2.7E-7 8.95E-9 3.36E-7 3.99E-7 8.95E-9 0.0010520 0.0010870 0.0001083 3.5E-7 4.746e-7 5.71E-7 1.05E-7 1.30e-7 1.54E-7 0.0010870 0.0004173 0.0010856 4.66E-9 3.675e-7 5.54E-7 1.97E-9 1.274e-7 1.23E-7 7.47E-9 0.000568 0.0011088
Transistors 240 570 1362 68 190 454 74 248 772 192 414 804 64 122 268 82 212 388 174 414 756 100 122 252 62 246 410
styles, CMOS design style produces fast results (less delay in generating result) while consume more number of transistors. Note: In results and comparative analysis, we have performed simulation for different types of adder like Kogge Stone Adder, Brunt Kung Adder and Lander Fisher Adder. We are not comparing the performance of the various adder architecture, but we are
Fig. 14. Transistor count in VLSI technology for various parallel prefix adders
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200 100 0 4bit
Fig. 15. Delay in ns versus VLSI technology for various parallel prefix adders
trying to measure the impact of designing the adder using different design style on various adders with existing architectures (Figs. 14 and 15).
6 Conclusion With the presented work in this paper, the CMOS design style uses more number of transistor while generating faster results and consuming less power, GDI design style uses about 30% of transistors compared to CMOS style and does not provides a full swing output, using the modified GDI logic the adders consume moderate number of transistors with full swing output and generates results with an increased delay.
References 1. Shinde, K.D., Jayashree, C.N.: Modeling, design and performance analysis of various 8- bit adders for embedded approach. In: Second International Conference on ELSEVIRE, ERCIC 2014 (2014). ISBN 9789351072621 2. Brent, R.P., Kung, H.T.: A regular layout for parallel adders. IEEE Trans. C-31(3), 260–264 (1982) 3. Naganathan, V.: A comparative analysis of parallel prefix adders in 32 nm and 45 nm static CMOS technology. The University of Texas at Austin (2015) 4. Chakali, P., Patnala, M.K.: Design of high speed ladner-fischer based carry select adders. Int. J. Soft Comput. Eng. (IJSCE) 3(1), 173–176 (2013). ISSN 2231-2307 5. Verma, P., Manchanda, R.: Review of various GDI technique for low power digital circuits. Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Adv. Eng. 4(2) (2014) 6. Talsania, M., John, E.: A comparative analysis of parallel prefix adders. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Taxas at San Antonio, Tx (2013) 7. Yezerla, S.K., Naik, B.R.: Design and estimation of delay, power and area of parallel prefix adders. In: Proceeding of 2014 RAECS UIET Punjab University, Chandigarh, March 2014 8. Verma, P., Singh, R., Mishra, Y.K.: Modified GD technique - a power efficient method for digital circuit design. IJATES. 10(10) (2013) 9. Hoe, D.H.K., Matinez, C., Vandavalli, S.J.: Design and characterization of parallel prefix adders using FPGA. In: 2011 IEEE Hard South System on System Theory (SSST) (2011)
VLSI Implementation of FIR Filter Using Different Addition and Multiplication Techniques N. Udaya Kumar ✉ , U. Subbalakshmi, B. Surya Priya, and K. Bala Sindhuri (
Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College, Bhimavaram, India [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. Today, in the modernized digital scenario, speed and area are the crucial design parameters in any digital system design. Most of the DSP appli‐ cations such as FIR and IIR filters demand high speed adders and multipliers for its arithmetic operations. The structural adders, truncated multipliers, delay elements used in FIR filter implementation consume more area, delay and power. So, in this work by using efficient adders and compressed multipliers, different MAC units are designed and these MAC units are placed in FIR filter architecture to identify the best one structures of FIR filter by evaluating its performance with respect to slices, LUT’s, and combinational delay. The coding is not in Verilog HDL and Simulation is carried by Modelsim 6.3 g. Finally, the design is imple‐ mented with Xilinx ISE 12.2 software on Spartan 3E kit. Keywords: Dadda multiplier · Modified carry select AN-ta (MCSLA) · FIR filter Vedic multiplier · Wallace tree (WT) multiplier
The conception beyond digital communication in today’s era is to satisfy the demand to send enormous data. Transmitting digital signals over analog signals will allow greater efficiency in signal processing. But when signal is transmitted digitally there is a greater scope of noise in the acquired signal which leads to efficient filter designing. Filters are basic building blocks of digital communication system [1]. Filters are hardly used for two reasons. First, signal separation, allowing an input signal, eliminating pre-defined frequency elements and transmitting the real signal with subtraction of noise compo‐ nents to output. Second, Signal restoration, this is employed when signal is distorted. However digital filters are preferred than analog filters because of its features like programmability, repeatability, ease of designing, testing, implementing [2] and the ability of digital filters to attain better SNR than the analog filters. Digital filters are classified into two types, FIR and IIR filters. Digital FIR filters are found substantial applications in communication systems and Software Defined Radio [3] systems. The basis for SDR system is exchanging the analog processors with digital processors in transmitters to furnish the flexibility along reconfiguration. The channelizer in SDR system desires a coherent filter structures to employ at greater sampling rate [4]. The delay required to transmit the input signal depends on the executing time needed for the © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 483–490, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_51
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multipliers and adders. However, multipliers are realized with shift and add operation [5]. As the order of the filter increments, complexity also increases [6]. So far, numerous investigations are made for designing efficient digital FIR filters i.e., by implementing effective multipliers and adders [7]. Normally, the multiplier takes input samples and filter coefficients, which are constant, and perform constant multiplication. The complexity level of the filter is defined by the number of adders used in the multiplier [8]. So, to minimize the complexity level, research work is still in progress to reduce the number of adders in the coefficient multiplier and for designing FIR filter with efficient multipliers [9]. The remaining paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes about Theoretical concept of Digital FIR filter design. Section 3 presents various MAC techniques used in FIR filter design. Sections 4 and 5 contains the simulation results and comparisons. Finally, Sect. 6 deals with conclusion.
Design of FIR Filter
The filter with finite duration due to finite number of samples of impulse response is called FIR filter. Multipliers, delay elements and adders are the fundamental elements in FIR filter design. This FIR filters are broadly used in many DSP applications because of its linear phase and non-feedback characteristics. FIR filter architecture for transposed form is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Transposed direct form architecture for N-tap FIR filter
The output of FIR filter is the convolution of input sequence and the coefficients of filter.
Y[n] = X[n] ∗ H[n]
For Nth order FIR filter, resultant signal of the filter is weighted function of the latter values of the input signal. Y(n) =
N−1 ∑ p=0
h(p)x(n − p) =
N−1 ∑
x(p)h(n − p)
Here, x(n) is the transmitted sequence, h(n) shows the coefficients of digital FIR filter and Y(n) is the obtained output of FIR filters [10]. Here N represents order of the filter. The multiplication process for 20-tap FIR filter is implemented by using 16-bit
VLSI Implementation of FIR Filter Using Different Addition
Wallace tree, Dadda and Vedic algorithms. The adder circuit is designed by area and delay based CSLA and MCSLA.
MAC Techniques
Design of FIR filter by using MAC techniques is simple when analyze to window tech‐ niques and FIR filters typically need one MAC unit per tap. The work done by MAC unit in FIR filter design is, multiplication of filter coefficients with corresponding delayed input samples and add that result to an accumulator. To design high speed and area efficient FIR filters, the multipliers and adders preferred for MAC unit must consume less area and delay. In this paper, various MAC units are designed by different multipliers and adders and eventually these MAC units are placed in FIR filter architecture to evaluate its performance. Figure 2 shows the design flow of FIR filter using different MAC techni‐ ques.
Fig. 2. FIR design flow using MAC unit
The combinations of Multiplier and Adder, used in MAC unit for scheming FIR filter architecture are • • • • • •
WT Multiplier and CSLA WT Multiplier and MCSLA Dadda multiplier and CSLA Dadda multiplier and MCSLA Vedic Multiplier and CSLA Vedic Multiplier and MCSLA Different kinds of Adders and Multipliers used in MAC unit are described below.
3.1 Adders • Carry Select Adder (CSLA): Among several adders, RCA is one of the easiest adders but it requires more delay [11] due to carry generation and propagation The problem in RCA is avoided by considering both the chances of input carry Cin i.e., ‘0’ and ‘1’. The concept beyond CSLA is the
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sum and carry values are generated in advance for both the values of Cin. Further, by knowing the exact values of Cin, the corresponding results of sum and carry are selected by using 2X1 multiplexer. So, CSLA need less delay than RCA i.e., by manipulating the carry signal in before depend on input signal. • Modified Carry Select Adder (MCSLA): The traditional approach of CSLA is more area consuming because it requires two Nbit ripple carry adders and a multiplexer for choosing the sum. So, to avoid the specified problems in conventional CSLA, gate level optimization of the CSLA architecture for 1bee is proposed [12] by examining the accuracy in boolean expression for sum and carry outputs. So, the necessity of EX-OR gate to produce the half sum in conventional structure is avoided in each level. The 1-bit MCSLA architecture is as shown below (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Architecture of modified CSLA (MCSLA)
3.2 Multipliers A. Wallace Tree (WT) Multiplier WT multiplier is a high speed multiplier [13] in which half adders and full adders are used to multiply two numbers in three steps: I. Each bit of the n-bit multiplicand is multiplied with every bit in n-bit multiplier to produce n2 result. Depending on the position of generated bits each bit carry different weights. II. Afterwards, partial products are reduced with full adders and half adders. This process is sustained up to there are only two layers of partial products. III. These two final layers are added by using traditional adder. For scheming out the 20-tap FIR filter, 16 × 16 WT multiplier is employed to multiply the 16 bit input sequence with the coefficients of filter to produce final output. B. Dadda Multiplier Dadda multiplier is same as Wallace tree multiplier but it is somewhat faster and dimin‐ ishes the number of logic gates used. Dadda multiplier need N^2 AND gates for the generation of partial products. Moreover, the partial product matrix is diminished to two layers of full adders and half adders using (3, 2) and (2, 2) counters. The flow chart [14] of 16 × 16 Dadda multiplier is shown in Fig. 4, where the multiplier needs six stages to generate the final product.
VLSI Implementation of FIR Filter Using Different Addition
Fig. 4. Flow diagram of 16 × 16 dadda multiplier
At first the 16-bit multiplicand is multiplied with 16-bit multiplier to generate partial products by employing 256 AND gates and the number of rows existing at this stage are 16. Moreover, the number of rows is reduced by 13, 9, 6 and 4 in further stages and finally the last stage contains only 2 rows. Here, the height of transitional matrix does not exceed 1.5 times the height of its preceding stages. C. Vedic Multiplier Vedic Multiplier is one of the fastest multipliers used in various scientific and signal processing applications [15]. The 16-bit Vedic multiplier is used in Vedic-CSLA and Vedic-MCSLA based MAC technique. Figure 5 shows the block diagram of 16-bit Vedic Multiplier. It consists of four similar size 8-bit Vedic Multiplier blocks along with two 16-bit ripple carry adders. Urdhva-Tiryagbyam is pre-eminent technique which is relevant to all cases, compared to the remaining sutras in Vedic mathematics. The 16bit input sequences are divided into two 8-bit sequences and are applied to four multiplier blocks according to this Vedic Sutra and partial products from each multiplier block are added by 16-bit Ripple Carry Adders.
Fig. 5. Block diagram of 16-bit vedic multiplier
N. Udaya Kumar et al.
Implementation of the FIR filter for 20-tap is carried by Xilinx ISIM tool. Simulation results of FIR filter for 20-tap for different input combinations are shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Simulation results of FIR filter for 20-tap
Device utilization in terms of LUT’s, slices and combinational delay for 20-tap FIR filter implementation with several combinations of multiplier and adder are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Analysis report for 20-tap FIR filter FIR filtering using (multiple-adder) Wallace-CSLA Wallace-MCSLA Dadda-CSLA Dadda-MCSLA Vedic-CSLA Vedic-MCSLA
No. of slices No. of 4 input LUT’S Combination delay (ns) 9135 16073 80.770 8399 14648 58.054 7921 13905 94.647 7169 12468 77.606 10152 17782 83.868 9406 16406 61.07
From Fig. 7, it is noticed that 20-tap FIR filter with Dadda-MCSLA based MAC shows better performance in terms of area. The number of slices and 4-input LUT’s used for this architecture is less compared to other architectures. The reduction in number of slices and LUT’s is 21.52% and 22.42% respectively than Wallace-CSLA architecture. It is 14.64% and 14.88% when compared to Wallace-MCSLA architecture. Likewise the reduction is 9.49% and 10.36% than Dadda-CSLA architecture. It is 29.38% and 29.9% compared to Vedic CSLA architecture. Comparably the amount of reduction is 23.78% and 24.02% than Vedic-Modified CSLA architecture.
VLSI Implementation of FIR Filter Using Different Addition
Fig. 7. Comparison of slices and LUT’s for 20-tap FIR filter
Similarly from Fig. 8, it is also noticed that 20-tap FIR filter using Wallace-MCSLA based MAC unit shows reduction in delay than other architectures. Delay is reduced by 28.12% than FIR filter with Wallace-CSLA architecture and 38.66% than Dadda-CSLA architecture and 25.19% than Dadda-MCSLA architecture and 30.77% than VedicCSLA architecture and it is 4.93% than Vedic-MCSLA architecture.
Fig. 8. Comparison of combinational delay for 20-tap FIR filter
In this paper, different MAC techniques are used in FIR filter design to identify the highly efficient FIR filter architecture. The result analysis shows that, area is less in terms of LUT’s for FIR filter using Dadda–MCSLA based MAC when compared to all other architectures. Further, architecture of FIR filter using Wallace–MCSLA based MAC shows better performance in terms of combinational delay over other architectures. Finally, it can be concluded that FIR filter using Dadda-MCSLA based MAC is an area efficient architecture and FIR filter using Wallace–MCSLA based MAC is high speed architecture. In future Power analysis is also to be addressed for designing low power and high performance FIR filters.
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FPGA Performance Optimization Plan for High Power Conversion P. Muthukumar1(&), Padma Suresh Lekshmi Kanthan2, T. Baldwin Immanuel3, and K. Eswaramoorthy4 1
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada 520007, India [email protected] 2 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Baselios Mathew II College of Engineering, Sasthamkotta 690521, Kerala, India [email protected] 3 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, AMET Deemed to Be University, Chennai 603112, India [email protected] 4 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anna University, Chennai 600025, India [email protected]
Abstract. One of the major part of any power converter system is a blistering implementation of PWM algorithm for high power conversion. It must fulfil both requirements of power converter hardware topology and computing power necessary for control algorithm implementation. The emergence of multimillion-gate FPGAs with large on-chip RAMs and a processor cores sets a new trend in the design of FPGAs which are exceedingly used to generate the PWM in the area of power electronics. Of late, more and more large complex designs are getting realized using FPGAs, because of less NRE cost and shorter development time. The share of Programmable Logic Devices (PLD), especially FPGAs, in the semiconductor logic market is tremendously growing year-onyear. This calls for an increased controllability of designs, in terms of meeting both area and timing performance, to really derive the perceived benefits. The recent strides in FPGA technology favour the realization of large high-speed designs, which were only possible in an ASIC, in FPGA now. However the routing delay being still unpredictable and the pronounced nature of routing delay over logic delay, in today’s FPGAs impedes the goal of early timing convergence. This paper introduces the few techniques for controlling the design area/time right from architecture stage and the technique can adopt for any FPGA based design applications including the high power conversion. This paper also describes the trade off between Area, speed and power of the optimization techniques. Keywords: Field Programmable Gate Array Programmable Logic Devices Application specific integrated circuits Flip flops Optimization Register transfer logic Block ram Embedded array block Configurable logic blocks
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 I. Zelinka et al. (Eds.): ICSCS 2018, CCIS 837, pp. 491–502, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1936-5_52
P. Muthukumar et al.
1 Introduction Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have become one of the most popular implementation media for digital circuits, and since their introduction in 1984 FPGAs have become a multi-billion dollar industry. The key to the success of FPGAs is their programmability, which allows any circuit to be instantly realized by appropriately programming an FPGA. FPGAs have some compelling advantages over Standard Cells or Mask-Programmed Gate Arrays (MPGAs): • Accelerate time to market—FPGA technology proffers flexibility and rapid prototyping proficiency in the countenance of increased time-to-market worries. The idea or concepts are tested and verified in hardware without going through the long fabrication process of custom ASIC design. The incremental changes and iterations are implemented on an FPGA design within hours instead of weeks. Commercial off-the-shelf hardware is also available with different types of I/O already connected to a user-programmable FPGA chip. The technological development of high-level software tools decreases the learning curve with layers of abstraction and often adduces valuable IP cores for modern control and signal processing. • Exploitation of FPGA—Fetching boon of hardware parallelism, FPGAs surpass the computing power of digital signal processors by breaking the crux of sequential execution and performing more process per clock cycle. Controlling inputs and outputs at the hardware level affords faster response times and specialized functionality to closely match application demands. • Consistency—FPGA circuitry is really a “hard” implementation of program execution whereas software tools provide the programming environment. Processorbased systems frequently involve several layers of abstraction to help schedule tasks and allocate resources among multiple processes. The driver layer controls hardware resources and the OS manages memory and processor bandwidth. For any given processor core, only one instruction can execute at a time, and processorbased systems are continually at risk of time-critical tasks preempting one another. FPGAs, which do not use OSs, minimize reliability concerns with true parallel execution and deterministic hardware dedicated to each task. • Long-term maintenance—FPGA chips are field-upgradable and do not require the time and expense involved with ASIC redesign. Digital communication protocols, for example, have specifications that can change over time, and ASIC-based interfaces may cause maintenance and forward-compatibility challenges. Being reconfigurable, FPGA chips can keep up with future modifications that might be necessary. As a product or system matures, the functional enhancement of the design is promising without spending time redesigning hardware or modifying the board layout. • Cost—The nonrecurring engineering cost of custom ASIC design far exceeds that of FPGA-based hardware solutions. The huge initial investment in ASICs is easy to justify for original equipment manufacturers shipping thousands of chips per year, but many end users demand custom hardware functionality for the tens to hundreds of systems in development. The very nature of programmable silicon means, no fabrication costs or long lead times for assembly. Because system demands
FPGA Performance Optimization Plan for High Power Conversion
frequently change over time, the cost of making additive changes to FPGA designs is negligible when compared to the large expense of re-spinning an ASIC. FPGAs are often used to reconfigure I/O module functionality. “For example, a digital input module can be used to simply read/write the true/false state of each digital line. Alternately, the same FPGA can be reconfigured to perform processing on the digital signals and measure pulse width, perform digital filtering, or even measure position and velocity from a quadrature encoder sensor,” Thus, FPGA devices are very attractive for realizing modern, complex digital controller designs. Most real-time control systems, particularly those used in power electronics and ac motor drive applications, require fast processing, For example, a control algorithms executing at few 100 kHz importantly, the peripherals can be adapted to fit the algorithm.” This is particularly true of high-speed A/D interfaces, resolvers and encoders. Many researchers are used FPGAs for their research, especially in the area of high power conversion. In [1], different types of digital implementations are categorised for the implementation three phase sinusoidal pulse width modulation generation, which targets to control three phase induction motor. Assorted carrier variable frequency random pulse width modulation are implemented by using FPGA which targets to reduce the acoustic noise of the induction motor [2]. The potential of FPGA is highly used for realization of three different carrier waves which are, inverted sine carrier, sine carrier and triangle carrier for PWM generation. In [3, 4], proposes different configurations of SPWM techniques for harmonic reduction and improvement of fundamental peak voltage by using the FPGA implementation of third order harmonic injected SPWM. In [5], The high level calculation involved hybrid space vector pulse width modulation is implemented by using spartan3E FPGA device. The FPGA results are showing the FPGA adaptability of the industrial drives. The computational intensive direct torque control has been implemented by using FPGA [6]. IC designers today are facing continuous challenges in balancing design performance and power consumption. This task is becoming more critical as designs grow larger and more complex and process geometries shrink to 90-nm and below. FPGAs currently available provide performance and features that designers want, but suffer due to higher power consumption requirements. This growing need for maximizing performance while minimizing power consumption requires an increasingly efficient power optimization without sacrificing performance [7]. The trade off between the Optimization Techniques is augmented by a collection of area/time/power estimation guidelines. This paper presents the techniques to achieve area and time containment within the chosen FPGA device. FPGA Selection Guide ASIC Design Guide and HDL Coding Guide will lead to synergetic benefits in achieving design closure in time and with high quality [8]. This paper is generic enough to be applicable for all FPGA devices from various vendors such as Xilinx, Altera and etc. The crux of these techniques lies in the “Design Level” processes, if when executed effectively and efficiently, will result in timing closure and Area closure at first level itself [9]. The weightage attached with various levels in this methodology is 50% for design level (strict adherence to design norms for timing closure), 40% for first level optimization (achieved by design/code change), 7% for second level optimization
P. Muthukumar et al.
(Changing the implementation options of tools) and 3% for fourth level optimization (applying more timing constraints to tools). This percentage distribution dictates where to concentrate more (indirectly amount of time spent) for achieving faster timing closure. In this paper describes more First level optimization. During Design and code phase (First Level optimization), perform design and coding as per the established guidelines. It is encouraged to adopt the RTL coding guidelines of as well as from tool vendors. ASIC Design Guide [10–16] can also be referred for relevant sections. All tool vendors provide better coding styles for efficient implementation. Also any violations to norms and guidelines should be documented and analyzed for any impending risks. While coding, it is crucial to understand how your code will map into the logic blocks (LUTs) of the target FPGA [4]. This exercise, even though painful in the beginning but can be practiced, will lead to significant results later. Unlike ASICs, FPGAs provide too few library elements (Flip-Flops and 4input LUT). Hence it is easier to visualize the implementation view of the code in terms of LUTs while coding, thereby judging the compliance to norms. In Sect. 2 introduces the various RTL Design methodologies to optimize the Area and Speed. In Sect. 3 Explain about the Discussed about the optimization techniques by using Soft and Hard FPGA Macros. In Sect. 4 Discussed about the optimization techniques by using FPGA system features. In Sect. 5 provides the information about the trade off between Speed/Area/Power optimization techniques.
2 Speed/Area Optimizatıon Techniques 2.1
Reduce the Levels of Logic
Most FPGAs have only 4 input LUT architecture. This means that any four input equation, however complex it may be will take only one LUT. However a 5 input equation, however simple it may be (say simple ANDing), will take minimum two LUTs and two levels of logic. Note that two LUTs is only minimum requirement and depending on the complexity of the equation, it would require more than two LUTs and also would increase the levels of logic. The impact is both in area front and timing front if the number of terms in the equation increases beyond four. As a general suggestion, avoid wider decoding logic and also structure the logic in such a way that LUT utilization is minimized and also the levels of logic are kept optimum. Always be cautious of the number of terms in an equation (especially state machine design) during design/coding and see whether it can be reduced. 2.2
Affinity Flops
Some hard macros such as large embedded memory structures in the FPGA (BlockRAM, EAB etc.) have fixed locations in the FPGA. Often the associated interfacing logic would be placed far off in the chip. Hence all the interfacing signals to macro should always be driven from FF and interfacing signals from macro should be sampled directly into a FF without any combinatorial logic in between. This allows for the high routing delay on the signals to traverse from/to macro. This norm can be
FPGA Performance Optimization Plan for High Power Conversion
cautiously relaxed based on the placement of the associated interfacing logic with respect to the macro location and the frequency of operation. However the number of LUT/logic delays for the interfacing signals in that case shall be arrived at and complied with. It is recommended that the interfacing logic and the MACRO (if multiple macro elements are available in the FPGA) be placed closer to each other shown in Fig. 1. Because of the placement restrictions for macros in a FPGA, the routing delay for signals from the logic area to the macros such as memories could considerably affect the timing in very high-speed operations. In such cases, it is better to provide another proximity flop for all interface signals (Fig. 2) so that these flip-flops are placed closer to the macros to break the effect of routing delay. Proximity flop needs to be provided even for I/O interface signals because of restriction on I/O pad placement. In this case, this proximity flop can be made located in the corresponding I/O pad itself.
Fig. 1. Affinity flops with macros
Logic Structuring
Logic structuring technique helps in reducing the number of levels of logic experienced by particular signal(s), by rearranging the equation. The logic structuring deals with prioritizing the signals in an equation explicitly through design/code. The application of logic structuring technique is innumerable, left to the creativity of the designer. Some examples are given in this section for understanding. One typical example of logic structuring is in grouping arithmetic functions. Instead of A1 + A2 + A3 + A4, which would produce three adders in cascade (as chain of adders), group it like (A1 + A2) + (A3 + A4). This gives a structured tree implementation as shown in Fig. 3. Same is the case with the parity tree. Instead of parity
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