Beginning Functional JavaScript: Functional Programming with JavaScript Using EcmaScript 6

Learn functional programming concepts using JavaScript ES6. You will learn concepts such as currying, partial functions, higher-order functions, and monads.Programming languages have evolved from focusing on procedures to objects and now on function. JavaScript supports functional programming and allows developers to write well-crafted code.What You Will Learn:   Master functional programming conceptsIdentify how functions are treated in JavaScriptUnderstand real-world functional libraries and create a functional library that mimics underscore.jsPerform pure-error handling techniques such as functors and monadsDiscover ES6 functional features such as spread operators and generatorsWho This Book Is For:JavaScript developers (or beginners) who want to understand functional programming concepts and the functional nature of the language.

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Learn functional programming concepts using JavaScript ES6. You will learn concepts such as currying, partial functions, higher-order functions, and monads.Programming languages have evolved from focusing on procedures to objects and now on function. JavaScript supports functional programming and allows developers to write well-crafted code.What You Will Learn:   Master functional programming conceptsIdentify how functions are treated in JavaScriptUnderstand real-world functional libraries and create a functional library that mimics underscore.jsPerform pure-error handling techniques such as functors and monadsDiscover ES6 functional features such as spread operators and generatorsWho This Book Is For:JavaScript developers (or beginners) who want to understand functional programming concepts and the functional nature of the language.

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