Jewels on the path : transformational teachings of the Ascended Masters

Looking back over the channeled teachings that are the foundation of this and my previous books, I am impressed by the gentle yet powerful ways the Masters have gradually opened us to new depths of experience. It seems we receive just the teaching, just the intensity of spiritual presence, we are capable of integrating in each session. None of us who are sharing in this adventure (which many Westerners have labeled the “ascension path”) can deny the love and care that have been showered upon us in our often feeble attempts to experience and to describe what ascension is and what it means. I have walked this path for many years, only to find I am ultimately reduced to a state of wonder.
Autor Klein |  Eric |  Bob Olson |  Robert S. Cox

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J ewels

on the


T ransformational T eachings of the A scended M asters


E ric K lein

Editing & Typography by Sara Benjamin-Rhodes Cover Illustration by Cathie Beach Published by Oughten House Publications Livermore, California U S A

Jew els

on th e

T ransformational T eachings



of the

A scended M asters

© 1995 b y E ric K lein P u blish ed 1995. 00 99 98 97 96 95

0 98 76 5 4 3 2 1

All rights reserved. No part o f this book may be reproduced or trans­ mitted, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, except for inclusion o f brief quotations in a printed review, without permission in writing from the publisher. This work is based upon channeled discourses from Sananda, Ashlar, Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, Serapis Bey, and S t Germain. The publisher and author are most willing to work with interested parties, provided that proper procedures are followed.

C over I llustration by C athie B each E diting & T ypography by S ara B enjamin-R hodes P ublished

by :

O ughten H ouse P ublications P . O. Box 2008 L ivermore , C alifornia , 94551-2008 USA

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Jewels on the path: transformational teachings o f the Ascended Masters / by Eric Klein. p. cm. ISBN 1-880666-48-0 (alk. paper): $14.95 1. Spirit writings. 2. Ascended masters. 3. Spiritual life-Miscellanea. L Klein, Eric, 1951BF1290.J 4 8 1995 133.9’3 - -d c20 95-35050 CIP ISBN 1-880666-48-0, Trade Publication Printed in United States o f America Printed with vegetable ink on acid -free paper


T able of C ontents The Importance of Discernment




Introduction by Sananda


Chapter One: Cosmic Radio


— S a n a n da Chapter Two: The Divine Blueprint


— St. G erm ain Chapter Three: The Pure of Heart


— A rch a n g el M ich a el Chapter Four: Divine Love


— S a n a n da Chapter Five: Creating the Life You Want


— St. G erm ain Chapter Six: Initiation Retreat: Part I


— S a n a n da Chapter Seven: Initiation Retreat: Part II l l 5 — S era pis B e y Chapter Eight: Mission Update


— A s h ta r a n d Sananda Chapter Nine: The Language of the Heart


— Sa n a n da Chapter Ten: Letting Go


— St. G erm ain (continued)

T a b le o f C o n te n ts

C hapter Eleven: U nion

( c o n t .)


— Mother Mary and Sananda Chapter Tw elve: T he Path to the Real 183 — Sananda Chapter Thirteen: T he Well o f Grace


— Mother Mary and Archangel Michael C hapter Fourteen: Jew els on the Path 215 — Sananda A bou t the A u th or 227 A b ou t the A rtist



T h e Im po r tan c e o f D is c e r n m e n t

In editing a book for Oughten House, I strive to take it to the highest level o f which I am capable. I draw upon my intuition and experience and try to catch anything that is not accurate or clear. However, there are as many pictures o f reality as there are points o f awareness to formulate them. There are many destiny patterns unfolding simultaneously. We each need to use our own discernment to distinguish what is “ ours” and what is someone else’s. No source o f inform ation is without its distortion. Even the clearest channels are not, nor have they ever been, 100% accurate. Even within information that is “ mostly true,” there is some inform ation that is not true. Even within inform ation that is “ mostly false,” there is some truth present. Your greatest ally in finding your way to your own “ destination” is your own discernment. No one can know you r own answers except you. You cannot rely on anyone or anything outside o f you: your answers all lie within you. We are all unique aspects o f the One. There is no duplication whatsoever, which is pretty amazing in itself. As you read what is in these pages, take what is “yours” and em brace it. The rest may be there for someone else. If it helps you on your path, then it has served. — Sara Benjamin-Rhodes, Managing Editor


P ublish er ’ s N ote T he channeled material presented in this book, J ew els on th e Path, is a form o f docum entary concerning spiritual m atters. It con sists o f tran sm itted in form a tion . T h e reader’s interpretation o f this or any other channeled inform ation is strictly subjective and reflects his or her personal beliefs. The language used in this book has been transcribed with the intention o f presenting the actual transmissions o f the Masters, with the least possible alteration in m ean­ ing. B ecau se o f th is, th ere are a few w ord s u sed in unconventional ways. The essence o f the material rem ains unchanged.

We at Oughten House extend our wholehearted appreci­ ation and gratitude to each o f our Literary Producers for m a k in g th is p u b lica tio n p o s s ib le : M a rg e a n d J o h n Melanson, Barbara Rawles, Robin Drew, Irit Levy, D ebbie Detwiler, Kiyo M onro, Alice Tang, Eugene P Tang, Brad Clarke, V ictor Beasley, R uth D utra, N icole C hristine, Dennis Donahue, Fred J. Tremblay, Kathy Cook, D ebbie Soucek, and Kimberley Mullen.


D e d ic a t e d

To all living Masters: your presence here saves the world. To sincere aspirants o f all persuasions: your open hearts illuminate the path for all who will follow. To m y dear Praty: for helping me across the crystal bridge.


c k n o w l e d g m e n t s

To Jenny Annear and Marie Damschen for endless transcription. To Sara Benjamin-Rhodes for her wonderful editing assistance and typography. To the staff at Oughten House for all your efforts. To Christine for her undying love and support.


P r efac e

L o o k in g b a ck over the channeled teachings that are th e fo u n d a tio n o f th is and m y p reviou s books, I am im pressed b y th e gentle yet powerful ways the Masters have grad ually open ed us to new depths o f experience. It seem s w e receive ju s t the teaching, ju st the intensity o f spiritual presen ce, w e are capable o f integrating in each session. N o n e o f us w ho are sharing in this adventure (w h ich m a n y W estern ers have labeled the “ ascension p a th ” ) can den y th e love and care that have been showered u p on us in ou r often feeble attempts to experience and to d e scrib e w h a t a scen sion is and what it means. I have w alked th is path fo r m any years, only to find I am ulti­ m ately red u ced to a state o f wonder. I b elieve th ere are m any others on the spiritual path w h o are exp erien cin g these same wonderful, yet challeng­ ing, tran sform a tion s. It is for you I have prepared these channelings, these ‘Jewels on the Path.” Those who require and rem ain fascinated b y the grosser manifestations o f th e pla n eta ry ascension process (prophecies and predic­ tions, E arth changes, alien encounters, etc. ) may wish to lo o k elsew here fo r th eir sustenance. But for those who, like m yself, are b ecom in g less interested in the obvious ph ysical evid ence o f change, even as the need for real spiri­ tual fo o d is grow in g, the contents o f these pages will feed y ou w ell. T h e essence o f truth, the G od presence, exists through­ o u t e v e ry d im e n s io n in in n u m era b le ch angin g form s th rou gh all space and tim e. The purpose o f any spiritual path, w h a te v e r language or b e lie f system s are used to xi

jeutfson tfieatfi describe it, is to facilitate a practical realization o f this ul­ timate truth. This attainm ent, often referred to as enlightenment, self-realization, or God-realization, results in a permanent and effortless awareness o f our union with the Divine in each moment, independent o f ongoing situa­ tions, thoughts, and emotions. To paraphrase the Buddha, the experience o f a personal identity separate from God is the fundamental illusion that creates all suffering, here on Earth or anywhere else it exists. The realization o f our ultimate “oneness” with God is both the source o f human peace and our ticket to true liberation. The breakthrough to this cosmic awareness is what transforms a student into a master. All o f the teachers speaking to us in these channelings achieved this state o f God-realization prior to their attainment o f the ascended state, and their teach­ ings here indicate it will be the same for us. Many times in recent years I have heard them say, “ The path to the doorway o f ascension passes through the corridor o f selfrealization.” The sublime paradox is that once this realization is achieved (the complete manifestation — not merely the various experiential steps and stages, o f which there are many), a being no longer has a burning desire to escape the apparent limitations o f the physical body via the ascension, for all forms and all dimensional manifestations are seen to be equally illusory! From that point on there is only oneness, bliss, and selfless surrender to the needs o f the moment in spontaneous service to the divine will. I have been blessed to have sat at the feet o f physical masters (God-realized teachers) and these attributes have applied to each of them, no matter which spiritual path they traveled to reach enlightenment. I have also been shown the way spiritual teachers are held karm ically accountable for their actions on Earth. I have seen the pu­ rity required to radiate that light in this world, and the total surrender necessary to be a real servant o f divine love xii

in this realm o f shadowy reflections, partial truth, and re­ sistance. I have seen many, in recent years, attempting to reap the rewards o f the true teacher without first passing through the purifications that enable one to reach that inspired state. This may be a valuable lesson for them, but there is no need for you to partake o f unripe fruit when there are real Masters, physical and invisible, working am ong us. Seek and you w ill find! I encourage all who wish to fully enjoy the feast o f Spirit, in w hatever way, from whatever path, to hold fast to the honest expression o f that simplicity and humility which are the prerequisites to self-mastery, God-realization, and ascension. K now that spiritual truth cannot be understood or explained by the mind. It can only be known by direct personal experience. Know that all beliefs and teachings must ultimately be abandoned at the gate, for only the pure o f heart can enter there. Here are some o f the invisible stores you will need to complete the journey. — Eric Klein Santa Cruz, California July 1995


In t r o d u c t io n

by Sananda

Life is an ever-expanding spiral of growth and experi­ ence. It carries us through many forms and many realms o f existence, all o f which are sacred. For you whose spirits now inhabit the human form on this planet Earth, an opportunity exists to take a quantum leap in your develop­ ment, in the conscious awareness of who you are in the unfolding divine drama. In order to take full advantage of this opportunity, you require assistance in the form of teaching, and through the sharing of what I will simply refer to as “ transformational interactions.” The purest form o f teaching involves the sharing of information that can guide the student to their own unique experience o f the subject matter, without creating limiting conceptual barriers that must be transcended at a later stage o f the path. This is a delicate and challenging task, especially so when the subject matter is itself spiritual. With the cooperation o f this dedicated channel we have done our utmost to transmit information that will serve human­ ity at this critical time. More can always be said, but the essential understandings that have been presented here and in the previous books, The Crystal Stair and The In­ ner Door, will provide necessary and fundamental guidance to those awakening to the reality o f the planetary ascen­ sion process. Once the basic information has been shared and under­ stood, the read work o f integration begins. This is where the transformational aspect takes over, pulling the student beyond the realms o f the mind into real spiritual growth. It is this stage o f the path that separates the dedicated truth-seeker from the merely curious, and many decide at this point to postpone these more difficult growth processes until some later time. xv

Jewehon theTutfi The “transformational interactions” that occur during this later stage o f the path are energetic teachings, trans­ mitted from spirit to spirit, far beyond the level o f language. It becomes the role o f the student to simply learn to open and receive these loving and h ealing en ergies. T h e channelings in this collection can be truly magical in this regard, depending upon the openness and sensitivity o f the reader. Trust that we are with you. Trust that we are doing all we can to lift you beyond sorrow into the deepest experi­ ence of love, the real essence o f who you are. Know that the path is challenging, but also know that the rewards are indescribable. Open and receive you r passport to conscious immortality.



Cosmic Radio

Sananda Hello, m y dear friends. It’s good to be with you this day. This is Sananda with you. I thank you for your time and energy. I thank you for allowing our worlds to inter­ sect in this moment. There is much that we can accomplish together this day. You see, I am here on a business trip. I am in the business o f transformation, and you are my clien­ tele. Today we will share some very healing energies. There are m any Masters o f love and light surrounding this gath­ ering. We will be speaking to you through this channel, as a group, while we are working individually with each o f you to whatever degree you are capable o f absorbing our energies. This is dependent upon your openness, your willingness to relax and surrender to the transformation that is occurring. We h ave b e e n v ery active lately in my business: Ascended Masters, Incorporated. We have affiliates in the Ashtar Command and the angelic multitudes, as well. We are w orking very intensely now with you, through you — and sometimes in spite o f you! — to assist the transforma­ tion that is occurring on this world.

18 Jeuvls on tfieTath ^ There is a great ray, a great force o f light and love, beaming, surrounding, entering this world. This energy has always been present, as it is nothing less than the energy o f God. the Creator. And yet, at this time, as you are aware, there has been a great activation o f this energy. You could say it is time for the Earth to graduate and it is preparing for a final examination. So if you feel at times almost overwhelmed by this energy, you are. But know always that within your heart o f hearts you have asked for these transformations that you are receiving, and for this we are eternally grateful. The power o f this love is unfathomable. The depths o f this light, com ing directly from Source, through the Hierarchy, through all o f the universe, beaming all the way through to the third dim en­ sion o f reality, is so profound and brilliant. And it is always available to you. The human mind and consciousness are like a receiver. They are also like a transmitter. We are asking you who are lightworkers at this time to become actively aware o f this transmission that is flowing through, to tune you r­ selves to receive it and to share it for the betterment o f this planet and all living beings in all universes. H ow ’s that for a jo b ? Why do you think we call you lig h t “workers”? Because you have some work to do! It can be very playful w ork It can be most enjoyable. It is our hope that it will be. But I am here to tell you that you will do it — for this light is rather ruthless! It doesn’t seem to care if you are having a bad day. It doesn’t seem to care i f you r landlord is getting his rent on time. It doesn’t seem to care about time at all. It only cares about you as an ascending light being. It cares, as we care, about the divine healing and union that is taking place. So, for you, there is no escaping it. What is your role? How can you enjoy this process? H ow can you make the most o f your stay here on planet Earth? Some o f you, I am sure, have been trying to avoid con­ fronting the energies o f this world that are somewhat

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distorted at this time. And at times it is only wisdom to do so. A nd yet, you are here to serve, to channel through this energy, this love. As I said, you are like receivers, like radios. And we are transm itting — on a very high frequency — our very ow n radio broadcasts for your enjoyment. It is for you to adjust the dial that is within your own heart and consciousness to a higher frequency. Perhaps you’ve only been listening to a rock and roll station, or the “golden oldies. ” We have something that is very old, in fact, very ancient. It is up to you, the listening audience, to attune yourselves to this. You know, you are walking down the street in this world, and w hether you are aware o f it or not, your body is receiving radio waves. All o f the radio waves that are being broadcast are passing through your physical form. Lots of static, isn’t it? And there are also the collective thought patterns, the thought forms o f an entire city and race, also penetrating and passing through your beings. At times it may feel overwhelming. And yet, if you will attune to the higher frequencies, by activating that receiver that is within you, you can be tapped into the very purest energy o f all. You can see the light, and hear the inner music, the sounds o f G od. You can feel the vibration that is not vibrating, that is the subtlest frequency, the most blissful in existence. It is your choice. My work, and the work o f all o f the Masters who are truly giving themselves to this process o f transformation, is to assist humanity in getting their hands on the dial and learning how to use it. For it is vital that you have access to Spirit — not as a thought, not as a philosophy, but in reality. It is vital that you prac­ tice each day attuning yourself to this, for these are the frequen cies that ultim ately will transform you in the ascension process. Once you have learned to tune into that higher frequen cy w ithin you, it is simply a matter o f enjoying, experiencing, and sharing. It takes time and commitment on your part. Your time is very precious, is it not? In the physical, mortal body you

20 fcuvls on theTatfi only get so much o f it. Where you are going it is not so limited. There is not a break, as there has been, between life and death. There is only life, always expanding and evolving. And yet, for you who are still existing in the physi­ cal, time is most precious. Along with time, your attention. What are you looking at? What are you focusing on in you r life? What are you giving y ou r a tten tion and y o u r consciousness to? It is very important for you to be aware o f this “time and attention” factor in your lives. Maybe in another lifetime you had the opportunity to be initiated on the path o f spiritual growth and enlightenment. All o f you have experienced this in other lifetimes or you would not be here, you would not be ready for this message w ith open hearts and minds. But in those times, perhaps, you did not feel the immediacy. Now you feel the immediacy. Now you feel the grace that flows through you when you begin to give yourselves to Spirit, when you take one or two steps in that direction. I am not speaking conceptu­ ally When you are giving yourself to Spirit, you r spirit will acknowledge this in ways that you cannot deny. You could say our transmitters are now in the process o f being turned up to full power. But there are still many beings walking around feeling as if everything is business as usual. They are on a different station. They are experi­ encing another frequency, another energy level, and they are learning horn this what they need to learn. Be grate­ ful you are ready to receive the higher teachings. Be grateful that it is no longer necessary for you to wander around in this world like robots, simply fu lfillin g th e thought patterns that were laid down before you or taught to you by authority figures. Be grateful that you have an open heart and a consciousness that is ready to receive the next level. Let’s say there are two persons standing in a room . This is a hypothetical example. One person is experiencing the normal sensations o f being in a physical form. They are thinking o f something or other that they meant to do, or

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perhaps what they will do later. They are worrying about som ething or other. Perhaps they are observing the way they look in the mirror, checking themselves out, trying to hold their world together. The other person is standing right beside that one, but in a state o f extreme bliss. What’s the difference? One is having an experience that is so far beyond that they cannot even put it into words. They feel their being m elting in union with the divine. The other does not even notice, or maybe notices that he is acting a little strangely. “ He looks like he’s on drugs. I think there’s something wrong with this person.” There is nothing wrong with being a God-intoxicated soul! There have been enough o f them walking the face o f this planet to teach you how it is done. N ow it’s your turn. And you thought you were only coming to hear a talk. You didn’t know it was a party! Well, the drinks are flow­ ing w ithin you — through the tops o f your heads and through you r heart centers— as my colleagues do their w ork o f love and healing. So what can you do, my dear ones? How can you assist? I’m taking it for granted that you do desire this transfor­ mation, that it does sound appealing to you to go beyond wherever you have been before. There is no limit, you see. Enlightenment is not a static condition. It is an ever grow­ ing, ever progressing state. You progress from one state to the n ext. You progress through dim ensions, through different form s o f manifestation on your upward spiral to the Source, on your way back home. So to facilitate this, the return that you have longed for, I recommend you give you rself each day to Spirit. Take some time to enter the inner world, the world o f light. Your God-self is there. It is not to be found in external teachings. It is not to be found in these words I am speaking to you. These words are just fingers poin ting back to you, into your heart, into the consciousness o f light that has existed within you. It is for you to enter that light. Give your Higher Self that precious time, that precious attention, and see what happens. Take


Jewels on th e P a t h

time to meditate. Just sitting in meditation, in stillness, and calling forth your divine Self and the Masters and guides that work with you on a regular basis will trans­ form you. There is no time limit. It need not take twenty years. For some it takes twenty minutes. Most o f you are some­ where in between there. The challenge in doing this is great, for there is resistance, as you know. There is resis­ tance in this planetary consciousness, in the thoughtforms o f the world, and that resistance also exists within your egos. There is part o f you that wants to maintain absolute control. And there is another part o f you that knows the business o f surrender. There are many ways that are taught — many paths — and most are valid. You need to find what works for you. I will say only that all o f these paths converge in the light. And that light is within you, and you can experience it directly by focusing your attention at the third eye (the sixth chakra) in meditation. You can experience the vibra­ tion that sustains all o f creation, for it is sustaining you. It is directly connected to your own breath. In meditation, you can focus your attention on the sound o f your own breath. If you will call for assistance, I will help you. All o f the ways that human beings have attempted to experi­ ence God ultimately converge within the human body: in that light, in that vibration, in that heavenly sound. You see, in order to serve this world and fulfill your missions here, it is necessary for you to maintain this contact with Spirit in a very real way. It is necessary for you to break through the thoughtforms o f limitation that are holding an entire planet in slavery. We are calling on you as Mastersin-disguise, Masters tem porarily in physical, th irddimensional bodies, Masters who have the ability to interact with humanity in ways that we cannot. It is necessary for you to make that transformation, to blaze the trail.

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The way I see it, it is going to require many miracles, and as time is running out, you are going to witness a lot o f miracles in a very short time. For this transformation must occur, and soon. The Earth’s transformation is taking place. It will not wait for those who are falling behind. The Earth mother has waited and sustained humanity for countless ages, and now it is her time to awaken. So these energies that are flowing through are activating the plan­ etary aw akening, the planetary ascension, and your personal growth and ascension also. You have to just ride these waves, you know. My cosmic surfers! Learn how to do it and you w on’t fall o ff so much. When you fall off you get wet. No harm done! You just have to get back on. No two waves are alike. No two breaths are alike. You can meditate on God for an entire lifetime, and you will always feel that you are just beginning. You will always feel that you are just scratching the surface o f what is available to you. And you are, for it is infinite. The door that opens within you does not open onto a one- or two-foot-wide beam. It opens onto another dimension. It opens onto the pathway that goes direct to Source. So, for a human being... well, to look at them, they don’t look like much, do they? Two arms, two legs, walk­ ing around, scratching their heads... all o f the things you do. Who would have known that the human being would be the crown o f creation, the interdimensional doorway that leads directly to God? But once you have learned this i n practice and experience, your life is never the same. You still walk around and talk and do your activities and still scratch your head from time to time, for your worldly responsibilities must be taken care of, yet you are also aware o f something divine, something beyond. And in the midst o f your day, perhaps that door will open just a crack, and you will feel that energy flowing through. The depths o f this love, the sensation o f it flowing through a human body, creates the experience o f bliss. It creates the experi­ ence o f being completely satisfied and out o f time, in union


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with the Creator, even while you are sitting there w ith your two arms and two legs. This is available to you. Union, God-realization is available to you. It is your immediate goal. So how are we doing? We are creating quite a vortex here. When we gather together, we pull out all the stops. You see, we have got you all in one place and we are going to use you. We are going to allow the energy to focus through your bodies and through your beings to heal you r city and your world. You will receive a healing as a conse­ quence o f being here and being open. There are many beings who are sharing teachings o f new age ideas and philosophies, and o f course we honor all who do so. But know that each o f you have the responsi­ bility — for yourselves — o f connecting with me, with you r guidance, and no one can do it for you. Now it is time to awaken. All paths converge in the light. To be a lightworker, you need to know what that light is. You need to be able to experience it. How can you work with something if you ’ve never seen it and don’t know it? And once you see it and know it, you won’t have to work anymore because it works through you. Human beings have a tendency to complicate matters, to make the spiritual path complicated with many diffi­ cult techniques or methodologies. O f course, you can use whatever you wish, whatever works for you. But m y recommendation is that, considering where you are going is a very childlike, simple, innocent place, you will have to drop many o f the trappings o f spiritual practice in order to get through that gate within you. And upon arrival you will be as a little child, totally dependent on Spirit for everything. To the average person you will perhaps look like a very organized and functional human being, with your responsibilities and your work in this world. But in your heart you will know you are just a divine child, and things will become very simple for you. The answers that

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you need will be provided if you give yourself. Give your­ self to the stillness, so we can get a word in edgewise! When your m ind is going a thousand miles an hour, your guid­ ance is still with you, but you will not be able to hear it or feel it. W hen you r mind is at peace, there is that stillness, there is that beautiful presence, there are the answers you have sought. So h ow do you like my m otivational speech? I am reaching out to clientele all over the planet, through this channel and others, and through the “ channels” present within each o f your hearts. I would like to say that I am always available to each o f you. Always, if you ask, I am overshadowing you. I f you do not feel my presence in your life, you need only to go into that stillness where I exist in yo u r h earts. For I lon g to relate to you. I can be in com m union with you much more directly, as many of you know, than I can in a channeling session. And this is my longing, for we are family. You are my brothers and sisters, my fellow lightworkers, as well as my children. I have seen all that you have created in your Earth lives, all that you have accomplished, and I long now to assist you in your return home. Offer up all that you are and all that you have done, all that you will do, in each moment, and we will walk together through this world. And no matter how long it takes in time before your completion in the ascen­ sion experience takes place, you will have a sense o f my presence, and a knowingness, and a joy. This I give you. You see, I have too much o f it. I need to give it away. I am here to serve you. I believe I have said most o f what I wished to say, but if you have questions for me, I will open the floor. If it is highest wisdom, I will do my best to answer and to assist you. So please feel free to ask whatever you wish. I am here to serve.


Jewelsonthe.Tatfi "I've known about ascension for about two m onths now. It took me that long to integrate the ideas into m y life. But in other areas

— say. career and relationships — I

feel detached, like anything not related to ascension is just temporary and not as important. Or maybe I haven't integrated well en ou gh ”

Everything you have experienced is, for the most part, what you were meant to experience and what you needed to experience to learn. If you did not know the feeling o f separation, when the sensation of union begins you would not be able to have a frame of reference to understand and appreciate that. So your detachment from human life is natural. Again, as you have said, it takes some time to integrate. It is always a process of integration. You are integrating each day, as the energies are stepped up and as you are growing. So it is not unnatural for you to experi­ ence this detachment. It is not that you are not loving. When you are detached, you are able to love divinely, with less attachment and less control. You are also able to free yourself from the expectations and entrapm ents o f thoughtforms. You know, when you stand up and do som ething different in this world, there are many who will criticize you, question you, and tell you to get back with the pro­ gram. Many of you have experienced this. Perhaps you tried to tell someone you knew about ascension, and they thought you were crazy. And you said, “ I know I'm crazy, but this is still true!” There’s nothing wrong with being a little crazy. Most of the great accomplishments o f human­ ity have been done by people who were somewhat eccentric. Those who go along with the patterns and thoughtforms of the herd mentality will experience just that: the mun­ dane. So integration will continue, but it will be more subtle and more easily experienced. You will never go back to your old ways o f being. It is not unloving to have the Creator’s love as your number one priority. This is only aligning with the way it was meant to be all along. If others

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d o n o t c h o o s e to h a v e th is a lig n m en t, to have this e x p erien ce, th e n th a t is th eir choice. They have more learn ing to go through. But d on ’t let anyone dissuade you from y o u r focus. You d on ’t need to share your thoughts and ph ilosoph ies w ith all o f the people you know, but you do need to share you r love , which is our love. This can be done silently, even in the midst o f your day-to-day life. In w alking th rou gh you r world, you can call forth the pres­ ence o f the M asters and ask for a blessing for all human beings th at y o u in teract with. All beings are becoming Buddhas. Perhaps you could look at them that way. Even the dogs and cats. Even the birds in the trees. They are all b e c o m in g B u d d h a s, all on the evolu tion ary spiral o f consciousness. So be a Buddha yourself and bless them all silently in w hatever way they will receive it. Perhaps they are w aiting fo r you to go ahead and blaze the trail. And if you hold back and continue to have a mundane sense of reality and d o n ’t give you rself to Spirit, then you are not helping them to grow either. You are only fortifying that b elief in lim itation. You see, you ju st have to ask a question and it gets m e goin g again! “Sananda, I want to thank you for coming into my life. B ut how do I explain this to m y children ? "

There is no need for you to confuse the issue with your lim ited explanations o f it. It is an experience o f love and light that they are fully prepared for. I think it is neces­ sary only that you w ork with them as any mother would, with love and healing energies, with no sense o f trying to control their understanding in any way. I think that those o f you w ho have children are receiving teachings from them, rather than the other way around. You will become as little children in your consciousness, so take note! They don ’t w orry so much, do they? Just love them. And know that in you r love, I am there. And I am feeling your presence also. We are reuniting the family. Take a look around you at all o f these strange



beings that are your brothers and sisters, beings that you have perhaps known before in other lifetimes. And you can have a hearty laugh at the disguises they are wearing this time: "Why on Earth did you choose to look like that? Oh, it looks like you needed some humbling!” You know, the sense of humor is your number one weapon in the battle against darkness. When you are having difficulty, when you are getting so serious about meditation that you can’t do it anymore, that’s when it’s good to have a hearty laugh! You see, there are many strategies that you use to attempt to re-create divine union. But once you have experienced it, you realize you were always in divine union. You will look back at everything you have tried, all o f the prac­ tices, and realize you were there all along. It’s so subtle. So just have that perspective. D on ’t be attached to controlling your experience: “I must see more light.” The light comes to you when you are ready for it. Believe me, we are having trouble holding it back. If we let it forth into each one o f you all at once, you would become a bunch of babbling idiots! Not a very good advertisement for our work! So again, we come back to the integration o f these energies. There is no end to them, you see. The power o f the Creator and the power you possess within you is truly awesome. But until you are aligned with Spirit, purified sufficiently to handle it, it will not come through. You must have patience with your process, and trust that it is unfolding. Ask only that you receive the maximum that you can integrate in each moment. And give yourself. If you can surrender totally, you can have a total experience, to whatever degree you are able to let go. It’s sort o f like floating downstream, actually. So don’t make it such a work experience. When you sit to meditate, just say, "Oh good, now I don’t have to do anything.” In Japan and China, the Zen masters have a practice called “sitting quietly doing nothing.” That’s meditation: doing nothing so you can feel who you are in essence, prior to thought and action. When

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your mind is not busy creating, you are one with the source o f all creation. “ W hat p a rt does the ego play in either enhancing or detracting from this transform ational process? ” The ego is necessary in order for you to function in the third dimension. The ego acts as a filter for Spirit. If Spirit was unfiltered and flowing through you, you would become dysfunctional. You would not be able to find the brake pedal when you needed it. So you do need to have that ego frame­ work. And yet, over-identification with the ego as yourself is detrimental. You see where it has gotten humanity Look at the w orld around you! It is a manifestation of egoidentification, o f separateness. So, ideally, those on the spiritual path will choose to simply offer their egos up to the divine for purification. Those thoughtforms and limit­ in g b e lie fs th a t you have held w ithin you can be transmuted, and you will still be able to drive your car and do your work. There is a great deal of power that longs to come through the lightworkers. But it is not a power that can come through at the level o f ego. There are many powerful egos in this world, and many of them are longing to be able to channel through spiritual power and grace because they feel they should be able to do this: “I am a powerful being. I am a highly evolved being. Why am I not channeling the Ascended Masters?” Well, perhaps they are not humble enough. Maybe the ego has not yet been puri­ fied. Or maybe they have the feeling o f needing to always be in control. The experience of running energy through you from Source, whether it be in a channeling or healing or any other way, is totally a feeling of “free falling,” of being out o f control. And as ego always wants to be in control, it is not able to fully enjoy or partake of that experi­ ence. It can only experience the by-products: “ Oh that was a good channeling. I can feel the love and peace inside of m e. ” E go can on ly com m ent on the experience. So, ultimately, the ego is to be loved just as you would love

30 JmtfsontftcTatfi any aspect o f yourself. It is to be' accepted with uncon di­ tional love. Do not try to control or perfect or criticize it. The energies o f Spirit will align a human being so that ego takes its rightful place. The ego is the navigator, but Spirit is the captain o f the ship. "When I do my healing work, balls o f ligh t strik e m y heart, chakra. I was w ondering how I can con trol th is, because it's so startling. But it feels so in cred ible! " Why would you desire to control it? "Well, it's realjoltin g. It creates the m ost incredible sta te o f bliss. But it is startling. ” I’ll tell you what you do. Simply call on Spirit and ask me and your other guides to bring through the energy o f healing in such a way that it is more gentle and graceful for your physical, emotional, and mental bodies to accom ­ modate. You will be able to run this energy through you more gently. And yet, if it continues to com e th rou gh strongly at times, then just surrender to this. I f you are in a state of surrender, there is very little you should do to control it. But ask before you do your healing w ork that the energies come through in a way that do not harm you. "As I continue in my path o f spiritual enlightenm ent, I ’m approached by others who seek answ ers, and I have th is desire to share this with them. I ’m not su re how to do this without my mind getting involved. Is th ere som e way to do th is? ” I will give you some words o f wisdom. These, o f course, will be different than all o f the other words we have been sharing with you this evening! In the Bhagavad-Gita it is written that a man should not give up the w ork that God gives him, even though it may not always be perfect — just as in every fire there is always some smoke. It is for you to know, as a prior condition to your giving answers,



th at n o th in g o f any eternal value can be spoken in language. Nevertheless, that is one o f the tools you have to w ork with, here. So from a state o f humbleness say, “ To the degree I have experienced it, thus far on my path, this is what it feels like to m e. ” Make sure that others always know it is you r experience you are sharing. And then, you see, you can feel free to let Spirit come through you with­ out having to control it or criticize it as it comes through. There is no such thing as a perfectly clear communica­ tion w hen a being is in a physical form. There is simply too much static, too many thoughtforms. In our channel­ ing, we have often said there is no such thing as a perfectly clear channeling. It is for each o f you to take into your hearts the energies and words that are coming through, and see w hat is true and valuable for you. So you can do the same in you r life. Call upon me to assist you in connec­ ting with you r heart energy. If you are coming from love and compassion, your words will find their truth in the heart. So ju st w ork on your beingness; neither seek for nor avoid interactions with human beings that want to hear what you have to say. Just offer your life to God and let him use you however he will. And he will. You will feel the union taking place and you will find it much easier as it goes along. Your integrity is to be honored here. So honor yourself. M any would like to have your experience. Main­ tain humbleness. You know, the farther you go along the path, the easier it becom es to be humble. The farther you go, the farther you have to go, it seems. The more your awareness expands, the m ore you are aware that you are just beginning. So, innocence and purity are so important for lightworkers. Get the ego out o f the way. Surrender it. You are not here to prove anything or convince anyone o f anything. You are simply here to experience this transformation, so that others can witness it and experience it also. That is your primary service: just experiencing the transformation. That



is your mission of the moment. It doesn't get much simpler than that “Are we getting close to having the necessary num bers for the ascension? ” There has been a great awakening in the past several years. There has been a vast shift in the energy, especially among the lightworkers. I recommend that you not think of it in terms of gathering together enough lightworkers, but rather of reaching the perfect critical mass. This is not dependent on numbers but on energy. This completion will occur in God’s time, at the perfect moment for each human being. "Sananda, can you comment upon the Earth changes that seem to be increasing in magnitude and frequency at this tim e?” What is occurring on a planetary scale is a great clearing, a great balancing of discordant energies that have collected here upon this planet for many, many centuries. It is a time that requires a complete balancing o f all karmic accounts. You could say the Earth has been giving you credit for quite a while, and now she is commanding that the debt is paid. The Earth has been holding negative energies, dense energies o f human creation, and now is releasing these. In all cases, the beings who are affected by these releases are those who have been involved in creating these negative energies. So let this put your mind at ease a bit, when I say that there are no accidents, that you who are of the light have nothing to fear. The karmic balance is being carried out most efficiently and effectively by the Spiritual Hierarchy, and by the nature spirits. It is a beautiful concert, which to third- and fourth-dimensional thinking might seem a bit discordant, but is in truth in total harmony with what is required now. There are natural laws in effect. You witness these each day in your lives, the laws o f action and reaction. In order that balance can be achieved and the Earth can go into its

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next phase, into its fifth-dimensional manifestation, this karma is being cleared. This is what you are witnessing in the “ Earth changes” phenomenon. And this is what you are experiencing also within yourselves, as your own beings come into balance and harmony. Within this panorama, there is an additional power, an additional force that you may have not calculated into the equation. It is the power o f grace. The power of grace can transform and transmute your karmic balance sheet. Each o f you have, through your own creations, through your own beliefs, accrued certain karmic balances. For most of you I would say this balance is a very positive one. Yet still, all must be cleared in preparation for the liber­ ation that com es with the final union with the Christ Consciousness. Natural law, karmic law, has provided that human beings have had a certain time period in which to explore the realm o f karma, o f birth and rebirth, and death and re-death, in the search for the deeper reality, for that which is beyon d. N ow it is tim e for these experiments in consciousness to come to fruition. Whatever you have gath­ ered in all o f your lifetimes, there you have it! You have no more need to gather lifetime after lifetime of data as to what it is like to live in third-dimensional limitation. You have experienced this fully, have you not? So you have a choice, dear ones, as to your alignment. In the spiritual path there is liberation, the transmuta­ tion o f karmic patterns; there is freedom. Rather than having to live through these patterns and act out these balances and imbalances, now you have the opportunity to transcend this. This is a great blessing, and we are counting on you to open and receive it. “L ord Sananda, I have heard from another channel that som e people on planet Earth have already ascended and are preparing the way for the rest o f the lightworkers. V d like you to com m ent on that, please?


Jewelson thePath

Yes, beings have ascended, o f cou rse, and w e are preparing the way for you. You could say that those who have gone before have trod a very steep path to achieve the ascension, and in doing so have blazed the trail to make it easier for the remnant o f the lightworkers to follow. "I'd like to clarify my question. The inform ation that I heard was that this has happened very recently. So I 'm not necessarily referring to M asters such as yourself, but those who perhaps — during our lifetim e — walk on the planet. ” A very few, and never the ones who are making claims. "Lord Sananda, when people start ascending, w ill there be large numbers, or w ill there be a few here and th ere? ” That remains to be seen, doesn’t it? How would you like to create it? Probably as soon as possible, yes? I would say from my perspective, in all probability, there will be a few and then there will be a great wave, several great waves. I don’t wish to limit it. I don’t wish to put it out as a predic­ tion. For that will create within you a belief system, and then you will feel the need to follow this belief system. So I would suggest that you view the path as a process you engage in every day o f your life, but also one that will be completed by a great wave o f grace, which will trigger a mass ascension, several waves o f mass ascension. A t those times it will be much easier and many will hopefully make the trip. “What will happen i f we ascend? W ill we disappear? ” It will appear this way to the naked eye, to the casual observer. For those experiencing ascension, it will appear that the world around you is disappearing, with a new world appearing as you enter the higher dimension. “Is there anything that we can take into the physical body to enhance and assist in meditation? ”

-fc* Cosmic%cufio 35 I would say all sensible dietary patterns will assist you in your process. You cannot eat your way into ascension, but you can eat your way into a more difficult transition into the ascended state. Try not to take into your bodies dense energies in the form o f alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, caffeine, etc. Whatever you can do to purify your diet and to eat more o f the natural, life-giving foods is beneficial. You do not have to become a full-fledged vegetarian, but some move in that direction would also be helpful. What­ ever your spirit guides you to, accept that as your next step. If your spirit guides you to a certain type of therapy for emotional release, dive into that and know it is part of your ascension path. If you are guided to become one who fasts one day a week, or one day a month, or drinks more vegetable juices, try that. Each o f you are individuals and your own spirits will guide you in the directions you need to go. That is why I recommend you sensitize yourself to Spirit and let that guide you. I will not write out a prescrip­ tion for each o f you individually; it would not be practical. You see how much more practical it is for each of you to connect with your guidance. So trust your body’s judg­ ment. Just feel it. Sit down and feel your body and ask it what it wants to eat. Maybe you will be surprised. Maybe you will receive a channeled message from your own body telling you not to do this anymore, or that it would prefer more o f this. Truly, it is much easier to meditate if you don’t drink eight cups o f coffee first! I will go so far as to give you that prescription. More and more your bodies will be taking their nourishment from Spirit. More and more, you will be feeding from light and love. So, perhaps we could spend a few minutes doing some energy work. We are aware that you have a certain atten­ tion span. I f we use up your attention span before we get to the meditation, it is not as effective. Throughout this day, we have been sharing with you energetically. The energies are being transmitted from higher dim ension s, focused through many Masters,


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through the light vehicle overhead, and through y ou r heart centers. In closing this days' activities, w e ask that you offer yourselves in a few moments o f silence, so that we can intensify the energy a bit in ways that w ill greatly enhance your ability to interact with Spirit and receive the healing that you require. Whatever you r next challenge is, you can also offer that up and we will w ork w ith you directly. So just relax and breathe. Focus on y ou r breath or on the inner light, whatever is easiest for you. We will enhance the energy field around you that will open you r heart chakras and balance you. We will do this in silence. I ask that you just relax and allow for a few m om ents.

I would like to close th is m e d ita tio n w ith a few affirmations. I would like to ask you to repeat several times, in silence, the following affirmations:

l AM light ! AM love. I AMpeace, in harmony with all l AM the open door. | andthe Fatherare one. I AM that IAM. So, my dear friends, it is time for me to say farewell for this day. You may, o f course, be with me in m editation for as long as you wish. Again, I thank you for sharing you r precious commodities o f time and attention. I offer you each individually, with no exceptions, m y full support and



love on you r path. And you may trust in that and give you rself to that. I f you have challenges, or times when it is difficult to focus and feel Spirit, call upon me and I will do all that is within my power for you in each moment. The time o f separation is over. It is time for that connection, for com m union. We are counting on each o f you, in the openness o f your hearts and the longing and devotion you have w ithin yourselves to fulfill your Earth missions, to make that transformation and to offer yourselves in that way. And enjoy it. It is not always enjoyable, but it is meant to be enjoyed. And as those challenges are surpassed, you will recognize that even those are gifts and blessings. I thank you for allowing my energies into your beings. It has been a very blissful experience for me, as well. Good day.


39 C H A P T E R TW O

The Divine Blueprint

St. Germain G o o d e v en in g , d ea r frien d s. T his is St. Germ ain. I com e to y o u th is e v e n in g w ith love and light, to show er you with g race a n d bless in g s , to b rin g th rou gh m y presence and the p re se n ce o f all th e M a sters w h o are in attendance. We com e to n u rtu re a n d su p p o rt y o u o n y o u r spiritual path, in you r lives h e re o n th is p la n et E arth . T h e w ork that w e will do th is e v e n in g w ill b e — fo r th e m ost part — energetic, th o u g h I w ill a lso sh a re w ith y o u in language, to keep you r m in d s o cc u p ie d w h ile w e are w ork in g w ith you. You could lo o k at th is e v e n in g as o n e lo n g gu ided m editation. Truly, w o r d s ca n n o t exp ress — n ever h ave been able to exp ress, n e v e r w ill be — th e truth, th e reality that exists w ith in e a ch o f y o u , w ith in each atom o f creation. The power an d m a je sty o f th e ligh t o f S ource, o f the Creator, exists in every a to m o f th is creation . You as hum an beings, as human t u n in g fo rk s, a re b eg in n in g to resonate w ith this frequency, th is p o w e r fu l m essa ge o f love that is flow in g through d ire ct fr o m S ou rce, ch an n eled th rou gh the m any beings o f t h e S p i r i t u a l H ie r a r c h y , a ll t h e w a y in t o t h ir d d im e n sio n a l E a r th exp erien ce. You cou ld say the universe is r e -tu n in g o n e o f th e in stru m en ts o f the orchestra that has b e e n in d ish arm on y.


^nodsm\ht< Paih

So relax and enjoy yourselves this evening, m y friends. I am overjoyed to be with you, with so many gathered together, feeling the intensification o f this time that you are sharing, this time that you have chosen to manifest in physical form here on planet Earth (though at times you may wonder why indeed you chose to! ). That will all be made clear, if it is not so already. We are going to clear away the cobwebs, so that you can recognize who you are and why you are here. Indeed, you are multidimensional beings, not at all limited to this physical form . But we have noticed a tendency for you to get a little bit caught up in that. At this one level o f your beings, there seem to be a few knots yet to work out. Your divine overself, your G od-presence, th e I AM Presence overshadowing each o f you, is a perfect model o f divinity. You could say that there is a divine blueprint for this creation. We call it the divine plan. And there is a divine blueprint within each being. Where there has been Disqualified energy with regards to either the divine plan or the individual blueprint within each o f you, there is the need for realignment. Indeed, I do not think that the Creator would recognize this world based on the divine plan that he intended for it. You see, there were “architects” that looked at this divine plan and thought, “Well, that looks quite good, but I think it can be improved upon.” So they set about with their erasers and their pencils, making a few subtle changes. And that’s what we are here trying to clean up. There is always someone who thinks they know better, that they can do it better. Someone who can’t leave well enough alone. Someone who longs to take something that is perfect and color it, or make it their own, rather than simply observing and enjoying and allowing the flow. So, planet Earth, as you are well aware, has been affected by some of these dysfunctional patterns. And as you are also aware, the cycle wherein these dysfunctional

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patterns have been allowed to manifest is coming to a close. Now the cosmic conductor is realigning and re-tuning this divine instrument, this planet Earth, this solar system, this universe, and this physical being that you call your self. The tools that are being used for this divine operation are very simple. They are love and light and the many manifestations o f these. Empowered by grace, many beings on this world are now attuning to the master pitch, the master tuning fork. Many are in agreement that it is time to come into realignment, to bring this world back into harmony with Spirit. And indeed, you are here also as manifestations o f that very same love and light and grace. You are the lightworkers who are here to alter those nega­ tive patterns, to replace them with that which is positive and h ealing, to break through and erase those old dysfunctional patterns. In order that the healing o f this world may take place, it is necessary for the operation to be accomplished at every dimensional manifestation, including here in the physical world. That is why you have, in your wisdom, chosen to manifest as physical beings. If this operation could be accomplished from higher dimensions, it would be done so. But it was necessary for beings of light and power to *descend into matter, to raise the physical into alignment as well. At every dimension there are beings ministering to this planet. Many o f us you are aware of, many more of us you are not. There is so much grace flowing, you could say the world is being overwhelmed with it. Sometimes, on your path, you feel dysfunctional yourself. Sometimes there are negative emotions to be cleared. Sometimes it feels overwhelming even to be here, just to be alive on this world, let alone to accomplish anything. Just making it from one day to the next can be quite a challenge. This is why we have recognized your need for inspiration, healing energies, and guidance. This is why there is such a thing as channeling, and such a thing as avatars incarnating in

42 Jeu#{s0ntfieTa& *&+ physical bodies, and many other divine manifestations. For though you are very powerful, though the divine blueprint o f your mighty I AM Presence is m agnificent to behold, still there is a tendency to identify only w ith th e lim ited physical, mental, and emotional side. You could say it is similar to one o f those experim ents in a laboratory; where they place the w hite m ouse in a maze. The white mouse can’t get up and look dow n upon the maze; he can only stumble from one hallway, one corri­ dor to the next, to find his way to the cheese. In y ou r case, substitute “ascension” for cheese! So w e are here to in­ spire you with a higher perspective, so that you can raise your consciousness to a point where you are lookin g dow n at the maze, so you can easily see how to get to that cosm ic cheese! So, as we have said, with all the grace and love and light available to you, and with the tools at y ou r disposal to focus on these energies in your spiritual practice, you will be raised to a higher perspective, a higher conscious­ ness. On your path to the ascension experience, you will pass through many doorways, have m an y experiences. Many o f these experiences have been labeled b y spiritual orders in the past. Some o f these experiences are quite uniquely your own. You are in the process o f aligning with the divine blueprint that is present w ithin you, and the physical body is also being aligned with that. O ftentim es it feels a little uncomfortable, does it not? You feel your atoms and molecules wiggling around. T he divine blue­ print exists within each o f you, and it is the blueprint to your own ascension. It is a blueprint that existed before you manifested as a physical hum an being. It is a blue­ print that is far older within you. A nd in every hum an life, through all o f the experiences you have chosen in all of your lifetimes, there have been subtle m odifications to this blueprint. Ultimately, you each have a unique pattern to follow, to become. That is why we do not tamper w ith you r individual

Jr* cIfie (Divine blueprint m paths. We can give you guidance concerning meditations, and practices that will help you raise your consciousness. But you r path to the ascension, through God-realization, is unique. You are each unique jewels in the crown of the Creator. So, you could say, my dear friends, that it is coming down to the wire here. Those o f you who have been on your path for some time are probably aware o f the intensi­ fication that is occurring. It is an intensification of grace, o f love and light. It also may manifest within you as an intensification o f you r process. You see, what is causing you these processes is an increase o f love and light. Some­ times you feel that the love and light desert you, when in fact you are being flooded with it. You are learning to align with and accept it. It is raising you to a higher level of awareness. I ask that you view all o f your situations, all o f your apparent problem s and concerns, from a higher perspec­ tive. Know that your divine blueprint creates and causes you to experience everything you have and will experience. And you take these experiences with you in purified form, in the form o f wisdom , back with you into the higher dimensions as you return. We have said many times in our gatherings that the tim e o f in creased intensification o f the manifestation process is at hand, and certainly it is here. I think you will notice within you r own individual lives, and within the overall life o f this world, a great quickening of the process. That w hich is o f karma within you is being released, via m anifestation or purification, just as the karma of this world and all beings upon it is being played out. It is all a part o f the divine drama. We are asking you each to assume full responsibility for the manifestations you experience in your lives, for your own existence here, and indeed for your role as lightworkers. It is increasingly important that each o f you access your own spirit, and through this, the Source o f all. It is m ore and more important that you take


Jeuvkontfit9aik ^

your spiritual path beyond intellectual and philosophical pondering into the direct experience o f God and all o f his manifestations. I will say all o f “ her” manifestations, for the goddess worshipers! You have to watch out w ith this language. You’ll get a bad reputation! “ D on ’t you think Saint Germain was rather chauvinistic this evening? I would have thought he would have been beyond all o f that. ” So how can you as individuals take advantage o f this opportunity? The opportunity to experience a rebirth into the higher dimensions, via the ascension, is available to you. In fact, now is your chance, you could say. The doors are open. You apply for this experience in your heart, and you offer that heart, up to the Creator w ith hum ility and acceptance and trust. Also, we will have a sign up sheet afterwards, in case you don’t really believe there is any­ one there listening to your prayers! Some o f you w ant to see it in writing. You know you have a contract that has already been signed. It has been notarized by Sananda him ­ self. We are calling on you to fulfill you r con tra ct as lightworkers. I do not think you want to face litigation! You don’t want to be brought up before the karm ic board: “Well, Mr. Klein, you were scheduled for God-realization in 1993, and here it is 1994. You are deviating from you r divine blueprint. What have you got to say for you rself? ” “Well, I was doing the best I could.” That’s the oldest excuse in the book. After all o f these lifetimes, can’t you think o f something more creative? The second m ost com m on one is “ The dark forces hindered me. I was well on m y way, but I met with interference.” Your excuses also will be consumed in the divine flame. All that is not o f jo y and love and light will be consumed. When all o f those old patterns are consumed, there will be nothing left but you, your Higher Self. A n d in the moment that you have that perspective, there will be only the awareness o f divinity, o f union. That is a good plat­ form from which to operate. I f you are caught up in patterns o f duality: “ Oh, this is good, and this is bad. This

-fc* clfie Divine ‘Blueprint 45 is darkness, and this is light,” and always trying to walk the tightrope, staying in the Light, judging that which is other — soon you will come to realize that what you have been ju dging is also your teacher, your guru, and also a m anifestation o f the Oneness that Is. Enlightenment is simply a consciousness that is beyond duality, where plea­ sure and pain are one, where you experience oneness, union, within all o f these patterns o f existence and mani­ festation. The physical form ; is still walking around in a physical world, bum ping up against all o f the strange chal­ lenges you have to face. And yet, within, there is an awareness o f the Oneness — an absolute knowingness of the divinity o f every experience, a surrender to every experience as a manifestation o f the divine blueprint. I think you are all in for some wonderful surprises. So, let’s get practical for a moment here. What can you as an individual do at this time, in this moment, in this lifetime, to achieve the completion o f your path to enlight­ en m en t and u ltim a tely to ascension? It is extremely im portant, as we have said, for each o f you to learn to access Spirit, to access the divine aspect o f yourself. I recom­ mend that — with humility, with honesty — you go within in your lives and ask, “ Is there anything more I can do as an individual, as a lightworker, to accelerate this path of growth, and to serve as I am intended to serve.” For with­ out that experience o f Spirit, without a sense of purpose, you will feel lost. You will witness the purification of karma on this world, in your being, and in people around you. If you have no sense o f purpose, if you have no anchor in the light, you will feel lost and confused. If you have learned, or are open to learn, how to meditate and focus on Spirit and give you rself to that, how to surrender in your life to whatever is highest wisdom, you will reap the rewards and blessings — indeed, blessings that are far beyond what you can even dream of. For w hile we cannot truly express in language what we are experiencing, or what you are about to experience, we




can definitely say that it is “beyond. ” It is so filled w ith love, light, and joy to finally be free, and it is you r fortu ­ nate state to be ones who are on that path to freedom . In feet, it is your service. It is the purpose, the m ain purpose that you incarnated in physical form: to show others how to attain that liberation. If you do not attain it, you are not fulfilling your mission, your purpose in b ein g here. So, we ask — indeed recom m end — an increase in you r individual commitment to Spirit. W herever you are now is where you must begin. If you are not practicing m edita­ tion, perhaps you could begin. If you are, perhaps you could experiment. Try giving yourself in a m ore focused w ay for a longer time. Throw yourself up into the light. I f you throw yourself up there enough times, pretty soon y o u ’re going to stick! Truly, that’s when the fun begins. N ot that this isn’t enjoyable, what you are all experiencing here, but there is so much more. So give yourselves, dear ones, to the fulfillment o f your individual divine blueprint, you r own spiritual path to the ascension. K now that you r path is unique. You don’t have to do it the same w ay that som e­ one else is doing it, though you do have to have an open mind, an open heart, to learn from what others are experi­ encing. Don’t be afraid to experiment in you r lives. If you are unfamiliar with the Ascended M asters, with working with us in meditation, try an experim ent. Try something new. Before you meditate, say “ Saint Germ ain, please be with me. Please help me in this m editation. ” I will assist you, along with any o f the other M asters that are appropriate. You are never alone on this path. There is a story from India, o f a devotee standing in heaven alongside his guru. They are looking down on the Earth, at all the paths the devotee walked in his lifetime. And the devotee looks at the path and says “ I see in these places w here we w ere walking together, where there are tw o pairs o f footprints,

Jr*s The Divine blueprint


and it was beautiful. And then I see places where there is only one set o f footsteps, and those were the times when I was going through difficulty and felt lost and alone. Where were you, m y teacher, when I needed you? ” And the teacher turns to the devotee and says “ That’s when I was carrying you ! ” Truly, you are never alone. There is a little bit more work I would like to do with you this evening. I would like to do some violet flame work to assist you in your processes. But before we do so, if any o f you have questions in areas you would like me to address, we will take a few moments for this. “I have a question. In another organization that I was in, w e used to spend hours doing " Violet Flame ” as a group, d oin g chants and decrees, and from the tapes that I 've heard from this group, w e’re basically ju st saying that w e are one w ith the violet flam e and that’s sort o f d oin g it. Is it beneficial to spend concentrated amounts o f tim e w ith the V iolet Flam e fo r personal and planetary h ea lin g? O r are they ju s t two different functions, two d ifferen t g rou p s? ” It’s all the same to me. I f it feels better to do hours and hours, if you have the time, do so. I would say to experi­ ment. You can tell when it clicks. So do it until you feel it click. “M y w ife and I w anted to go to a restaurant for three yea rs and never had tim e to do it... finally we got a chance to g o w hen she gave me The Crystal Stair to read as a g ift. I g o t really excited and wanted some kind o f con firm ation that this was really happening in my life. Then w e fin a lly w ent to this restaurant and I was look­ in g ou t th e w indow and saw the street sign, and the restaurant was on A scension S treet!” v The m oral o f the story is that good things are worth waiting for!


jezods on theTath "My husband has chosen a body that apparen tly has Alzheim er’s now. Are there ways that I can a ssist him in follow ing the path to the ascension? ”

Number one, follow it yourself. Do not allow you r g rief or sorrow to interfere, or allow it as little as possible to interfere with your spiritual practice. In you r spiritual practice, in your meditations, call upon m yself and Lord Sananda, Mother Mary, the other Masters that you w ork with, and your love and light to surround his physical form . Just visualize it rising, visualize it glowing, and this will do a great deal to assist. You cannot control another’s spiri­ tual path, another’s divine blueprint. So you m ust detach from your desire, if you have one, to do so. Ascension is an individual experience. Even though it may occur as a mass exodus, still each being will experience it as an individual spiritual experience. "I have a question. There is still a lot o f m ind ch atter in my meditations, so I ’m really dissatisfied. W hat’s g oin g on? " You are not alone. The channel has been having a lot o f mind chatter, too. Indeed, he was feeling that he w ould not even be able to channel this evening, because he felt too crazy! He contemplated putting a sign on the door: “ Dysfunctional patterns have prevented m e from chan­ neling this evening. My apologies.” There will be times for all o f you when the energies com ing in will be rath er challenging to cope with. There is a shifting going on within you. I would say simply to do the best that you can, and ask for assistance. Perhaps you could spend som e tim e grounding in nature, that sort o f thing. Take it outside o f your usual pattern. You have a usual habit o f m editation. Generally your mind is ready and waiting to ambush you there. But if you will surprise it — you could say, “ ou t­ flank” the mind — by sitting down and m editating in an unexpected moment, you can catch it by surprise before it has time to reload. It is all part o f the path. N othing to be overly concerned about. Your dissatisfaction must also be

Ifie Divine (Blueprint


surrendered. It does not mean you are going backwards. It does not mean you are not doing it right. In fact, if you do it right you will encounter many such obstacles and challenges, and they will all be overcome. Sometimes you just have to sit and cry, and pray for help. “In that p eriod o f tim e in sleep where it feels like you ’re aw ake, I ’ve been having som e experiences o f being physi­ cally attacked at those tim es, where it doesn’t feel like a dream but a d irect experience. The only way I can get ou t o f it is to ca ll fo r help from Jesus, and then I get p u lled righ t out o f it. Som etim es in that state, I can’t rem em ber to do that, and the last couple o f times have been quite assau ltin g and scary. Do you have anything to say about th a t? ” First o f all, assume responsibility for attracting these energies, though do not assume blame or guilt over it. Know that it is part o f your divine blueprint to learn to deal with it. Then, upon assuming full responsibility for everything that you have created in your existence, call for A rchangel Michael to surround you with his light and blessings. Ask that if there are any invisible beings around you, tending to hover around you in your life, ask that they be taken into the light, into their proper places, and ask them simply to go in peace. If you will do this, it will help a grea t deal. M any beings are attracted to you lightworkers, many fourth-dimensional beings. It is not necessarily a psychic attack. It is simply that these beings are w atching you and trying to learn something. You see, they learn more from observing the physical realm, feel­ ing that they are still somehow connected to it. So those of you w ho are rising in frequency and light may tend to attract these beings for healing, and they can even rise follow ing you r lifestream into a higher manifestation. You could view you rself as an energy vortex, swirling upwards, that these beings — like moths — are attracted to. And when they get into the flame, the vortex, they are swept upwards into the light.


J ew ck m tfieT a th

"H as the first w ave o f ascension occu rred y e t? ” We wish! We are w aiting, ju s t as y o u are. D o n ’ t b e attached to when, how; or any o f the details. J ust give y o u r­ self to Spirit, and watch. It will occu r w hen it is p erfect fo r you. "I have a four-year-old son w ho, sin ce a ge tw o, h as v oiced grea t fears o f w hat h e ca lls ETs, an d m any o f u s h ave thought that there m ight he beings arou n d h im . C ou ld you speak about the children and how to d ea l w ith th eir sen sitivities? ” If you are not afraid, chances are the ch ild w ill n ot b e afraid. Many times, a child takes its reflection o f w h a t is appropriate to believe from th e re fle ctio n s h e o r sh e receives. So if you were to act as if this was n oth in g to fear, as if it were ju st a part o f life, this w ould help. K n ow th a t you are always surrounded by higher-dim ensional beings. There are many who can see them, m an y w h o ca n feel them, many who can hear them. There w ill b e m a n y m ore, especially the children that are born now. T h ese are on es who have their filters less developed, their b lin ders, y ou could say. You might find them having quite a con versa ­ tion with someone that you can’t even see. So it is pa rt o f the child’s path, also. I would say to share love and reas­ surance, and ju s t allow. A n d d o n ’t h old a n y n e g a tiv e feelings yourself, or fear about it. Call u p on A rch a n g el Michael and the other Masters to surround you and y o u r child with their light and protection, and that w ill h elp to ward o ff any negative entities. I f there are positive entities, they will not feel frightening, but joyful. “I was alone in the house th e oth er n igh t, an d F m p r etty sen sitive and I heard a lad y’s voice sa y ‘H ea v en ’ in a very strong com m anding voice. Was that an an gel ta lk in g from a h igh er d im en sion ? ” Yes. M ost o f the time hum an beings do n ot listen to their angelic guardians. They m ight hear a voice, b u t it is

The Divine blueprint


so fleetin g and th e m ind and ego take over and cover it up. W h en y o u b e co m e m ore sensitive, you can receive many differen t signals, voices, and blessings. So that was a blessin g fo r you . T h ere w ill be m any m ore blessings. “In th eir d iv in e p la n , d oes each en tity have a plan, an E arth tim e w hen th ey are g oin g to aw aken? Som etim es w e w an t to sh a re w ith ou r loved ones and they are not recep tiv e to it. Is it ju s t n ot th eir tim e y e t? ” Well, th a t is rath er a com plex issue. If someone is not yet open to spiritual guidance in the way you are, you could indeed say it is n o t th eir tim e yet. But there is no specific point in tim e w h en a hum an being is scheduled to suddenly aw aken and b egin to feel Spirit. It is more a matter o f grace and inspiration, though each being (in the comple­ tion o f th eir karm a) w ill com e to a point where there is a bit m ore clarity, w here there is a bit more balance, and this w ill in effect draw forth new, m ore subtle experiences. T h ou gh fo r practical purposes, it is not a bad way to look at it: th at it is n o t th eir tim e yet. “D o I n eed to do an y w ork w ith m y eight-year-old son reg a rd in g th e ascen sion , m editations, or ju s t let him be a little b o y ? ” L et h im b e a divine eight-year-old! He is here to teach you . H e w ill teach yo u h ow to surrender, and many other valuable lessons w hich you can apply to your ascension p a th . J u s t lo v e ; ju s t lov e. T h e ch ild ren do n ot need program m ing; th ey ju s t need love. You w ould all be better o ff i f y o u had on ly received love, w ould you not? I might n ot even h ave had to m ake this stop tonight! So, do unto th em as y o u w ou ld have hoped som eone would have done u n to you . So, it is tim e fo r m e to begin to think about leaving, so I w ou ld like to do a bit o f energetic w ork with you this evening. I w ou ld like to share som e w ork with the violet flam e this e v e n in g — th e all-powerful, transmuting energy


Jewels on the Tatfi

o f grace that can assist you in your path, in clearing old karmic patterns, dense energies, for you and for this planet. So just for a few moments, we will meditate together. Just sit and relax and breathe. Don’t try to go anywhere, don ’t try to be anything. Just relax and breathe. Feel the breath moving in and out o f your body in a relaxed and natural way. This is God talking to you. When you learn to under­ stand that language, your troubles are over. K now that you are surrounded by many beings o f blessed light, that this gathering is surrounded by love and light. K now you are safe and protected within this beautiful sanctuary, in which you can relax and be yourself, your divine Self. I would like to ask you to visualize a beautiful colum n of violet light, slowly descending through the center o f our circle — a beautiful radiant, powerful, pulsating colum n of light descending down through the floor and into the center o f the Earth, a beautiful energy vortex. Into this column of light, I ask each o f you to take a few m om ents to offer all negative energies, all obstructions and obstacles to your growth, all negative emotions, whatever it is that you have felt may be hindering you in your process. Just offer it into the center o f the light. Let it be dissolved and carried upwards. And now I would like you to visualize this beautiful light column slowly expanding, becom ing wider and wider, until it surrounds your bodies and this entire gathering with a beautiful, healing, violet energy. Allow this light energy to fill every cell o f your body. O ffer up all resistance. Let’s just sit for a few m om ents in this energy...



e (Divine (Blueprint


N ow I ask you each to visualize the column slowly condensing once again towards the center o f the circle. And as it rises, it carries with it all impurities and dense energies, leaving you feeling light, peaceful, and full of love for you rself and for all beings. And I ask that the effects o f this w ork that we have accomplished this evening go forth to benefit all sentient beings o f this planet, and that this w ork be perm anently sealed and in effect for all time. So be it! So, m y dear friends, I thank you this evening. It has been very enjoyable for me to be with you. I thank so many o f you for com in g out into the winter night to be with me this evening. It is a very hopeful sign. Continue to give y o u rs e lv e s to S p irit. L ove you rselves. D on ’t be selfjudgm ental or critical, but do be honest. Where you can im prove, do so. A n d see what happens. The time is here now w hen you can m anifest — and you will manifest — all the blessings and all the rewards o f your spiritual work. Until w e m eet again, good night.



Pure of Heart

Archangel Michael Greetings, m y dear ones. This is Archangel Michael. I have a great energy feeding to share with you this evening. A beautiful ray o f love, light, healing, and higher perspec­ tive for each o f you. I ask that you focus yourselves intently, relax your bodies, and be at ease. None o f you are here by accident. So h ow are you en joyin g your process these days? Tonight we are here to process along with you in a very beautiful and peaceful way, yet with the full intention of elevating you, lifting your consciousness and the vibra­ tional frequency o f your beings to new heights. Later on you can tell me how successful I was. I would like to discuss a little bit about this process you are undergoing, the experiences that you are having, with emphasis upon you r work as lightworkers and teachers here. For it is time for those o f you who are possessed with the abilities to be as teachers and lightworkers to move into another phase, as truly the planet moves into another phase o f transformation. Each o f you are lightworkers, to a certain degree. Each o f you have capacities and talents.


JcukIs on tfie Tatk

Some o f you have barely scratched the surface o f that which you have to share o f your spiritual gifts. Others are well on their way in manifesting these. There is a process that you are all engaged in. It is a purification process, especially for those o f you who are giving yourselves to service as teachers and healers in this world. There is an energy com ing through, which will continue, which has been very activational for you, and has indeed been a test, a challenge, a purification o f the motivations and perspectives o f your own heartfelt desires. Your capacities for discernment, sensitivity, compassion, and surrender are being tested, challenged, and brought to the forefront o f your consciousness. For now it is time, my dear ones, for you who have labored in the shadows o f this world, for you who have given yourselves with sincer­ ity to the spiritual path, to begin more and more to step forward as healing channels o f the divine. It is in this beau­ tiful moment that holds so much promise for each o f you that I have chosen to speak on this subject. There is a purification which takes place for one who is preparing and giving themselves to service. There is a selfexamination that takes place as one is tested in sincerity and detachment, surrender, and trust. Many have and many will continue to have opportunities placed before them, opportunities brought to their consciousness and to their field o f operation by the activity o f the Higher Self, in conjunction with the many Masters that serve you. Many opportunities are coming your way. It is your free will as to whether you will accept or reject each o f these. And yet, these opportunities are o f a divine nature. They are opportunities to be lightworkers, teachers, and healers, not only in thought, but in deed. It is a time that you have awaited, a time that you have looked forward to. The veils around your consciousness will be removed to reveal who you are and what you are here to achieve. Truly it is a wondrous time. And we enjoy so much the experience o f the awakening o f the lightworkers, those who have slept within the apparent separation o f the physical body.



There is a promise here that is unfolding. It is truly something which has not occurred before. There have been many Masters who have walked upon the face of the planet, but never have there been so many awakening simulta­ neously, h aving such a trem endous effect. And as we witness this and assist this process, we are amazed at the light that you bestow upon this world and upon those beings that you encounter. The process that engages many o f you is one o f purification, o f self-examination, o f subtle adjustm ents in you r perspective. All o f this aligns and focuses you so that when these powerful energies o f Spirit come through you, you will be prepared to receive and channel them through in many ways, for many purposes. For the light that does wish to come through at this time is very, very profound. The light is very strong, and requires o f one w ho works with it a true alignment, a purification o f the spiritual bodies as well as within the physical body and the personality. W here there is ego attachment there will be friction, there will be obstruction. Where there is surrender and innocence, there will be glorification and exultation. The light is com ing through every lightworker at this time to the maximum degree that each is capable o f bringing it through. A nd I do not mean only those who channel in this way, but all who channel from the deepest Self in whatever form. W here there is manipulation, where there is an over-predominance o f spiritual pride or egotism, the light will diminish. Where there is innocence and purity and sincerity, the light will be magnified many, many times. So if you are one who has been undergoing difficulties or challenges, I share the perspective that perhaps there is a purification talking place which will ultimately allow more grace to flow through you. Perhaps you could say your Higher S elf has been preparing you for that which is to come. W h at is to com e is b egin nin g. It is grow ing and escalating in power. Only those who have the eyes to see, only those who have surrendered themselves fully to Spirit,




will gain true perspective as to what it is that is occu rrin g in this world. All will experience it, but each individual will have their own unique perspective. Those o f you w ho have been practicing your surfing, riding these waves o f grace, will gain expertise which will allow you to maintain balance no matter how large the waves m ay becom e. I f you have been practicing riding on these waves, then that which I am speaking o f now will be no great surprise to you. If you have not, you may find you rself feeling a bit overwhelmed at times. For the light o f God does n ot hesi­ tate, but washes over all equally. It does not discriminate, but loves all equally. You are ones who will, through your experience, be as examples for others who may be feeling overw helm ed, demonstrating how to ride these waves o f grace, how to integrate these energies. It is an opp ortu n ity fo r th e lightworkers to step forward onto the w orld stage, to assume responsibility for their own experience, and to share that in whatever way they are guided. You have been prepared, all o f you, for many lifetimes for ju st this time, or you would not be here with me this evening. There is no limit to what you can experience, my dear ones. Those who have realized the role o f service will understand that the more you open and surrender to Spirit and allow you r­ self to be a servant o f the Higher Self, and ultim ately o f the Creator, the more grace and bliss and enjoym ent you will have. The more love and light you bring through, the more wide open you will become. The river o f grace longs to flow through you. If you wish the m aximum experi­ ence, you require the maximum purification, openness, surrender and humility. Great saints and yogis are very childlike and innocent. They are simply being who they are in each mom ent. A nd yet many beings come and sit at their feet to feel the pres­ ence o f the Creator flowing through them. T h ey d o n ’t think, from their perspective, that they are a n yth in g



special, that they are doing anything special aside from being w ho they are. They have cultivated a purity, an open­ ness, an ability to dive into the light. And in doing so, the light flows through them, just as it will flow through you more and m ore profoundly. As this begins to happen, it places a bit o f a challenge upon your limited self-concepts. Each o f you have a certain level o f comfort around being world teachers. Some o f you like to be behind the scenes. Some o f you can ’t wait to get out on the stage. There are some who can’t wait to get out on the stage, who will never have the chance because they are too involved on the ego level. There are others who have no desire, who have been behind the scenes, who will be pushed from behind and find themselves standing in front o f an audience. Then what is your choice, but to be yourself? That is all that is ever required o f you. You are never guided by Spirit to a position or situation that you are not prepared for. In giving you rself to your practice o f meditation, you will be lifted in your perspective. You will have a certain degree o f objectivity with which to view the choices that you make, the experiences that you create for yourselves, and this is the process o f self-examination. It is a very intense learning process that you are engaged in. One thing you are learning is that when you are not being inwardly directed by Spirit, you encounter more friction, obstruc­ tion, and difficulty. When you are surrendered to your inner Self, life flows m uch more easily, much more smoothly, and you are guided to the perfect situations to hear the perfect words that you have been perfectly prepared to hear. And you are ready for that. You open your heart to that. You are accepting life rather than controlling it. Great changes are taking place. Have the eyes to see what is occurring now in this world and in these critical days. Know that the light will rise to the surface. Accept the challenge. I f your motivation is pure, you will be guided along divine paths and you will have no need to fear. Each



of you will have so many experiences, so many opportuni­ ties to share of yourselves. With all the lightworkers in this city and all of the lightworkers on this planet, how many opportunities will each have to shower the light o f the divine Self through into the third and fourth dimen­ sions, so that beings who feel trapped in these dimensions can witness the opportunity that is available now, to go beyond, into liberation, No being is ever truly imprisoned. The belief in impris­ onment creates the experience o f it. You are surrounded by beings who feel themselves imprisoned in the body form, in third- and fourth-dimensional thoughtforms. It is for you to be the ones to give another example. “W hy not look in this direction, my friend? Here’s something you may have overlooked.” To break the pattern o f limitation and imprisonment by simply not believing in it any longer is a wonderful service. The more beings who stop believing in imprisonment and limitation, the stronger the energy builds, the wider the doorway becomes for others to walk through. The space that you hold as lightworkers is no small thing. And though you may not give you rself to formal teaching, whatever it is you do in your life can be, in each moment, an acceleration fo r th e p la n eta ry consciousness. If you but have the purity o f heart and a perspective that is beyond limitation, then you are hold­ ing the door open for others to come through, ju st as we hold the door open for you. Each human being is an interdimensional doorway. Within your hearts is a doorway that you open, and in that opening, light is showered into what was darkness. If you can keep your inner doorway open, and i f m any lightworkers will do the same simultaneously, that light will break the patterns, will reveal to the beings believing in limitation a new pattern o f being, a new way o f jo y and freedom and peace that has been lacking on this planet. So take some time in your life, my friends, to go within

(IhefPureof9{eart 61 and examine your motivation. Examine what is important to you and whether or not you are applying yourself to that. For it is time to go beyond the theories, to go beyond the mere thoughtforms o f enlightenment into the actual practice and experience. In that practice, there is no room for fear or hesitation. There is never a moment when you cannot be acting as a divine servant to this world, for you have the breath meditation which holds the door of the heart open from moment to moment. And with each breath that you take, consciously, you allow Spirit to integrate more fully into this dimension. And with every opening of your heart, you allow for the opening of another. It is a sym pathetic reaction. If you take stringed instruments... let us say you have two guitars. When you place them in front o f one another, and strike a certain string on one guitar, the other guitar (which has not been struck) will also begin to vibrate and resonate at that pitch. And so it is with you: as you resonate the frequencies of light and love, the heartstrings of all of humanity are feel­ ing this and are beginning to awaken. At first this occurs mainly on the subconscious level, and yet the Higher Self o f each individual is taking note and amplifying this vibration o f truth within. And you will witness many, many beings around you experiencing processes of opening and awakening that you have already passed through. And you will be ones who will reach back to console them. The patterns that you have broken of limitation, the patterns o f abuse, the patterns o f insensitivity and pain and sorrow that you have transcended, will act as a training for you in reaching back to assist others to do the same. So it is a divine experience, a divine purification that is taking place. The work that you do upon yourselves, and the surrender that you allow in your hearts, is not for you alone: it affects all. It is critical now that you give your­ selves to this purification process. Go within and surrender to the light. Meditate upon the breath, upon that light. It


Jewels on tfieTatd

is important now. And don’t be afraid to come up onto the stage if your number is called. When you have the oppor­ tunity to share your spirit, in whatever way, you will find that great quantities o f light and energy will come through and sustain you and nourish you and support you in this strange new world you are entering, the strange new world o f love, surrender, and liberation. You have all been there before, so it is not new to you. As you take up the mantle o f your own divinity once again, it will come back to you. Your veils will be removed. You will recall at a cellular level, from the very essence o f the Self, why you are here. You will begin more profoundly to have the effect that you desire to have. So always, my dear ones, carry a prayer that you shall remain in light, that you shall remain surrendered to Spirit, that you shall remain pure o f heart. For this is your divine ticket. This is what you can do. So many opportunities will be com ing your way. Some o f you already know o f what I am speaking of. I encourage you in this little pep talk — before you go back out onto the world — to have faith in yourselves. Have faith that you are o f the light, that you are a lightworker, that your motivation is pure. And let this be your foundation. And then when those clouds o f ego come over your consciousness, clouds o f attachment, control issues, or whatever, you will easily be able to release those and open to a new and more powerful manifestation, a more pure manifestation. The choice is up to you, my dear ones. The gates o f grace are open. The opportunity to serve is here before you. It is your free will as to what you will accept. Every great mission upon this Earth began in a very simple way, with a very simple step, with one tiny baby step after another. No saint has ever set out to become a great w orld teacher. Perhaps they set out to be happy. Perhaps they set out to be liberated from illusion, and found that on this path others began to look up to them and to pay attention to their actions and their experience and to ask questions

cIhe< Pureof9{eart 63 o f them: “ H ow did you do it? What does it feel like?” And through being themselves, they became great world teach­ ers. It is not a matter o f external pressure. It is a matter of internal surrender, o f allowing. You will w alk through fear and you will see that it is an illusion that has no power over you. You will walk through doubt and you will see it is an old thoughtform that is not yours any longer. And when the channel within you is open to the Source, there is never a feeling o f lack at any level o f your existence. I f the channel is open there is always abundance, there is always enough love. There is always enough wisdom , clarity, energy. So how do you like ray little pep talk? Do you think I have a future in coaching? We cannot play the game for you; we can only stand on the sidelines and cheer you on. We can pass on the plays to you, but it is up to you to execute. Execute these plays and you execute the ego! It is time for you to wholeheartedly accept your own worthi­ ness. R ecogn ize that all beliefs o f limitation you have carried about yourself, all guilt that you have carried, all self-doubt, these are not yours. These are thoughtforms that are alien to you. They are not real. It is time to cleanse yourself and purify yourselves o f these old energies and allow the process o f transformation to continue. So m y dear ones, I would like to share with you more of energy and m ore blessings. I would also like to offer you the opportunity to ask questions. So now is your chance. Please, how may I serve you? “H ow can w e speed the process? ” Be careful w hat you ask for my friend, or it may be speeded up so much that you will say, “ How can I slow it down? ” Perhaps ask that the process proceed at the veloc­ ity th a t y o u can a ccep t gracefully. Give you rself to meditation consistently, and follow your inner Self, follow your heart. You will be guided to the proper places and


Jezuekon theTatfi

teachings and experiences. Just love yourself and open to that. Stop trying to escape from it all. You are missing all the fun! Many would desire to be in your shoes right now. Each day offer yourself to Spirit and ask that your heart be purified. Ask Lord Sananda to grant you the grace o f devotion. Ask and you shall receive. And have patience with the progress that you are making. Know that it is occurring as rapidly as you are capable o f receiving. “How is it possible to differentiate when truth is spoken and when partial truth is spoken? ” First o f all, understand that truth cannot be spoken. All that can be spoken are reflections o f truth, reflections of that light. As some reflections are more pure and bril­ liant, they will feel to you more like truth. Others may feel more twisted or controlled, or coming from limited belief patterns. There is no perfect expression o f truth that can be heard with the ears. The perfect expression o f truth can be felt in the heart and with the inner senses. Your discrimination will be enhanced through going within and activating the inner senses. Each o f you have systems in place that act to discern what is truth. There is a meter inside o f you, like a little bell that rings when you feel the vibration of truth coming through the words. So simply use your feelings and screen out that which is not for you. You will find yourselves being more and more attracted to beings whose speech reflects a higher percentage o f truth than to those who indulge in ego projections. Trust your feelings. Know that your experiences exist to teach you lessons o f discernment. “Michael, what is the role o f Atlantis and the A tlanteans during this period? " Are you from a bygone era? Well, get with the present, my friend! What is happening now is far beyond what occurred in Atlantis. There are many beings who experi­ enced Atlantis sitting in this room. Have you learned your lessons, my friends? There were beings in Atlantis who

(IfieP ‘ ureofOfeart 65 had experienced previous civilizations also. So don’t be overly concerned with one particular lifetime or group of lifetimes. Rather, have the perspective of yourself as an im m ortal being who has had many lifetimes and chooses to focus that energy in this time and space continuum you call the “ now.” You are going to have your hands full in this time. Some o f you may be drawing upon Atlantean experiences. Your Higher Self may be trying to remind you of something that you learned, so that perhaps you don’t have to learn it over again, or reminding you of something that can help you now. “Lord M ichael, are all beings going to ascend, or will it ju st be ch oice? W ill there ju st be some? The opportunity is offered to all. The opportunity is currently not being accepted by all, but only by a very few. It is our hope that many, many more will accept this opportunity. It has not been etched in stone as to how many will choose to go on into the higher dimensions, or how many will choose to incarnate again in physical realms. But everyone will change. This is the planet of change, and now it is especially true. So be concerned mainly with yourselves. I f you will work upon your own ascension, you will do the maximum that you can to assist others by hold­ ing that doorway open in your heart, in your words, in the light o f your eyes. “A rchangel M ichael, how soon should we expect this to happen, the ascension o f ourselves and the planet? Does it have anything to do with the approach o f this other object com ing close to us? It’s already happening, my dear. It’s a process, you see? All o f these types o f phenomena have a role to play, but they are not the cause. The cause is the end of this plan­ etary cycle. W hat manifests as phenomena are not as important as the energy-feeding that is coming from Source at this time. The universal life circuits are being recon­ nected, and each being is feeling the effect. The planet is


Jewels on tfieTath

feeling the effect o f this increased voltage o f light. It will cause choices to be made. It will cause separation and realignment, a separation o f those who do not choose to go into the higher dimensions. So there are many possible scenarios o f how the universe and the solar system and the planet will react, and what the planet will create for herself in her growth experience. What the universe will allow is very wide open, a panorama o f possibilities. It is possible for objects to collide with the Earth. But let the Earth decide what she herself requires. And don’t believe everything you read. Now it’s time for our meditation. I would like to ask each o f you to relax and breathe. Open yourself to receive this energy transmission. Allow it to be intensified to what­ ever degree you are capable o f receiving. It is an energy which will assist in your unveiling as a divine entity, and in opening you to the awareness o f yourself at a deeper level o f your being. Just breathe, and see the light within. Know you are surrounded by a beautiful energy field. The angelic beings and the Ascended Masters are here with us, blending their energies together. I would like to ask you to visualize, in the center o f our circle, a beautiful ball o f light, a white and blue radiance. Simply open yourself and allow that energy to penetrate your heart. Allow the radiant ball o f light to expand and fill this entire room. Allow the energies o f purification and healing to flow around you and through you. Relax your­ selves and just be in that light for a few moments.'"

J&s ‘iPeTiireoftteart


So, m y beloved ones, thank you for your attention this evening, for you r focus. You may remain in meditation for a w hile longer. T h e energies will remain with you. I encourage each o f you to open your hearts to these energies that are com ing through now in your lives. They will purify you, align you, and remove the veils. Open yourselves to that w hich longs to come through you from Spirit, what­ ever it m ight be. Enjoy your experience. Enjoy the aspects and the multidimensional nature o f your existence here. Enjoy the physical. Enjoy the emotional and the spiritual. Enjoy you r minds. Let the light o f Spirit flow through you, through every part o f you. D on’t withhold it from your­ self. D on ’t judge yourself unworthy, but open and know that every cell o f your beings, every experience within you, is one w ith that Source. And allow, just allow the process to continue. W ith focus and patience, you are bound for glory. Thank you for your attention. I love you all so much. Call upon me for assistance and I am yours. Goodnight.


DivineL e ov

S ananda Good evening to you all. This is Sananda. How are all my pals this evening? You are my pals, you know, among other things. Sometimes I think you are my patients! Just relax yourselves. I f you are new to our gatherings, make yourself at home. Focus on your breathing. Relax, and let me do all the work. You have had enough work for the day, the week, and for an entire lifetime, I would presume. Let’s take a little holiday together this evening. Just allow your­ selves to relax. I com e to you on a ray o f divine love this evening, with love and compassion in my being for each and every one o f you. As I bring through my energies, I wish to allow each o f you to experience my presence in a deep and meaningful way. In doing so, you will experience yourself in a deeper way, for we will be communicating from the point where we are one, from the essence. Love balances all. Love is the essential stuff o f creation. Love looks like light. What it feels like is only known experientially. What it is, perhaps, is the heart and soul of the Creator, who exists in all dimensions, in all particles of existence, and in the space between the particles. This love

70 Jewels on tfte Tatft energy o f the Creator m anifests itself m u ltidim ension ally in many worlds, in m any species and creations. It m a n i­ fe sts it s e lf u n iq u e ly in e a ch in d iv id u a l b e in g w ith consciousness. Th at’s where you com e in. You cou ld say that the creation is n o th in g m ore th an an a ttem p t b y Source, by the Creator, to kn ow itself. A n d the pu rpose is ex p erien ce. T h ro u g h a ll o f y o u r sen s e s th e C r e a t o r witnesses the creation. Just so you don ’t take things too seriously this evening, you see, that love essence, that energy, en joys its experi­ ence — as you are m eant to enjoy y o u r experience: w ith humor, with a carefree attitude. W hen you have con nection with oneness, w ith Source, the process o f ego-identification begins to dissolve. W hen that ego-identification dissolves, you have God-realization, the elim ination o f separateness. This is a step on you r path. It is a point beyon d preference for good over evil, beyond preference for one experience over another. It is a point o f surrender and delight. Through experiencing you r life, consciousness creates a process o f grow th. G row th is n oth in g m ore than th e accumulation o f experience and learning from that expe­ rience. It is the expansion o f con sciousn ess. W ith in a hum an being, all o f the fundam ental and necessary bu ild­ in g blocks o f consciousness — all o f the tools th at are required — exist, m aking it possible to go directly in to union with Source. You could say that anim als are also one with the Creator, that they have consciousness to a certain degree. But the hum an form in this w orld is called the crown o f creation, for only in that form do you have all o f the tools necessary, do you have access to the h igh er God-Self, that shining path that leads directly to u nion. The love that you feel in you r life at this point, th ou gh it may be rather profound at times, is very sm all co m ­ pared to where you are heading. In fact, until a b ein g is surrendered entirely to Spirit, to Source, it is n ot possible to experience the full m anifestation o f that divine love. It

Jz* THvineLove 11 is to o pow erfu l. It is too expansive. Only when a being is fully prepa red to handle that m uch love and grace can that u nion occur. T h is is w hy it has been referred to as a spiri­ tual path, y o u see. U ltim ately you are all one with the C reator in each m om ent. There is nothing left to do and n ow h ere else to go. Yet in you r practical, pragmatic, dayto-day con sciousn ess, there is still a tendency toward the experience o f separateness and limitation. There is still a lon gin g fo r com pletion. A n d every Master who has ever w alked this E arth has taught this path to completion. It d o e s n ’t m a tte r to us w h eth er you w alk this path as a scholar full o f intellectual ideas, as an innocent childlike being, o r w h atever y o u r predilection, yet you must walk this path. It is th e evolutionary spiral o f consciousness. You are spiralling upw ard. T h e re are w a ys a n d m ean s th at you can utilize to enhance y o u r progress and you r enjoym ent o f the process o f grow th, in effect to achieve greater and greater libera­ tion o f spirit and consciousness. And o f course we have outlined this m an y tim es in our discourses. Your medita­ tion practice is all im portant. To still the mind so that you can feel y o u r spirit is essential, for it is a path o f experi­ ence, n ot a path o f intellectual understanding alone. In m editation, th e m in d is quiet. The inner senses are acti­ va ted. T h e e x te rn a l senses are dim inished. For every external sense a hum an b ein g has, there is a correspond­ in g in te r n a l s e n s e . T h e e x tern a l senses are used to experience th e external world. They make it possible for you to fu n ctio n as a physical being. To becom e a Master, it is n ecessary to balance these outer senses through utiliza­ tion o f th e in n er senses. O therw ise you are living only a partial existence. T h e grace that is flow ing through at this tim e, fo r th is w orld, is enhancing you r ability to experi­ ence w ith th e in n er senses, the worlds o f Spirit. It is your destiny to attain com m u nication with and consciousness o f w h o y o u a re at h ig h er-d im en sion a l freq u en cies o f m anifestation. I f yo u th in k you are only a physical being,


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you might as well be walking on four legs with a thick fur coat! Unfortunately, this is the situation o f many on this world. Yet it is all part o f the process. To you who are walk­ ing on two legs, congratulations! You have access to higher-dimensional awareness that will balance you and complete your union, removing the veils you have carried for so many lifetimes. When you have achieved a certain level o f enlighten­ ment, or realization, many opportunities are opened to you, and you are aware of these choices. U ntil you attain a certain degree o f consciousness, there remains a feeling that you have very few choices, that you are limited, that you are stuck here. As you become aware o f you r infinite aspect, the solidity o f the external reality becom es more dreamlike. You realize you are living in consciousness, as consciousness, with the power to create, the pow er to change, the power to access many higher-dim ensional energies for your own pleasure and enjoyment, for your own peace, safety, and security, and as a divine service to your fellow human beings. In fact, I would say there is very little purpose for many o f you to be here but to real­ ize this aspect of service for humanity and for this planet. Why else would you choose to limit yourselves in this way for so many lifetimes, if not to bring humanity into balance and union, by creating a pathway that others might walk behind you? So I commend each o f you for your solidness, for you have been solid. I applaud your efforts. Your ascension experience will grant you the ability to travel m ore interdimensionally between the different levels o f solid­ ness and spirit, allowing you much more freedom. And yet, the path to ascension leads through this very simple and basic humanness. It leads through the doorway o f selflove, and through loving the physical nature o f the world, of this body, and o f all creations. Enjoy that. In loving it, you channel my love, which is the divine love o f Source, through you to heal this world. When you criticize, judge,



label, categorize, pigeonhole, or any of the other games you are fond o f playing in your mind, you are limiting the flow o f divine love to all o f creation: “This person is wor­ thy o f my love; this one is not. This situation reflects divine higher law; this does not. ” I ask you to go beyond these judgments. Can you walk with an open heart? Can you be an open channel in all situations, without judgment or criticism? Can you understand your role in being in a hu­ man body? I f you can, you will experience the joy, the bliss of being. It can be accessed in the human form just as it can be accessed from an ascended state. It’s the same love, you see. You don’t have to wait for it. Spiritual practice, utilizing the inner senses, will assist you in severing your attachment to external stimulation, satisfaction, security. A being who is unaware of their connection to Source is indeed in a state of anxiety, always wondering how they will be provided for, always wonder­ ing where they will find love. Who can give it to them? A being who is in contact with the divine love within, with Source, has no need to go without for satisfaction. Going without from that perspective is simply an enjoyment, a reflection, a radiation. It is not done out of need. It is done out o f creativity and self-expression. The balance point is within you, dear ones. It has always been there. Now we are activating and assisting you. You could say all obstacles are being removed to your liberation and ascension. Your role is very simple. It is to love yourselves, to access your spirit by utilizing the inner senses. But to go beyond think­ ing about it, to actually doing it, is necessary. It’s really a matter o f letting go, you see. It is the nature o f the mind to be attached. It is the nature of conscious­ ness to be connected to something, to be focused on something. Meditation is a tool. It is not the meaning of life. It is a tool designed to assist you with realizing the meaning o f life. Within your own breath is your connec­ tion to all that is. It is your source of peace. When you surrender the mind to Spirit, for those few moments or



minutes or hours, for those days, for that lifetim e, you are making yourself entirely available for maximum growth and experience. You know, you might as well go for the maximum. I have seen how it works with you. You dole it out a little bit at a time for yourselves. This tends to be the nature o f growth: a gradual, step by step process. But know that if you ask for more grace, higher consciousness, and aware­ ness. you will receive it. And you will receive it very quickly and very profoundly. This I offer to each o f you, and the many Masters and angels are also at your service. You could say they are holding large bushel baskets full o f grace and blessings, waiting for you to ask for them. H ow do you ask? You ask by demonstrating what is im portant to you in your lives, not merely by spending thirty seconds a day saying, "Yes, Sananda. please give me the gift o f devotion and God-realization,” and then going out in you r day and becoming a crazy person like everyone else! You could say doing this practice may result ultimately in self-realization, but I don’t think you’d like to wait that long! You demon­ strate your intention and what is important to you by your practice. Do you take time in your day to focus exclusively on Spirit, to open yourself, to offer yourself in the stillness where your spirit dwells, where it connects with you? This is how we know you are sincere and committed. Without commitment and consistency in your practice, you cannot receive the powerful blessings that we have for you. It would be overwhelming. It would make you dysfunctional. Many beings at this time are reveling in their dysfunctionality. They are claiming great pride in all o f their dysfunctional experiences, as a signal that they are evolv­ ing. Of course, some of these experiences are unavoidable. And yet you create, by your continued practice, you r own pathway How do you want it to be? Maybe you would just like to be peaceful and happy and enlightened, and experi­ ence a graceful transition into your ascended state. Why not? Try it. Your consistent practice will grant you this experience.



On this world at this time, there is so much occurring. From my perspective, things are really hopping. Beings are awakening left and right. Beings are processing old energies o f limitation, releasing them, and growing into more o f a state o f union with Spirit, in preparation for the completion o f the ascension that all have been awaiting. This is not occurring only here in this room, or in only several locations — power places, as you call them. It is occurring throughout this planet. It is occurring with beings who are yet unaware o f what is truly happening. Yet it is still happening to them. It is necessary that you who have signed on to the service o f embodiment and ascension from a physical platform... it is necessary, in the fulfillment o f your roles here, to make yourselves avail­ able to those who are now beginning this transmutational experience... perhaps as guides, perhaps as brothers and sisters, examples, teachers, but always with humility. For there is very little time remaining, you could say. There is very little time for beings to choose their align­ ment and to commit themselves with purpose. For in the accelerating days ahead, all beings will experience the manifestations o f their choices, their projections. A being who is thinking for thirty seconds a day that he would like to experience God-realization and ascension, and the other twenty-three hours plus giving himself to materialism, will very likely not have the necessary empowerment to shift as that shift occurs. Those with sincerity, who make the effort that they can make, will be rewarded beyond all expectation. You may enjoy the pleasures of the world. That is what they are there for. But don’t let them take you out o f balance. They are not the purpose o f your life. They are just part o f experience and learning. So m uch is happening, my dear ones. It would be wonderful if I could, from this perspective and through this channel, sit here and tell you exactly how it will manifest for each o f you. But this is not possible, for you are creating it now and in each moment. I can only tell


JeudsontfkTath ^

you it will occur. Your ascension is occurring and will occur. In essence, you might say it has already occurred, but you must be beyond time to have this perspective. There will be many powerful manifestations, purifica­ tions, on this planet, as you have already witnessed, as beings reap the rewards o f their karma and their choices. You have it in your power to be above the fray, to be above and beyond this, to act as examples that oth ers m ay witness. Maintain your peace, your joy, in the midst o f turmoil. What human beings have grown accustomed to on this world as the normal state o f affairs would appear from many other perspectives to be total lunacy! Visitors arriving here from other worlds might say, “ These beings are in great distress. I don't know how they can function! ” It might look quite horrible to them. And yet human beings have grown accustomed to this. A certain level o f horror has come to be expected on the evening news. “ Oh look, it's no more horrible than it was yesterday. I guess w e're all right.” But as you sensitize yourself to Spirit, the experi­ ences of this world can be at times very difficult for you. This is all the more reason for you to maintain your connec­ tion with Source, to maintain your spiritual focus and practice so that you can be lifted, so you will not be at the mercy of negative energies. So, how are you all doing so far this evening? Am I entertaining you well enough? In speaking from my heart, which is all anyone can do, it is my longing and my desire to bring you all into the divine love that I feel, that I have recognized as my essence. It is very challenging to put into language, on these occasions, that which cannot be spoken. Indeed, our communications are growing more and more etheric all the time. So I would like to share with you a bit more, energetically, of these divine waters o f love that your hearts and souls are truly thirsting for. But I would also like to offer you the opportunity to ask questions if you desire. I will try to evade them as best I can! I f you have concerns you would like me to address, please feel free.

D ivineLove


“I have attachm ent to things. I ’m trying not to want things so I can grow beyond them. ” First o f all, don’t perceive this as a problem. Perceive it as part o f your spiritual path. It’s taking you through a realm o f learning in this area. It is a sacred teaching which you are giving yourself. In experiencing this, you automati­ cally dissolve attachment to external sources. For what you are seeking is really to fill that empty space within. If it is relationship you are seeking, you are really seeking more divine love, thinking you will receive it from another person. I f you can go direct, you will not be attempting to receive it from another person. You will be complete within yourself. Then your relationships will not be dysfunctional or codependent. Don’t view it as a big problem, but give yourself to spiritual practice. Don’t chastise yourself for having desires. It is natural. All beings in the physical body have desires. It is nature. There will come a point of release, or realization, o f merging. There comes a point where some­ thing lets go in you. Then, all is peace and satisfaction. At this point it does not mean there will no longer be desires, but they will be subservient to Spirit, rather than you being subservient to the desires. The nature of human existence is to experience your desires and to learn from them. As I said, it is a world o f experience. It is not a pill that I can give you. If it were, you would all be ascended. And some­ one else would be channeling you! The commitment you give to your meditation practice is your number one focus. Love yourself. Don’t chastise yourself. Allow the process to unfold. It is unfolding. “Lord Sananda, I know that when we ascend we are given choices. A t this point, I feel in my heart that I would not want to leave this plane at all, that my ascension is taking p la ce m inute by m inute and that I will ju st, in the tw inkling o f an eye, have a light body and will have learned in that m ultidim ensional state all that I need to know to be a teacher here. Can you speak on that in rela­ tionship to goin g up into the ships and taking additional training and com ing back down? "



Yes, this is possible. The shift into the ascended state, if one gives oneself to spiritual practice, can be achieved in this way. It is entirely possible. Yet it is very likely that in that shift, in that final shifting into the ascended state, there will be a need for a time o f integration. It will be a little disorienting to your being. There will be a little bit of time necessary to acclimate yourself to what it actually means to be in a light body. So the length o f time that is necessary is dependent on the individual. There is no prescribed or necessary step by step path that is right for all. So it is perfectly acceptable to do it in this way. It is a projection which you will most likely manifest. But if you should find yourself, in your ascension experience, spend­ ing some time acclimating with members o f the Ashtar Command, or with angelic hosts or other beings, then you will just have to surrender to that, my friend. And know that your so-called leaving o f the planet in this way will not be detrimental. Everything that occurs from that point on will be exclusively highest wisdom. It is difficult to put these things into words, as you know. "I wasju st feeling I had the pow er and know ledge w ithin to attain the wisdom without having this experience on the ship. But I do fu lly understand the in tegra tion process. " You see, you are integrating now. You are in process right now. There is much talk o f evacuation versus ascen­ sion. Evacuation may be necessary for those beings who have not reached the completion of their preparation when the final shift is made. If the earth were to open under­ neath this room this evening, you could say there would likely be an evacuation that would take place. Some o f you perhaps would be experiencing, along with your evacu­ ation, the experience o f ascension. Others would first need to complete their training with the Ashtar Command. Ultimately, the destination is the same. "I'm a visitor from England. We have inform ation in England that a group o f Australians says the first wave

Jr^ (DivineLove


o f ascension has begun, and that they have instructions as to how to proceed. I'd be interested in your comments about this. ” There is much confusion. There are many beings who have had certain spiritual experiences and who Eire claim­ ing they have ascended. The ascension is not something that a being will be able to remain in their physical form and claim that they are now an Ascended Master. An Ascended M aster does not claim anything. Indeed, an Ascended Master does not return to the physical in the same way. They may materialize the light body on the physical plane, but it is no longer the same physical body. There are beings who are making claims that are based on these experiences, but they have not completed the true ascension. The moment o f the full attainment of the light body is the essential moment, the true ascension. Though you may experience your body transmuting and changing, when that shift occurs, believe me, you will know it. It is very dramatic. No matter how much preparation in a gradual way you undertake, that moment of ascension is a dramatic experience. So perhaps, in this case it is only a matter o f semantics. Everyone seems to have their own belief structure around this experience. What is impor­ tant to me is that you ar e indeed surrendering to Spirit and allowing my divine love to assist you in that comple­ tion. D on’t be so caught up in semantics, or in trying to understand it intellectually. Ultimately, you will be as little children in that moment. Each experience is sacred. What­ ever a being is experiencing is their perspective, their reality. And that is their grounds for learning. "I have two children. Is there a way to present ascension to children so they w ill feel safe? ” I suggest you follow a “hands off” policy. In other words, you don’t need to tell them anything about it. Just practice. Give yourself to your spiritual practice. “M y daughter is afraid o f death and afraid that I'm going to die. I want to be able to com fort her. ”

Comfort her by telling her that noth ing dies, and ju st love her. It is a natural fear o f children. T h ere is n o need to complicate matters by talking about evacuation into spaceships. You see, the children are prepared for this. They knew it was coming when they incarnated here. So when it occurs, if it occurs in that w ay they will be prepared. Just be natural and loving. I f there are questions asked, go within. Ask me to assist you to bring through an answer that is comforting, and I will assist you. I f n o questions are asked, simply love unconditionally. A n d play a lot o f games! You are not alone. None o f you are alone. I am here to assist you in your challenges. And n ot m y self alone, but many Masters are with you. aI feel I ’ve been on a special path fo r q u ite som e tim e now, and one o f the things I ’ve tried to do is to ‘Seek y e first the kingdom o f heaven and a ll else w ill be know n to you .>n Who said that? That was a very wise rem ark! I ’ll have to try that sometime. "I've had great spiritual insights, and I ’ve a lso h ad g rea t materialistic m anifestations like invention s, books, and great ideas that could bring m e a lot o f m oney. B u t I don’t feel I ’ve quite got the kingdom o f h eaven w ithin me yet. What would you do when the n ext step is eith er materialistic for money or tryin g to fin d th e kin gd om ? ” It’s not either/or. There is a tendency in you r m ind to perceive dualities o f light and darkness, good and evil, material and spiritual. Really, m oney is spiritual also. It depends upon the purposes you use it for. So i f you have a gift, an ability to make money, perhaps you could share it with some o f these other poor souls here! D o w hat is necessary to sustain your life. Do what is exciting to you. Give yourself to spiritual practice, and d on ’t feel that you are off your path if you are doing som ething that is having material or financial benefits. That also is a spiritual growth experience. Offer yourself to Spirit and follow you r

Jr^ (DivineLave


heart. Let you r m ind be inspired with whatever inventions or ways and means you utilize to exist in this world. You will be doing fine. Just enjoy it as play. It will not prevent you from you r ascension. It will not keep you from the kingdom. Only the belief that it will keep you from the kingdom will keep you from the kingdom. “ Why do you n ot m aterialize to u s? ” There is always divine highest wisdom and purpose behind the way that Spirit works. I have materialized for many beings. It was highest wisdom within the context o f their grow th that this experience be given to them. If it has not been given to you as o f yet, it can possibly occur for you, but only if it is highest wisdom. You came to this arena o f activity as a challenge o f spiritual attainment, not only as a servant o f the light, but to boost your own spiritual grow th as well. So there is a lesson within this for you. There is a lesson in faith, trust, discrimination... many, many more lessons and more benefits for each of you. Were we to materialize for you, it would not alter the facts. It w ould not alter the need for you yourself to go within and to attain self-realization and mastery. I am here with you now and always. “I f a p erson has d ied and dropped this body and has m oved on to the fourth dim ension, what part does that being have in the ascension? It is an individual experience. It depends upon the evolvement, the attainment o f that individual. If a being goes into a heavenly state in the fourth dimension, when the cycle is com pleted the heavens o f the fourth dimen­ sion w ill o p e n and th ose beings w ill also have the opportunity o f going into the ascended state from there. There are beings o f the fourth dimension that are serving those in embodim ent as guides. Others are simply enjoy­ ing the fruits o f heaven, waiting for their number to be called. There are other experiences in the fourth dimen­ sion also, m any heavens and hells, so it is an individual


Jewelson tfiefaifi

matter, you see. Everyone reaps th e rew a rd s o f th eir attainment, o f their choices. M any w ill attain to th eir ascension from that which you might refer to as the death state, not in bodies. “Regarding people who channel Ashtar, th ere is a p erson ____________________ . D oes sh e ch an n el A sh ta r? A re there many beings channeling A sh tar? More and more all the time. Yes, she channels Ashtar. This does not mean that every transmission from a being who channels Ashtar is a one hundred percent clear and perfect transmission from Ashtar, you see? T h e bu lk o f her transmissions are clear and pure. As w ith all chan­ nels, there is no such thing as a perfectly one hundred percent clear transmission. It is impossible. There is too much resistance. There is resistance within the channels and within the energy fields o f the Earth plane. So there is always an opportunity for confusion. That is w here your discrimination comes in. If you can trust your hearts to tell you what is truth, what is acceptable and beneficial for you as an individual, you are better off. There are many channeling not as clearly. There are some channeling quite clearly. Ashtar through one channel may sound slightly different than through another. Channeling is som ething for you to engage in if your Higher Self draws you into that experience. If in giving yourself to spiritual growth you feel yourself contacted by Ascended Masters, if you feel the desire and the longing within yourself to speak their words and to share in this way, the doors are open, my friends. If it is not highest wisdom, or not in your destiny path to do this, you will find other ways to chan­ nel your divinity. Even a message that begins with clarity can come through a channel and be filtered in such a way that it is colored a little bit. Does this help you, my friend? It doesn’t do much good to be overly wrapped up in ideas and words, anyway. Where you are going you ’ll have no need for that type o f communication. This channel once wrote a song, and there was a line in the song that said



“ Language is the devil's daughter.” A very inspired line, don't you think? N ow we are embarrassing him! If you were a being intent on creating confusion in the earthly sphere, w hat better way to do it than to create language? “ Let's rob those beings o f their telepathic abilities. Let’s make them use language instead. Then to top it off, we'll create thousands and thousands o f languages. That ought to keep them guessing for a few million years!” “I have a question about integration, I wonder i f you have som e su ggestion s to help us integrate. I'm having a hard tim e focu sin g on things like m aking a car payment and ascend in g at the sam e tim e. A ll I want to do is sit in m editation and I 'm fin d in g it sort o f repugnant to do my norm al survival gam e. Have you got any suggestions? It’ s not easy, is it? H ow long has it been since you were informed o f the possibility o f the ascension experience? “M aybe tw o m onths, but I 've been preparing for the inform ation fo r m any years. ” Yes, preparing and finally hearing. There is quite a bit o f excitem ent and enthusiasm when you first come in contact with this reality. The first months are the hardest to integrate. Some in this room have perhaps been aware o f this for a great deal longer. It becomes much easier with time to continue your earthly lives and to realize that there are no discrepancies betw een fulfilling your earthly responsibilities and fulfilling your Earth mission. If you attempt to bypass your earthly responsibilities, you are in effect bypassing growth experiences that you have given yourself to strengthen yourself, to learn, and to process in a way that you will be prepared to take on your mission. So you need to integrate, in order to integrate your mission. If it was a matter o f meditating only, we could get a few jumbo jets and fly you all together to India. There are a lot o f vacant caves now. For centuries and centuries human beings have been carving meditation caves. But your path is much more involved than simply withdrawing inwardly.


Jewelson theTaih

You withdraw inwardly for guidance, for sustenance, for nourishment, grace, light, for the process o f grow th. But you then must open externally and share and touch the beings o f the Earth, and touch your blessed autom obile. It will get easier for you, my dear. Sometimes you ju st have to jump around and shake. The energy w ithin y ou ju st wants to move. Sometimes you feel like y o u ’re ju s t going to explode. You’ve got to get grounded. Keep y ou r feet on the ground. Jump around, scream and shout, m aybe go dancing. Express yourselves, your artistic creations, w hat­ ever you do. It is not time to hold it all in; it is tim e to let it all out. Just make sure what you are letting out is com ing from your Higher Self. That’s the trick. "Over the years, I've developed an attitud e o f resp ectin g M other Earth and healing her, but I ’m a little con fu sed . I f the Earth is going to ascend to the fifth -d im en sion a l state also, why should we bother sen d in g ou r en ergy to her now? Just as you are individually in a process o f preparing for ascension, so it is with the Earth. Out o f love for her, out of compassion and gratitude for the support that this beautiful heavenly being has given to you in you r m any incarnations, it is' a simple matter o f love and com passion to assist by sending love to the Earth. This will ease the transition that she is making. You know, you can have an effect upon earthquakes when you give you rself to the light. They can be much less traumatic, much less intense. So the birth traumas that the Earth is going through can be lessened, can be a more graceful and m ore en joya b le experience for her also. View her as a being w ho is being re-birthed, and view yourselves perhaps as midwives. It is simply a matter o f love. When you feel a lot o f love, you just share it. So share it with the Earth and share it with your fellow beings. I f you are radiating love, it is going into the Earth. This is ultimately the healing energy that she requires. And she is doing fine in her transform ation, by the way.



“In som e o f you r ea rlier transm issions, you mentioned the ch ildren o f various ages — that they would ascend and he taken care o f W hat is the maturation age for them to be taken u p? W hat about the ones that are eighteen to tw enty-three years o f age? _ First o f all, the background awareness and understand­ ing is that all beings will attain to their perfect state of evolution during this transformation. It is not for you to look at others and say, “ Oh, they are doomed to hell. What can I do to save them, those poor souls?” Those beings who end up in that sort o f an experience will find them­ selves quite at hom e there. They will feel, “ How wonderful, I’ve finally gotten rid o f all those crazy lightworkers! I've got them out o f m y hair. Now I can do what I want!” So it is for you to understand that within the completion of this cycle, all o f these details will be taken care o f with great love and great compassion and great mercy. Many of those who might be considered borderline cases will be allowed in the door. Concerning the children: at a certain point, a being takes on responsibility for their own decisions and their own lives. This is w hen they take on their adulthood. This point is not easily defined, as it varies with each individual being. For some it could be eighteen years o f age, for some it could be a little older, for some it could be a little younger. If you have children, I would say the chances that they are Starseeds is very high, and that if they are not open to receiving this inform ation concerning ascension, they will be. M aybe you will have to ascend and come back and remind them. It may be that they will ascend at the same time as you. K now that they will catch the wave that they are meant to catch, that they are able to catch. You cannot cheat an individual human being out o f the growth experi­ ences that their Higher Self has programmed for them. It is not highest wisdom, nor is it compassion to try to do this. You can ’t grab on to someone as you are about to ascend, and take them with you. They would feel quite



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